"Wanna bet?" An Oliver Wood x...

By sarah_averagewriter

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Y/N L/N a sassy but shy Ravenclaw meets the boy who every girl has a crush on, Oliver Wood. Obviously it turn... More

Author's note
1. Back at Hogwarts (Year 4)
2.- Drama+Quidditch
3. Hogsmeade and Something Else
4.- He's a Good Listener
5.-Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw
6.-Cuddles and Friends
7.-Life pre Hogwarts
8.- Mudblood (Year 5)
9.- A little tiny rumour (A.K.A Filler Chapter)
10.- Amorentia
12.- Pumpkin Pasties
14.-Forgive Me?
15.- OWL's With A Little Punch
16.- Meeting The Parents
18.- Birthday Boy
19.- Date? At Diagon Alley
20.- He Loves You More Than Quidditch
21.- The Chamber Of Secrets (Year 6)
22.- Happy Birthday!!
23.- The Duel
24.- Blue Hair (Aka Another Filler)
25.-The Black Lake
26.-Duelling Club
27.- Heir of Slytherin?
28.- Heartbroken
29.- Petrified
30.- I Love You
31.- We're Dating
32.- Boyfriend+Dad Issues
33.- I Need To Be Strong
34.- Dementors
35.- Peeves being Peeves (Year 7)
36.- He Knows
37.- Boggarts & Apologies
38.- Hufflepuff v.s Gryffindor
39.- Angelina Is Going To Kill Me
40.- Sirius Black Is Ruining Everything
41.- You Remind Me Of A Friend
42.- Too Many Emotions
New Year's
43.- Redemption
44.- Not again...
45.- Y/N's Been Kidnapped
46.- Charlie Planned It (Filly Filler)
47.- More Protection
48.- Quidditch/Fire
Valentine's Day
49.- NEWTs
50.- Last Day
51.- Ready To Be An Auror?
52.- Hangouts (not the app) (Filler)
53.- Back at the Wood's
54.- The Beggining Of The Cup (Book 4)
55.- Bulgaria vs Ireland
'slooF lirpA
56.- The Dark Mark
57.- The Beginning Of A War
58.- Interrogation (Filler...)
59.- Dragons? (Filler question mark)
Mother's Day
60.- Pricks, Snow and a Sleppover
61.- Yule Ball
62.- Time Skip
63.- A Hero
65.- Order Of The Phoenix
Father's Day
66.- Meeting (Book 5)
67.- House Browsing
68.- In The Process Of...
69.- Finally Home
70.- St.Mungo's
71.- Cuddle Session (Filling)
72.- A Death
73.- Hatred Is Laced With Reunions (Book 6)
74.- Lesbian Charper Wedding
75.- It's Just You And Me
76.- Love Sprouts From Death
77.- Will You...
78.- One Extra Harry (Book Seven)
79.- The Hunt For Muggleborns
80.- Losing Minds
81.- Ew. Trees and People
82.- Goodbye To The Lives We Had
83.- Air Strike Quidditch Version
84.- I Killed Them
85.- Congratulations
86.- The Return Of Someone Long Forgotten
88.- I'm Dead, But I'm Alive
89.- Weddings Ring (Fluffy Filler..?)
Last A/N (Cry with me)
Sequel ft. Zoe!!!

