Roommates (saioumami)

By purrfect_kitty

31.3K 1K 2.5K

So, first of all. This is a story about Rantaro, Shuichi, and Kokichi, in a world without the killing game, a... More

Chapter One. (Mess in the Cafe)
Chapter Two ( Detectives in Training)
Thank You! (Oneshot, as thx for all the support)
First Batch of Charcter Questions
Chapter Four (Things arn't all that different)
Character Designs (Will Change Some)
Chapter 5 (Tea Time With The Protags?)
Memories between the Thoughts(Komahina One-Shot)
Chapter Six (Duplicated Drama)
Chapter Seven (Dinner with the Amami Family)
Chapter Eight (The Skating Detective)
Chapter Nine (Drama Unraveled, and Raveled Again)
Chapter Ten (Confessions in the Cafe)
Update Again
Chapter Eleven (The Case of Highschool Deception.)
Chapter Twelve (The Truth or More Fabrications?)
Chapter Thirteen (Laughing, and Loving)
Chapter Fourteen(The Festival of Lights)
Chapter Fifteen: The Hidden Truth
Chapter Sixteen: A New Day A New Start
Chapter Seventeen: (The Party of Hope!)
Chapter Eighteen: (New Lives Old Love)
A word from the Author.
New Cover Art
Hi! Sudden update!!!
Pointless headcanons, Also some parts I didn't include.
Random Oneshot.

Chapter Three (Favors + Popular Girls = Trouble)

2.1K 66 313
By purrfect_kitty

(I have a headcanon that pre-game Kokichi is good at math so he relates real-life social problems to math)

Kokichi's p.o.v

What happens when you're the kid who gets picked on the most at school, and you do a few favors for the popular kids so you don't get picked on? Simple, you get trouble.

Megan Stil is the most popular girl in school, and when she asks for a favor, you can't back away from it.

My favor for her some may ask? Well, it wasn't a favor for her, more like blackmail to me.

"Kokichi!" Megan called out in a sing-songy voice. She stood in front of me with a clipboard and a wide grin.

"So phase one is complete. Rantaro gave my sister his number, Now for phase two, to start I need you to let me at your place so we can print out my sister's secret emails "

Secret emails.

The emails where someone was blackmailing April into giving them money so they wouldn't tell the whole school that April was both male and female.

I could understand why April would want to keep it a secret.

After all, Megan calls her a freak because of it.

If I refused Megan's offer she would let everyone at school now that I'm gay, and that would just make bulling even worse for me, not to mention my parents would disown me.

Although, maybe her telling everyone my sexuality and my crushes wouldn't be as bad as outing her sister for having male and female parts.

No, I can't let them know.

Taking a deep breath and still weighing my options I replied

"Yeah sure, you can come over after school."

How selfish, I was going to hurt April, and she didn't even do anything wrong.

As I said it I remembered Rantaro and Shuichi talking about how they would hate to be friends with someone that had the friendship built on guilt and lies.

That was my relationship with Megan.

"OOh, okay, by the way, there is a rumor that has been spreading that you're gay, to keep your sexuality a secret, ask me out at lunch for coffee, I'll say yes just to save your reputation!"

She frowned and seemed to notice the doubtful look on my face. "What? I promise you that I didn't start the rumor, it only started because people noticed they have never seen you date anyone."

With a wave, she skipped over to the next miserable soul to do her bidding.

Opening up my notebook, that I filled with doodles and thoughts, I wrote the first thing that came to my mind.

Highschool + Popular kids + Favors + Rumors = Trouble + Drama + Guilt + Secrets

Hm, the reward does not make up for the action.

Not the nicest thought but the truth.

I felt someone tap my shoulder whipping around and shutting my book I faced the person.

It was Rantaro.

"Hey, there you are, Shuichi and I were surprised to see you got left early. Not very nice to take my car without telling me though, can I have my keys back now." He grinned giving me an outstretched hand where I dropped the keys into.

