The Silver Paladin

Da Rubyrose645

281K 5.7K 1.2K

I remember nothing of my past, but when I look up at the sky, I felt like I belonged somewhere other than her... Altro

The first meeting
The Beginning
The Blue Lion
Today, We Are Paladins
The Rise of Voltron
Some Assembly Required
Return of the Gladiator
First Battle
Fall of the Castle of Lions
Tears of Balmera
Taking Flight
Return to the Balmera
Crystal Venom
Collection and Extraction
The Black Paladin
This Can't Be.....
Shiro's Escape
Greening the Cube
Killer Cube
The Eye of the Storm
Escaping the Storm
Ark of Taujeer
Ark of Taujeer pt. 2
Space Mall
The Blade of Marmora
Escape from Beta Traz
Stayin' Alive
Best Laid Plans
Time to Fight
Changing of the Guard
Red Paladin
New Roles
The Hunted
Hole in the Sky
The Alternate Reality
Track a Comet
Tailing a Comet
Lellal's Tale
The Legend Begins
Code of Honor
The Light: A New Discovery
Black Site
The Clans
Hello Grandfather
The Battle begins
The Light
Begin the Blitz
A New Defender
The Prisoner
Blood Duel
Kral Zera
The White Lion
White Lion Pt. 2
Omega Shield
The Colony
Black Paladins
All Good Things
Defender of All Universes
Past Memories
The Road Home
The Way Forward
The Ruins
Journey Within
The Last Stand pt. 1
The Last Stand pt. 2
The Last Stand Pt. 3
Our First Step
Heart of the Lion
Trial By Fire
Lion's Pride pt. 1
Lion's Pride pt 2
Lion's Pride pt. 3
The Aftermath
Launch Date
Prisoner's Dilemma
Battle Scars
The Grudge
The Genesis
Day Forty-seven
Day Forty-seven Pt. 2
Clear Day
Knights of Light pt.1
Knights of Light Pt. 2
Knights of Light pt. 3
Uncharted Regions
The Zenith
The Last Time I Make You Cry
To Wait
Years Passed....
The Dawn of a New Beginning
Our Final Light

Know Your Enemy

1.9K 33 10
Da Rubyrose645


We flew as as fast as we could past Pluto and then past Neptune with one goal in mind: get back to Earth as soon as possible.

At this moment, Earth was captured by the Galra and was struggling to keep up with the enemy. I should've been more on edge when my scar began to burn. I should've known that after three years the Galra would be on their way to Earth.

"Dad, please respond. Voltron is coming. Hold on." Pidge said, the static continuing to crackle as we got closer towards Earth. Ever since we got the distress signal from her father, she's veen trying to contact him again.

"Are we too late?" Hunk asked in a worried tone.

We picked up the pace flying faster and faster, until suddenly, a voice was picked up on our transmitters.

"Katie? Katie, is that you?" We smiled,  relieved when we heard Commander Holt's voice answer our call.

"Dad, it's me. I'm here." Pidge happy replied.

"Katie, I'm so glad to hear your voice. Where are you?"

"We're within Earth's Solar System. Heading to Earth now."

"Wait! You must stop!" Sam shouted, almost begging for us to stay away.

"What? Say again." Keith said.

"What are you talking about, Sam? The Galra are there on Earth, right? We need to get there now." I said, confused on why he wanted us to stay away when we could help.

"Stop. Sendak has invaded the planet. He's taken over Earth. If he finds out that Voltron and Saoirse are here, he'll threaten the people of Earth in exchange for her and the Lions."

"Why would they want Saoirse?" Lance asked.

"Sendak asked for the Angel of Teshiria. I figured it was her. You have to stay away from Earth or else bad things will happen." Sam explained.

I almost lost all the breath in my body when Sam mentioned me. Sendak not only wanted the lions but me as well? What was his game?

We were all silent for a moment, before Keith gave us his orders.

"Reverse thrusters!" He shouted.

"Copy that. Hold tight!" Hunk pulled back on his controls and reversed our thrusters, quickly stopping our movements. However, we weren't lucky enough to stop and not be spotted.


