My Post Infection AU [Hollow...


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A betrayed Vessel was pushed down the fountain as a sacrifice to the Pale King in hopes he would return. Kill... Еще

Prologue + A/N
Part 1: Wyrm in a Basin
Part 3: Where the Geo Piles Up
Part 4: Hive of Glass
Part 5: Golden Face, Shrieking Void
Interrupting A/N #1
Part 6: Broken Horns
Part 7: Higher with a Cost of Freedom
Interrupting A/N #2
Part 8: Signs and seals
Part 9: Burnt Honey
Part 10: Rocks in a Hard Place
Interrupting A/N #3
Part 11: To my dearest companion...
Part 12: Mantis and Spider
Interrupting A/N #4
Part 13: Slaughterhouse
Interrupting A/N #5
Part 14: Fools and Fiends

Part 2: Crystallized Tree Roots with Thorns

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Vessel woke up the next morning to Hornet standing over her.

"What? What are we doing first?" She tiredly asked the spider. She seemed eager to start the day but her voice said otherwise.

The rest of the previous day had been full of work, they had successfully found a decent strategy to drain the City of Tears, found good materials to start rebuilding houses, and set up parties of elderly bugs and children to scout areas. Vessel had also made a visit to Cornifer and Iselda, who she had purchased a map of all of Hallownest from and a Wayward Compass. Vessel, during her time in the shop asked, Cornifer what areas he thought were more inhabitable.
Hornet had been sent to check on Deepnest, seeing as the spider was technically their ruler because Herrah was dead. Vessel went to see how the mantis tribe was doing herself, the traitors' followers came with her, seeing as their leader was dead.

Deepnest had suffered more because of the Infection, specifically because the Weavers just... left... but other than that the beasts of Deepnest were fine.
They had started to rebuild before Hornet even came to see what was happening there, and inform them of the situation in the neighboring kingdom of Hallownest.

The Mantis Tribe was much more hostile towards the party, until they had successfully conveyed the message of their visit. After all confusions were out of the way, Vessel managed to discuss the current situation with the Mantis Lords. They agreed on peace for the moment, but the Mantis Tribe would stay out of Hallownest's affairs. The Mantis Lords also allowed the traitors back into their village, reluctantly, seeing as they had no where else to go.

When Vessel spoke to the mushrooms, specifically the Mushroom Core they had a similar discussion as the other inhabitants of the Fungal Wastes.

So overall, yeah, it was quite a busy day. Then, when Vessel got back to the castle, she asked how other projects had gone and exchanged what happened today with Hornet. Then set up a plan for the next day, made a list of other things that needed to happen, projects that needed immediate attention, etc., it's honestly a miracle she got any sleep.

"We were going to look at the progress of the civilians in restoring the towns and city." Hornet reminds her gently.

"Right. Do we know how well the draining in the Capital is going? We could check when we go up. I'm not concerned about draining the water into Kingdom's Edge I just think we should go check on that too." Vessel said getting up, and getting ready to go.

"How about we do that on our way back down? I already informed the project supervisor in Dirtmouth we were coming first thing in the morning, yesterday night." Hornet suggests, trying to prevent Vessel from getting sidetracked.

"Oh ok. Wait... Did we tell anyone in Kingdom's Edge we were draining the water into there?" Vessel asks.

"Yes, yesterday before we started draining the water you sent a group there and they came back with Nail Master Oro, remember?" Hornet reminds her as they start to leave the castle.

"Right! I'm just mixing up what we have done and the things on the list that we need to do." Vessel says.

With that, they make their way to the Stagway Station and Hornet rung the bell.

"I feel bad making you do all this work." Vessel tells the stag as the large bug stops beside them.

"Nonsense! It is nice to see the stations so lively again! Reminds me of the old days." The Stag tells her.

"We're on our way to Dirtmouth." Hornet cuts in.

"Of course, I figured as much." The Stag states as Hornet pretty much pushes Vessel on.

"Hornet it's nice to actually talk to people, you have to be a little more friendly." Vessel lightly scolds her half-sister.

