When Stars Collide {Kylo Ren...

By MrsNewtScamander13

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Episode VII (Force Awakens)Dejavu
Episode VIII (Force Awakens)Cracks
Episode VIIII (Force Awakens)Fear
Episode X (Force Awakens)Sleep
Episode XI (Force Awakens)Blackout
Episode XII (Force Awakens)Reasons
Episode XIII (Force Awakens)Han Solo
Episode XIIII (Last Jedi)You cared.
Episode XV (Last Jedi)Fires
Episode XVI (Last Jedi)Priorities
Episode XVII (Last Jedi)Thank you
Episode XVIII (Last Jedi)Decisions
Episode XVIIII (Last Jedi)Welcome
Episode XX (Last Jedi)Plenty
Episode XXI (Last Jedi)Circumstances
Episode XXII (Last Jedi)Control
Episode XXIII (Last Jedi)The Last Jedi
Episode XXIIII (Rise of Skywalker) Submit
Episode XXV (Rise of Skywalker)Good Boy
Episode XXVI (Rise of Skywalker) Stargazer
Episode XXVII (Rise of Skywalker)Walk Away
Episode XXVIII (Rise of Skywalker)Apprentices
Episode XXVIIII (Rise of Skywalker)Gray Scum
Episode XXX (Rise of Skywalker)Convince Me
Episode XXXII (Rise Of Skywalker)Blue Butterfly
Episode XXXIII (Rise Of Skywalker)My Permission
Episode XXXIIII (Rise Of Skywalker) Part One, Strange Addiction
Episode XXXIIII (Rise of Skywalker) Part Two, Secrets
Episode XXXV (Rise Of Skywalker) Delicate Snowflake
Episode XXXVI (Rise Of Skywalker)Free
Episode XXXVII (Rise Of Skywalker)Respect
Episode XXXVIII (Rise Of Skywalker)The Knights
Episode XXXVIIII (Rise Of Skywalker)Never Enough
Episode XXXX (Rise Of Skywalker)Always
Episode XXXXI (Rise Of Skywalker)Promises
Episode XXXXII (Rise Of Skywalker)Exegol
Episode XXXXIII (Rise Of Skywalker)Memory
Episode XXXXIIII (Rise Of Skywalker)Scared
Episode XXXXV (Rise Of Skywalker)Think Again
Episode XXXXVI (Rise Of Skywalker)Vain
Episode XXXXVII (Rise Of Skywalker)Ben?
Episode XXXXVIII (Rise Of Skywalker)Worth The Wait
Episode XXXXVIIII (Rise Of Skywalker)Come Back to me...
Episode XXXXX (Rise Of Skywalker)Sweet Dreams

Episode XXXI (Rise of Skywalker)Warmth

104 2 2
By MrsNewtScamander13

Recommended Song(s): House of Cards by BTS

92 days/two months and thirty one days

Today is the day we leave finally. I don't really want to go to Naboo because well, I have my own things to take care of that is coming up in the next three days but it will be nice...
"Are you all packed and ready?" I asked Alanya as she walked up next to me on the launchpad with a small bag in hand. "Yes, I have enough in here for two days." She replied and grinned to which I nodded. "So...." Alanya started, rocking on the balls of her feet. "Which ship are we going on?"

"Mine." I pointed over to a small dark red ship that stood out from the others.

"Wait, we're not going with the Generals and The Supreme Leader?" The young girl asked as we made our way to the ship. "No. Supreme Leader Kylo Ren is going in his own ship and Hux is going with Saxe, Heaven bless her. Hopefully, they don't kill each other before we even get to Naboo..." I mumbled the last part as I typed in the code. The metal door opened immediately and we both entered. "You can sit there." I said pointing to a chair in the back. I went up to the front and flipped a few switches, checked my shields before powering it on completely and sitting in the Pilot's seat. "And don't touch anything!" I yelled to the back.


