The PopStar And The Make-up A...

By NotReadyToPlayNice

49.6K 858 1.5K

Louis walks in to the first day on a movie set is was hired to do the makeup and special effects in leading c... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16


6K 107 203
By NotReadyToPlayNice

Louis had just graduated from make-up school and was looking for a full time job he had done freelance makeup to get his portfolio started and was  a popular make-up artist on you tube but louis dream was to get into the movie industry for makeup so louis reached out to a few people he had met while in school for help but in the mean time louis was still filming his makeup tutorials

"well everyone hope you all enjoy my tutorial today, and remember if you dont like my videos then dont fucken watch" louis ended his video the same way each time as he presses the stop button on the camera as his phone starts to ring "hello"


"elle" louis says

"hey i got your resume and showed it to my supervisor and she loved it and she is actually a fan of your tutorials and wants to interview you" eleanor said

"ohh my fucken shit i cant believe this" louis says "is she going to call me or am i suppose to call her"

"she is going to reach out to you in a few hours, but i have to warn you that what she is looking for is some one with a thick i mean really thick skin because the job is going to be for 9 months and if you make it then the actor is going on a 14 month world tour and you will be going with him"

"ohh so he is an actor and singer" louis asks

"yes and most make-up artist dont last more than a day, he is arrogant, rude and basically an asshole" eleanor says laughing

"then why should i take the job you know i wont keep quiet might get fired and banned for life" louis says as he starts to laugh

"look anyone that can tolerate him for at least 6 months can get a job anywhere it has happened to a few so just tolerate him for 6 months and you will be able to get a job anywhere in the entertainment business and that is what you want" eleanor says hopeful

"who is this asshole i mean actor" louis asks as he starts to laugh

"Harry Styles" eleanor says

"no not him i have heard so much shit about him and i see how he treats people when he interviews like everyone is beneath him and he is gods gift to the world, all this fame got to his head" louis says

"well then is that a yes or a no" eleanor says

"ok i will do it but i swear he better not come at me or i will tell him off and quit" louis says

"6 months louis 6 Months" eleanor reminds louis

"why do you hate me i thought we were friends" Louis says laughing

"we are but this is the only offer that has come thru our office and no one wants to take it they all know about him, his last make up artist only lasted 5 minutes when she left crying" eleanor says

"ok fine have your supervisor call me" louis says

"thank you louis her name is alice" eleanor says

'ok thank you" louis says as he hangs up the phone and starts to edit his video

"Boobear" louis mom yells out as louis leaves his room and goes

"yes mom" louis says

"how was your day, did you find a job"

"kinda, eleanor called me that her  supervisor "louis says as louis tells his mom about the call with eleanor "mom all i need to do is put up with him for 6 months"

"i know you can do it" jay says "can you pick up your sisters from school"

"yeah mom i need to do this so we can have a better life i know with what i make on social media helps but one day i am going to buy you a big house and you will never have to work again" louis says

"one day" jay says as louis leaves the house and goes to pick up his 4 sister and soon comes back

"mom we are home" louis yells out as he walks to the kitchen

"hey how was school" jay says as she hugs her 4 daughters

"good" they all says

"ok change your clothes and start your homework" jay says as the girls leave the kitchen

"mom what is wrong" louis asks as he can tell jay was keeping something from him

"the clinic i was working at is closing its doors, it was bought out by this huge developer and my last day is friday we were just told today before we left and i dont think i am going to be able to find another job soon" jay says

"mom dont worry i have like 6 months worth of money saved in my account i can help until you get a job, and hopefully i get this job and that will open more doors for me mom i know you worry alot but please let me help, and with my youtube and social media i am making money too so please dont worry about anything" louis says

"thank you boobear i dont know what i ever did to deserve you" jay says

"ok so lets hope all this works out but mom i have to go edit my new video" louis says "Mom i have an idea would you do a video with me"

"like what kind of video" jay says

"i have seen a few influencers that have their parent do their make up" louis says

"ohh i am not good with doing make up" jay says

"we can practice a few times so you can get comfortable" louis says

"ok that will help me pass the time" jay says

"ok we can start tomorrow" louis says "ohh i am going to need lottie this saturday i have a wedding and the bride wants to do her bridesmaids"