"Ha, sorry. I forgot to tell you, I had to get here early and I didn't want to wake you and Shuichi." I lied, again, it became a habit recently.

I've lied a lot these past few months, trying to pretend I'm not the boy Ranatro found sobbing in the hallway after being shoved into lockers, getting stuff stolen, and well anything you can think that bullies would do.

He chuckled. "Listen if you need a car just ask me, my mom said you can have her old car, plus that car is only five years old."

"Yeah, I know. Um, I'll let you know when I take your mom up on the offer for her car, but uh, for now, I have to get to class."

With the lame excuse, I hurried down the hall my heart pounding fast.

God, Rantaro, and Shuichi both make me flustered and upset at the same time. Not that they mean too, they just don't know how many secrets I try to hide from them, including how I feel. No time to be thinking about your feelings you have to get through the school day.

Right the school day, if I can last being stuck in here for nine hours with my crushes, friends, and bullies?

Well, I've survived these twelve years can't be hard to survive another nine hours of hell.

Or so I thought.

The moment I stepped into the homeroom every head turned to me, I was early it wasn't like I was late.

No they all had the same look of curiosity, and then a few people began whispering to each other.

That's when my anxiety kicked in.

Thinking quickly, I headed to my desk a tiny bit faster than a normal person would walk to their desk and sat down, grabbing the book for class and quickly flipping it to the page on the board.

Nagito Komaeda sat next to me at our table.

He wasn't a popular guy, per se. Girls found him attractive, even after he came out as gay. Well, I guess even if you are gay people would still think your attractive.

Part of me wondered if I came out of the closet if people wouldn't care, just like most people don't care that Komaeda is gay.

"Are you okay Ouma?" He asked looking at me with concern.

"I'm fine, just why did everyone stare at me when I walked in?" I asked trying to keep my voice from shaking.

"Oh that, there was a rumor that you and I are dating. Don't worry about it. I confirmed with everyone that we are single and only friends."

He shrugged it off before opening his school book. "Plus you know just like the rest of our friends, my eyes are only on Hajime."

He had his signature look that he had any time someone mentioned him and Hajime being a couple or when he goes on about hope.

I sometimes wonder if he loves Hajime more than hope.

Taking the chance I deiced to ask. "So which do you love more hope or Hajime?"
There was silence before Nagito responded. "Hajime is my hope, therefore I love both just the same.

The answer seemed odd, Komadeda must have seen the confused look on my face.

"I don't know how to explain in any other way, then that hope is the feeling greater things will happen. For me, there could be nothing greater than gaining Hajime's affections, even if he only sees me as a friend."

"But, he is your friend?"

Nagito sighed looking annoyed with my comment before speaking again. "Let me rephrase it. There would be nothing greater then Hajime, understanding my feeling, and not being repulsed by the idea that someone like me is in love with him."

It was weird but weird that people who knew Nagito would understand.

True or False?

Nagito believes that Hope = Hajime?

Well, in this case, I get the answer would be true

"Ahh, that makes sense." It was partially the truth, really it didn't make too much sense.

That's when Hajime walked into the classroom.

As usual, while Hajime walked over to us Nagito just stared at him. Causing me to have to elbow him, so he would stop because Hajime had told him plenty of times being stared at makes him uncomfortable.

"Hey, you guys, sorry I'm late, Mikan needed a ride, so I picked her up." He smiled before sitting down next to Nagito with a grin.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, looking between the two of us.

Instantly Nagito turned pink. "N-nothing at all."

If anything triggered the red flag in Hajime's mind was Nagito blushing.

Nagito hardly blushes, he seemed to be shameless and never embarrassed, he was the type of person who hardly blushes.

Instead, he was bright pink and was staring at a random page in the school book.

"Right, anyway Kokichi, Shuichi asked me to give you your wallet." Hajime handed me my wallet before he began to do the school work.