The ship was flying smoothly, shaking every once in a while. I pressed a few buttons to stabilize the craft and to put it on autopilot so I could take a little break, and so it would keep on flying to Naboo. Alanya was being too quiet, so I decided to check on her. She was walking around the ship, look in every nook and cranny, to see if there was at least anything remotely interest. But her exploration for that had failed because all she found was blasters and a small assortment of small battle warcraft. I chuckled softly, feeling satisfied with my break, turning back to where the cockpit was.

Eventually, we landed a few hours later on the beautiful green planet. I was tired from controlling the ship for so long but I know I can't sleep yet. "Alright my young Apprentice, we're here." I sighed, breaking the silence.
Alanya scrunched her face and stretched out. I could tell she was tired too. "Come on, let's go." I beckoned her, opening the door to the ship. We took a quick walk up to Theed, both of our bags in hand. In front of us were a group of four, Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux, Kaitlin Saxe, and King Solis of Naboo.

"Ah, Commander Darth Nova!" Said the King when he spotted Alanya and I. When we were close enough we both bowed. "We were beginning to worry!"
"I apologize your Majesty, we ended up leaving a little later than everyone else..." I said grinning. I glance quickly at Saxe, Hux, and Ren and notice that they've changed out of their normal First Order uniforms into more formal attire. I especially took the time to study how Ren looked, he wasn't wearing black as always, his garments were dark green instead. I also noticed that his hair was neater than usual and looked so soft. Shaking my head slightly, I pulled myself out of my daze. "Well, we will join you in just a moment for the meeting. Your Majesty, Supreme Leader..." I bowed my head quickly to them and took Alanya's hand and walked down the corridor. Finally reaching the room I would be staying in, I unlocked the door with the force.
"Come on, I'll help you get ready." I said to Alanya as I pushed the door open. She obliged and walked in. About ten minutes later, we were both ready, Alanya was dressed in a cute little gray dress and myself in a long flowy mint green dress. I had also put her hair in a high ponytail (I went with two buns like rolls of cinnamon on each side of my head). "You're in deep thought, My Apprentice... tell me what's on your mind..." I asked softly sitting next to Alanya on the edge of the bed.
"I just..." The young girl started and then sighed. "It's I've never been on another planet except for Kijimi, none the less in the same room as a king... I'm a little nervous."
"Alanya listen..." I said placing my hand on hers. "I've been to so many planets and nations and met numerous people from around the Galaxy. Most of them in positions of power. Don't you think I was nervous too?"
She giggled. "I guess you were."
"Yes, very. I didn't really know to conduct myself, but, I learned. And so will you. Now, hopefully, you feel better and can attend this meeting together." She grinned and nodded then stood up and so did I.


I watched Alanya take a deep breath as we stood in front of the door to the meeting room. She gave me a worried look and I gave her a reassuring nodded putting my hand on the nob and opening the door.
"So, did we miss anything important?" I asked jokingly taking a seat beside Kylo. Alanya went and sat next to Saxe.
"No, you both came just in time." King Solis gleamed at me, his hazel eyes sparkling in the sunshine as he moved his hands to rest on the table.

"Now, let's get down business. Supreme Leader, it is correct that you want the Naboo government to be another Ally of yours, but what for? You have all that you need to overpower the Resistance."
Ren cleared his throat and said; "Well, your Majesty, we do, but we don't know how long that will last. One moment we could be in power, the next in dire need of assistance. If Naboo signed a treaty with us you would be the assistance that we would have."
The King thought for a moment.
"You make a strong point. And I'll be honest, we have been in that situation before. I understand how it feels. But it's a very hard decision to make and that's why we I need the vote from the people-"

"But aren't you the king?" Alanya cut in rapidly.
"Alanya now is not the time." I snapped at her.
"No, let the girl speak, she's curious, you may proceed my child." King Solis said to me.
"You are the King of Naboo, can't you make decisions on your own without the people?" She asked farther.

"Well, Naboo's government works differently than others. We feel that it isn't right to just make things happen without letting people have a say in it. For example, it wasn't my birthright to have to position of King, I was voted in. So because what the Supreme Leader is asking us to do is very fundamental then it is a necessity that the people vote."
Satisfied with the answer, Alanya nodded and leaned back in her seat. She glanced at me quickly and I glared back as a warning.