The electronic chirping from the radars filled the room as I watched the sensors pick up Galra ships near Voltron's energy signature.

I turned towards Curtis and Veronica, "Pick ip those Galra ships' locations." I ordered, "We need to scramble any transmissions immediately."

"Scanning location." Curtis said, a secomd later, he finished his work, "I got it. They're opening a channel. Triangulating position for broadcast. Sending interference."

"Good work." I said then turned around to face Commander Iverson.

"Is it really Saoirse and the cadets?" He asked.

"Yes. And if I know the paladins, they'll be coming back home matter what. We have to help them stay safe under any circumstances." I replied.


Our alarms quickly beeped at the sight of three Galra patrol ships nearby. They began their attack immediately.

"Paladins, we blocked the patron's transmission. You're clear." Commander Holt informed us.

"Roger that. Let's take 'em out!" Lance said.

We turned to face the Galra ships and the Red Lion fired its laser, roaring as we shot down two of the three ships. But just as we were about to go for the third, Pidge stopped the order of attack.

"Wait! Don't destroy that ship. We might need it." She said.

"Really? For what?" Lance asked.

"I've got an idea."

We separated into our individual lions, grabbed the third Galra ship and flew all the way to Saturn, where Pidge explained her plan.

"We can't fly our Lions to Earth without being spotted, so our five will have to stay here on this moon in Saturn's rings, which should keep them hidden from Sendak's radars. We'll fly in another way."

A picture of the hidden moon popped up on my screen, showing us our landing location.

"All right, it's a plan." I said.

"I'll knock out the pilot really quick." Saoirse said. From the silver armor of Voltron, came a small stream of light which wrapped around the ship and drained the energy of the pilot, leaving the ship ready to take.

We separated into our individual lions and flew all the way to Saturn with the Galra ship in tow. Once we got there a few kinutes later, we spotted the moon and landed. We took the pilot out of the ship and left him on the moon before loading up inside the Galra ship. I sat in the cockpit and got ready to fly back to Earth while the rest of the team sat in the cramped back.

The thrusters roared and the ship took off, leaving behind a loud sonic boom as we left the Saturn moon.

"I hope the mice and Kaltenecker aren't too frightened without us." Allura said.


I subconsciously rubbed the area where my burning scar was, afraid for what we might find bach home on Earth. Not even Kosmo could help me relax.

I don't know how much time had passed, but I gasped when I felt a massive amount of energy from outside the ship.

"Saoirse, what's the matter?" Shiro asked.

"I can fell them. All the people on Earth. We're home." I said, and although I was excited to see home, that still didn't help me relax. I also felt so many Galra surrounding Earth in large cruisers.

The energy form the Galra was so dark and menacing. It was almost as if they were squeezing the life out of Earth by projecting evil into it.

With our Galra ship decoy, we flew right past the Galra fleets without any effort straight to Earth. The closer we got to Earth, the more my scar burned. And the closer we got to danger.

Closer and closer we came to Earth's atmosphere, a red glow filling the room as we got closer and closer to home.

"Hang on!" Keith yelled, "We're entering Earth's atmosphere."

"This is weird." Hunk said smiling, "This is almost exactly how we left Earth, crammed in the cockpit of the Blue Lion." Just then, the ship jerked.

"We're overweight. I'm losing altitude. Brace for impact." Keith said.

As quickly as the heat and the shaking came, so did the ground. The alarms blared and the rocking became more violent.

The thrusters were blasted from too much force upon entry and we crashed into the solid ground, leaving behind a trail of dug up rubble.

Thankfully, we were all unharmed from our rough landing and proceeded to climb up the rocky hills near where we crashed. Everyone took off their helmets as we walked to the top of the hill, but shat we saw almost made my stomach turn.

It was an entire city reduced to rubble. Platt City to be exact. Most buildings were demolished and others were barely standing on their own. A thick layer of dust covered the entire area, floating around like clouds in the sky. And no signs of life anywhere.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, from the red color I saw from the corner of my eye, I knew it was Keith. But I couldn't take my eyes off this devestation.

"Hey, I know this place. I've been here before." Hunk said, "This is Platt city. It's about half an hour from the Garrison."