"We don't have the time." Hornet reminds her, not even looking at her.

It was silent the rest of the ride.

They exit the station at Dirtmouth, Vessel said goodbye to the stag, and they found the town in much better condition than when they left it last.

It looked much livelier, a few more lanterns powered by lumflies had been set up around the town which made it feel more alive all by themselves. On top of that several houses had been restored to their former glory and even several paths had been restored and set up again. It also looked like a menderbug had had fun making signs for the streets, though most of them were blank because there wasn't any clear cut locations.

Hornet immediately went off to see what people needed assistance with, leaving Vessel alone by the station door to figure out what it is she was supposed to do.

"What if we named the streets rather than having a sign to indicate where a location is?" Vessel suggests aloud to no one in particular examining one of the blank signs.

"That sounds like a great idea!" A tiny bug says behind her.

"Oh. Hello, I didn't see you." Vessel turns to them.

"What should we call the streets then?" The bug asks.

"Uh, I'll let whoever help fix the roads determine that, they have a better understanding of layout than I do." Vessel says, actually just not having any ideas off the top of her head.

"Oh! Hi your majesty!" The supervisor, a young fly, greets running over to Vessel, "glad you're here what do you think of what we've done with the place?"

Vessel looks down at them, "I was actually just suggesting we name the streets rather than having the signs be pointing towards a specific location. It would be much better for giving directions. But this place looks much more lively since last I saw it. Can we walk around a bit?"

"Of course, your majesty!"

"You don't need to be formal with me." Vessel shakes her head as the start walking around the town. Vessel watching all the people hard at work, which was clearly paying off. "Say, after restoring the old roads and building, we may need to build new ones." Vessel thought out loud.


"Yes, we don't actually know how many people will live here, or how many shops will want to locate here. I'm thinking about this because of all the twists and turns in these roads, it would be rather easy to get lost. What if we set any new roads we build to be in a more standard pattern? Like a grid, where every street intersects at a corner with a numeric name. Sure it's boring but it's easier to navigate, I could probably explain it better on written diagram." Vessel suggests.

"Oh, like where there are just rows of buildings and all the streets run along the rows?" They ask her, clarifying if they understood.

"Exactly, with all the streets being named in relation to where they are on the grid." Vessel explains.

"That sounds like a great idea, your highness, I'll suggest that when we start expanding." The supervisor says.

"Actually it probably would be easier to build-"

"Your majesty!" A child says running into the town crying slightly, "there was a big scaring monster out there!"

"Jyrico! I thought I told you not to leave Dirtmouth!" The child's mother scolds.

"Out where?" Vessel asks.

"The desert. It was huge! I came back as fast as I could after I saw it!" The child cries.

"Jyrico, don-" their mother starts but Vessel has already run out of the town, using her extra arms to climb the up to the King's Pass. Sprinting into the Howling Cliffs and jumping straight into the sand of the desert beyond. Looking around she couldn't really see all that well and had to dig her feet into the sand to stay in one spot. Eventually she saw a, rather small compared to her height but probably massive compared to the child's, silhouette trying to also make its way through the sand. As Vessel approaches it she sees more and more of what it is until the sand blows it straight into her body and both of them get thrown straight into a rock by the edge of the desert. Vessel wraps three pairs of arms around the, now struggling creature, with too much sand in her eyes to see what it is.

"Calm down! I'm not going to hurt you." She says calmly to the squirming creature. Using her free hands to try and get the sand out oh her eyes and sits up, seeing what the supposed "monster" was. It was a clearly very, very young Stag.

"Aww you're so cute!" Vessel says, gently patting its head that is already bigger than hers. It had by no means just hatched but was far to young to be an adolescent.

It stops struggling as she picks it up and starts to walk back to Dirtmouth, something that isn't working because she doesn't have enough free hands and the sheer weight of the child.

