~ Kenhina Oneshots ~

By Krimzon_Wolf10

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A book for random oneshots of Kenhina ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’› + Plus some with extra people or ships at times This ship is adora... More

- Stream Crasher -
- Warm Weather -
- 3 Cats + 1 Crow -
- I love you - Prince Au -
- Mirror Meetings -
- Mirror Meetings Pt 2 -
- By Your Side - Yokai Au -
- Good Luck Charm -
- Gaming and Cuddles -
- Beginnings - Demon Slayer Au -
- 2 Owls + 1 Cat + 1 Crow -
- Prophecy - Soldier, Poet, King -
- Prom Dance -
- Among Us -
- Hair Tie -
- Romeo and Juliet - Animal Au -
- Redecorating -
- A Different World?! - Alternate Universe -
- Sick Day -
- Trail of Destruction - Magic Au -
- New Dorm, New Guy, New Crush - College Au -

- Mirror Meetings Pt 3 -

881 52 47
By Krimzon_Wolf10

Credit to the artist!

Part 3~ Hope you enjoy :) 



Hinata immidetely shouted as he jumped into the air, his excitement overwhelming at the aspect of a practise match.

Wait Nekoma is Kenma's team right?

Does that mean....

Does that mean he's here??

Nishinoya joined him in his cheering, both boys jumping in the air for different reasons. Shoyo couldn't help a few tears coming to eyes but he quickly rubbed them away before they were noticed.

"When are we facing them??" Shoyo asked, "Is it soon???"

"Yes we will be facing on Friday, in two days." Takeda replied smiling at the enthusium. "They are a powerhouse which will be interesting to play!"

"A powerhouse use to be rivals with us?" Suga asked curiously, "Then why haven't I heard about them before?"

"To be honest I'm really sure. They disappeared off the map for a while and I recently just remembered them. Our matches were called 'The Dumpster Showdowns'"

"It's weird how they is-"

Sugawara suddenly frowned at his phone, there were links and everything to do with the Nekoma team and the dumpster showdowns.


The team crowed round the phone and saw what the school looked like and the many times Karasuno had played against them. The information was new to the team but was apparently old news as the date was years ago.

"How strange..." Kiyoko commented adjusting her glasses.

"This is all so confusing but what matters is the effore you put into finding them and arranging this match Takeda-sensei. Ready guys?" Daichi suddenly said, "Thank you!"

All the boys immdiately bowed to their teacher, their thanks ringing out in the gym. Their embarrassed teacher started to wave his arms around.

"O-oh it's fine!" Takeda mumbled embarrassed, "I'm just glad to be of help!"

Zoning out Shoyo started to think to himself.


Two days.

Just two days and then we play.

How is this possible? Is it Kenma's team. We didn't have a Nekoma team in this world before but now there's all this information...

I hope he's there...


"HINATA BOKE!" Kageyama yelled snapping Hinata out of his thoughts with a jolt. "Get back to practising with me."

"Oh sure Bakayama!" Sticking his tongue out he went to grab a volleyball. "Kageyama, do you think miracles exist?"


"Nah it's fine. We practising out quick?" Hinata asked as he got in position, "I'm ready when you are!"

"Dumbass! You didn't even let me hear the question!"

"Hey I said it's fine!"



Once was the day was over and practise was finished for the day, the team started to tidy away. Today Hinata and Yamaguchi were on volleyball tidying today.

"You seem to be excited for the Nekoma game." Yamaguchi mused

"Yes I can't wait! I won't be able to sleep at this rate!" Hinata bounced, "Oh! Did you get random notifications about out-dated news and new celebrities yesterday? or today?"

"Huh? Oh yeah I did. It was strange but maybe the system was updating but that wouldn't explain the new explain the new celebrities."

"Mine did the same as well!" Tanaka joined in, "It was hella weird."

"Let's just hope whatever happened gets fixed if it was a glitch...I hope it wasn't anything bad..." Asahi worried.

It happened to everyone?

Gahh so freaky!

Dumping the volleyballs away he raced over to his stuff and started to pack away anything he had left. Bottle, towel, volleyball shoes and phone were safely stuffed into his bag before he picked it up.

"I think I'm all set!"