"ok" jay says as louis walks back to his room and starts to edit his video as his phone starts to ring

"louis tomlinson can i help you" louis says

"louis this is alice, Eleanor gave me you resume do you have a moment to talk"

"yes of course" louis says as he stands up and closes the door to his room

"did eleanor talk to you about the job"

"kinda she said it was for a movie and if all works out the actor will be going on a world tour but she also said he was difficult to work with" louis says not really wanting to tell her exactly what eleanor told her

"yeah this actor - singer is very difficult he was a child actor and now does music but just went back into acting and the makeup artist that we have sent have not been able to tolerate his mood swings" alice says nervously

"i dont know i dont tolerate disrespect and have a short temper" louis says honestly

"look 6 months with him and you can get a job anywhere in the industry" alice says hopeful

"elle told me the same thing when does this job start, i have a wedding i have to do this weekend" louis says

"well filming starts in 2 weeks but the crew meets a week before so they can go over schedules and what they want and you will meet with the stylist next wednesday at 10 to go over make up and special effects they want you to do" alice says

"ok can you email me all the information and i will be there its only 6 months" louis says

"filming is 10 months" alice says

"i know but 6 months is closer to 10" louis says as he takes a deep breath" wait i thought elle said 9 months"

"its 9 months of shooting and another month if they need to do reshoots" alice says

"and what is the pay and hours' Louis asks

"the pay is $30 dollars an hour and you will be shooting about 12 to 16 hours a day"  alice says

"ok i will do it" louis says

"thank you louis, i will send you all the information you need, ohh i need you to come in tomorrow and fill out some paperwork, and louis we are union and have union dues are you ok with that"

"yes do i have to pay anything out of pocket" louis asks

"its a $150 union start fee that everyone has to pay" alice says "but i am going to waive it since you are doing me this grand favor"

"ok thank you alice i will be there tomorrow about 2 is that ok" louis asks

"that is perfect i have a meeting so if i am not here just wait for me" alice says

"ok thank you" louis says

"i will email you everything right now is the email on your resume a good one to use" alice says

"yes that is my professional email" louis says

"ok give me about 10 minutes to get all the documents i need and i will send everything you need " alice says

"ok thank you for the opportunity" louis says alice hangs up on louis as her phone starts to ring

"alice smith" she answers

"alice have you found a make up artist"

"yes lou, he is going to meet with you Wednesday at 10" alice says

"is he good"

"well he has his own make up tutorial on you tube and is really good" alice says

"ok did you tell him to bring his porfolio and resume"

"i will include that in the email, i hope this works out because other than him i dont have anyone that wants to work with him" alice says

"i know, i am ready to go back to school for make up" lou says as they start to laugh "well i have to go harrys manager just walked in"

"ok i will update you if louis changes his mind" alice says "he is a bit straight forward from what my assistant tells me"

"ohh i think i am going to love this kid" lou says as she hangs up and looks up

"lou how have you been"

"stressed out as fuck" lou says laughing" and you liam how are you"

"good are we all set to start filming" liam asks

"yes and alice found a makeup artist that might be able to handle mr harry styles" lou says

"i hope so, you know he is not such a dick he just needs someone to put him in his place since he likes to surround himself with yes men, which is why he also keeps niall and i around so we can knock him off his high horse" liam says

"i know but he has to stop treating people like they dont matter" lou says

"i know but he has been doing this for so long that he knows he can do and get whatever he wants one way or another"   liam says

"i know but lets hope this kid can tolerate him" lou says

"when do you meet with him" liam asks

"wednesday at 10"

"mind if i am here " liam asks

"no not at all you can ask him some questions too" lou says

"ok well i have to get going i need to meet with harry to go over tour details" liam says as he walks out of the office and goes to harrys house and walks in "H" liam yells out

"my room" harry yells out as liam goes to harrys room

"can we talk alone can your little friend leave" liam says as he sees harry in bed with someone he didnt know

"go" harry says rudely as the person gets up and puts their clothes on and leaves the house "what did you need"

"you start filming soon and a month after you are done filming you start your world tour" liam says

"ok i am almost done recording and when we take a break from filming i am going to do more vocals so when my album drops i will be going on tour" harry says