11.-Bludger To The Stomach

5.8K 181 38
By sarah_averagewriter

Y/N's P.O.V:
I didn't even know how to react, I was stoked but my insecurities kept surfacing, the same frase just kept repeating itself inside my head: He's just doing it because of the bet. But the real question was, was I doing it for the bet as well or did I really want to kiss him? As my mind kept swarming with questions my body was starting to take control, getting ready to deepen the kiss, everything seemed to go quiet and the work around us disappeared, the only feeling being our lips together. (A/N: Too cheesy? Idk again  I've never kissed anyone so I have no idea) We both seemed to run out of air since we both pulled slowly away at the same time, his brown eyes meeting my E/C ones. It might've been my imagination but I could've sworn he was leaning in again, and I was about to as well until my mind realized what I had done. I had just kissed Oliver Wood. By instinct I stood up before anything else could happen and cleared my throat loudly, he seemed to snap out of the daze and he regained his confident yet charming posture. "Well bet accomplished, see ya Wood!" I ran towards the castle my mind swarming with thoughts, and my stomach full of butterflies. The last time I had those was 5 years ago when I discovered I was a witch, but this time it was more intense, more real, and if I was being truthful I wanted to feel them again, but that would never happen since I left Oliver hanging.
Oliver's P.O.V:
I didn't want the moment to end, everything seemed to fall into place, my whole attention was focused on her, not the Quidditch game (which was the first time I had ever stopped thinking about it), not on what the others would say or think, not on the fact that someone might see us, just her and her weirdly soft lips against mine, I wanted to deepen the kiss but she still seemed tense so I decided against it. I hated to have to separate from her but I was running out of air, I slowly separated and opened my eyes simultaneously. Our eyes locked and I couldn't avert my gaze from her beautiful E/C eyes.(A/N: Again too cringey? Sorry I have no idea what to write here) I couldn't resist my self and I started leaning in once more, and she did as well. My heart started beating faster by the second, but my little daydream was cut off by Y/N standing up and clearing her throat, I readjusted my position back to normal trying to hide my disappointment.  "Well bet accomplished, see ya Wood!" Her voice broke a bit but I don't think she noticed, before I could even speak she ran back to castle. I did a combination of sighing and groaning and rested my head against the tree trunk, all my pre game stress coming back, with something else, disappointment in myself, I had just lost my chance to confess my feelings, after all to her I was just her friend and that kiss was just a bet.
Y/N's P.O.V:
I had avoided Oliver for the rest of that day, not knowing what to say or how to react. But next morning I put on my big girl pants and decided to talk to him, it was the morning of the game after all and he was definitely going to need support. I sat across from Angelina trying to calm her nerves down, but to calm hers down she decided to up mine. "So I heard about the bet last year" I tried to seem calm but she saw right through me. "I'm guessing the bet was completed" She smirked and I blushed lightly but brushed it off focusing on my cereal. She giggled and I looked up to check what she was giggling at, Oliver was walking over looking extremely stressed. He sat next to me while mumbling something about Quidditch, Angelina kicked me in the shins and I turned around to glare at her, she gestured towards Oliver mouthing: "Talk to him" I rolled my eyes and turned back to Oliver. "Morning Wood" He looked up and smiled warmly, his eyes glistening. My heart heart started increasing and I could feel my cheeks turning redder by the second. "Morning" My breath caught in my throat, I started getting goosebumps. What was happening to me? I took a quick breath and grabbed my stuff. "Gotta go. Good luck with the game" I spoke a little to quickly and immediately ran out of the great hall to get fresh air. I started hyperventilating when I arrived at the tree, my mind wondering back to everything Oliver related, it was both calming and intense, I didn't notice a raven haired first year standing behind me. "Are you okay Y/N?" I turned around quickly and relaxed when I saw Harry. "Yeah. I think so. What about you Harry?" He shrugged and I patted the grown next to me, signalling for him to sit down, my mild panic attack now leaving me. "Well I'm very nervous, it is my first game after all" I draped an arm around his shoulders. "Well you can't do worse than someone I know, they lost the snitch because they sneezed" Harry chuckled and nodded while I smiled. "Thanks Y/N" I stood up and held out a hand for him to take, and he did. "No problem Harry" We both walked away and separated when he had to go to the lockers while I went to the stands and sat next to Davies. "Hello L/N" I smiled and prepared myself for the game. Jordan announced the players as they walked onto the pitch, Oliver and Flint shook hands and then shot up. Flint shot me a wink and I noticed Oliver tighten his grip on his broom. Madam Hooch threw the quaffle and the game began. Harry was doing surprisingly well for his first game, but I mainly just focused on him to not look at the Gryffindor keeper. Halfway through the game Harry started flying in a very weird pattern, his broom started shaking wildly and I shoved Davies si he would look up as well, everyone's attention seemed to be on Harry now as he was now hanging off his broom, clutching his broom with one hand. I started tensing up, slowly reaching for my wand to save him in case he fell, but by a miracle it stopped shaking and he was able to get back on and keep flying, almost everyone cheered as their attention went back to the chasers.