Giving up on getting back that way she asks the stag, "Do you have a name little one?" He doesn't seem to have enough of a mind to reply. He's probably never had a mother around, and his mother was probably dead, from what the old stag in the station had told her. He seemed to understand the question enough to let out an soft noise though. Vessel was suddenly struck with an idea, "Hey, if you follow me I can get you a friend and you can walk there on your own, if you want."
Vessel gently set the child down and it starts to walk over to her, "There you go, I think I know a short cut there. Don't worry, I'll protect you."
Vessel made her way over to a hole she knew lead into Greenpath. Gently picking up the baby creature she jumped down into it, this frightened the child until Vessel landed safely on the ground, still firmly holding him. Setting him down gently she soothed him with, "The worst part of the journey is over. We're actually almost there now."

They made there way through the thicket, Vessel carrying the child when needed, into the nearby Stagway Station. Vessel rings the bell and the little stag next to her raised their head like they remembered the sound from somewhere.

The thundering of feet and the stop of a much older stag caused the little one to fall over in shock. It looked up at the "new friend" Vessel has offered him.

"I found you a friend." Vessel tells the old stag flatly, as the young one cautiously walks up to greet the old one.

"I can't believe it! After all this time, another to share the tunnels with." The old stag says allowing the little one to look him in the eyes.

The little one jumps excitedly into the tunnel floor and starts running in circles around the old one, who once thought he was the last.

"He's a sweet child." The stag says, "what is his name?"

"I have no idea." Vessel states truthfully, shaking her head slightly.

"I think I'll call him... Ari." The stag tells Vessel. [If someone can tell me who he is named for you earn my respect and a follow-]

Ari stops and stares at the older stag when he was given a name. Before going back to his running in circles, now making an excited noise.

"I'll let you two travel around a bit, you can show him what he needs to know, maybe you can help him speak." Vessel laughs at the child's antics.

"I'd like that, thank you. Come along, Ari." The Old Stag says, sprinting into the tunnel. The little stag running after him when he realized they were leaving, the little creature turned his head back to Vessel to let out a cry of thanks before he too disappeared from sight.

So Vessel was left to walk back to wherever she was going to go. Climbing back up she found a broken vessel beside a large wall of stone. She paused only for a moment to pity the little thing before continuing to the Lake of Unn.

Taking a look inside the ruined temple, Vessel quietly sighed. "Who let this higher being's temple fall into such disarray?" There was a large stone bench and a small rock jutting out of the floor, enough space for two people to sit if they didn't want to share the same bench. It looked sad compared to how Vessel remembered it, she used to help the inhabitants of Greenpath care for the temple after all. She had been fascinated with literally any higher being that wasn't her parents.

Continuing on her intended purpose she walked onto the small dock on the lake. She hoped the sheet she was still wearing wouldn't dissolve in the acid as she waded into the lake, and slipped down to where she last thought Unn [hears my sister screaming Jeffery in the distance] was sleeping.

...She is calling... ...Home so close...

"Are you here?" She called to the slug. Thankfully her clothes were still intact, just wet.

The large higher being emerged from the acid, looking absolutely exhausted. She barely seemed alive enough to look at Vessel. It was a little sad to see such a great being with incredible power so sickly.

"I'm sorry for what they did to your land, and your people." Vessel apologized to Unn. "I will ensure that it never happens again."

The large slug stared down at the being of Void. Before gently laying her head lower beside Vessel and looking the dream nail in Vessel's belt. Vessel pulled the nail out and held it out to Unn, who touched it.

'Call them home.'

"I'll do my best, I'm sorry I cannot offer more." Vessel tells her.

Unn moves back into her pool, disappearing from sight.

Vessel began to focus on the essence around her, not having noticed it before. It allowed her dream nail to focus as well, and she passed out on the ground.

She woke up in Queen's Gardens.

"Man everything is just covered in thorns." Vessel said getting up. Not even considering how she got there! She was just a little used to just waking up in random location.
There was literally no one else in the garden, or at least nearby... Vessel began walking around sometimes nearly falling off platforms but grabbing them with her hands and using them to get up. Eventually she found a room with both the dead Traitor Lord and a warrior Vessel had never seen before. She felt a strange sorrow for the dead figure though, like some other part of her was sad for a dear friend and not a stranger she had never met. Vessel allowed herself to mourn for them before continuing on to see if there was anything else here.