"ok now alice found you another makeup artist so you have to stop being such a dick to people" liam says

"well if they were to do their job right i wouldn't be such an ass" harry says

"well your make up artist is not your personal assistant so they dont have to get you your coffee" liam says

"well i  am paying them to do whatever i want" harry says

"look we are running out of options and not only are you doing this movie but we have a world tour to prepare for and we are running out of options for makeup artist and this kid is new to the  business" liam says

"ohh fresh meat" harry says with his devilish smile

"stop it or you are going to go on your tour with out a makeup artist and lou cant be your make up artist and stylist" liam says

"ugh fine" harry groans

"who was that guy that left" liam asks

"robert" harry says

"your assistant from last year" liam asks

"he called i was lonely and here we are" harry says

"you seriously need to stop using people like that" liam says

"what ever they all use me to get what they want so why cant i get what i want" harry says

"i hope one day you meet someone that will make you rethink everything you know about love" liam says

"i doubt it why be in a relationship i get everything i want without the hassle of being in one all everyone wants is money and everyone knows when they are seen with me they get what they want" harry says "everyone uses everyone to get what they want"

"you just havent met the right one and i want to be there when cupid hits you with his arrow in your heart" liam says

"love doesnt exist its all so stupid" harry says "anyone who thinks they are in love is a fool"

"well that is all for me niall should be here in a few to go over tour songs, i know you are going to want to do your older ones but also think about what new ones you want to use" liam says

"i already know which ones" harry says

"ok well i will see you in two weeks" liam says

"ok, have to meet with my trainer" harry says as he gets up and goes to his closet and changes his clothes and goes into his home gym as his trainer starts to work out with harry and an hour later harry falls to the floor as he tries to catch his breath "you are trying to kill me"

"no not yet" brian the trainer says

"well i have to keep in shape i have a busy 2 years" harry says

"i dont know why you agreed to a movie and then a world tour" brian says

"I love being on tour the movie was just because i want to get back into acting" harry says

"well  we have another 30 minutes so up" brian says

"fine" harry says as he starts to put tape on his hands as he starts to throw punches at the punching bag and 45 minutes later harry stops "i get a 15 minute credit tomorrow for doing an extra 15  minutes today"

"thats not how it works" brian says as he starts to laugh as harry takes off the tape around his hand

"i am done" harry says as he takes a drink of his water

"i will see you in 2 days" brian says as he helps harry up as brian walks out the door and harry goes to his room and takes a shower and goes to the back yard and relaxes as his phone starts to ring

"hello" harry says

"H, are you home"

"yeah why"

"i need to talk to you about your album"

"ok niall i am home" harry says as he hangs up the phone and puts it down and a few minutes later niall walks into harrys house

"H" niall says

"hey" harry says as he stands up and gives niall a hug

"hey julian has 2 songs ready and wants to know which one you want to drop as your first single" niall says as harry looks at the song that niall shows him "i love this one"

"ok he just needs to polish it off and it will be released in a month" niall says

"ok and i need to do promo for it on days i wont be shooting" harry says

"of course but i am sure liam has all that  covered also you and liam to meet with lou to go over your tour clothes" niall says

"ok do we have a backup make up artist incase this one doesnt work out" harry says

"there is no one that wants to work with you, you stubborn arrogant ass" niall says

"love you too" harry says as he starts to laugh "well its not my fault but what ever"

"well i have more work to do" niall says as he walks out of the house as harry continues to relax and enjoy his time off before he starts to get busy and has no time for himself


its been 2 weeks since louis was offered the job so louis got up early and makes sure he has everything he needs for the day including the schedule that was emailed to him the  day before and louis drives to the gate he was told to go to and shows his employee badge and drives in and parks where he was told as he goes and sees alice

"alice" louis says as he walks to her

"good morning louis did you get in ok"

"yeah i have my things where am i going to be working at" louis asks

"here this trailer and here is the key you need to make sure you are here 2 hours before to set everything and make sure you have what you need, did chris's assistant send you the looks he wants"

"yes i got them a few days ago and been practicing on my sisters" louis says as he shows alice what he was doing

"these look amazing" alice says "mr styles likes to be addressed as mr styles and he doesnt like to make eye contact"

"mr styles no eye contact, great" louis say as he rolls his eyes as he follows alice to where he needs to go

