The Slytherin Potter~fred wea...

By idkwhatiamdoingtbh

1K 17 19

The older potter sister. Alexa potter goes by Alex and will genuinely beat the person who calls her otherwise... More

You're a wizard, Potters.
The Sorting Hat
Quick annoucement!
The usual day of Alexa Potter

Late as always, potter

158 3 0
By idkwhatiamdoingtbh

It had been a while since Harry had joined the school but in no time at all, he had caused quite the ruckus. He had discovered something called 'the philosophers stone' although he had yet to learn what it meant.

Alex woke up to Storm slithering onto her hand, hissing in her face in a way of telling her to get her ass out of bed. The groaning Alex sat up to see her roommates gone and looked at the time; it was 8:40! That means not only had she missed breakfast but she missed her first lesson too! Shit!

She got out of bed, partially hissing at the abrupt sunlight and clambered over to her trunk, pulling out her clothes. She wore a black skirt with thin tights, a blouse, her green and silver tie and the familiar cloak, shoving her wand into her pocket as she stumbled to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth then washed her face with coconut scrub and added some scented moisturiser. She then ran back over to her mirror and applied light mascara and some vanilla and coconut chapstick; she needed no more. She studied her appearance, quickly brushing down her raven hair, seeing the red tint slightly shine in the light and leaned forward to check her makeup. Her natural freckles were scattered over her nose bridge as normal and her eyebrows were perfectly shaped. Ready!

After looking 'decent', she ran out of her dorm, down the stairs, and out of the empty common room. She climbed the moving stairs and slid down the last pair to get to her classroom for her second lesson, since she'd already missed the first, and heaved her bag over one shoulder while entering.

The class turned to look at the slytherin girl, who had held a tired, yet charming smirk on her face. "Late again ,Miss Potter. I was informed that you missed your first lesson, aswell," miss mcgonagol spoke as Alex sat down in her seat, next to Fred who got a whiff of her coconut shampoo/perfume.

"My bad, Minnie," Alex spoke, wish a joking salute and grin. Mcgonagol rolled her eyes but had a faint ghost of a smile passing her lips, "detention. Again. Miss potter." Alex turned to her with a fake pout, "but Minnie why would you inflict such bordum to your favourite student?" Minnie rolled her eyes once more, "detention, 7pm with professor slughorn" Alex groaned, "slughorn? Really?" "Yes really miss potter and you must stop being late." "Can't, sorry. It's a personality trate," Alex replied with a grin. Mcgonagol then turned back to her lesson with a shake of her head.

Halfway through the lesson, Alex felt herself drifting off, when Fred shook her. She groaned, "whatttt" she moaned with a rough, tired voice, as if she'd just woken up. It was very attractive, to most the boys in the school if you'd ask them. Fred found himself enticed by it but shook it off, "class is over, A." She groaned again and got her bag, slumping out of the classroom while the redhead watched her with a grin and a shake of his head. He was brought back to reality when his twin brother smacked him over the head.

"Owww, what was that for?" Fred moaned, rubbing his head where he was hit. "You were staring," was all George said, with a smirk while he exited the classroom, leaving Fred with a shake of his head. The abandoned weasley twin rolled his eyes and got up to follow his brother to their next lesson.


Alex had come back from her quick run from the kitchen, that she thought was quick that was. She checked the time to realise it was actually now 11:00am, she had missed the first 10 minutes of her fourth lesson; potions. She rolled her eyes and it took all her strength to not just go back to the kitchen and skip potions but she pushed herself on and headed to class, preparing for professor snape's wrath.

She swung open the doors and slumped into her chair at her desk, propping her feet on the table and leaning back to close her eyes with a sigh. She was tired, how? She didn't know. But she was quickly awoken by a certain greasy hair's voice.

"Late, miss potter." He said in his unsurprisingly monotone voice. "Greasy again, snape," she retorted without once opening her eyes. The class stifled a laugh but abruptly stopped when snape glared daggers them all and turned back to the eldest potter who seemed to be pretty comfortable in her seat next to Dan.

"I've become aware you in fact missed your first and third lesson, were late to your last and are now interrupting mine," he said, with a smug look. "Actually, I'm not interrupting this lesson, you are and by the way, you're blinding me with the light reflecting off your hair. You should really give it a wash, once in a while snapey." He rolled his eyes and glared at the now sitting up, potter.