Was that Dryya? Vessel ran over before she realized the area was littered with dead mantis, and realized that Dryya was now just another corpse. But what is that behind her? It looks like it had the White Lady engraved on it, with familiar roots peeking out of it.

Vessel stepped inside, it immediately was a lot brighter than she expected. Walking around, not really understanding how it was put together, she fell down a hole, barely landing on her feet. Turning around she saw a very familiar figure.


The White Lady opened her eyes, "Has a visitor come? I cannot see you, but you seem familiar. Are you the little one who visited me before?"

"Mother, it's Vessel." Vessel clarifies.

"Vessel? You have returned? How long has it been now since you were in my presence?" The White Lady sounded relieved to know Vessel was there.

"I actually have no idea... Long enough, I guess..." Vessel answered, "Long enough for the garden's thorns to block almost every entrance to here."

"Did you see Dryya outside? I'm certain she was glad to see you! You two would often spare in the courtyard, it was quite fun to watch." The pale root's words filled Vessel with guilt and sorrow.

"Mom, I did she Dryya outside and... well, she's... not quite... alive." Vessel explains, "Most of them are, actually... From what I've heard..."

"Oh my, how long has it been?" The White Lady says shocked.

"Well, uh. I actually don't know. I just know it's been a long time. Long enough I don't even remember what the City of Tears actual name is."


"The Blue Lake in the Resting Grounds started leaking into the capital, giving it the illusion of rain."

"Oh. Wait a moment, where did you get that heart? Did the little one give it you?" The subject changes.

"...Not exactly, but that's the only part of me you can sense. Isn't it?"

"Yes, it came from the void tainting the symbol of our union."

"Oh... I didn't want to know that." Vessel says, remembering what that means.

"What happened to you?"

"Uhhh- lets just say it involves that fountain by the palace... And several now probably dead people."

"Oh dear, that sounds pretty serious." The bound root says.

"Well, uh, what's with this seal of binding?" Vessels asks trying to change the subject the touches the binding for emphasis once again forgetting the pale root can't see her.

"To prevent me from making the same mistake." The White Lady explains.

"You mean with the giant pit in the basement?"

"Yes, unfortunately."

"Well it's a good thing you believe what you did was wrong. I don't think Father ever felt any remorse for it." Vessel tries to comfort the pale being.

"He was very busy with other things, they probably distracted him from the actual severity of what he had done."

"I can imagine. Now that he's gone, I'm in charge for some reason." Vessel complains.

"Really? You always were a good leader. Especially when you were passionate about what you were doing, like that time you got the Hollow Knight to help you paint an entire wall of the palace in as many paint colors as you could find." The White Lady laughs at the memory.

"Didn't Hornet help us with that one?" Vessel asks, chuckling slightly in embarrassed.

"Oh yes actually, I believe she did. She was often your lookout." The old queen confirms.

"Exciting, but that just means I'm a bad leader." The current queen tries to object.

"Why are you a bad leader? You don't seem like you've been in charge for very long. You haven't had time to make terrible mistakes that we made." The old queen points out.

"...I suppose that is true, but it doesn't mean I won't."

"No one is perfect child, your father and I are proof enough of that. Now, run along before you forget what it is you needed." the White Lady tells her child.

Vessel realizes what she means and quickly runs out of the Pale Being's prison. She didn't even stop to say goodbye.

Making her way into Deepnest slightly she slides into the Mask Maker's little hole.

"I was wondering when the faceless queen would come to visit me." the long armed spider says barely acknowledging Vessel's presence. "What kind of face can I make for you?"

"I don't really care. I'm just sick of feeling like my face is going to get bashed in. Maybe something similar to my actual face though?"

"I already finished you were rambling so long."


"I am skilled in my craft, I have performed it faithfully all this time. I also had a feeling."