"If you'll allow it, I'd like to hear from your Generals, Supreme Leader."

"Of course." Ren nodded.

I stifled a laugh when Hux opened his mouth to speak but Saxe cut him off with a quickness.
"Your Majesty, we feel that if we-" Saxe started but I froze when I felt a gloved hand be placed gently on my thigh through the slit of my dress. I glanced to my right at Ren, who wore no expression and continued to listen to Saxe. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't pay attention to her words, his touch was... intoxicating.

What are you doing?
I asked through the Force, trying to keep my expression normal.

I am doing nothing.

If I wasn't in a meeting right now, I would've scoffed.

Kylo, obviously you're touching my thigh. Just because this table isn't made of glass doesn't mean that you can't be caught at any given moment.

And how would it only be me? You could've slapped my hand away the moment it touched your skin. But no, you're letting me linger...
You like this, don't you? The fear of being caught.

I gulped, not answering him as I closed my eyes for a moment in hesitation. However Kylo moved his hand from my thigh, not away completely though. He grabbed my hand tightly, interlocking my fingers with his. This felt a little better but still but put me on edge. Sadly, he had to let go as the King stood up, smoothing out his robes.
"Well, I think you've filled me in enough." King Solis sighed then smiled toothily.
"I will be seeing you all tomorrow evening, but for now I'm sure you need rest, off you go..."
We all stood, bowed, then left the room to each go back to our own rooms that we were staying in.

I felt eyes on me as Alanya and I walked in the same direction and I looked behind me to Kylo. He had a small smirk and he winked at me before going off to his own room.
My heart started beating fast.
Thankfully no one saw.

"My Apprentice, may I give you a word of advice?" I inquired, not looking at the Strawberry Blonde Girl.
"Yes, Master..." She answered.
"Talk less." I said turning to face her. "Smile more and never ask questions."

"What?" She huffed and asked in confusion. "You can't be serious?"

"Do you want to come on more Assignments with me in the future?"

Alanya gulped as she nodded. "Yes."

"Then remember this...." I started, taking her chin in between my forefinger and thumb to ensure that she was paying attention. A slight fear washed over her eyes as she looked up at me, afraid of what I could and would do. "Fools who run their mouths and ask foolish questions oft wind up dead. Don't be a fool. I don't want to be hard on you but I draw the line at stupidity. And what you did in there was exactly that. You will learn."

I let her go and turned back to go to my own quarters.
I sighed when she was out of earshot.

I really don't want to be hard on her but what she did is something I would do in her position if I was still a Padawan. And as a Master I can not tolerate that.
After all.... You are what they grow beyond....
I thought to myself.
The sun slowly started to go down creating a nice glow in the hallways. I slowed down my pace to enjoy the sunshine on my skin which I haven't felt in a while...
Well, I've been cooped up on a ship for two months so you can't blame me.

'Afternoon, my Stargazer.'

I smiled hearing the voice that I adore go through my mind.

"Afternoon Daddy." I replied with a contented sigh.

'I've missed you...'


'I see you're starting to loosen up a bit.'

"So, you're saying that I'm uptight?" I asked with a slight giggle.

'No not at all, my love, if anything that man you work for is uptight!'

I laughed loudly but covered my mouth in fear of someone hearing my joy. "Well, that's very correct... but he's different. He just rarely shows himself when relaxed. And that is what makes him like me."

'I guess you are right... Well, I'll leave you alone to yourself and thoughts now... I love you, my Little Stargazer...'

I smiled sadly, finally reaching my room. I always hate it when mine and Daddy's talks end. Opening the door, I made my over to the washroom so I could prepare for bed or to lay down since sleep is something I try to avoid...

