On The Road With 3MB

By AmandaWrestlingFan

438 25 0

Being on the road with the 3 man band sounds a bit crazy right? They are a wild bunch of guys. One of the guy... More

Untitled Part 1
Untitled Part 2
Untitled Part 4
Untitled Part 5
Untitled Part 6
Untitled Part 7

Untitled Part 3

58 3 0
By AmandaWrestlingFan

(I go up to the door of the house and knock)

Seth: (Answers)

Wait what? Is everything ok?

Seth: Yes. Renee said Mickie wanted her, me and Julie to look after the house while she was away.

Oh! (Smiles and walks in with Drew)

Seth: You behave with her?

Drew: Of course I did.

(Walks up to Drew) I can take my stuff to my room.

Drew: I can (Smiles) Lead the way Lassie.

Seth: (Whispers to Julie) Go spy. Make sure hes respecting her.

Julie: Omg he will. Stop being such a worry wart.

Seth: Please.

Julie: Ugh ok fine. (Goes over to the hall and stands beside the door to my room)

Drew: (Sits my bags down and sits on the edge of my bed)

You ok? Handsome? (Unpacks some stuff)

Drew: Yeah (Smiles and watches me)

I'll be back. Im too uncomfy in these clothes so I'll just put on my gown.

Drew: OK Lassie.

(I go to change)

Drew: (Hangs his head down and closes his eyes and thinks as he rubs his hands together)

(I come back out) You hungry handsome? You can stay for dinner if you want to.

Drew: (Looks up at me and smiles) I can?

Of course. You want to?

Drew: Id love to Lassie.

(Takes his hand and kisses it and smiles)

Drew: (Smiles) You'll let me sit with you right?

Of course!

(We go and sit in the kitchen and eat dinner)

(Me and Drew talk and giggle the whole time)

Seth: (Whispers to Julie) So what happened with em?

Julie: Nothing they was just cute!

Seth: Come on what he do tho?

Julie: He watched her unpack some things then he waited on her to change into her gown. He looked at her so sweet. Like he was in love. It was so cute.

(I get up and I put my hands on Drew's shoulders and lean in) Me is going to the living room! You can come when your ready (Smiles)

Drew: (Gets up and walks behind me to the living room)

(Renee and Julie sit beside me on the couch)

Drew: (Sits on the back of the couch as he talks to Seth)

(Looks back up at him)

Drew: (looks down at me and smiles as he offers his hand to me)

(I take his hand and holds it while me and the girls watch lifetime movies all evening)

(Cuddles then kisses his hand and gets up and goes to my room)

Drew: (Gets up and goes to find me and knocks on my door) Lassie? Just making sure your alright.

I'm ok Drew! Just brushing my teeth!

(After I get done I go and open the door and looks for him) Drew? (I walk up and see him talking to Renee and Seth. Looks at Julie) Can you tell Drew I'll be in my room getting ready for bed. He always tells me goodbye before he leaves.

Julie: I sure will.

(Smiles then looks at him and the way his hair is hanging down and how his black t-shirt fits on him)

Drew: (Waves back at me with his fingers)

(Smiles and waves back and I go back to my room when he looks at Seth as hes talking)

Drew: (Walks over to Julie) You know where she went? Is she ok?

Julie: She told me to tell you shes in her room getting ready for bed. She looked sad after she looked at you.

Drew: I really need to make sure shes ok. (Walks back to my room and knocks) Lassie.

(I dont answer)

Drew: Lassie Im gonna come in ok? (Opens the door slowly and sees me sitting on the bed. He closes the door and sits beside me and puts his hand on my back) Are you ok Lassie?

(Looks at him with tears falling)

Drew: (Looks sad) Lassie. Whats wrong princess?

(Hugs him tight)

Drew: Lassie. Tell me why your sad. (Rubs my back easy) Tell me please.

(I hear him breathing as he holds me and I just melt in his arms and feel so safe and comfy. I fall asleep on him)

Drew: (Rubbing my back) Are you ok princess? (Talks low and soft) Your gown feels so soft. (Gives me a tight lil hug) Your a good cuddle Lassie.

(I breathe so easy)

Drew: (Realizes Im asleep and smiles then he leans up my pillow and leans up against it and stretches his legs out on the bed and cuddles me on him and kisses my forehead) Sleep well princess Lassie. I'm not going anywhere. I wouldn't dream of it.