"ok now when harry is shooting you will be on set and retouch him when ever he needs it mostly between takes" alice says

"yes of course" louis says  as they go into a trailer and walk in

"you can start setting up what you need mr styles will be in at 5 am so you have an hour" alice says "i will come and check up on you later on today "

"ok thank you alice" louis says as he starts to take out his things and starts to arrange them how he will be using them and as he has extra time he starts to put his makeup belt together with what he will need on set as he already knows what he will be doing and how to handle almost anything and louis checks his phone and he has 2 minutes to spare so he goes into the bathroom and washes his hands and as he walks out of the bathroom he hears a voice

"well nice of you to be here on time and ready to work" harry says with annoyance and louis takes a deep breath "uughg i  hate when you all are unprofessional and late"

"i apologize mr styles i was setting up my things and wanted to wash my hands make sure they are clean from touching all my things" louis says trying not to give him attitude it was his first day "if you would like to take a seat we can get started"

"hmmmm" harry says annoyed "i guess i dont know what is wrong with people and not being professional i hope you are not using cheap make up and brushes"

"harry" liam says

"what" harry says

"be nice" liam says

"hello sir i am louis tomlinson nice to meet you" louis says as he extends his hand to liam

"i am liam payne I am harrys manager nice to meet you as well" liam says as he shakes his hand

"are you not going to introduce yourself to me as well" harry says with a small smile

"well since you were the one that made conversation first it should be you that introduces yourself first, its called manners" louis says as he rolls his eyes

"you know i can get you fired and you will never work in this industry again" harry challenges

"go ahead but i know that there are no other make up artist that want to work with you so are we going to work together or should i get my things and you can look for someone else but i will not be disrespected or made to feel like i am beneath you because you are harry styles" louis says as anger starts to get the best of him

"louis" alice says

"im sorry alice i really am" louis says as he starts to cry as alice goes to hug louis as they walk out side the trailer "i dont think i can do this"

"take a deep breath you are tough if anyone can do this its you, you stood your ground and made him know that you will be respected" alice says hopeful that louis will stay and louis takes a deep breath

"ok but if he keeps this shit up i am going punch him and quit" louis says

"deal just finish the day" alice says

"ok" louis says as they see liam walking out of the trailer

"im sorry mr payne if you want to fire me i understand" louis says

"no not at all  he is still in shock you talked to him that way thank you" liam says with a small laugh "now hurry and finish before we are late on the set"

"ok thank you" louis says as he goes back in the trailer and sees harry standing up and harry and louis lock eyes "umm can we start over'

"i would like that" harry says with a smile "good morning i am harry styles your client"

"good morning mr styles i am louis tomlinson i am your make up artist" louis says as he extends his hand out to harry and when their hands touched louis swore he could feel a jolt of electricity running thru his body "should we get started before you are late on set"

"yes of course" harry says as he sits on the chair and louis gets the picture of the make up for the first day "are those chikuhodo make up brushes"

"no these are morphe make up brushes i am not rich i cant afford the expensive brushes but these morphe brushes are just as good as the chikuhodo brushes" louis says as he takes a deep breath and puts his head back "if you keep critizing my things i am not going to get done on time, trust me all this make up is vegan animal cruelty free they are a little more expensive than what i wanted to pay but for my clients i will pay a little extra money for it so please relax dont worry about the brand but on my work" louis says

"what ever just be professional" harry says

" i am trying but you make it difficult, when was the last time you did your eye brows" louis asks

"6 months ago" harry says

"uggh i have to weedwhack these things off they are all over the place" louis says put your head back

"what why" harry asks

"because you look like you have a unibrow they are attaching they should be cousins not sisters" louis says

"what my eyebrows are not that bad" harry says

"let me fix them" louis says "stop being stubborn"

"if you fuck them up i will fire you" harry says

"fine but i have been doing eyebrows since  i was 12" louis says  as harry puts his head back and louis starts to clean up harrys eye brows and soon he was finished "see you need to trust people more"

"well finish i have to be on set in 20 minutes" harry says with a annoyed voice

"fine" louis says as he continues to do harrys make up and soon were done "done, what do you think" louis says as he turns harry to look at himself in the mirror