Leaving the gym some other followed and the gym was locked up by Daichi. The walk through the town was calm as everyone talked to each other, there were a lot more people than there was a few days ago. Some felt strangely familiar.

"This is our way, see ya!" Nishinoya said waving with the other second years.

A chorus of "Bye!" was sounded as they departed the third years soon departed as well with a cheerful "See you tomorrow." All that was left were the first-years but only for a few minutes as Tsukishima quickly left with Yamaguchi in tow. 

"Hey Kageyama..." Shoyo started to say his bike moving alongside him, "Hasn't today been strange?"

"Strange?" Kageyama asked confused. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know it just feels different!"

"That's a you thing."

"Your so annoying to talk to Bakayama..." The shorter sighed earning a glare from Kageyama.

"Your the one that doesn't make any sense!" Retorted Kageyama.

"This is my way. I'll see you tomorrow Kageyama." Waving slightly Hinata hopped onto his bike.

As he peddled the breeze blew past him making his hair sway. Nekoma. A team that was apparently rivals with Karasuno ages ago. Dumpster Showdown. The fated battle between the crows and the cats.

Gah! I can't wait for Friday!



Today was Friday. The day where they were to face Nekoma. The match was going to be held at a nearby gym after school, however the Nekoma team was apprently coming early as they were coming from Tokyo.

All day Hinata had been energized, the fact that a practise match was going to happen today and it was a new team encouraged the first year. The thing that cheered him up the most was the fact that Kenma could possibly be in that team. He probably should hope too much but he prayed and prayed that the pudding head was there and he had miraculously came to this world. 

"Next two!"

Kageyama and Hinata readied themselves. They were currently training for the match as the training was running from one place to the other, they also had to run in pairs.

"I'm going to win Kageyama!"

"Yeah right!"

Competitiveness seeped out the two boys in waves and once the whistle was blown they were off. They both sped ahead passing by their teammates who were running at a slower pace.


"Hinata! Don't shout you'll waste energy!" Suga shouted from a distance.

Not concentrating on where he was going and shouting he charged past the rest of his teamates and started to run through the streets. The rest watched him go some sighing at the first year.

Realising there was nobody beside him and that it was a completely different area made the sort first year freeze.

Wait where did everyone go?

Did I go past everybody???

Looking around he noticed a teen sitting down next a fence. They wore all red and were playing on a random game on their phone. A little calico cat sat at their feet purring away as they licked their paw. The thing that really stood out to Shoyo was the pudding like hair...


The teen in question froze, their head rose slowly and started to turn towards Hinata. Shoyo held his breath. His heartbeat hammered in his chest.

Could this be....

Brown, passionate eyes made contact with gold, feline eyes. Time seemed to freeze as they both stared at each other.

"Is it really you?" Tears slipped down the shorter's face, "Kenma...?"

The teen rose quickly as their own tears fell down their face. Everything around them had been forgotten as they took in the other.


Hinata immidetely charged towards the second-year. He smiled brightly as tears came down in fountains down his face. Kenma himself shone a small smile as tears rolled down his face aswell. They embraced for the first time, it wasn't just in a dream anymore.

"I thought you were gone Kenma!" Hinata spluttered, "I thought you had died or something in that crazy dream!!!"

"Shoyo...I was worried about you." Kenma managed to say. "I thought our worlds are fully disconnected but it seems....that the complete opposite occured."

"Is your whole family here and your team??"

"They are. Our worlds must of joined somehow." The pudding head murmured as he buried his face in the shorter's hair, "Your hairs so soft..."

"This is real right? I'm not dreaming?" Hinata laughed, "I really hope I'm not!"

"No I'm here and this is all real."

"This is so...amazing! Crazy! Wonderful! I can't fully describe it in words!" Shoyo said stumbling over his words causing the other to laugh.

"We're finally together Shoyo.."

The first-year moved back a little from their embrace. He smiled slightly before cupping the second-years face and bringing his closer. This caused Kenma to blush as he realised what was going to happen, Hinata started to blush aswell as he slowly got nearer.

Their lips collided then. Their first kiss. It was warm, sweet and overwhelming. They felt complete and happy in that moment causing the water works to break open again. Pulling away they both smiled gently and Hinata started to brush the tears away. It was peaceful until...

"Am I disturbing something?"