Renee: (Opens the door to check on me and sees Drew)

Drew: (Looks up)

Renee: Is she ok? Julie said she seemed sad.

Drew: When I came in here she was crying. Then she hugged me and I held her and she fell asleep on me. I cant just let her go. She'll know Im gone so Im just gonna stay and hold her. Is that ok with you?

Renee: It is (Smiles) Make sure she sleeps good Drew.

Drew: I plan on it. Goodnight.

Renee: Night. (She leaves and closes the door)

Drew: (Whispers to me) Goodnight princess. (Takes my hand and closes his eyes as he kisses it then lowers my hand but still holds it as he cuddles me and rubs me with his other hand)

(The morning comes and I wake up to Drew's phone viberating and I see that hes asleep so I look at it for him) Omg its Heath (Answers it) Hey Heath its me.

Heath: Wait is he ok? What happened to him?

He's fine hes just asleep he stayed here with me.

Heath: Are you ok?

Drew: (hears me talking and wakes up and just looks at me)

Yeah. Hes just the sweetest. I love his cuddles lol

Heath: Uh oh you got sweet on him huh? His accent and charm done got to ya!

Idk maybe lol

Heath: Take it from me that he really adores you. Since y'all met he's talked about you a lot.

Really? What all has he said?

Heath: Wondering if you would wanna see Scotland. Talking about what food you may like cause of him seeing you in catering. How your gonna feel after seeing our segments.

(Smiles) hes so cute.

Drew: (Smiles as he looks at me)

Heath: I just wanted to make sure he was ok we didnt know what happened lol I'll talk to y'all later!

Later Slater (Smiles)

Drew: I see my princess is awake (Smiles)

(Smiles) I am.

Drew: And has my phone.

(Gives it to him) I wanted to let Heath know you was ok lol

Drew: I know you did I heard everything (Smiles rubs my face) Your a sweet Lassie.

(Smiles) I gotta go get my shower. You can go get yours in the other bathroom in the hall.

Drew: ok Lassie. (He helps me up and kisses my hand)

(Smiles then goes in the bathroom)

(Drew goes to get his shower in the other bathroom)

(I walk out to my room and sees him sitting on the bed with his hair down and a bandanna on his forehead)

Drew: (Smiles) You gonna stay my princess?

(Smiles) I just put my gown back on cause I usually stay home and relax on the day I come back home.

Drew: Would you wanna relax with me?

Yes (Smiles) But arent you going back to your home in Tampa?

Drew: Before I came in here I talked to Renee she talked to Mickie they agreed I can stay here with you til we have to go on the road again. Would you like for me to stay?

(Hugs him) Yes Drew.

Drew: (Looks at me and smiles)

(Rubs his face) We need to go eat breakfast!

Drew: We do (Smiles)

(We go and sit and eat breakfast)

Seth: Dont you have a so called rock band to be in?

Drew: Yes but I spend my days off at home in FL. I wanted to stay here with Lassie. Now get off my ass.

Seth: (Looks at me) You promise hes behaving with you?

Yes I promise! (I hold his hand)

Drew: (He looks at me as I hold his hand)

(looks at him and grins) I gotta go brush my teeth. Me be in my room!

Drew: (Gets up and follows me then sits on the bed)

(I get my teeth brushed then come back out) Hey handsome.

Drew: (Smiles) Hey princess. Come here and sit. I wanna talk to you.

Ok (Smiles and sets beside him)

Drew: (looks at me and rubs my face) I wanna know what made you cry last night.

It was nothing Drew.

Drew: We both know it was something. What was it Lassie?

I was sad cause knew you was probably leaving soon.

Drew: You saying you would have missed me? (smiles)


Drew: Why would you miss me Lassie?

Cause you so sweet to me. You are the first guy to be this sweet to me. I feel happy when your around.

Drew: (Smiles big) Thats what I wanted to hear. Cause I love to help you feel happy and make you smile. You are the cutest little Lassie.

(Gets up and rubs his face then walks out of the room)

Drew: Lassie? (Gets up and follows me)

Renee: (Stops him) Whoa there Scottish Axel Rose. Where you off to in such a hurry?

Drew: To see if shes ok. We was talking she took off.

Renee: Shes with Julie and Seth shes fine. They are talking about going out getting groceries. I think this would be a good time me and you go out so you can get her something more than a hairband.

Drew: I wanna be with her.

Renee: Drew I know your getting attached but there will be times where shes not with you. You know that right? Like coming up when your back on the road.