The mask had 8 eye holes close together, with a pure white base.

"And a spare just in case." The mask maker hands her a mask with nothing but two eye holes that would cover all 8 of the eyes on the other.

"Oh, uh, thank you??"

"Think nothing of it, for the kingdom's faceless I provide, after all.

"Ok... Goodbye." Vessel has never been fond of them. She was a little relieved the encounter had been so brief.

Vessel put on the 8 eyed mask and made her way to the station in Queen's Gardens, not quite sure whether to ring the bell. But she didn't need to choose because Ari came running through the gate and stopped next to her.

"Hi." the little stag greets her.

"Oh, you can speak now." Vessel says.

The older stag came running after the young one, "Slow down Ari, you know I can not keep up. Oh, good day,  where did you need to go?"

"King's Station?" Vessel replies unsure.

"Oh, it's you. It was difficult to tell with the mask."

"Wait seriously?! Should I just not wear it?"

"I could've guessed but I wasn't certain, it may confuse people if you suddenly have one."


"Can we go already?" Ari asks, impatiently trotting in place.

"He avidly learned all the routes. I believe he already has them memorized." the stag explains.

"Really? It's been like what? A few hours?"

"Come on! Please!" Ari asked as Vessel climbed aboard the older stag's harness.

"If you want to run these tunnels all your life you must learn to be patient." the old stag reprimands. He begins to run at a light pace.

"Oh." Ari quietly states following beside him.

The sound of running feet is all that is heard on the way to the station, Vessel put both the masks in the convenient amount of storage the bodies of void creatures had. Like the ridiculously convenient amount of storage.

The station was very wet with rain when they arrived. Vessel bid them farewell as they sprinted off into the tunnels again. She then decided to go out and see the current state of the city.

It was much deep than it was when they started draining water, lower buildings that had been waterlogged were now open and people were busy trying to dry the inside, it was possible the city would be fully drained by the next morning.
The former higher class were mostly those seen in this area. Several were complaining about how hard the work was.
Vessel understood why, most had never done a hard days work in their lives! It was such a contrast to those working in Dirtmouth. The atmosphere was not helped by the water falling from the ceiling.

The supervisor, an over-excitable high class beetle, caught sight of Vessel and hurried over, "Your majesty! You're here! As you can see we've made a lot of progress and the water has mostly drained out! Your plan worked like a charm!"

"Well there is still a lot to do, these building need to be restored, we need to clean out all the, uh, unpleasant things we found in the buildings and soul sanctum, I wish to build a memorial for those in the sanctum though, they deserve that at least." Vessel reminds them. "Maybe if we're lucky we can find a way to slow the downpour of water because I'm certain we can't fully stop it, but it would decrease the likelihood of the ceiling collapsing."

"Actually, the people who worked in the Soul Sanctum are already cleaning it out, it was their mess, and before the water drained to here we were working on the buildings above." The supervisor says cheerfully.

"How many breaks have you taken? In case you haven't noticed these people aren't exactly used to... hard work." Vessel looks around at all the tired people once again, "I don't want anyone overworking themselves."

"Oh we stopped to sleep and eat this morning. I've also been trying to have rotating shifts to constantly have people working." the supervisor explains.

"Ok, I just don't want anyone putting too much in." Vessel says, a little nervous that they didn't understand what Vessel meant. Vessel then notices the memorial to the Hollow Knight and Dreamers, climbing up there she pauses in front of it. She remembers that day.
"...We need one of these for the little knight." She says nothing more on the subject and continues on to the top.

She walked back to Dirtmouth, thru the Fungal Wastes since there really was no other way, thinking about the Hollow Knight. That statue brought back so many memories of the little guy, well depending on what age you think of. When they were small was when Vessel knew them best. Such a small and gullible friend, often taking part in the pranks and practical jokes Vessel would play against other people in the castle, and just other people in general. They were the perfect bait and scapegoat, but Vessel knew they never were as hollow as people said they were. She saw her father, pretty much watched as the idea was instilled and caused them to fail, like she knew they eventually would. That was why she went and spoke to the Seer and Stardust in the first place, to prevent an inevitable fate she already knew she couldn't stop.