The voice of another male appeared and the two lovers immediately broke away, the reddest blush appearing on both faces.

"K-Kuroo." Kenma managed to stutter using his hair to cover his face.

"Why are you kissing a stranger?" Kuroo asked suspiciously, "Did he force you?"

The rooster head then started to menacing steps towards the shorter which caused Shoyo to take a few back. His height was intimidating.

"Kuroo stop."

"Huh but-" 

"It's Shoyo." Kenma said bluntly with an annoyed sigh. "From the mirror."


"WAIT WHAT-" The third year shouted, 

"Kuroo you'll give me a headache. Don't yell."

Shuffling towards Kenma again Shoyo whispered, "Who's he?"

"It's Kuroo. He's my childhood friend, he doesn't act smart but he is one of the smartest people in school." Kenma explained.

"Ohhh I see!" Shoyo exclaimed, "So he knows about me?"

"Yeah Kenma use to talk a lot about you." Kuroo butted in and came closer with a smirk, "You must be his lover then."

"Uhh yes..."

"Well it's nice to finally meet you. So you really weren't a ghost then huh. But the question is how are you in our world?" 

"I think our worlds joined together." The second year explained, "People I didn't know existed appeared on the news on my phone."

"How peculiar..." The third year mused with a smirk, looking at his watch quickly he noticed the time. "I hate to disturb you two lovebirds but Kenma we have to go back, the coach is probably worried."

"Oh ok..." The pudding head sighed a hint of reluctance in his voice, "See you soon Shoyo."

"See you soon Kenma!" Waving towards his lover and friend, Shoyo smiled brightly. It really was true, Kenma and Shoyo were together.

It was really him!

It really is a miracle!

This is incredible!

Just wait till I tell everyone!

"Hinata? Hinata!" a voice called from behind him, "Hinata! There you are!"

Sugawara came round the corner then, "I finally found you. Let's head back the team is waiting for us."

"Ok! I'm feeling energized for this match I could climb mountains!"

"You better save that energy for the match Hinata. We're going to need that spiking power." Suga laughed as they started to head back.

"I'll make sure to put my all in!"



The time for the match finally arrived. Nekoma Vs Karasuno. Lover Vs Lover. When they arrived Hinata could barely contain his excitement, once introductions were done he went immideietly to the setter.

"Kenma!~" Shoyo exclaimed bouncing towards the setter, "I can't believe we get to finally play against each other!"

"Me neither." Kenma smiled softly, "This will be interesting."

"It really will! It's going to be so fun!" 

Both teams were quite surprised to know that they knew each other, neither had mentioned about knowing a player on the opposite team. Nobody said anything though and carried on with their own conversations, Kuroo however was smirking.

"Oh! We need to swap numbers and give each other our social media usernames!" Hinata suddenly said whipping out his phone.

"Oh right." Taking out his own phone he gave it to Shoyo.

Quickly typing in the number he handed it back and wrote a little text.

From Shoyo Hinata:

Smiling the second-year immediately saved it into contacts and smiled softly before replying.

From Kenma Kozume:

"Great! Now we can contact each other after the match! What's your Instagram and Snapchat?"

Before the pudding head could reply, Yamamoto a fellow teammate of Kenma's came towards them threateningly. "What do you want with our setter huhhhhhh?"

Hinata gulped before backing away slightly and bumping into someone behind me.

"What do you want with out first-year huhhhhhhhhhhh?" Tanaka replied with the same look.

"Yamamoto stop that!" "Tanaka cut it out!" Two third years yelled as they grabbed their respective teammates by their jacket.

"I'm very sorry about this idiot." Yaku apologised with a side glare to Yamamoto.

"I'm sorry about our idiot as well." Sugawara smiled which heard a complaint from Tanaka. "However I am quite curious...Hinata do you two know each other?"

"Huh? Oh yeah! We know each other!" Shoyo beamed.

"You didn't mention him yesterday. It seemed like you didn't know Nekoma."

"Oh well that's because I didn't think he'd be on the team." the first-year said scratching his neck, "You see...this is the person from the mirror! Kenma!"

Dropping that bombshell silenced both teams, their brains seeming to be stuck on the loading page.

"Hold up! So-but-how...Hhuh?" Nishinoya mumbled holding his head, "I'm so confused."