Before I could start, however. Megan left her table and sat down next to me.

Much to my horror, she kissed my cheek. "Kokichi, I hope you don't mind, but I need to speak to you about something." She lowers her voice before continuing. "Change of plans, we won't print out the emails for a week, instead you have to help me put up the school dance posters."

She smiled, seeming to notice we had an audience, for everyone turned and watched as she kissed my cheek.

Her cheeks turned pink, faining embarrassment. "W-what? Oh... Dear, you all saw that didn't you."

She chuckled embarrassedly before rushing back to her seat.

Hajime and Nagito both stared at me with surprise.

"Um, is it just me or did the most popular girl kiss you?" Hajime asked his eyes wide
"It was only on the cheek, it doesn't matter what so ever, she only did it so I would offer to help her with her work," I grumbled before furiously writing in the school book.

Honestly, I was glad we didn't have to do the emails, putting up school posters seemed like a better plan to me.

That required a lot less guilt, then telling everyone a secret that didn't hurt anyone in the first place.

I was sure the day couldn't get any worse, but it turned out the story of Megan kissing my cheek swarmed the school.

There were rumors that we were dating, that I asked her out and she said yes by kissing my cheek, and the oddest one was I had a crush on her and she friend-zoned me and ended up kissing my cheek a week after I confessed my undying love for her and she only kissed me because she was happy about something.

I was asked by so many people about the rumors, I eventually just walked away not answering them, which made the odd story the story everyone believed.

Because walking away from people asking me questions equals whether she friend-zoned me?

Honestly, high school relationships are more complicated than math equations.

Hm, let's see.

True or False?

Me walking away + Rumors = Rumors are True?

The answer would be false.

I'm the only one that got the questing right it would seem when you hear what these people are saying.

I was stopped on my way to lunch by Shuichi who looked at me skeptically "You've been acting weird, first you were on your phone yesterday acting skittish, then you took Ranatro's car, and now there are rumors that you and Megan are dating, who even is Megan?" He was annoyed and exhausted looking for answers that I couldn't give.

Lucky or maybe unlucky Megan rushed over before stopping in front of me and smiling at Shuichi.

"Kokichi! Gosh, I've been looking for you everywhere, you can't just ignore my texts!" She shouted, grabbing my hand.

"Hold on, you're that girl at the coffee shop, wait to hold on, Kokichi your dating that Megan?" Shuichi asked, his eyes wide looking between us.
"Hm? Ohh, I remember you, you were at the cafe when I was getting that baristo's number for my sister!" She faked a smile. "Small world right?"

"Yeah, you were trying to hook up your aromatic, asexual sister with Rantaro." Shuichi started with faint annoyance in his voice.

"Oh, dear she's been going on about that, trust me she only started saying she was aromatic, asexual after a boy broke her heart." Megan sighed almost dramatically, "Well if you're done questing us we are going to lunch."

She dragged me away whispering, "BTW everyone thinks we are a couple. I've said that we are, it's good credibility for you, you know that right?" She asked with one of her innocent smiles, before taking my hand as we walked into the cafeteria and sat at an empty table.

The cafeteria was full of teens gossiping and being stupid, while I was stuck at a table with Megan of all people. We went over the plan for the emails I had to print them, and she would place them in people's lockers.

Eventually, Rantaro and April came over and sat with us, they gave us no reason why they sat with us though.

After a couple of minutes of silence, Megan spoke up, addressing Rantaro and me.

"So, Rantaro, and Kokichi, my sister and I were going to the beach this weekend. Do you want to come?" She smiled innocently, but I knew she was planning something, it was in her eyes, thankfully Ranatro stopped whatever plane she had.

"It sounds nice Megan, but I'm afraid, Kokichi, Shuchi, and I are going to get our nails done, and then Faith's ice cream shop, we do it every month." Rantaro smiled apologetically, "but if you want to do it some other time we could join."


If Ranatro hadn't said the last part we would've been golden.