"Whoa," Lance gasped, "I-I can't believe this is all that's left of it."

"We need to get to the Garrison. Stay together. Let's move quick and quiet." Keith said and we went in just as he said, putting our helmets on just in case we ran into trouble.

We walked down the hill and towards the city, our hands on our bayards while walked around on guard. As soon as we stepped foot into the city, I couldn't help but shiver at the sights of destruction around us. The burning from my scar began to die down a little, but it still burned a lot.

I kept a hand on my staff, clutching it tightly in my hand and reading Pidge's screens as we continued.

All of a sudden, we were ambushed and  under fire.

"Whoa! Take cover!" Lance shouted as he and Keith found cover under an abandoned car. The rest of us split up, finding shelter from the attack in an abandoned building.

I took a look outside and saw that there were at least four small attack drones shooting at us.

Hunk jumped out of our hiding place and began his own attack shooting the drones, while Lance did the same on the other side.

Suddenly, Keith jumped from his hiding spot and ran out to distract the drones.

"I'm going out to help him. Be safe you guys." I said and ran out to take at least half of the drones attention.

My plan worked as half of the drones left Keith to follow me. I stopped in my tracks and used my staf to slice them in half.

I heard two shots coming from my previous hiding spot and ran back to see what had happened. When I got there, Lance was setting down his rifle and two drones were shot to pieces on the ground.

"I wonder how many of these things they have around here." Keith said as he stood over one of the drones, "Pidge, any chance we see those things before they get to us?"

Pidge was already typing away at her screen, pulling up a radar map of the area.

"Already on it." She said, "Looks like we've got four more headed our way."

As soon as she told us that, shots were fired at us again. We quickly hid behind some old rubble and destroyed cars as more Galra attacked.

"It's not drones. Look." Shiro said. I spread my powers to sense the energies of the enemy and figured out that there were four drones and at least three Galra soldiers shooting at us.

Hunk and Lance stood up from behind their hiding places and began fire, shooting the soldiers over and over until a couple of them went down. But that wasn't the only surprise we had.

Small drones like those before came up from behind and shot at us. Lance turned around and attacked, shooting rapid fires from his rifle.

Suddenly, I felt different energies coming oru way. They weren't Galra, but their energy was still strong nonetheless. And the fact that they were human energies made it more reassuring.

The rev of a vehicle came to our ears and ran over one of the Galra soldier drones.

I turned around and saw the car crash into the wall, smashing the Galra drone. The doors opened and a man jumped out, immediately aiming his gun, but set it down when another identical vehicle came rushing to the scene.

The door to the second vehicle opened up and revealed a woman who immediately began shooting.

"Stay down, we got this!" She shouted, shooting at the drones above our heads. For a second, I thought I recognized her voice from somewhere.

"I had it!" Keith shouted, as the the woman shot a drone over his head.

"Drones send distress signals when they're attacked." The man said, "Our weapons neutralize those signals. So unless you wanna deal with a swarm of those things, let us handle it. Now let's get out of here before more show up."

With no other options, we crowded inside in the two vehicles and rode off into the desert to the Galaxy Garrison.

I fiddled with my fingers as we drove though the rocky terrain to the Galaxy Garrison. It had been a long time since I was back here. I guess I used up all of my vacation days. Iverson did say that I was supposed to take five days off. I went way over the time limit.

Suddenly, I felt a hand over mine. I looked up and saw Keith smiling at me in an attempt to calm my nerves. I smiled back and calmed down at least a little bit.

About thirty minutes later, the rocky terrain revealed a large orange dome. All of us recognized the pattern as being a particle barrier.

I couldn't believe how amazing it was. The entire Garrison was surrounded by the barrier, keeping it safe from any and all attacks.

Once the cars were close enough and recognized as friendly allies, the doors opened, letting us drive through a dark hall until finally, we made it to our destination.

The Galaxy Garrison.

Nothing had changed since we left, except for it being covered by a barrier. Everything was intact, but, I also felt new energies from the front of the building. And a few familiar energies as well.

I looked through the window and saw several people at the entrance waiting to greet us, most I recognized as Garrison staff members, others were non-members. Just then, I spotted familiar faces in the crowd next to Colleen, Pidge's mother.