"i guess it will do hope you do better tomorrow" harry says as louis puts his head back and rolls his eyes as a production assistant walks into the trailer

"mr styles we are ready for you" the assistant says as louis starts to get his waist belt ready for what he will need

"are you coming" harry says annoyed" i shouldn't have to remind you of things and  should know what is expected and what you should be doing"

"you are not i am getting my belt ready for what i need and i dont have to run back and forth and you are old enough to walk on your own i will be there in a few minutes" louis says with sass and attitude

"what ever" harry says as he starts to mumble under his breath as he walks out of the trailer and alice walks in

"how is it going" alice says

"i dont know  but i am ready to punch his ass" louis says "is he always like this"

"yeah he is used to yes men that give into what ever he says " alice says

"uughgh that is not me look i am giving this a week and if he keeps this shit up i will quit" louis says

"ok but just bare with him please" alice begs

"i guess, i better get on set before he throws a tantrum" louis says laughing as they walk out of the trailer and louis goes to the set and sits down and louis continues to talk to alice and soon alice leaves and the director yells cut and harry goes to sit down on his chair as louis stands up and goes to harry and starts to retouch his makeup

"i want you to be at my chair when i get here" harry says

"that is nice but when i have to sit on the other side of the set its impossible but if you talk to the director and ask him to let me sit in your chair i would be more than happy to sit there" louis says as he reapplies harrys make up and soon louis is done and harry goes back on set and louis goes back to his chair and soon louis is done for the day as louis goes to the trailer and cleans up for the day and starts to take out what he will need for the next day as harry walks into the trailer "can i help you mr styles"

"yes you need to take off my makeup" harry demands

"go wash your face in the bathroom" louis says as he takes out his things to give harry a facial

"why cant you just do it for me" harry says "the other makeup artist would"

"do you see your other make up artist here" louis says "you are a grown ass man and still want people to wipe your ass for you nope go wash your face and here use this soap" louis says as he hands harry a small bottle of face wash as harry pouts and goes into the bathroom and washes his face and walks out as he dries it off "good boy now sit down"

"fine" harry says in annoyance as louis starts to clean harrys face "arent you suppose to talk to me"

"no not really in the mood to talk, i am tired my feet hurt and i am just done with your attitude" louis says  as he finishes cleaning harrys face and harry was about to get up "wait i need to put on moisturizer"

'uughgh fine" harry whines as they hear a knock on the door "come in"

"mr styles i am outside when ever you are ready" harrys driver says

"just 5 more minutes" harry says

"you are done now, you can go" louis says

"well fine" harry says as he gets up and walks out of the trailer and louis sits down on the chair and takes a deep breath and soon finishes getting his things ready for the next day and soon louis leaves making sure to lock up the trailer and goes home and goes to his room and falls asleep the next morning louis wakes up and gets ready for his day and soon walks into the trailer and sees harry wasnt there yet so louis sits down on the chair and starts to go thru his social media and starts to comment back on some of his followers and soon louis hears someone clearing their throat "this is my seat" and louis stands up as he puts his phone away and harry sits down down and louis starts to do harrys makeup  as louis decided that today louis was just going to ignore harry but it's easier said than done "tomorrow when i come in i want you to bring me a large caramel machiatto no foam with whip cream" harry demands

"not in my job description to get coffee for his royal higness" louis says with attitude

"i better have my coffee here tomorrow or else dont show up" harry growls out with anger

"then you can do your own make up tomorrow" louis says

"leave" harry growls out with anger and louis starts to pack his things "thought you were stronger than to take my shit but your nothing but weak little boy"

"what ever you want to believe but i dont answer to you" louis says "so if you want a coffee get it yourself and bring me a hot chocolate with extra whip cream"

"how dare you talk to me like i am beneath you" harry yells out

"how dare you talk to me like i am your servant and a simple please and thank you would be appreciated" louis says as he turns around and takes a deep breath and finishes harrys make up as harry yells out as he walks out of the trailer "six months louis just six months Louis" louis repeats over and over to himself  as he continues to get his things ready for the next day and when he is done louis locks up the trailer and goes home and sees his mom is still up and louis goes to his room takes a shower and goes to his moms room "play with my hair please"