At this point Vessel found herself in the Forgotten Crossroads with absolutely no clue how she got there, well obviously walking but... then she remembered an area that was over here. Turning right into the jewel mine she immediately heard a girl singing, such a pretty song.

"Ohhh, bury my mother, pale and slight,

Bury my father with his eyes shut tight!

Bury my sisters, two by two,

And then when you're done, let's bury me toooo!

Ohh, bury the knight with her broken nail,

Bury the lady, lovely and pale!

Bury the priest in his tattered gown,

Then bury the beggar with his shining croooown!"

...For some reason the song made Vessel smile like she was hearing an old friend for the first time in ages. A joy that was not her own, but hey, Vessel actually had heard the song before, she always liked songs with creepy meanings. Vessel didn't think about how this was the second time she had had someone else's feelings today.

"You have a beautiful singing voice." Vessel told the little miner as she jumped down into the little tunnel she was mining in.

This little introduction scared the poor girl, she nearly dropped her pickaxe on her foot as she turns to see who had spoken to her.

"O-oh, thank you. I just practice here all the time as I dig." the girl says, a little embarrassed and put her pick in the crystal behind her.

"Well its wonderful and you should share it with more people." Vessel tells her.

"T-thank you, that's nice to hear actually. It is my dream to write a song of my own, the one who would visit me stopped coming after a while and suddenly I found I just couldn't sing. I-I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself," the miner realizes. She seemed shy and sweet, "I'm Myla."

"If that's your dream you must be hear because of the crystals' song. Not many people hear it and many just think it is an echo caused by the cave." Vessel remembers this legend, she had believed it was the light of dreams. She also realizes she hadn't given her name , "Also I'm Vessel."

"O-oh! You're the queen I'm sorry for my poor manners!" Myla says bowing.

"No its fine, I'd... Rather people forget." Vessel waves her hand-the one on her left with the top pair of arms, "So, can you hear the song they sing?"

"Oh yes, I feel as though I almost made out the words. Maybe if I dig just a little deeper-"

"Do you not know that these mines were used to mine the crystals to make jewelry? They were appealing because of the strange power they seemed to have. Many of the miners and creatures in it eventually got overtaken by this power. Dig too deep and it might take you too." Vessel warns her, she could feel more concern for Myla, like she was her old friend and not a person she literally just met. "Also, in the town not to far from here, many people are starting to rebuild. They could use someone as cheerful and hardworking as you. I was actually coming here to tell the miners of the more pressing matter at hand, so I think it would be best if you assisted the others before you continue digging. Who knows? Maybe you could just make up a song that pops into your head!"

"Oh, ok your majesty. If you say so!" Myla says, walking over to the mouth of the little hole , "I, uh, actually don't know how to-!" Myla was surprised when Vessel gently lifted her out of the tunnel before climbing out herself.

"If you want I can give you my map to the town. It's not too far, just mostly up and to the left, when you come to a chain, that's the exit." Vessel directs.

"Ok, thank you!" Myla says, as she hurries off.

Vessel looks back down in the tunnel.


How far had her rage gone in the time Vessel was dead?

Vessel continued into the mines like her original design to find the miners hard at work mining the crystal. She clears her throat andateps onto one of the conveyor belts, jamming it with her foot. "EXCUSE ME!!" Vessel yells over the noise of the mine, literally everything goes quiet except the conveyor belts' soft noises. "Why are you all mining in here? There is no point in mining crystals for people who can't buy it if money is what you're after!"

"Well what else are we supposed to do?" a miner yells at her.

"Uh, I don't know." Vessel says sarcastically like a parent explaining why they think the sharpie on the walls, to a child, with a sharpie in hand, claiming they didn't do it, actually drew on the wall, "Maybe GO HELP THE PEOPLE REBUILD THIS FREAKING KINGDOM SO THERE ACTUALLY IS A MARKET FOR YOU DESIRED LINE OF WORK?!" All four pairs of arms are being used for emphasis in different ways.