I took my hair out of it's buns letting it fall over my shoulders, the twists of the buns leaving waves in my straightened hair. Then, with some difficulty, I unzipped and slid off my dress then underclothes, creating a pool of mint green and black fabric around my feet. I went over to the shower and turned on the water. Stepping into the warm water, I scoffed and turned the nob so it would be cold. I've always preferred cold water over hot.... I guess it's because I'm from a planet where there's nothing but Snow. I just wanted to get it over with so I quickly cleaned my body and hair then got back out again and turned it off. To make a long story short, I don't believe in long showers. You should just get in, clean yourself quickly, and get out. Now that I had washed my hair, my natural curls were back from being straight and laid perfectly over my shoulders once I had put in the products to keep them shiny and bouncy. I pulled on fresh undergarments and grabbed a silk robe and slid my arms into it, tying it tightly around my waist then opened the door to the washroom and stepped out. I immediately saw someone laying on my bed, waiting. I smirked.

"Why hello there, Supreme Leader..." I said to Kylo Ren, who turned his head to face me. "How's your evening been?"
"It's been fine." He smirked back. "Though there's something I've been wanting that I have not been able acquire...."
"Oh? And what might that be?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"I want you."

Kylo's words sent shivers down my spine, and I was sure my face turned a deep shade of red. I looked all around the room in an attempt to avoid his gaze but I failed miserably eventually my green eyes meeting his dark brown ones. "And I know you want me too." Kylo added. I could tell that he was trying to cover the huskiness in his voice. "But Supreme Leader, Sir, don't you think that it would be inappropriate to do any such things on a Business Trip?" I pouted a little. Kylo rolled his eyes, standing up and walking to me. "Do you think I care?"
I smirked again, biting my lip slightly and looking up at Kylo lustfully as one of his hands snuck around my waist. "No...."
"Then let me have you."

********* {TIME FOR SUM FLUFF}

I woke up suddenly in bed, sweat dripping down my forehead. I had another nightmare. They are just the same thing over and over again. My father... dead in my arms and his blood covering my hands.
I looked over my shoulder to see that Kylo was still there except asleep in the moonlight, his hair messy as it covered half of his face. I had advised him that if he were in here for too long and got caught going back to his room in the middle of the night then it'd look bad on both of us so he stayed and would just sneak out early the next morning. Of course, avoiding touching each other was hard since the bed was small. Having sex is one thing, but acting like lovers (Holding onto one another for long periods of time, sweet and slow kisses, etc,) is something that I don't care for and I'm sure he doesn't either.
But to be honest, my heart gave a small flutter seeing him so peaceful while he slept...
I pushed the feeling away, not wanting to get confused with our affair, the dynamics of it will never change.

I pulled the covers off of me and get out of bed slowly, careful not to wake up Kylo.
Usually, whenever I have a nightmare I go and watch the stars for the rest of the night to pass the time away so that's exactly what I did. I covered my nude body with my robe (which was originally thrown to the floor by none other than Kylo Ren) and went over to the window and opened it letting the fresh air of the night in. The sound of the lake and the soft wind were the only things to be heard. It was very calming. The stars were lovely as always and were more clear to see from this side of the Galaxy. It's actually come to the point where I've memorized the position of each and every one of them.
That's what a Stargazer does right?
I heard the sheets shuffling behind me and a soft groan. Soon enough, Kylo was next to me looking outside as well. We both stood there in silence for a moment, enjoying the breeze and moonlight.

"Why aren't you asleep?" He implored softly though his voice was slightly coarse from sleep.

I sighed as I looked down. "I can't. The nightmares... They just won't go away."

"I understand..." He nodded. He pulled me in for a hug then kissed my head lightly. He was so warm. Unlike me. My skin was cold as ice but I don't mind. "But at least laydown..."
I nodded humming in response but yelped when Kylo picked me up and carried me bridal style back to bed laying me down carefully then laid close to me.
Very close.
My face flushed a deep red.
Slowly, his hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me even closer until my back touched his bare chest, his hands rough yet delicate.
"Is this okay?" Kylo mumbled in my ear.
I gulped.
I've never been held like this before, I like the feeling of comfort it gives me.
"Yeah, it- it's fine." Eventually, I relaxed in his tight embrace and a tiny grin spread across my lips.
I may have not gotten sleep that night but I did feel warmth....

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