"A person with low-scores in school like yourself probably wouldn't be able to figure it out." Tsukishima laughed. 


"So that's the small guy in the mirror???" Inuoka exclaimed coming towards the first-year, "Woah so cool!"

"Well not technically in the mirror....but yeah I was seen through the mirror."

Yamaguchi came over to Hinata. "So wait if that's him are you two together??"

"Yep!" Shoyo beamed but his innocent expression soon turned sneaky, "So are you and Salty together?"

"Wah-No..." The freckled male replied with a blush. "Don't say that while he's here!"

"He's smaller than I expected." Nobuyuki commented as he looked towards the lover of the setter.

"Don't underestimate him." Was all that was replied, Kenma kept sneaking glances over to the first-year every now and then.

"He seems friendly and quite outgoing." The short libro said looking over to Shoyo. "He's similar to Lev in a way in personality."

"No. He isn't annoying like Lev."

"Wait shouldn't we be getting in the gym?" Fukunaga commented, "We-"

"Oi we're suppose to be playing a practise match here!" Coach Ukai hollered, "Get in here and get to the match!"

Not wanting to get scolded by their coachs they quickly hurrieded in and changed into their volleyball shoes and took off their jackets.

"You guys can ideally gossip afterwards. Right now we have a practise match." Ukai said as his team approached. "Anyway we up against Nekoma. A powerhouse school and well-known for their defence skill."

The team nodded becoming concentrated on the game before them.

"We will be using the new-quick attack. That will give their team a scare." Coach said with a smirk. "Do your best out there."

Nodding to the coach the team got into position, the opposing team as well. Looking over to Kenma quickly the first-year sent a bright smile. Their first proper match. Who was going to win.


The match started off alright, the ball sailed over the net as the libros dug the ball and the spikers hit the ball. Hinata's decoy abilities catching them off guard a little but now it was time for the big guns. The ball was bounced towards Kageyama and Shoyo took off sprinting. Closing his eyes and trusting the setter Hinata leaped into the air and slammed the ball over the net.

The ball flew past the players and hit the ball with a bang. Kenma's eyes widened as he witnessed the quick attack, the setter mumbled "Amazing." under his breath. 

Cheering Karasuno got into position again and the game continued. Hinata watched the setter, the way they moved, the way they set but what stuck out to him most was when he tricked Tsukishima. Seeing that a small smile came to his lips and he whispered, "That's my boyfriend!"


The game had took a turn and Nekoma was in the lead. Inuoka had been managing to keep up with Shoyo and had been blocking his spikes. This was suppose to break Hinata's spirit and make him unusable to spike, yes it was for the game but it still bothered Kenma to do it.

Just as another spike was blocked Kenma looked towards the first-year, his head was hung low and he was out of breath. However when Shoyo finally looked up there was a smile on his face. This shocked the Nekoma team as he smiled brightly, he was enjoying this.

Shoyo was an interesting character and he kept proving that over and over again.

The score for the Practise match was 22-24, Nekoma beating Karasuno by 2 points. Nekoma was about to pack up when Hinata suddenly exclaimed. "Let's play another Practise Match!"

The coaches and the teams agreed and so they played another practise match and then another and then another until it was late into the afternoon...


"Do you have to go Kenma..." Shoyo sighed looking dejected as they stood next to the Nekoma bus. "I don't want you to go just yet..."

"We have each other's social medias and numbers so we'll be able to stay in contact." Kenma replied but inside he was reluctant to leave.

"Yeah but..." Grumbling Hinata pouted and looked away.

"Are you grumpy?" The pudding head asked shocked, "We can always meet up soon if thats what you wanted..."

The grumpy mood of the first year immediately disappeared then. "Yes I would love that!"

"We can discuss it when we get home if you want? Over call..." The pudding head said smiling slightly, 

"Yes yes yes!" 

"Kenma! Come on!" Kuroo called from the bus.

"Bye Shoyo." Smiling gently he waved and got on the bus.

"Bye Kenma!" Waving back the shorter got on his own bus to head back to his own school.

Once Nekoma's bus was out of sight Hinata smiled to himself.

Today has been amazing...

I can't wait to see Kenma again.

This whole thing has been crazy. But I'm glad it happened.

