FIRE {Completed}

By BossethEhi

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Its obvious that she is nervous. I smile because for someone who exudes confidence, she sure looks kinda scar... More

Author Note


5 0 0
By BossethEhi

Its been a very busy time and to make things worse I had to give in to Vince and meet his dad. He was so confident that our meeting would be beneficial to the both of us and to stop his pestering I decided to meet with him on his birthday since he said it was going to be a very small gathering.

  I arrive at the government house and after extensive security checks and search I was finally admitted into the house. Mehn you haven't felt like a terrorist until you've had to visit the government house. All military personnels were represented. The gift I brought alone had almost be dissected just to make sure I wasn't hiding weapons or bombs in there. If this was the rigor one had to pass through just to attend a birthday party here then I wasn't going to be coming here for any reason.

  I call Vince when I was shown to a very elaborate guest parlour that was currently having about seven people. I'm shown a seat and asked what I would like to drink. I decline the drink but accept the seat. It takes Vince over twenty minutes to show. When he does he was apologetic as he had been held up with some duties.

  We exchange a friendly hug and he insists I meet his dad briefly before he gets too crowded by friends and well wishers. I agree because getting it out of the way now would mean I could sneak out at anytime I wanted during the party.

  We find him talking with some friends who happens to be politicians as well.

  "Dad this is Mystique the lady I told you about." Says Vince interrupting his fathers discussion.

  "Good evening sir!" I say with a  courtesy.

  "Good evening dear. What a lovely young lady." He says with a smile making me smile shyly as well. "This is Mr lawal and Mr Andy, they are friends of mine as well as my party member." He introduces them, then excuses us.

  "If I didn't interrupt him like that he would have spent the whole day there arguing politics." Says Vince winking.

  "So Mystique I hear you are the brain box of ideas." Says Mr Zeke Vince dad.

  "He no doubt would have exagerrated to make me more appealing. Being a politician yourself you should know the importance a good presentation."

   He laughs at my statement then looks at me. "I see you know how to throw a punch." He says.

  "Nah! I just say it like I see it." I inform him smiling.

  "Which political party do you support?" He asks interested.

  "I'm not a fan of political parties. I feel they are all the same, they just have different names." I respond.

  "That's a rather funny way to look at it. Don't you think?" He asks.

  "In politics there are two types of people. Those who are active and those who are passive. Its normal for someone who is on the outside to see things differently from those on the inside. When I look at it all I see is different individuals doing the same things under different party." I say.

  "Things like?" He asks curious.

  "Play politics. All political parties have the same ideas, values and plans. Considering that they all play by the same rule book its to be expected. I'm not really a fan of politics and would not like to offend you with my opinions." I say trying to quit while I was ahead before I offended him.

  "Nonsense! I love to interact with people especially sharp youngsters who have opinions." He says waving off my concerns. "Vince please get us something to drink and eat" He further says.

  I request for water and few small chops and he leaves me with a pat on my shoulder and a promise to be back soon.

  "Now that Vince not here I'm curious about your relationship with my son. He has been on me to meet with you and I must admit he has never been so persistent about an issue before." He says looking at me.

  "Vince and I are friends. Platonic friends that will always remain that. When he noticed that I wasn't moved by his fathers position and didn't quake in his presence like he expected I should I guess he must have developed some respect for me." I say honestly not knowing if there was a specific way to answer.

  "Are you quaking in my presence?" He asks with a smile.

  "Not exactly. As much as I'm not scared with you as a person I'm kinda wary. I dont want to offend your office or your personality. You command your respect and its normal that my sense tells me that there should be a line differentiating our social status." I inform him.

  "I see you are trying to make good use of your words and at such you are coming across as respectful. So tell me honestly what you think of politicians in general. Your sincere opinion wouldn't get me angry." He informs me.

  "There are politicians and there are African politicians. On a sincere note I have no lost love for politicians. I don't like their office. In a process to appear powerful and show off the privilege that comes with the office, I feel African politicians have totally disconnected themselves from the masses. They no longer come across as public servants, they are now considered rulers and demi gods. But it natural they feel that way because anyone who gets exposed to so much authority and power like to feel like they are a god." I say.

  "He said you were fearless and I can clearly see it." He says laughing.

  "I try to deliver." I say smiling lightly.

  We talk for a while about my projects and my initiative to give back to the people. He wants to be a part of my operation provide clean drinking water and although I decline I tell him ways he could start his own for his state and a few things he could do to gain the favour of his people for the next election.

  As much as my suggestions would secure him a second term they would also make sure the masses get to enjoy a little bit of the dividend of democracy they deserved.

  Relating with him was an eye opener because it made me realise that despite the office they hold they were still human beings. As humans they were bound to make mistakes and exhibit simple human tendencies. He had at his disposal advisers who needed to do a more thorough job and I pointed it out to him. We had to finally end our discussion when the party was in full swing.

  "So how was it?" Asks Vince looking at me expectantly.

  "It was normal. Felt like I was pitching my ideas for a job. He was chill to talk to and did not get offended by my views." I reply.

  "So has your views on politicians changed yet?" He asks me smiling.

  "Definitely not. As much as he was great he is imperfect and as a politician he has made his fair share of mistakes, wrong calls and most times decisions that would be most beneficial to him and his party. But I get that he is human." I reply.

  "Okay if you say so! How have you been? You look great by the way. Didn't think you had a black party dress in your colourful wardrope?" He says with a smirk.

  "I've been good just busy. I have black dresses for when I need them." I say elbowing him playfully on the ribs and causing him to yelp. "So what have you been up to?" I ask him.

  "Busy just like you. Its not easy merging personal responsibilities with family duties. I have to pray that I'm not required to represent my father when I'm in the middle of sealing a business deal." He says sounding wary.

  "Trust me I don't want to even know how tedious that can be. But you need to draw the line and make him understand that you have a life aside from his." I advice.

  "And have him remind me that his name and office are what's getting me personal successes. I'll pass on that lecture." He says making me laugh.

  "Until you stand up for yourself you will have to put up with his control. Its like you are forgetting you should be building your own family not helping your father build his." I tell him seriously.

  "You think I don't know that? Its not easy finding a wife who would want to think for herself, especially when you don't want us together." He replies.

  "Pulease don't even drag me into that. You have a girlfriend that you've been with for years don't you think it would be heartless not to wife her?" I ask him.

  "She would be my wife when she takes shit seriously. Marriage is not dating, I'm not just after a fine face with per degree. I want brain, love and affections. I also need a helper. Which is what I would get if you agree for us to get married." He says to me seriously.

  "If we get married it wouldn't be a relationship it would be a partnership. I'm too independent for you to control. We're like oil and water we won't ever mix well.

  " I know a bullshit excuse when I hear one. Just tell me you don't like me that way. Also remember you need to settle down too." He says laughing.

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