Drew: Yes please dont remind me. I really hate thinking about being away from her.

Renee: Why? She will be ok Drew.

Drew: Reason she cried last night was cause she was sad cause I was going to leave soon. She wont be ok Renee. I want her with me when we go back on the road.

Renee: She may like that.

Drew: Really? You think so?

Renee: I do cause I think she likes you shes just shy about it. She dont know what to do about it. You would be her first boyfriend. Julie said when she looked at you she looked sad then walked to her room before you seen her crying so I think shes scared ya know? Like she knows shes attached to you but shes scared and dont know what to do.

Drew: I do know she can hold my hand, she can cuddle me anytime she wants. I also know I would be the best boyfriend shes ever had. I'd protect her with my life and show her she means a lot to me. And I would just be so happy if she came on the road with me. She could help me behave.

Renee: lol you mean she could actually tame you?

Drew: Yeah I think she could. Renee, Im serious about her. Shes the cutest little Lassie. When I look at her I feel different ok?

Renee: Different how?

Drew: Like I just need to live better. I just lost my mom. When Lassie is around I just feel like she helps with that. Maybe mom would have wanted me to have a girl like her. Maybe its why I feel like this. I really want her with me.

Renee: Just wait to ask her when the time is right. Dont be too forward. Do it slow and easy.

Drew: I will.

(Walks by him) I gotta get dressed handsome! You wait out here. (Gets dressed)

Drew: (Looks at me after I come out) Are we finally going to Scotland?!

(Giggles) No. Just to a few stores lol

Renee: Me and Drew is actually going to a few ourselves I wanna borrow him if its ok?

It is (Smiles and hugs him and whispers to him) You coming back to me right?

Drew: Of course Lassie. I promise you. (Hugs me tight)

Behave with Renee.

Drew: You know I will (Winks) Be safe Lassie.

I will!

(We all leave)

Renee: So tell me what your idea of a gift for her would be?

Drew: Something perfect and her style. Something I know she would like. Ha I just described myself.

Renee: (Rolls her eyes) Oh come on damn it.

Drew: What? Its true.

Renee: She needs something more than you as a gift.

Drew: Fine. But if we dont see anything she would like then I'm her gift.

Renee: (Looking at clothes) What you think?

Drew: I'll know it when I see it. Its gotta be perfect (walks around looking)

Renee: (Walks with him) What color you wanna see her in the most?

Drew: She looks beautiful in any color. I know her favorite is pink but I'd really like to see her in blue as well. (Looks around) Something soft, something really comfy she can wear on the road. In the car and hotels. If she goes. (looks down and holds his fist to his forehead) Damn it.

Renee: Whats wrong?

Drew: Im suppose to me this tall tough man. Im here being soft when it comes to her. Why? Am I losing my tough guy edge?

Renee: No your not. You are tough and you always will be. You are soft cause you like her and respect her and thats more than ok Drew.

Drew: Like I said when I see her I just feel different.

Renee: Thats cause you care about her. Like shes your angel or something.

Drew: Yeah (Smiles and feels of a gown) This one. Its blue and white and really soft. She would like this. But if its colder she needs something else too.

Renee: A PJ set.

Drew: Yes. Same color.

Renee: Like this? (Shows him)

Drew: Yes (Smiles and rubs them) Perfect. Lets go I wanna surprise her.

Renee: Where at home or the store?

Drew: Home. Her room.

Renee: (Smiles as they check out and they go outside)

Drew: I gotta send her a pic. (Takes a selfie and smiles big and does his wave with his fingers as he poses) (Text me when he sends it) See you at home Lassie.

(looks at my phone) Omg. (Smiles and stares at it)

Julie: What?

(Shows her the pic Drew sent me)

Julie: Haha hes a silly one aint he?

Yes and I love him that way.

Seth: Excuse me but what the fuck did you just say?

Julie: Seth.

I love him being silly it makes me smile!

Seth: Sorry I just thought you said you loved him.

Julie: I get you dont want him to hurt her but thats was harsh. At least try to give him a chance to prove himself.

Seth: Im sorry. I'll give him a chance.

Thank you. (Tears up as I look at the pic)

Julie: (Hits Seths arm)

Seth: What! Im giving him a chance ok? Just want him to behave with her.

Julie: Go easlier on her. Respect her feelings.

Seth: I will!

(We go to one more store then we all go back home)

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