"Detention. 7pm." "Can't." "And why is that?" "Already got a detention, sir." "Then double tomorrow." "No can do." "And dare I ask why?" "Got quidditch practice, sir." The professor rolled his eyes and turned back to the lesson whilst the raven-haired girl smirked. She knew she'd won.


It was dinner time and of course alex was late for that too. She skidded in last minute, whilst dumbledore was talking. Heads turned to her as she skidded in and jumped over her bench to sit down, showing a grin to dumbledore which he returned with a shake of his head as he returned back to his speech.

Over at the gryfindor table, before Alex entered: "Where is she?" Harry asked, looking around the hall for his sister. "She's late for everything" George said, "always" Fred finished. "Yeah, it's like a part of her personality traits. You get her, you get her late for everything" mikey added, joining to the conversation. "It's true, I heard today she missed first period, was late for second, skipped third and showed up halfway through her fourth. Was snapes class too," lee said, nodding his head. Harry was shocked, "really?" "Yep" they all said in unison. "Wow" Ron added, from next to harry, "how the bloody hell did she get away with that?" "Happened so many times I guess the teachers are used to it" angelina said, across from lee. "Yeah, when we leave in the morning, she's still dead asleep. Never makes it to first period and hardly the others. Dunno how she got out of a detention with snape but she did, I heard," Katie said, leaning in. "How?!" The twins exclaimed, probably wanting to know so they could do the same. "Dunno" Katie shrugged. "Im in her potions. She came in 10 minutes late, collapsed at her desk, next to Dan then when Snape asked her why she was late, she dodged the questions with comments about his greasy hair" a gryfindor boy chuckled. The group stared in awe. "She did that?" Harry asked, shocked at how bold his sister was. He'd heard she was but he never realised her whole reputation here. "Yeah, then he tried to give her a detention but she just said 'can't' and she already had one apparently so he tried to give her a double tomorrow and she dodged it with quidditch practice and more greasy hair insults about how she wasn't the one interrupting the class and that he could literally just go back to teaching" another gryfindor added, "it was hilarious, I don't know how she does it. She does it every time." "She does, she has a talent for getting out of detentions, although I'm pretty sure she has the most in the school" another gryfindor said. This was all while dumbledore was talking, probably nonsense.

All of a sudden, they heard the doors to the great hall swing open and they turned their heads, along with most of the hall. They saw Alex skidding in and jumping the bench to her seat at the slytherin table. She gave dumbledore a grin and he went back to speaking. "Is she always like this? Late and gets away with it?" Harry asked, whispering. "Pretty much" the rest said. Ron chuckled.

"No one must wander the the left wing corridor unless they wish to die a painful death" dumbledore said. The twins snickered along with many others when they heard Alex say "I'm down" from over at the slytherin table. Dumbledore shook his head with a smile at this and returned to his speech. "And nitwick, blubber, Odment tweak! Feast!" The food then appeared on the tables.

"Is he a bit...ya know? Crazy?" Harry asked, before grabbing a chicken leg. "Crazy? No. A few screws loose? Possibly," said Fred, with a mouthful of mashed potato. "He is!" Alex shouted over from the slytherin table, making the group laugh at how she had heard.

They all feasted until they were full and anyone in the hall could hear Alex's groans. "I ate way too much, bro" "yeah I know," Dan laughed at her. She glared at him, "shut up, Danny" he immediately stopped laughing, "don't call me Danny." "Why not? Danny?" She smirked. Dan then smirked back and started tickling her, she immoderately burst into laughter, trying to slap his hands away.

The gryfindors looked over to the slytherin table to see Alex laughing while a boy called Dan tickled her as she tried to slap his hands away. Harry and Fred glared at the boy while George, lee and mikey raised their eyebrow, smirking. "Who do you think that is, then?" Fred asked. "Dunno but she seems pretty comfortable with him," George replied, smirking. Fred then rolled his eyes at his twin brother and looked back at Alex who was now leaning against the dirty-blonde boy laughing about something as he looked down at her and chuckled.

"She seems pretty buddy-buddy with him," Harry said, glaring at him still. "Yeah well she's 'buddy-buddy' with a lot of guys in hogwarts" mikey chuckled, causing Fred to narrow his eyes at him and Harry to look at him confused. "What do you mean?" Harry asked the curly- haired brunette. "I just mean she's close with a lot of guys, here. She has a lot of friends, and I hate to say it but most of them are guys, if you haven't noticed," he replied. Harry furrowed his eyebrows at this. George chuckled, "that is true."

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