"what is wrong boobear" jay says

"just the actor is such an asshole mom i am trying really trying not to let him get the best of me but i cant he is so arrogant such an ass so entitled i cant with him" louis says

"well kill him with kindness"  jay says with a smile

"i think a shovel might be quicker" louis says as he starts to laugh "mom i have to do this for 6 months so i can get more jobs and make money and one day i am going to start my own makeup line"

"i know boo but for now focus on getting thru these six months" jay says "you want to sleep here with me"

"can i but i have to be up at 2 in the morning" louis says

"its ok just sleep baby "jay says as she starts to play with louis hair and soon louis falls asleep and louis phone alarm starts to go off as louis gets up and gets ready for work as he leaves the house he gets in his car and drives to work and louis is happy harry isnt there yet as he starts to pack his waist  pack and starts to play with his phone and soon he hears some one clearing their throat and louis looks up

"have a seat" louis says as harry sits down on the chair

"did you bring me my coffee" harry asks

"did you  bring my my hot chocolate" louis says

"what is your problem" harry says trying his best not to get mad

"well i guess you dont like to be treated like you treat people demanding shit what the fuck has no one ever taught you manners" louis says "sit in the chair so i can do your make up its going to take longer cuz i have to do more effects"  and harry sits on the chair as he starts to prepare harrys face for the make up that he was told he needed and 2 hours later louis was done "all done" louis says as the personal assistant walks into the trailer

"mr styles we are ready for you" the guy says as he walks out of the trailer as louis gets what he needs and soon gets to the where they are shooting and louis sits down as he goes on social media and interacts with his followers and soon the director calls cut and louis stands up and goes to harry as louis does his touch ups to harrys make up

"hold on you need more blood" louis says as he touches up harrys bruise make up and adds some more drops of fake blood to his lip "all done"

"thank you" harry says

"wow a thank you, your welcome " louis says with a smile as harry goes back to where he is suppose to be at and louis goes to the bathroom and takes a selfie and post it

NEW VIDEO COMING THIS SATURDAY.......  LouLou-MUA #blessed work hard play hard how about next video a day to evening look leave your ideas and comments below love you all

and louis post the picture as he walks back to the set and as he walks into the stage area he hears the director call cut and louis walks to harry

"hmmm just a little blush and more eyeshadow" louis says as he starts to apply the make up

"harry after this shot we are done for the day lets get it done quickly" the other actor says

"of course" harry says

"i am having a party at my house lets go" he says

"sure why not i just need to get out of the 20 pounds of make up i have on" harry says

"ok i can pick you up"

"sure" harry says as the other actor walks away

"louis" someone yells out as louis looks up

"hey a bunch of us are going out to the new karaoke bar after we wrap today want to come"

"yeah sure i can meet you all there who all is going" louis asks

"sara, john, kayden, camden ashton marie and alexandria"

"yeah sure, chris" louis says as he sees harrys face expression change

"well i will see you after by lou" chris says

"by chris" louis says "ok you are done"

"sure whatever" harry says with anger as he is called back to the stage and 2 hours later they are done and louis goes to his trailer and starts to set up his things  for the following day as harry walks in the trailer

"you want me to clean your face" louis asks

"no i am fine" harry says with a monotone voice

"stop being stubborn and go wash your face" louis says sternly as harry stands up and goes in the bathroom and washes his face and walks out of the bathroom as he dries his face

"sit down let me clean your face right" louis says as he gets harrys hand and sits him down on the chair as louis gets what he needs and 15 minutes later "ok done shit wait  let me put moisturizer on you"

"sure" harry says

"is something wrong" louis asks

"no nothing i am fine" harry coldly says

"H are you ready" liam says as he walks in the trailer

"hello mr payne how are you doing" louis says as he extends his hand  and Liam shakes it

"good and you how is harry treating you" liam asks

"good we have our moments but its been good" louis says "if you dont mind i have to get going"

"no go we are not shooting tomorrow so see you friday" harry says

"ok good night" louis says as he smiles and walks out of the trailer as liam closes the door

"are you ok" liam says

"yeah i am fine, lets go" harry says as he and liam walks out of the trailer and harry locks it as they leave


short prologue

hope you all enjoy this story as well as my other ones

alright off to chapter 1

all the love


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