Married to the Mafia

By ElisabethMayfield17

127K 2.7K 790

Lucifer Burns is a highly respected mafia boss who is used to getting what he wants, and now he wants Rose Ta... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 15

4.3K 110 12
By ElisabethMayfield17

Warning: This chapter contains graphic details of torture that some readers may be uncomfortable with. If you do not feel comfortable reading this chapter, please skip to the end of the chapter where I will include important details in an author's note.

Lucifer's POV

Walking past the cells, I know there's only one person who can make me feel better. I approach the cell and glance at the guard standing in front of it. He only looks at me for a second before he turns and unlocks the door, pushing it open and standing to the side so I could step in.

I look at the man standing before me. Standing may be a bad word to describe what he is doing. His wrists are cuffed above him, each one pulled up and to the side, secured in a heavy-duty metal cuff with a chain attached to the ceiling. His arms are pulled enough that the tension makes it so he is unable to bend his arms. His cuffs pull him up so that he is forced to stand on the balls of his feet. Based on the dried blood that has trickled down his arms from his wrists, I can assume he lets his wrists carry his full body weight fairly often, as he is now, dangling from his wrists. A chain that is attached to the floor and cuffed around his ankles prevents him from lifting his feet at all.

The man is in his forties wearing only a pair of boxers. His once slick black hair is now overgrown with noticeable grey hairs, similar to his well-overgrown mustache and beard combo. His once large muscles have started to wither away after months of unuse, leaving his whole body looking weak and malnourished. Scars litter his exposed flesh, some years old but most relatively fresh and new. I stare at him, waiting for him to acknowledge my presence. When he doesn't, I speak up.

"Hello, Greg." He glances up at me with tired eyes.

"Ah, Lucifer. It's been a while old friend. I thought maybe you had finally forgotten about me."

"I could never forget about you, pal." I growl.

"Sounds like you're having a rough day."

"You could say I re-lived some bad memories."

"Let me guess, it had something to do with a sexy young lady?" He asks, and the fucker has the nerve to let a smirk crawl across his ugly face.

Rage swells over me as I reach into my pocket and pull a small pocket knife out. I walk behind him and gently glide the blade of the knife over the skin on his back. I glide it over his shoulder blades, the small of his back, even the back of his neck.

"I'm not afraid of a pathetic pocketknife," He says, calmly.

I lay the blade on its side, resting it against his shoulder blade. I tilt it ever so slightly and apply just enough pressure to accomplish my goal. I slowly glide the blade down his shoulder blade, peeling off a thin layer of skin as I do. He hisses at the pain but manages to contain his noises of discomfort to hisses and groans. I keep peeling skin as I think back to that day six months ago.


Lucy walks into the living room. I look up from the bloody corpse on the ground and my eyes settle on her face. I watch as she takes a deep breath looking at the body before lifting her grey eyes to meet mine.

"What did he tell you?" She asks. I just look at her. I should be enraged, I should be devastated, I should be showing more emotion. How had I managed to suppress all emotion in the time it took her to come home. For fucks sake I killed Louis just a few hours ago.

"Why? Why did you do it?" I ask, looking her in the eye. She sighs and shakes her head.

"What do you want me to say Lucifer? You want me to tell you you're bad in bed and I needed another man to satisfy me? I'll tell you whatever you want to hear, but it's not true."

"You fucked him, Lucy. Not only that, but you shared my private information with him. If you didn't want me anymore you could have told me. Instead, you actively try to get me killed?"

"I'm not trying to break up with you."

"Then tell me. Why the fuck did you have to hurt me like this?" I growl, glaring at her. There it is, there's the rage.


"No! Tell me. I want to know. Tell me, before I squeeze that pretty little neck of yours until you stop breathing."

"He paid me off okay Lucifer? Are you happy now? He paid me, I fucked him, then he paid me more for information." She says agitated. She wanted money?

"I can give you all the money in the world baby. If you wanted money so bad why didn't you tell me?" I almost beg my question. She shakes her head.