Time passed and nothing interesting happened, Gryffindor was slightly in the lead so Flint changed the tactic, cheating. Their bludger aim became incredibly good, injuring a few chasers. I was silently praying for Harry to catch the snitch quickly as the game was getting more violent, my nerves where already on the edge but the next action made me snap. Flint grabbed one of his beaters bats and aimed the bludger straight to Oliver, time seemed to go in slow motion as the bludger hit him straight in the chest, he was thrown off his broom and fell straight to the ground. I looked over worriedly at Harry, hoping he had caught the snitch already, but instead he was gagging? And spit out the snitch, everyone cheered loudly, both happy and relieved that Slytherin might be out of the competition, I sighed and started running towards the hospital wing where they had taken Oliver. When I arrived Madam Pomfrey had just left his side. "Hello miss L/N, here to see Wood I presume?" She had a slight smirk at her sentence I rolled my eyes and nodded, she gestured to the chair next to Oliver and I walked over and sat down. His stomach was bandaged and he was shirtless, it wasn't truly the first time I had seen him shirtless but he had gained a bit of physique, I blushed at my own thoughts and looked over to see Madam Pomfrey busy with organizing her shelfs, I turned back to Oliver and grabbed his hand carefully, I silently thanked myself for him to be sleeping and not notice this. He seemed really peaceful sleeping even after the huge bludger hit he took. Madam Pomfrey walked by a few times and I made sure to cover our linked hands with the sheet to not grab any more attention from her. She eventually left as it got darker, my stomach growled signalling that it was time for me to leave. I brushed hair off his hair off his forehead and gave him a kiss on it, without letting go of his hand. "See ya later Ollie" I grudgingly let go of his hand and left the message bay, still slightly flustered by the fact that I had kissed Oliver AGAIN.
Oliver's P.O.V:
I had just been hit by a bludger, and my stomach hurt like crazy, I groaned as Madam Pomfrey approached my bed. "Good you're awake, drink this" I took the potion and finished it in one gulp, the flavour didn't even affect me anymore after all the injuries I had sustained. "Now rest" I nodded as Madam Pomfrey glared at me, knowing I might try and leave. I layes back and stared at the ceiling pretending to be asleep, but my joy didn't let me, even if I was at the hospital wing I still celebrated, but I was interrupted by rushed footsteps approaching. "Hello miss L/N, here to see Wood I presume?" I could basically hear Madam Pomfrey, I blushed but quickly ignored it as footsteps started approaching, I laid back and closed my eyes, dreading my breathing pretending to be asleep. I heard Y/N sit down next to me and Madam Pomfrey leave, a few seconds passed and I felt something slightly cold slip into my hand, that something was Y/N's hand. I fought so hard to not squeeze her hand to let her know I felt her, but knowing her shy self she would just run away and never talk to me again, so I just laid still. She squeezed my hand slightly and ran her thumb through my knuckles, I kept a blush and decided to just enjoy the moment. We stayed like that for a while, her silently comforting me and me pretending to be asleep. It all seemed fine but then I felt her cold hand brush my hair off my forehead, and followed by that she gave me a short sweet kiss on it. "See ya later Ollie" Her voice was barley above a whisper and it took all my willpower to not kiss her that instant. She stood up and slowly let go of my hand, I heard her walk off and sighed, feeling lonelier than ever before without her.
Y/N's P.O.V:
It had been a few weeks since Oliver's accident, he had been cleared quickly enough and he seemed to be a bit more clingier to me. The group didn't fail to notice, teasing me and Oliver every chance they got. For example the other day in charms class Oliver and I had sat together, I didn't even realize who he was, since I was concentrating on the class trying to retain as much information as possible. We were reviewing the protego spell in pairs, I didn't even pay attention at Flitwick's pairings until he mentioned my name. "Y/N L/N and Oliver Wood" I turned to look for him just to see him sitting next to me, I smiled slightly as we waited for pairs to pass. "L/N, Wood, your turn" We grabbed our wands and went to the center of the classroom. "Now Wood you will use protego first, miss L/N you will be casting Depulso towards him. The spell will bounce back so be prepared to cast protego multiple times. You may begin" I took a deep breath and shifted to a fighting stance, Oliver did the same and nodded. "Depulso!" A blue light shot out of my wand towards Oliver, but he reacted quickly. "Protego!" He raised his wand and the blue light went back towards me. "Protego!" I had made it just in time for the spell to bounce back. This went on for a few rounds until Oliver missed his queue and the spell made him fly into the air backwards, he crashed onto the cushions as I walked over to him, to help him up. He gladly took my hand and stood up, we stared at each other for a few seconds but Flitwick broke the moment. "Very impressive, 10 points to Gryffindor and 10 points to Ravenclaw" We smiled and went back to our seats, not realizing we will still holding hands until a Hufflepuff wolf whistled, we noticed our hands linked and we both quickly released them.
That afternoon I was sitting at the tree playing my ukelele when someone (who isn't Oliver) approached me. "Musical talent is usually associated with intelligence, so no wonder you're in Ravenclaw" I turned to face Percy, I wasn't scared of him revealing my music talent knowing the twins would be more than happy to prank him in my honour. "Hey Perce, what can I-" "We need to talk"
Word count: 2258
A/N: Missed me ;-) Quite a cliffhanger I left last chapter but I just wanted to be evil. Y/N and Oliver are getting closeeeeer *wolf whistle* lol I'm so weird. Yesterday was my birthday so happy birthday to me!!! Also my beautiful reason for not posting. Anyways thanks for sticking around and waiting for my irregular update schedule :-)

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