Everyone thinks about this for a moment.

"She's got a point." one miner says, breaking the silence.

"I SURE HOPE I DO!!" Vessel exclaims.

Everyone mutters for a second before putting their picks down and starting to walk out of the mine.

"Thank you! You made this less difficult than it could've been!" Vessel calls to the retreating crowd, getting off the conveyor belt and following them out of the mine.

The productivity at Dirtmouth increased by a significant amount when the work hardened miners started to assist the rather soft citizen's of Hallownest. Vessel had told Myla to assist the supervisor, and all the miners were now singing mining songs and teaching them to the people as they worked. They were done in less than an hour afterwards. The townspeople had already almost finished by the time they arrived so this wasn't too surprising.

One citizen in particular seemed happy to see the town so lively, holding a delicate flower in his hands, he smiled widely for the first time in a long time.

Perhaps dreams aren't such bad things after all...

After they finished, Vessel let them have a break before asking who would volunteer to go assist the people in the City of Tears seeing as they were no where near close to done when she last check on them and weren't doing well anyway. Most of the miners agreed and some of the more able citizens did too, the others were mostly too old, too young, looking after children, or making sure their wives weren't too overloaded to come.

Vessel told them they could have the rest of the day off and she was going to the City to tell them of the plan for tomorrow.

She took the Stagways and when she got there the scene was worse than she expected. People were exhausted, the supervisor too even, they all desperately needed help. Vessel quickly got everyone off duty and told them to take a break for the rest of the day.

The supervisor would not stop apologizing and Vessel kept insisting they hadn't done anything wrong. It took at least ten whole minutes, maybe even fifteen, for Vessel to be able to convey the fact that Dirtmouth was finished and a large group was going to be here to assist them the next day. But after hearing this everyone seemed much more relived and understood why Vessel wanted them to take a break.

Afterwards, Vessel went to go see what happened to Hornet, who was at the castle with Stardust and Ogrim, trying to figure out where Vessel was, ironically enough.

"Oh, hi guys." Vessel says walking over to them.

"Where were you?!" Hornet shouts, slamming her fist on the table, they had a map on it. A few people were helping to set up the castle again.

"Oh ya know, just out." Vessel says, "Also the restoration and expansion in Dirtmouth is finished." She adds as she leaves the room.

"I told you she'd be fine." Stardust says to a very agitated Hornet.

"She always comes back after disappearing for long periods of time." Ogrim agrees.

They can hear Vessel singing Myla's mining song down the hallway. She came back a moment later, "I think a lot got done today."

"Yes, but we still don't have a decent form of currency." Hornet says.

"Are we... Not using Geo?" Vessel asks confused, "We can empty that fountain, I know it's full of the stuff! Very sharp... Painful stuff. Also, I want to pay the people for working on the towns. That took a lot of time an energy and they deserve it."

"That makes sense." Ogrim agrees, "but do you really think we have enough Geo to do that?"

"People do still have geo on them you know." Vessel tells him, "but if we pay the workers well enough we may actually have a better shot of building and repairing more projects in the future. The menderbugs that are left just aren't enough."

"The queen does make a valid point. We don't have enough workers to build things after this process is over, we'll need more people working on these things. We'll need a decently high salary to convince enough to do that. Which runs into our second problem, how do we make more money?" Stardust agrees.

"We could possibly use a different form of currency as well. Geo is useful, people already have it, but we could use something else for money as well." Hornet points out, "We also should try to empty the fountain, like Vessel suggested, there may be other things in it, not just what we already know is in there."

"Touche," Vessel yawns, "could we continue this tomorrow? I do actually think I need to supervise a group of workers going to the city tomorrow, make sure they get there safely. I also don't trust them to keep our word with the Mushrooms about not destroying the area."

"Yes, that is a good idea, and Vessel, you need some actual clothes." Stardust teases.

"Shut up," Vessel yawns widely and points over her shoulder as she exits the room, "I already know."

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