"Why do I do anything? I don't think about consequences Lucifer. If I want something, and there's an easy way of getting it, I'm going to do it. Honestly, you should have expected this. You fell in love with a whore stripper who watched you kill a man and didn't give a fuck. If you thought I was completely sane, then maybe you're the crazy one."

I take a deep breath. I look down at the body at my feet and tap my fingers against the couch, debating my next move. I need to deal with Lucy, but now that asshole has who knows how much information, he could strike at any moment. I need to dispose of Louis' body soon too. The stench is already starting to spread, I don't need my whole house to smell like rotting corpse. I lift my eyes back to Lucy.

"When is he planning to attack?"

"Early tomorrow morning. Speaking of which, I'm spending the night at a friend's place." I shake my head.

"No you're not." I stand up and step over the body. I walk towards her until she backs up against a wall, looking up into my eyes. I rest my head against hers and glide my finger down her jawline and she shutters with pleasure, her hands slowly creeping up to rest on my chest. My fingers glide down her neck, stopping at the base and gently holding her neck against the wall.

"Kiss me," She breaths as her hands grab onto my shirt.

I comply, pressing my lips against hers. My hand at her neck holds on a little tighter as my free hand glides down her body to rest on her hip that she is grinding into me. She moans into my mouth as her needy hands roam my body, inching closer and closer to my manhood. Without warning, I bite her bottom lip, hard enough to draw blood and she hisses. When our lips detach, she growls at me.

"Ow, what the fuck Lucifer?" She dabs at her lip with her fingers, pulling them away to look at the blood.

"Someone get me Elliot," I call out in a growl, staring into her eyes. She looks back, assessing my mood.

"You're gonna lock me up," She states, softly.

"Damn right baby."

"But what about,"

"Shhhh," I interrupt, my lips hovering inches over hers. My finger resting against her bloody lip being the only thing between us.

I slowly slide my finger down off her lips as my mouth replaces it, kissing her hard. My tongue dances against hers as the tang of her blood fills my mouth. The slut can't help but let out a moan at the kiss and press her hips into mine. My hand around her neck pushes her harder into the wall.

We kiss passionately until Elliot clears his throat behind us. I push off the wall and separate my body from hers. She stands there panting with lust filling her face. I wipe the back of my hand across my lips, wiping away any of her blood that transferred to me. I stare at her for a moment before addressing Elliot.

"Get someone to lock her up in a cell. You and I need to figure out a plan. We attack tonight." I speak, my eyes never leaving hers. "Oh, and someone needs to get rid of this body."


Gunshots ring out as my men raid the mansion. I glance at Elliot and he nods to me before slamming his shoulder into the door in front of us, forcing it open despite it being locked. Elliot, a few of my men, and I swarm into the office with our guns raised, aiming at the man sitting behind the desk. He, in turn, has a gun aimed at me.

"Ah, Lucifer, nice of you to surprise me with a visit." He spoke. He has slicked back jet black hair and a short black beard. He is muscular, he obviously keeps himself in very good shape. A smirk passes across his lips. "I assume the whore told you of our meeting?"

"Actually no, my spy did. You may remember him. Louis?" I reply. Anger clouds over his eyes for a moment before he lightens his expression once again.

"I remember the boy. He had so much potential." We are both silent for a moment.

"So, Greg, you gonna surrender and come willingly, or does this need to be ugly?" He let out a laugh.

"Why would I come with you? I'd rather die."

I don't hesitate. As soon as he speaks the words, I fire my gun and a bullet buries itself right in Greg's shoulder. My men hesitate for a split second as no one expected me to shoot but quickly jump into action. One knocks the gun from Greg's hand while he reacts to the sudden pain while another throws him out of his chair and to the ground.

Elliot walks over and kneels on the small of Greg's back and cuffs his hands behind his back. While he is doing this, one of my men ties some cloth tightly around his mouth, preventing him from speaking and understandable words. Elliot pulls him to his feet and looks at me. I look at one of my men.