I almost cried when I saw my own family standing there waiting for me. How did they even get here? It was so surprising for me.

Pidge peaked her head past the seats and smiled when she saw her mom and dad standing outside the Garrison. The cars stopped a few minutes later and as soon as the doors opened, Pidge jumped out of the car.

"Mom!" she shouted, jumping into her mother's arms. They both fell to the ground together, holding each other tightly.

Commander Holt ran up to his wife and daughter and joined in the family reunion, even their dog had joined the embrace.

"Oh, Katie, I'm so glad you're home!" Colleen cried and laughed at the same time.

"Lance!" Someone called out to Lance. The paladin turned and saw a large family standing with some of the Garrison crew. Two children ran up to him.

"Uncle Lance!" They shouted.

Lance's eyes filled with tears, but he smiled and jumped out of the car.

"Hey!" He shouted, falling to the ground and hugging the two children, his family crowding around him and hugging him tightly.

"It's so good to see you." Lance cried.

"We never gave up on you." One of the women said.

Keith helped me out of the car and held my hand as we stood in front of the crowd.

"Saoirse!" I heard my mother shout. I turned towards her voice and finally got a good look at them. They were all dressed in Earth clothing and changed quite a bit since I last saw them.

Lellal had grown his hair out a little, tying it into a small ponytail that reached the nape of his neck. Reilo had gotten so much taller, and Nalira was crying her eyes out as she ran to me.

"Big sister!" She cried. I fell to my knees and grabbed her as soon as she got close enough to me. I picked her up and spun her around in the air, laughing and crying all at the same time.

I stopped spinning her around and held her tightly against my body.

"Saoirse, my daughter." I heard my dad say with a shaking voice. I looked up from my little sister and saw my brothers and parents all with sad and happy expressions on their faces.

"Mom, dad. I'm sorry I disappeared for so long." I said with tears running down my cheeks. They shook their heads and didn't hold back any longer and hugged me with all their strength.

"It's all right, my dear." Mom said, "You came back to us and that's all that matters to us."

"It's good to have you back, Saoirse." Reilo said.

I pulled away from them and wiped away my tears.

"But I don't get it. Why and how are you here?" I asked.

"We were so worried when you're mother sensed your enegy disappear." Dad said, "So she used her powers to teleport us from place to place until we came to Earth."

I didn't care about how they go here, I just loved the fact that they were here with me. I was so worried about them this entire time since the Galra had changed in the last three years.

"Officer Saoirse!" I heard someone shout for me. I turned towards the voice and saw that Commander Iverson had called me.

I walked over to him, my family behind me and my Nalira still in my arms. She refused to let go.

"Commander Iverson." I said, happy to see him again, "I'm sorry, but I think I took an extended vacation."

He chuckled, "It's all right, Saoirse. I wanted you take time off anyway. Just, not four years though."

He turned towards Shiro, Allura, Coran and Romelle.

"Officer Shirogane. My apologies for throwing you in quarantine." He said.

"Ah, so you're the one who strapped Shiro to a table. I heard about that." Coran said immediately getting up in Iverson's face.

Shiro sighed and smiled, "You were just following orders, as any good soldier would." He said, "It's great to see you, too. Allow me to introduce you to our Altean allies. Meet Allura, Romelle, and Coran."

"The honor is mine." Iverson said, "Your technology has been instrumental in defending this small corner of Earth." He turned to me, "And your family has been most helpful in helping find new ways to power our weapons. Without them, we wouldn't be able to attack."

I turned to look at my family, Lellal blushing and Reilo puffing his chest out in his pride. To think my family would help defend Warth to this degree.

Iverson smiled, but then frowned when he turned to Keith, "And, Cadet..."

Keith got up off his knees from petting Kosmo and saluted respectfully.

"Yes, sir." He said.

"I owe you an apology as well." Iverson said, "I've heard about all you've done. I was wrong about you. It's an honor and privilege to see you again."

Keith smiled, "Thank you, sir. I guess I wasn't exactly the best cadet back then. I probably owe you a bit of an apology, too."

