When Stars Collide {Kylo Ren...

By MrsNewtScamander13

5.1K 105 6


Episode VII (Force Awakens)Dejavu
Episode VIIII (Force Awakens)Fear
Episode X (Force Awakens)Sleep
Episode XI (Force Awakens)Blackout
Episode XII (Force Awakens)Reasons
Episode XIII (Force Awakens)Han Solo
Episode XIIII (Last Jedi)You cared.
Episode XV (Last Jedi)Fires
Episode XVI (Last Jedi)Priorities
Episode XVII (Last Jedi)Thank you
Episode XVIII (Last Jedi)Decisions
Episode XVIIII (Last Jedi)Welcome
Episode XX (Last Jedi)Plenty
Episode XXI (Last Jedi)Circumstances
Episode XXII (Last Jedi)Control
Episode XXIII (Last Jedi)The Last Jedi
Episode XXIIII (Rise of Skywalker) Submit
Episode XXV (Rise of Skywalker)Good Boy
Episode XXVI (Rise of Skywalker) Stargazer
Episode XXVII (Rise of Skywalker)Walk Away
Episode XXVIII (Rise of Skywalker)Apprentices
Episode XXVIIII (Rise of Skywalker)Gray Scum
Episode XXX (Rise of Skywalker)Convince Me
Episode XXXI (Rise of Skywalker)Warmth
Episode XXXII (Rise Of Skywalker)Blue Butterfly
Episode XXXIII (Rise Of Skywalker)My Permission
Episode XXXIIII (Rise Of Skywalker) Part One, Strange Addiction
Episode XXXIIII (Rise of Skywalker) Part Two, Secrets
Episode XXXV (Rise Of Skywalker) Delicate Snowflake
Episode XXXVI (Rise Of Skywalker)Free
Episode XXXVII (Rise Of Skywalker)Respect
Episode XXXVIII (Rise Of Skywalker)The Knights
Episode XXXVIIII (Rise Of Skywalker)Never Enough
Episode XXXX (Rise Of Skywalker)Always
Episode XXXXI (Rise Of Skywalker)Promises
Episode XXXXII (Rise Of Skywalker)Exegol
Episode XXXXIII (Rise Of Skywalker)Memory
Episode XXXXIIII (Rise Of Skywalker)Scared
Episode XXXXV (Rise Of Skywalker)Think Again
Episode XXXXVI (Rise Of Skywalker)Vain
Episode XXXXVII (Rise Of Skywalker)Ben?
Episode XXXXVIII (Rise Of Skywalker)Worth The Wait
Episode XXXXVIIII (Rise Of Skywalker)Come Back to me...
Episode XXXXX (Rise Of Skywalker)Sweet Dreams

Episode VIII (Force Awakens)Cracks

267 7 0
By MrsNewtScamander13

Recommended Song(s): Self Care by Penelope Scott

"A little girl probably afraid of her own shadow."

The words kept on repeating over and over again in my mind, and it was driving me mad. I know I have heard those words before but I just don't know where.....
I feel like I'll never know.

'Just breath. You'll be fine.'
'It doesn't feel like it.'
'You'll be fine Eclypse.'

"My Lady, you called for me?" General Saxe started as she entered the room. The throne room was large and surprisingly bright inside because of the windows behind the throne with me sitting upon it, proud and elegant in everything, all the way from my pressed and curled dark hair falling over my shoulders down to my shined black boots.
"Ah, General, I did." I said as I stood up. I hate hearing my voice without my mask. It makes me feel out of place.

"Now, what have you called me here to discuss, Your Imperial Majesty?" She bowed before me.
"Has there been any contact from the soldiers on Jakku?" I asked, pacing back and forth in front of my black throne. Saxe had a look of uncertainty and she hesitated to answer, the snow falling in the window casting moving shadows over her and the floor.
"Well," she gulped. "They found the droid... but it escaped... with a local scavenger girl and an ex stormtrooper and they have not been located since yesterday."
I stopped pacing and clenched my gloved fist as hard as possible.

"The droid escaped? With a scavenger girl... and an ex stormtrooper?" I asked, trying hard to control my temper. "Contact all of our allies and tell them to keep an eye out for an orange and white BB unit. And if any of them say anything about the droid, come tell me immediately."
Saxe nodded and left.

I sat back down and ran a hand through my hair while sighing deeply.
"If I don't find that droid before the First Order, I swear... I will fly down and get the damned droid from Ren myself." I said to myself.

"Now, I don't think that would be a very good idea." I heard a voice scoff.

My head jolted up and I saw no one but I was still suspicious. That sounded like... No, it couldn't be. That bastard can't have snuck in here.
I snapped my fingers and once the soldiers guarding the throne room shut the doors to the entrance, I was alone.
Or maybe not...

I ignited my saber and looked around. "I know you are here." I called out.
"Show yourself, Ren, come on out." I teased.

I felt a presence behind me and I quickly turned around. "What do you want?" I hissed, pointing my lightsaber at Kylo Ren. I could sense him glaring at me from behind his helmet. I personally have never seen him without it, and I never plan to. Why should I see the face of a man who I long to kill? "I simply want to know what you know." Ren remarked, walking closer to me.
"And if you won't give it to me..... Then I will have to be forceful. Now, you wouldn't want that, would you, Nova?" He raised a gloved hand to hold up my chin. I turned my head to the side, thrusting his hold away from me.

"And why would I give information to you, Ren? I'm your main enemy. A Sith. The Empress to the Empire you are against. And even if you get forceful, I can be forceful too." I said my voice laced with sass and resentment.
"Good point, but you don't know if my power in the Force is stronger than yours." He said, holding up his index finger.

"And you don't know if I'm more powerful than you in the Force, Kylo Ren," I said, frowning. "For all you know, I could come to Starkiller Base right now, with no soldiers, and eliminate your entire fleet... including you."

"You could, " Ren agreed. "But not a single person in the Galaxy... Can see through the cracks of your mask as I do, Empress Nova." His voice, the way he said my title, my name... made me shiver but I hid it because I didn't want him to know he got to me. He's been getting to me a lot lately.
And with those last words, he disappeared like a force ghost.

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