"You stay and go through his stuff. Let me know if you find anything interesting." I look at Elliot. "Let's go."


I walk into the cell and rest my eyes on Greg. He is strapped down to a metal table, completely naked. He is pulling as hard as he can on his restraints, but his body isn't moving at all.

"I didn't think you were into male genitalia, Lucifer." Greg spits.

"I'm not. You're the acceptation. I'm very interested in the man who fucked my fiancé." I glance at Elliot standing to the side of the table, watching Greg's every move. I then trail my glance over to the doctor I called to come over. He is standing near the table as well with a cart of surgical equipment right next to him. I smirk, returning my gaze to Greg.

"What to do with the man who fucked my fiancé?" He is smart enough to not respond. "I don't want to kill you. No, that would be letting you off way too easily. I'm thinking I take your manhood. Maybe keep it as a trophy." I smirk.

"You're crazy," He spits. "You wouldn't." I can tell he is starting to get nervous as he starts to realize the doctor's purpose in being there.

"Oh, don't worry. We won't let you bleed out or anything. No, you're going to live the rest of your pathetic life dick-less." I smirk at the horror on his face. I glance at the doctor who nods at me. He hands me a sterilized knife with an incredibly sharp blade. While there were probably better instruments to use, I had told him I wanted to use the knife.

"No, Lucifer, you can't do this, don't do this." Greg starts to beg.

"Wow, the great and powerful Greg has been reduced to begging. You must be really scared. Although, I haven't heard a please." I tease him.

"Please, just don't do this."

I take hold of his dick and hold the sharp edge of the blade against the base. I look up at him.

"Lucifer, don't!" He thrashes in his restraints.

"Elliot, make sure he doesn't bite his tongue off." I say, still watching Greg. Elliot forces a thick strap of leather into Greg's mouth.

I glance at the doctor and see he has grabbed some materials so he can take over and stop the bleeding. I look back up at Greg as I press the knife into his dick, first just pressure then continuing in a sawing motion. I watch as his face contorts with extreme pain and he lets out a blood-curdling scream. I continue my task until it is removed.

The doctor quickly steps in to start controlling the bleeding. Having finished my part, I leave, with full confidence that the doctor will make it so Greg can continue living his life in captivity dick free.


I turn my full attention back to the task at hand. At this point, most of Greg's back has had a thin layer of skin peeled off. He has yet to yell out in pain, but his hisses and groans have evolved into occasional slight whimpers. I finish peeling the last section then stop, closing the pocketknife. Now that the prep work is done, it's onto the fun part.

I remove my belt from around my waist. I don't normally wear a belt, but I made sure to grab one before I came down here. I fold it in half and look at his back. This is going to hurt. I smack the belt against Greg's raw back, making sure to let the metal buckle make contact with his sensitive flesh.

I watch as his whole body tenses up and he yells out at the pain. He breaths heavy after his yell, hissing at the continuing sting. I smack him with the belt again and his reaction is the same, this time he tries to arch his body away from the blow.

I continue, smacking him with the belt, always making sure to let the buckle make contact with his flesh. Each blow opens up a new cut along his raw back. I give him about twenty seconds in between each hit to really feel the full effect of the blow and the stinging that follows. I only get to fifteen lashes before he starts begging.

"Please," He pants out after breathing through the stinging for just a moment. "No more." I smack him again and listen as he yells out in pain.

I hit him ten more times before my anger has mostly settled. I take a good look at his back. There is blood oozing out of the many cuts from the belt but luckily none of them were too deep that they wouldn't heal on their own. I managed to avoid causing too much blood to be spilled while peeling so he wasn't going to bleed out or anything.

I walk around him and take another look at him. He has his head hung and he is trying to breathe through the remaining pain. I smirk, he still acts like all his years in the business has toughened him out, but I know I can make him scream.

Feeling good about myself, I turn and leave the cell. I instruct the guard to clean up the pocketknife and belt. When I turn my glance away from the guard, I notice Lucy once again leaning against the door of her cell, her face in the barred window.