I knew Megan was going to plan something to embarrass her sister at the beach. Most likely a way to show Rantaro that her sister had lied to everyone about her gender.

I noticed that when Ranatro rejected the invitation April looked relieved.

"Oh? Kokichi why didn't you tell me you are in touch with your feminine side! That's so sweet" She explained excitedly, but I didn't trust her enuthansim.

Rantaro coughed awkwardly. "Painting nails it's not just a girl thing." He looked uncomfortable when Megan mentioned, "Feminine side" Was Rantaro hiding something?

No, he couldn't be, he probably was tired of people saying only girly boys wear nail polish.

"Oh, I know. Sorry, Ranatro if I insulted you in any way." Megan was trying too hard to be on Rantaro's good side.

"No, it's all good. No harm was done, now if you excuse your sister and me, we are going to sit with Shuichi." I watched as he walked and April walked away chucking and talking as they walked to the other side of the lunchroom.

"Hm, I can see why you fell for him, he's handsome, and a flirt without even knowing, you have no idea he accidentally flirted with April and got her all flustered," Megan spoke up when they were finally out of view.

She twirled her straw in her drink before giggling, "Gosh, if I knew that I would have snatched him up for myself, instead of handing him to my sister."

She smiled sweetly before growling and crushing the bag of goldfish in her hand "But of course my sister doesn't even appreciate the fact I handed her a perfect match.

What type of sister doesn't thank her sister for finding her a boyfriend? Oh, right there not even dating." She laughed almost pitifully.

"What cruel irony, she thinks I helped her make a new friend when she's just playing into my hands to ruin her."

Megan grinned evilly, as she stirred her drink before sipping it again. "Well, it doesn't matter. As long as Rantaro doesn't stand up for her everything will be fine."

I nodded solemnly, I hated everything about what I was going to do, and if Shuichi and Rantaro find out it was me, they'll never forgive me for doing something so cruel.

Let's just say at school I don't act as I do at home, after all, they accept meat home but at school, they don't.

The lunch bell finally saved me from Megan and I rushed to class forgetting that I was partnered up with Shuichi.

He sat down looking livid with anger. "Of all people to date, you chose the most stuck up person at school?"

Instantly like an actor that remembered everything in the play, I respond in a childish tone. "Aww, are you jealous Shuichi, were you finally going to pledge your forbidden love to me?"

He sighed before responding. "No, why do you have to say things like that? Every time I ask you something serious you brush it off like a joke, I swore you hated her."

It was true I hated her but I had to play along with her game, could I even tell Shuichi that? "I won't deny that I didn't like her at first, but she asked me out, and I didn't know what to say, so she took it as a yes, I think. It's confusing for me too." It wasn't completely a lie.

"Then why not tell her you don't want to be with her?" he asked again, I knew I had to pull out another lie that I was kinda sure he could see through.

"Who said I don't want to be with her? She's pretty, so why would I waste an opportunity?"

To my surprise he didn't see through the lie, instead, he looked embarrassed. "N-never mind then."

I noticed a small blush on his cheeks as he looked away opening up the textbook. "Let's just finish the project." I had realized my statement about wasting an opportunity was probably not the best way to phrase it, but it was already said and done, and from the mortified look on Shuchi's face, it sounded a little worse then I meant it to sound.

"When, I said that, I meant... why would I say no if I know that someone likes me like that, that someone loves me." When I finally spoke I noticed that Shuichi seemed to grip his pencil harder before he turned away from me.

"Why, don't you see..." He stopped and shook his head. "It doesn't matter just finish the questions."

Before I could question him about what he just said, he stood up abruptly and grabbed his bag saying something to the teacher, and left.

(2907 words) A lot more than I thought.


Ask the characters questions! I'm going to post there responses next because I'm only 400 words into chapter four so far.

 You can Ask:









Plz ask! I really want to know what you guys think and what you would like to know!

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