Smiling his eyes slowly drooped until he couldn't hold them open anymore and he fell asleep, his head leaning on the window...



After the volleyball meeting and the exhausting ride home Hinata pushed open the door to his house.

"Hey I'm home!"

"Welcome back Shoyo!" Natsu called.

"Welcome home Sweetie, Dinner is on the table." His mom called as well. "How was the practise match?"

"We lost them all but it was really fun to play!" Hinata exclaimed. "I really enjoyed today."

"That's good." Hinata's mom said smiling and placing his dinner on the table. "Here you go."

"Thanks mom!"

Placing down his stuff he sat down at the table and ate his dinner which had been saved for him. Once he was finished he placed the plate and cutlery in the sink and headed upstairs to have a shower and change.

"Kenma was going to text me right?"

Looking at his phone he hadn't recieved a message yet meaning Kenma was finished. Thinking he had enough time he grabbed some clothes and headed to the shower.


After the shower he headed back to his bedroom and picked up his phone. A text had appeared then from Kenma.

From Kenma Kozume:

Sitting down his bed quickly he started to type out a reply.

From Shoyo Hinata:
Hi! Sorry I went into the shower :P

From Kenma Kozume:
It's fine. I just came out a few minutes ago.

From Shoyo Hinata:
Did you get back ok? :)

From Kenma Kozume:
Yeah. Did you?

From Shoyo Hinata:

From Shoyo Hinata:
Do you want to call now?

From Kenma Kozume:

Picking the call option the phone started to ring. Once they were connected there was silence until...


"Kenma! Hi!" Shoyo responded. "Whatcha doing?"

"Not much..." The pudding head responded. "I was...thinking..about you."


"A-anyway. I was wondering if..." Stopping for a second Kenma tried to organise his thoughts. "You wanted to come round tomorrow at 12."

"Tomorrow? Yeah sure! I really want to see you again!" 

"Same. I want to see you again Shoyo."

"You'll have to show me around! I've never been to Tokyo before! Is it nice?" Shoyo asked in wonder. "I here at night that the it looks beautiful!"

"I guess it's nice. It's crowded though." Kenma replied as he moved to lay on his bed, "We could grab lunch in a nearby café if you wanted."

"Yes! I would happily go anywhere you suggest!"

"What about going to an arcade?" The pudding head joked.

"Totally! Let's go!" 

"No I was..." Sighing Kenma laughed quietly to himself. "You idiot..."

"Hey! I'm not a idiot!" Hinata laughed. "Your an idiot!"

The two boys laughed and spoke the night away. They talked about anything and everything, what they liked, what they didn't like, newest movies, newest celebrities, new songs, everything. 

After a while though Kenma fell asleep on the call leaving Hinata to hear the soft breathing through the phone.

"I love you Kenma..." he whispered before laying his head on his pillow, he didn't want to end the call and so fell asleep listerning to the soft breaths of Kenma through the phone.


When morning came the call was still going. Hinata woke up first and noticed and chuckled to himself. Checking the time he realised he had only 4 hours-ish to get ready since he woke up at 8:05.

Placing the phone on the nightstand beside him he started looking through he drawers for something to wear. He eventually decided to wear a plain blue shirt with stars on and black shorts. It was said to be warmer than usual on the weather app.

A groan could be heard from the home as Kenma woke up.

"What time is it?" He mumbled.

"Good Morning! It's 8:15." Hinata exclaimed moving to the phone.

"Oh!" The pudding head jumped over the phone. "I didn't realise the call was still going."

"Yep I didn't end it but...my phone is going to die so I need to plug it in." Shoyo mumbled as he looked around for the charger. "I found it!"

Celebrating he quickly plugged his phone in.

"Shoyo! Breakfast!" His mom yelled. 

"I got to go for breakfast now but I'll seen you 12!" Shoyo quickly said. 

"Yes. I have to go as well. See you soon."

"Love you Kenma!"

"Love you too..Shoyo." Kenma replied blushing over the phone.

Ending the call the first year left his bedroom and headed straight to the kitchen. His mom was doing the washing up while Natsu was sitting at the table with cereal, his bowl and cereal on the table opposite Natsu.

"Good Morning!" Hinata greeted sitting down. "I'm thinking of heading to Tokyo today to meet someone. Is that ok?"