When I took Greg, I had found it to be an amusing idea to put the two of them in cells directly across the hall from each other. They couldn't touch each other but they would be able to see and hear each other's pain.

"You really love torturing him. What's got you thinking about it?" She asks. I look at her. Although I had told Rose I kept her to be tortured, I couldn't bring myself to permanently mark her skin. I wish I could, but I can't. The guards know they are not to mark her either, which means they have to get creative when she needs to be put in her place.

They ended up keeping a single syringe of a drug I manufacture on them when they guard her cell. A single injection of this drug, Syntaz 3, causes the host excruciating pain. Test subjects have described it as if fire was coursing through their veins. It only lasts for thirty minutes, but when someone is in that amount of pain it feels like a lifetime.

"Luna brought you up in front of my new girlfriend." I reply.

"Oooh, how'd she take the whole, you locking me up to torture me thing? Did you scare her away?" I sigh and glance at the guard in front of Lucy's cell.

"Open it up." Lucy straightens up and takes a step back. The guard opens the door and I lock eyes with her. "Close it behind me." I step in, keeping my eye contact with her, and the guard shuts the door. I glance over her quickly. She is the only prisoner I allow to wear clothes. Even though she isn't mine anymore, I don't want the guards gawking at her mostly naked body.

"She pissed me off, so now she's locked up down here like you." I answer her previous question. I watch the smirk spread across her lips.

"Is she into it? Being locked up and restrained?"

"She's nothing like you, Lucy."

"Well, I'm always here when you get bored of your good, little, vanilla play toy." She says with a smirk.

Before I know it, my hand is wrapped around her neck and I am pressing her into the wall. She lets out a breath and looks up into my eyes, giving me her signature 'fuck me' face.

"Kiss me, Lucifer." She breaths quietly. I bring my face close to hers until our lips are inches apart.

"Never," I growl. I release her neck and take a step back. "You had your chance." I say before knocking on the door for the guard to let me out. Once I am out, I walk out of the cells, not bothering to look back.

Authors note:

Hey Guys! I know I haven't done an authors note in a while but I felt like this chapter needed one. If you chose not to read the chapter to avoid possibly gruesome torture details, I completely understand!

Before I summarize the chapter, I wanted to thank the dedicated fans of this story. I have noticed a hand full of people who always vote on the chapter within 48 hours of if being uploaded. I'm seeing some repeat names with these and to those people, thank you so much! Your continued support means SO much to me and really helps to keep me motivated to write! To everyone else who reads, comments, and votes, thank you as well! Every interaction with this story helps and together, you all have motivated me to continue the story!

Alright, here's the summed up version of what happened in the chapter! Minus the gore.

First, Lucifer walks into a cell and we are introduced to a character named Greg. Lucifer starts to torture Greg, during the middle of which he remembers the day he found out about Lucy cheating.

We see a scene between Lucifer and Lucy where Lucy explains that the guy she had sex with paid her to have sex with him then paid her to give him information about Lucifer. She informs Lucifer that he plans on attacking early the next morning. They then have a passionate makeout scene before lucifer commands that she gets brought to a cell and determines he will attack that night.

We then see a scene where Lucifer, Elliot, and some of the men raid a mansion and take Greg, the man Lucy had sex with, captive.

In the next scene, we have Greg strapped down to a table for another torture scene. I'm going to keep this part pretty vague here, but essentially Lucifer has body part removed from Greg.

We then return to present time where Lucifer continues torturing Greg and takes out all his anger on him. He leaves the cell all proud of himself and notices Lucy watching from the cell across the hall. He and Lucy have a scene that ends in her begging him to kiss her but him ending the conversation by telling her that he never would and that she had her chance with him. He then walks off and leaves the cells behind him.

This chapter was definitely a longer chapter, and I really enjoyed being able to dig deeper into Lucy's character. For those of you that did read the chapter, I hope you enjoyed it and that it wasn't too gruesome for you!

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