The princess with mysteries :...

By BabyofSun

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Today is the best day of my life. Finally I will be married to the person who truly loves me. From this long... More

Book Trailer
Book Dedication
Rest Of The Chaps


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By BabyofSun

These two are made by Anora0901

So I dedicate the chap to her

Agnishikha's pov

" My daughter is very lucky. So I maharaja Agnidev announce that my elder daughter Rajkumari Agnishikha will
be married to maharaja Devdutt and Rajkumari Shubhadrangi with his younger Brother Devrath." maharaja said, knocking all the air out of my lungs.

" What?" two voice echoed in the Royal Court and none of them belongs to me

It's Chitrangada and Shubhadrangi.

" What happened Rajkumari Chitrangada and Rajkumari Shubhadrangi? "Maharaja asked with a stern voice making them realise their mistakes

No one can protest like this, not even the royals.

" Is there any problem?"maharaja Devdutt asked

" No, there is no problem maharaja. "Chitrangada said but her face is void of any emotion

She is in shock.

" Yeah there is no problem we just got excited to nothing else. "Shubhadrangi said with a forced smile

I am standing here still without uttering any word.

Kya kahe hum? Kuch hai vi kehne ko? Koi sunega hamari baat?

(what should I say? Is there anything to say? Will anyone listen to me?)

Maharaja Devdutt wants to marry me suddenly? When he himself said that he is finding that girl who's sketch is with him.

The girl whom I saw in my dreams with that man.

Then why this? He just left abruptly when I told him about that dream.

What is going on here? I'm not understanding anything.

"Didisa badhai ho, maharaja Devdutt ne apko Chuna hai apni patni abang maharani ke rup me. (congratulations Didisa King Devdutt has chose you as his wife and queen)" Shubhadrangi said

"aur unhone apko Chuna hai apne bhai ke liye yani ki hamari Devrani banne ke liye apko ko vi badahi ho. (and he has chose you for his brother means to be my sister in law congratulations to you as well)" I told her

Our fate is sealed. We can't say no to this proposal. None of the Princess of any kingdom has the right to say anything about her marriage.

And that's our reality behind this lavish life.

Being a princess isn't about all roses it has its own share of thorns as well.

The royal banquet passed really fast. I couldn't concentrate on it. My brain is pondering over the valid reasons that can be there behind this marriage.

I can sense Chitrangada and Maharani ji glaring at me with hatred and Shubhadrangi lost in her own thoughts.

It was really shocking for us because we never expected this to happen.

But I'm happy that if we both are getting married together in one family then we will be together at least.

"Rajkumari Agnishikha Rajkumari Shubhadrangi and Rajkumari Chitrangada. Meet maharaja and me in our chamber after the banquet is over Finally," Maharani ji told us

I nodded my head as yes.

After the banquet we three go to meet maharaja and maharani ji.

" What is this pitashree? How can you fix her marriage with Maharaja Devdutt? It was supposed to be me not her. "Chitrangada screamed in anger

" Pitashree why me? I'm just 15 and my marriage wasn't on topic right? Then why? I don't want to marry so early. "Shubhadrangi asked calmly unlike Chitrangada

And me? Well I decided to open my mouth for the first time.

" Maharaja I don't think it's a good idea to get me married with maharaja Devdutt. Rajkumari Chitrangada is perfect for him not me. I'm just a maid. I don't deserve to be a queen." I said

"Shut up all you three. Agnishikha I don't think you have any rights to talk about this. Don't forget you're still a princess and unfortunately you will become a queen because maharaja Devdutt wants you as his wife without even seeing your face. He wants you and only you. Think yourself lucky because the powerful king has asked your hand for marriage.

And you Shubhadrangi I know that your marriage wasn't in the topic but maharaja is impressed by you that's why he wants you as his brother's wife.

His kingdom is powerful Shubhadrangi and you will get half of it and become a queen and you will be able to stay with your sister as well.

And Chitrangada you, don't you know how important this treaty is for us? Don't you know that only maharaja Devdutt can help us out?

Your brother is about to get engaged with a normal girl. A normal merchant's daughter who has no family power.

We can't get anything from his marriage and he won't marry again that he has cleared. He loves that girl and wants her as his wife.

To be honest I have no problem with her. She has the capability to become a queen but the thing is we need support.

Our kingdom is now one of the weakest kingdoms and we need support to survive.

You're behaving like a spoilt princess. The way you reacted isn't expected from a princess. If this continues no king or Prince will marry you in near future and I have to get you married to one of my minister.

So behave in front of others at least.

All three of you I'm warning you again don't do anything that break this treaty because if you did then there is a high chance that this kingdom won't be there so that you can call yourself a princess. "maharaja said clearly

My mark started to burn suddenly. It's painful and I don't know what to do.

" But pitashree is it OK to get them both married against their wish? "Yuvraj said

" What do you mean Agniv? "maharani ji asked

" Matashree Rajkumari Shubhadrangi and Rajkumari Agnishikha both are not ready for this marriage and no matter what happens we can't force anyone in marriage. It's against our ethics. I know you must be shocked that I am saying this but that's what you taught me from my childhood.

How can I just ignore it? Agnishikha Is a girl and a part of this kingdom and a part of this royal family as well. No matter how much we hate her we can't change the fact.

She is our responsibility and we can't just force her just like we can't force Shubhadrangi. "Yuvraj said and for the first time I felt that my elder brother is talking not the Yuvraj of this kingdom or my sister's brothers

" Yes pitashree bhratashree is correct why force them? I'm more than ready to take her place. Anyways he hasn't saw her face so if I keep the veil on then I won't be caught." Chitrangada said

I don't know why she is behaving like a desperate girl.

"Rajkumari Chitrangada what is wrong with you? Why are you this desperate? He isn't the only king now is he? We will find a better king then him for you. But don't degrade yourself for this." Maharani ji said

"Am I being a desperate matashree? If I am correct then you were also desperate for our pitashree weren't you? You literally create havoc in everyone's life to marry him.

Bari matashree (Shikhanya) died and then you got married right? If you're not considered desperate then why am I? I also liked maharaja Devdutt liking someone isn't a crime right?

Or now is it? If it is then you're also the culprit of the same crime. "Chitrangada said making us stunned

Chitrangada never said anything that disrespect her parents or siblings.

It's like she understands what she did.

" And moreover she doesn't deserve to be the queen of that kingdom. That's why I am behaving like this. This bad omen can't do any good she ruined my life. And I hate her more for this." she said and the burn in my hand vanished

Glaring at me for the last time she left.

" You both are getting married and that's final. And don't worry this marriage won't take place until Agnishikha become 21 and Shubhadrangi 18. So you have 3 more years to be here." maharaja said I felt relief

At last we have 3 years. I don't know why I don't want to leave this Palace and Kingdom.

"Now you two can go but Agniv I have something to talk with you." maharani ji said and we nodded our head dejectedly

I don't know why I'm feeling something is wrong. Their behaviour is odd. They aren't behaving like themselves.

Shubhadrangi nudged me to go with her and I nodded.

We left from there without wasting more time.

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