"A friend? Yeah that's fine just be careful and don't get lost." Hinata's mom said, "When are you heading out?"


"It would be better to grab the 11:30 train so you get there a little earlier. I use to head to Tokyo all the time." His mother remembered.

"Can I come?" Natus asked as he ate her cereal.

"Maybe next time Natsu. Sorry." 

Finishing offer her cereal she huffed and headed back to her room. He promised to bring her something back so that lightened her mood.

Once Shoyo had finished his own cereal he headed into the shower to get ready. After he was changed and ready he gathered some money and a little backpack so that he could carry his essentials and anything he would buy.

The time was now 9:10. Time was going extremely slow. Humming to himself he wandered around his room, his phone was almost charged only 2% remaining.

"Shoyo!" Natsu said coming into the room. "I need your opinion on something."

"Huh? What is it?" 

"Does this look alright?" His sister then held up a drawing in her hand, it was really detailed and well drawn.

"Yeah that looks great Natsu!" Hinata praised, "Do you need any art supplies?"

"I need some new pencils and coloured pencils but thats about it." 

"I'll pick you some up when I go to Tokyo!"

"Really???" Natsu smiled brightly, "Thank you!"

Smiling he went out and headed down the stairs the distanst "Mom look what I drew!" could be heard. His phone buzzed then signaling his phone had finished charging.

He decided to start texting Kenma and the team group chat and chat the hours away, maybe play a few games here and there. He really couldn't wait to go. He couldn't sit still.


Once the time had come and he hopped on the train his excitement was about ready to explode. The pudding head had informed him that he would wait for Shoyo in the station until he arrived which just increased his impatience.

The train ride went slowly but as soon as he pulled up at the station, Hinata leaped off the train and looked all around the train station before texting.

From Shoyo Hinata:
Hey hey! Where are you????

From Kenma Kozume:
I'm in the corner.

Looking into the corner he noticed the small feline-like figure in the corner. Bouncing over he grabbed the others hand and squeezed it gently.

"Hiya Kenma!" 

"Hi Shoyo." blushing he replied as he slowly led Hinata out of the busy train station.

"You look amazing!"

"Thank you. You look amazing too." The second year said embarrassed. "Welcome to Tokyo..."

"It's so busy! So much busier than Miyagi!" Shoyo looked around amazed, "So many shops and signs!"

Kenma watched his boyfriend light up with joy as he looked around, stars could be seen in his eyes as he admired every part of his surroundings.

"Let's go to a less crowded spot." Tugging the shorter they headed to a less crowded street. "This is better..."

"Where are we going to go first?" Hinata immediately asked. "I don't mind where we go!"

Smiling the second year gently swung their intertwined hands. "How about...the arcade?" Kenma suggested softly.

"I'm fine wherever we go as long as I'm with you." Hinata smiled softly, "I love you and..."

"Let's stay together forever Kenma! Okay?"

Mirror Meetings The End!

♡  Extra: In the future:

Kenma brushed his teeth in the mirror, he watched his reflection in boredom. He was debating whether to dye his hair again as his black had grown out but decided against it in the end as it would be a hassle to do so.

"Kenma!" A voice called from outside the bathroom.

"I'm brushing my teeth." Kenma called back once he spat out the toothpaste.

The bathroom do opened then revealing the orange-haired male who was now a professional volleyball player. The pudding head had stopped playing volleyball once he graduated and now was a CEO of a company and a popular streamer.

"Good Morning~" Hinata said with a smile as he picked up his toothbrush.

Swilling the toothbrush and adding toothpaste he started to brush his teeth. Looking into the mirror, Shoyo kept looking towards the other.

"What is it Shoyo?" Kenma asked finally as he put his brush away.

Finishing brushing his teeth he placed his toothbrush next to Kenma and looked towards the other.

"I see both of us in the mirror not just one of us." Shoyo said smiling brightly.

The taller sighed and then started to laugh. "You say that everytime Shoyo."

"Cause it's true we're together and I don't say it that much!"

"We've been together for what 5 years and you say it nearly every morning." Kenma retorted back.


Laughing slightly the gamer looked towards his husband and smiled softly.

"Your such an idiot but your my idiot. ♡"

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