Keith stuck out his hand and Iverson took in a friendly gesture. Then, the commander turned to Kosmo.

"Ah, and who's this little fella?" He asked, affectionately petting the large wolf, Kosmo rubbing his head against the Commander.

"Oh, Kosmo likes you." Coran said, "But be careful. If you touch it, it could zap you to different universe." Iverson's expression changed from happy to terrified in the blink of an eye.

"Seriously." I answered.

We all laughed, but when I turned to Keith, he was staring at the young man who helped us get to the Garrison. The young man seemed a little irritated by Keith. He took off his helmet and I recognized him right away.

James Griffin, a young gifted pilot in the Garrison. He excelled in his studies, but he had a problem with holding grudges. A lot.

We were given some time with our families, to reconnect and catch ip on past events that happened. I found out that Teshiria was doing amazing. The clans were working together well and everyone was happier than they could've ever been before.

I was happy to hear that, but I was also worried about Teshiria with the Galra going around. But mom reassured me that before she left, all of the Teshirians created an energy barrier to hide the planet from dark energy. That put me at ease for a good while.

After a few hours of spending time with my family, one of the staff came to find me and gave me a new uniform.

It was the same uniform I always wore before I left Earth, and it fit well on me. I said goodbye to my family for the time being, my sister being stubborn and not letting go of me, eventually let go and stuck to my mother.

I was led to a room where Shiro and Commander Iverson were just arriving in.

"Saoirse." Iverson said sadly. I was confused and took a look at Shiro, who's face was frowning. Iverson told us to go inside and we did as he said. But when we walked in, we found that this entire room was a memorial.

We walked up to the large wall covered in the pictures of those who had fallen in remembrance of their sacrifice. But our eyes were glued to one specific photo.

Adam. Shiro's ex-fiance. And an uncle fogure to me. Shiro gently pressed us fingers on his picture, his eyes filling with tears.

"Adam..." he whispered, "I'm sorry."

The last time I saw Adam, he was smiling and was so carefree. Now he was.... gone. Forever.

"I know I can't stop you... but I won't go through this again. So if you decide to go... don't expect me to be here when you get back."

The last words Adam ever said to Shiro. Who would've thoight those words would be true.

"It's because of them that Earth stands a chance." Iverson said from behind us, "It's time for our debriefing."

I took one last look at Adam's photo, remembering what he did for me and Shiro, before taking my brother's hand and following Iverson to the debriefing room.

I sat down next to Keith in the debriefing hall, waiting for the meeting to begin.

Commander Holt stood in front of a large screen with coordinates highlighted by area.

"Sendak's forces remain at bay, but without a meaningful supply line, we're slowly being suffocated." Sam explained.

"No one else is putting up a fight against Sendak?" Shiro asked.

"Small underground pockets of resistance have attempted to do so with varying degree of success." Veronica explained, "Eventually, all were discovered and systematically wiped out. Earth's offensive capabilities simply don't stand a chance against the Galra."

"Why dont we bring more people into this base?" Hunk asked, his face showing unimaginable worry. I had heard that Hunk's family wasn't with the Garrison, which meant that they were still out there, or capture by the Galra. I refused to think of the worst.

"We had to put a halt on our extraction ops as they were proving to be too risky." Sam said.

"But there are good people out there. They could be protected. My family's out there." Hunk said.

"I'm sorry, Hunk."

"But if we have an opportunity now--"

"Hey, do Paladins not understand the chain of command?" One of the cadets, the young man, Griffin, shouted at Hunk, "Your CO said it was too dangerous."

"Officer Griffin, that's enough." I said firmly.

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" He asked with the same anger and attitude he used on Hunk.

"It seems that you have forgotten the chain of command." I said standing up with my hands behind my back, "I am your CO, Lieutenant Saoirse Shirogane. Now, stay silent until this meeting is over."

James didn't say anything else and stood back in line with the other officers.

Commander Holt turned back to Hunk, regretful and sad.

"Believe me, I understand what you're going through, Hunk. We all have family out there, but we have to weigh our options. We can't lose ten people to save twelve. I'm sorry."

