HECATE - Series of Moon Godde...

By KartikaSariMahyuddin

33 0 0

I am Hecate. The only descendants of Titanes Perses and Asteria. Goddes of magic, witchcraft, necromancy, gho... More



3 0 0
By KartikaSariMahyuddin

Two months later...

Alexander spins the glass on his hand before he gulps down the whiskey in it. Lazily, he glances at piles of documents in front of him and puts down his glass on the table.
Tonight, he is in his night club and casino, Dom Fenrir. He built this three floors building in the middle of the city, with the design of modern gothic which dominated by colors of black, dark red, and gold. On the top floor, there are the office and his private penthouse. And here he is now, stuck with work of any reports that he got for the last five months. Yet for the last couple of months, there is no sign of Demon Wolf, and he did anything he can do. Until Raum decided to call upon their old alliances with Lycans, Ulfhednars, and Gaia-wolves.
Alexander sees nothing but problems and tensions. Lycans are well known for their superior ability, as their faster, smarter, and stronger than werewolves. They also run the lycanthrope, which made them respected and feared at the same time. Though they live in modest ways, they are more aggressive than werewolves.
The problem might come from Ulfhednars. Although they are still far related to werewolves, they are more difficult to handle. It supposed to be that way, as they prefer to live in cold highland just like vikings, but their brutal instinct to kill anything or anyone unlucky enough to get their way is highly uncompromised. Alexander already gets a slight headache if he has to be in the same room with these worst-temper-ever beings.
Alexander flips the paper and sees the data of Gaia-wolves, as he frowns his eyebrows. It is not this clan that will cause any trouble, because they are known to live in a more secluded lifestyle. Though they are closer to earth's magic and has the ability to create the best werewolf, even lycan. But again, Alexander still not sure if this clan will cause any trouble in the future.
He rubs his temple, keeps reading on his documents until there is a knock on his office's door. He mumbles his permission.

"Alex" greet Zev Taylor Callahan, his beta who is also his best friend sticks out his head with a grin, "You busy?"
Alexander raises one of his eyebrows while grunts his answer, "As you can see. Yes."
"Aww, that sucks." Zev comes in and closes the door, walks over to sit on a chair across Alexander. He brings his face closer does not even try to hide his amusement. "There's a new stripper," he said. And Alexander can see the flash of interest there, which makes him not surprised at all. Zev has a habit to sniff and flirt around new member that works in Dom Fenrir.
"Good then. Not interested." answer Alexander and bring his focus back on documents in front of him. Zev just snorts and leaning back in his chair with a smile, hiding an interesting fact that he just found out on the tip of his tongue. After a short moment, Alexander lets out a sigh, looks back at Zev with narrowed eyes. "What?" he asks lazily.
"Oho, Alpha, you won't be still like this if you listen to how it goes." tease Zev, laugh a little, which returned by Alexender with eyes rolling. Zev continues, "She has the most glowing olive skin. You should see how it shines under the light"
"Okay, so she uses a special make-up effect for it. So what?" he scoffs.
"Alex, it's not natural to glow in such a way like that." now it is Zev who rolls his eyes, "And not only that. Her hair, you should see her hair. It's the darkest black I ever have seen! If such a thing even exists. And yes, it's sparkling."
"Are you sure it's not conditioner?" Alexander looks at his beta funnily, blurts out the description of a stripper that he just met. Seems like someone needs to check his brain.
"For God sake, Alex. You should see her eyes! No creature has deep purple eyes with tinges of gold like that."
Alexander keeps his silence for a moment, once again narrowed his eyes to Zev. In his mind, he can imagine this "magical" woman from Zev's descriptions. Yes, of course. There is no woman with unearthly beauty like that, unless...
"Fairy. Yeah, I know how their magic powder indeed has that magnificence illusion like that." said Alexander now leans back on his chair with a smirk cross his face.
Zev's mouth gape open as if Alexander grows another head on his shoulder. He shook his head slowly and says, "She is a witch, Alex."


Lucine looks at her reflection in the full-body mirror in front of her, and absolutely have no idea with her outfit. A thin golden silky chiffon material wrapped around her breasts, let her nipples peek a little through the fabric. Then another material hangs low on her waist, covers very little about her front and back area on the lower part of her body. Only a tiny panty with laces hides her very private part behind that thin fabric. Deep frowned across Lucine's face as she tries to remember that tonight is her prime night officially as a stripper.
She tries to remember what the hell possessed her that she ended up in this both night club and casino called Dom Fenrir. She had no idea about night clubs or even casinos! She looked upon job fair online when she was in an internet café, and saw this elegant and mysterious advertisement on the computer screen, and looked fast on the job's requirements; a young woman who has talent in dance and ready to work immediately. Sounds easy, that was what she thought at that moment. In all of her life, she never thought it would be easy to find a job in a city. Impulsively she sent her job applicant, and now here she is. She shocked at her first month at her lesson and practice, when she found out the meaning of being a stripper. Basically, she has to perform half-naked in the most seductive and attractive ways, then walk around and greet the customers. And if there is a request for her time to do private shows such as pole dance or lap dance, she will lead to a separate room and do her job for fifteen minutes. Lucine almost runs away at first when she learned about it, then she looked at the offers in the contract. The payment and benefits she will get along with the full security around during the performance to work fast immediately if there is a disturbance from any customers.

It doesn't sound too bad, right? There is doubt in her question.
Nobody's getting hurt, Lucine can feel Hecate smirks mischievously.

Now she looks at her outfit once again that leaves very little imagination, then takes a deep breath. There is red flush on her face as she cannot help with being nervous. She lets her hair fall freely around her and hear Hecate hums her approval. And together, they are ready to enchant everyone tonight.

Let's do this.

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