
Por favado0429

33 13 6

Jasmine is a 17yr old girl who struggles to adjust to her new environment because of the constant movement of... M谩s

New Home
Meeting school
Introducing me
Falling into his arms
Pairing me

New plans

2 1 0
Por favado0429

"We're home" I yelled out loud for my mom to hear me.

Throwing myself on the couch and putting  my backpack on the floor, I just relaxed and closed my eyes digesting today.

"Young lady, have respect for your elders".

I opened my eyes to look at her and smiled in a way only her could understand.

"I'm just tired that's all." I said that getting up from the couch and picking up my backpack.

"Made new friends?"

"No I d......"

Jeremy just cut me short.

"Yeap she did, her name is Gabrielle and she has a hot sister name Camilla and there are the Rodriguez's and they live four blocks away."He said that running upstairs.

I know that face my mom was about to make.


"Come here baby I'm so proud of you" she said that like as if she was about to cry giving me a deep hug.

"Mom I'm seventeen, could you just show me a little respect and quit hugging me like this." I said trying to catch my breath from her grip.

She still didn't let go.

"Mom you choking me" i said with my eyes all rolled up.

"Sorry baby, I'm just so proud"  she released her grip and pressed a warm kiss on my forehead.

I wanted to say one more word but I didn't have the energy to say that.

I just picked my backpack and went straight to the room.

"Well that's not all the good news". I heard my mom yelling after me.

I just scoffed and went straight to my room.

I went to the bathroom, put on the shower and switched it to cold as I let the water run down on me and relieve me of the days stress and everything that has happened.

Damn it..... I still could not get the picture of my head. That tall frame, perfect body, innocent smile and amazing voice.

God..... Just let this moment pass, it was the image of my crush.

What has he done to me, has he put me under his spell only to be broken by his kiss or has he made me one of them.

I quickly stepped out of the shower and tied a tower around my chest. I picked up my hair towel to clean my wet hair. Maybe, just maybe I could clean up his dashing image from my head.

God damn it.... I still couldn't.
An Idea just struck me, maybe I should call Janelle, I mean if I see and talk to her maybe  I could forget about that guy.

I quickly dried my hair, slipped into my pink pajamas. Collected my phone which I left In my backpack, immediately tried to call Janelle.

She wasn't picking her calls, shit! Janelle why now.

I quickly got her text, she texted me that she would not be able to pick my calls that she is in an important class.

"Great!!" I exclaimed. I threw my phone on the bed out of anger.

"Jas, dinner is ready" I could hear my mom from downstairs.

'wait, what..... Dinner,'. How long did I spend in the bathroom.

Was I there for such a long time.

My god! this boy is in my head.

"I'm coming!!" I screamed so loud that she could hear me.

I ran down the stairs like as if I was being pursued or a ghost was after me.

I took my sit close to Jeremy who was already in his night wears.

My dad was back already.

It got me thinking, so was I in there for so long or dad just closed early today.

"Let's pray" my mom said stretching her hands to Jeremy.

We closed our eyes and she lead the prayer.

"Amen" we all responded.

"There is one more thing before we start." My mom said real quick before we could grab our forks to eat.

My dad looked at her with interest.

She raised her head and smiled at each and everyone one of us before looking at my dad. She looked him straight in the eyes, clenching her upper jaw against her lower jaw.

This look is damn scary, it was like she was afraid of something but she was scared to say. To be honest I've never seen my mom this way before, it really scared me.

"Vanessa are you okay?" my dad asked with this worried look.

Vanessa was my mom's name. A beautiful name to fit a beautiful queen.

When my dad called her by her first name. Which he doesn't most at times, then it must be pretty serious.

She gave that tense smile bending her face down like the answers are on the floor, she raised her head and chuckled.

"Nothing's wrong" she feigned a smile.

"Then......." My dad stressed raising and eyebrow and one of his hand.

"Well I was thinking, that maybe just maybe we could own a restaurant in this place.... and it could be a morning restaurant or a coffee shop, because I notice that there are no restaurants here......" She said playing with her fingers and giving this keen interest to my dad not us.

"So Jimmy, what do you think" she finished that looking at us with a nervous smile.

Jimmy was my dad's name. Maybe that was why all of our names started with J, because my dad's name started with J. Don't Judge, I have no idea.

I could feel sign of relieve in the air, because I was thinking maybe it was a stage four cancer, a heart disease or she wanted a divorce, or something. Mom sure do know how to put up a show.

"Of course sweetheart, anything for you". My dad gave a victorious smile.

"Can we eat now?". Jeremy Said that looking all worried and his eyes scanning the whole environment to see if it's still tense.

We all burst into laughter.

"Sure baby" my mom said bursting into laughter.

I was so happy for her, finally she could have something for herself and be happy.

"Can we help you?" I asked with my mouth full.

"Sure, you think I was going to hire someone, you and Jeremy would be working for me, before school, after school and weekends." She said that excitedly, concentrating on her food.

"Can Gabby help too?" Jeremy asked giving that baby face to my mom.

I looked at Jeremy with annoyance.

"Who's Gabby?." dad asked putting macaroni into his mouth.

"Gabby is Jas's new friend." Jeremy answered.

"Jeremy!" I yelled.

"Sorry, cats out of the bag." He said that laughing.

I poked him on the shoulder's.

"She's not my friend, she just my classmate."

I raised my face like I just found something interesting, with my mouth wide open and my gaze widened.
I turned to Jeremy and feigned a smile.

"Maybe we could ask Camilla."

"And that is....." My dad asked with his eyes wide opened and surprised.


Jeremy interrupted me

"Gabby's sister and maybe if I asked them they would help us to at the restaurant." he said looking all happy.

"Fine" my mom shrugged her shoulders, making that face which says yes.

"What....". I exclaimed hitting my hand so hard on the table.

"Jas we are done.... No more." my dad cautioned me.

I stole a wicked glance at Jeremy.
He just winked at me.

Gosh.... I feel like strangling him right now.

We finished our meal in peace.
At least that helped me forgot about Mr. Handsome.

After doing my dishes with my mom, I went back to my room waiting for Janelle's call but she didn't call back. I wanted to call her, but I held myself back.

Maybe she will call back, have sense of dignity Jasmine, don't disturb the poor girl. But I wanted to tell about mom and her new plans and about my new school and the funny characters in my class people like Peter Lander who directly made gest of me, and most importantly my crush maybe she would give me some advice, she's always good at things like that.

I scratched the thought, still holding on to my phone.

I remembered I had another best friend, Mr. Juggle.

I quickly grabbed him and placed him close to me like someone was going to steal him away from me.

I started sharing my experience with him, to be sincere I really did not know when I feel asleep holding on to Mr. Juggle.

Thanks for reading😁😁😁
Kindly follow me on Instagram for more updates @adom2911

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