Hunk calmed down after that. I placed my hand on his back to silently reassure him that everything was going to be all right. But I knew the pain of not knowing if your family were okay or not, was shattering.

"Well, then let's find out what we can do." Allura said standing up abruptly, "You said you've integrated Altean tech with Earth weaponry?"

Sam nodded.

"May we see it, Commander Holt?" I asked.

"Of course. Follow me." Sam lead us, and Admiral Sanda, who refused to leave us alone, to an elevator that took us down to the lowest level of the garrison.

We were all shocked and amazed to see a large hangar with multiple ships similar to Altean fighter ships as we slowly approached the ground.

"The Mecha-Flex-Exo fighters, or MFEs, are extremely agile with advanced weaponry, but are only valable of short-range attacks." Sam explained, "Sustaining power with Altean-infused weaponry is an issue we're trying to overcome, even with Cires, Siofra and Saoirse's brother helping." Sam explained.

"Maybe I can help you with powering these ships." Coran said, "I do still have some leftover Faunatonium. It's an Altean fuel additive, but also has some unexpected side effects, so don't get any on you."

We exited the elevator and Sam led us to a separate hangar. Inside was a ship as big as the previous Castle of Lions. It was incredible.

"And this is our battleship. It's large enough to house all of the Lions and an entire command unit."

"It's built, but it can't fly." We turned to the side and saw Admiral Sanda. As always, she was surrounded by other commanders and higher ups in the Garrison staff.

"Everyone, there's a subject we can't avoid any longer. Sendak attacked Earth because he wanted the Lions and the Angel, Saoirse, and now they're here. It seems that we need to at least discuss our options."

Everyone was surprised by Sanda's plan of action. I felt Keith's hand wrap around my shoulder as soon as the Admiral said that. I could feel his energy rapidly jump and shift. He was angry. No, not angry. Furious.

"Are you suggesting that we willingly hand over the Lions and Saoirse to the Galra?" Shiro asked, his energy spiking as well, jumping with his anger.

"Our supplies are gone. We spent all our resources on a ship that doesn't fly. The weapons we do have are not enough to mount an attack. All we can do is protect a small pocket of Earth. But for how much longer?"

"The universe needs the Lions." Sam argued.

"So does Earth. They and Saoirse our only bargaining chips."

"I agree with the Admiral." One of the commaders said, "Earth had been nearly destroyed. Countless citizens have been lost. But it could all be over if we give up the girl and the Lions." He then looked over at me.

"It will be a shame to lose someone with so much to offer, but we must in order to save Earth." He continued.

"We have a fighting chance now that the Lions have returned. We need to take it." Iverson tried to reason.

"I'll settle this argument right now." Allura said, "We're not giving up the Lions and Saoirse under any circumstances. There is no negotiating with Sendak."

"Maybe you should leave the matters of Earth to the people who live here." Admiral Sanda shouted.

I stepped forward, surprising everyone behind me as I approached Admiral Sanda.

"Admiral Sanda, while it is true that Earth is on the verge of destruction, we have a greater chance of saving our home if you would just let us paladins have the opportunity to fight back." I said.

"And what would a child like you know?" A commander with brown hair asked me, "While it may be true that you have the saem rank as us, you are still a naive girl. You don't understand the position the Admiral is in."

"I understand perfectly the position she is in. I once had to weigh my options in either running away with my brother and leaving Allura behind, or staying in the claws of the enemy with her to make sure she was safe. I chose the latter. To give up me and the Lions will be a huge mistake and then, there will be nothing to stop Sendak from destroying the world." I said, my anger never leaving me.

Everyone was silent when I finished my speech. No one moved, not even me.

Finally, one of the Commanders behind Admiral Sanda stomped up to me and slapped me for insubordination.

My head twisted around and my face looked down, aaay from the man who hit me. I heard my friends gasp behind me in shock by what the commander had done to me.

"How dare you you insolent brat! How dare you speak so horribly to your superior?" He shouted.

I sighed and looked back up at him, unbeknownst to me that my eyes were glowing a bright blue.

"I apologize for my insubordinance." I said, "I just thought as a 'bargaining chip' I should have a say in what happens to me."

Shiro walked up to me and pushed me behind him, Keith pulling me back closer to him.

"Admiral, I respect that you'll do anything you can to protect Earth. But trust us, we've been through more than you could ever imagine. We have fought the Galra in the fringes of the universe and in their very home. I know there's a way to defeat Sendak."

"How?" Admiral Sanda asked, "We barely know what we're up against. We need intelligence and we just don't have it."

"Maybe we do." Allura said turning to Commander Holt, "That information you downloaded from the Castle of Lions contains Sendak's memories."

"How does that help?" Sam asked.

"It might give us some insight into Sendak's plan." Pidge smiled, "Allura, you're a genius!"

Sam smiled and turned back to Admiral Sanda, "We just need time."

Admiral Sanda sighed and nodded, but before I could leave, she grabbed me by the arm.

I turned around to face her.

"Might we have a moment alone?" She asked. I looked back at my friends, all of them with concerned expressions on their faces. I smiled at them and turned back to the Admiral.

"Of course, Admiral." I answered. She took me to a separate and secluded room. We went inside and I sat on one of the couches, while she sat on the other side facing me.

"What is it you wanted to talk about?" I asked.

"I'm sorry for saying that you were a bargaining chip, but I also wanted you to understand the severity of situation." She said, "With both you and the Lions, we can save Earth without any other losses or casualties. You and the Lions are the only hopes we have and with your sacrifice, Earth will be saved and everything will go back to normal."

I couldn't believe the words that came out of her mouth. What was she even thinking? She had decided what we would do with our lions? What I would do with my life and freedom? She didn't understand a single thing about Sendak or the Galra. She didn't know the things they would do to get our lions, and for some reason, me.

I sighed and intertwined my fingers, "I'm sorry, Admiral, but that will never happen." I said. Her eyes widened.

"What are you saying?" She asked.

"I should be asking you that, Admiral." I retorted, "Our lions are the only hopes that the universe can be finally be freed from the Galra, and the only hope Earth has in being saved from destruction. And yet you're ready to give us that hope, not to mention one of your own. Have you gone insane?"

Admiral Sanda stared at me with shock written all over her face. I had never spoken to anyone like this except of separate occasions in space. But for me to speak to my commanding officer like this? It was unheard of.

She jumped up from her seat and glared at me.

"As a citizen of Earth, you are indeed under protection, but as a soldier of the Garrison, you are under my orders." She said, "I know that the two of us want to do whatever it takes to save Earth, and I know that the only say we can do that is to give up you and the lions."

"That won't happen!" I shouted back, shooting up from my seat, "I want to save Earth and before I became a paladin of Voltron, I would gladly give up my life to protect Earth. But now that I've become a Paladin, I can't just give up so easily. Sendak asked for me as well, right? Do you know why he wants me? It's because I have a special power inside me unique to even my mother and father's bloodlines. If Sendak got a hold on me and the lions, nothing would drop him from destroying Earth anyway. There's no way we could ever negotiate with Sendak, he won't go down easily, even if we give up me and the lions. He is ruthless and he will never leave Earth even after he gets what he wants. So go ahead and give up the only hope Earth has. Just be sure to be prepared to carry the weight of thousands of deaths on your shoulders."

I turned to walk away, when Admiral Sanda grabbed me by the shoulder. She turned me around to face her, and her eyes were filled with so much fury.

"Think about what you say before you leave here." She said.

I shook myself out of her hold and glared af her.

"I don't care what you do to me, but I won't stay still and be sent off to die like some kind of replaceable pawn in a game. I will fight with my friends and family using the only hope we have to save our home and the rest of the universe. You will not sacrifice the lions. You will not sacrifice me. And you will not make anyone give up the only hope we have. I am going to fight, we are going to fight and there is nothing you can do to stop any of us."

I tuened back around and walked out of the room, leaving Admiral Aanda to mull over my words.

I went back to my assigned room where my family was staying as well. Immediately, Nalira jumped into my arms and hugged me tightly. I spent all my time with my family that night, and even fell asleep with Nalira in my arms and my brothers sleeping close to me.

I knew the road would be long and hard, so I wanted to spend as much time with my family as I could with them. For in time, everything will change.

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