Stolen Jerseys One Shot Comp

By Magicallycursed

26.4K 827 331

Read Stolen Jerseys(: First place winner in the Stolen Jerseys One Shot Competition More

Full Story??
SJ Sequel

Allison's POV

15.7K 555 269
By Magicallycursed

What an asshole... what a fucking asshole!

Growling under my breath, I grabbed my bag off my shoulder, digging for my key.

Where the hell is it?!

I paused for a moment.


I stalked up the walkway, still muttering a few choice words as I found the house key buried in my school bag. It took me a million tries, but finally I was able to push the key into the slot, and open the door.

I was so angry that when I threw open the door, it flew back and smacked into the wall with a loud snap.

"Holy shit!" I heard a voice yelp and saw a figure diving behind the couch. "Elle, a serial killer broke in!" Whoever it was sounded completely and utterly terrified.

With a roll of my eyes, I realized who it was. "Uncle Con, chill out. If I was a real serial killer, you'd be my first target, just because of how idiotic you can be. You don't say that kinda thing in front of a murderer!"

Uncle Connor's head popped up over the top of the couch, his eyes wary as he looked me up and down. "Allie, is that you?"

"No." I deadpanned. "I'm the fucking serial killer, sent to exterminate you."

Connor rolled his eyes, letting out an extremely unattractive snort. "I knew it." Despite the fact that Connor looked like he was gonna shit his pants just from the thought of a serial killer, he acted completely normal as if he did not just freak out.

"So Allie... what's gotten you so angry?"

I glared at him. "I'm not angry." Uncle Con rolled his eyes, and I groaned, dropping my bag by the front door. "Fine, I admit it. I'm fucking pissed off, and your not helping."

"Language." Connor laughed. "And just an FYI, you're about as intimidating as a baby squirrel."

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? Because you were screaming about a serial killer just minutes ago." I stepped further into the house as I spoke.

Connor waved me off. "Fine fine, maybe not a squirrel. But your definitely as scary as a kitten, no more."

A kitten wasn't much better then a squirrel.

"Speaking of kittens, where's Miguel?" I asked, looking around the living room for the cat in question.

I say kitten, but honestly Miguel was old. In fact, he was almost 21 years old. Miguel had lived with my dad and Uncle Con for a years; I grew up with him around. No matter how many times Dad tried to give Miguel to Connor, or get rid of him, he never could. Dad always tells me how he's the spawn of Satan, seeing as the cat always steals his boxers, although the older he gets, the less active he is.

Despite the fact that Miguel does have his moments, I think that his boxer stealing days are long behind him.

Connor shrugged. "I don't know, last I saw he was hanging around outside."

Just as I was about to go find him, I heard footsteps coming from the hallway on the left, where my parent's bedroom was. My mom soon appeared, all dressed up and beautiful with her blonde hair curled and pinned up, wearing a short tight dress that had navy blue, green and teal sequins in stripes for the skirt paired with a black bodice, and a pair of black pumps in her hands. The outfit totally complimented her eyes, and she looked absolutely stunning.

I always wished I looked more like my mom. Instead of her gorgeous blonde hair, I was stuck with brown. Not even a good brown like my dads; a dull, unless brown that hung unattractively from my shoulders, for the most part straight but occasionally wavy.

But at least I got my mom's eyes, the same eyes that I got from Grandad.

Unfortunately for me, in addition to the brown hair, I also got my father's uncanny ability to blush at every waking moment of the day.

Someone compliments me, I blush, even if it's my mom.

Someone makes fun of me, I blush, even if it doesn't bother me.

Someone says something remotely embarrassing, I blush, even if I don't care.

"Connor," my mom sighed. "What are you doing here?"

"Just waiting for your lovely husband to get off his ass and get ready so we can leave," he replied cheekily, grinning at my mom.

"Language," I mocked in a childish voice. They both ignored me.

Mom frowned, before sighing. "I thought I asked you guys to watch Allison today, so Kelly and I could have a girls night out with Lori and Madison." Aunt Lori was dating Uncle Jay, and Aunt Madison was currently engaged to Uncle Edi. Thank god too, Madison and Edi have been dating for almost as long as I have been alive, 15 and a half years, and Jay had been crushing on Lori for years before he got the balls to ask her out.

"But Scott and I were going to go scout at a highschool game for some players," Connor whined, pouting.

Aka, Dad and Con wanted to get out of babysitting duty.

"Why do you have to be there?" Mom shot back, a brow raised. "Last I checked, you don't play hockey."

"I still know a lot; I've grown up with a hockey player, remember?"

"Connor," Mom deadpanned, "you get kicked out of almost every game. I'd be surprised if you knew anything." Uncle C just shrugged, grinning largely.

"Connor please," she sighed. "We've had this planned for ages. I'm pretty sure whoever you're scouting can wait a week until the Marlies look at him. Even though they are supposed to try out, not be recruited." She muttered the last part under her breath. I snorted in amusement.

My mom and dad were the main coaches for the Marlies Minor League hockey team. After Mom and Dad got married, two years before having me, Grandad retired in the hockey business and passed it on to my parents. Dad had just retired from playing with the Leafs after a busted knee injury that wouldn't allow him to play another season. After weeks of him being depressed about the ordeal, he decided that he was ready for the whole next step:


"Mom," I interjected at the same time that Connor whined Elle, "I'm old enough to not need a babysitter. And do you really think Uncle Connor is qualified for the job?"

Mom opened her mouth to answer, before closing it with a frown.

"Hey!" Connor injected, with a pout. "I am perfectly capable of watching an almost 17 year old for a couple of hours!"

"Connor," Mom rolled her eyes. "You were screaming about a serial killer 20 minutes ago."

Uncle Con frowned, looking rather dejected. " ...'Snot my fault your daughter practically broke in with steam coming outta her ears," he mumbled, glaring at the floor.

I almost felt bad... expect it was Connor, so I didn't.

"Did not!" I snapped, suddenly remembering why I came in so pissed off in the first place.

My mom turned to face me with a raised brow, and suddenly my cheeks flushed. Damn you blush, can't you go away and never come back?

"Maybe I did," I finally admitted, ignoring Connor's smug smirk as he watched. "But I had a good reason to."

"And what was that?" Mom asked; is it just me, or is Connor enjoying this way too much? If his grin and my blush tells you anything, he is.

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore, and I exploded. "Ugh! Fine! It's just- they are so frustrating!"

My mom's eye brows furrowed. "Allison, who?"

But I wasn't paying attention. I couldn't stand still anymore, and so I began to pace furiously in front of the couch, spewing words like a waterfall.

"First you have Jason, who is so annoyingly sweet that it's suffocating. He practically follows me around school, being all stupid and annoying and adorable with his dimples, just going on and on about this, and about that!"

I don't think Connor was expecting this, because he slowly backed away, wearing a horrified expression at what he'd done, until he was hidden away in the kitchen, but I didn't care. Now that they got me started, it'd be near impossible to get me to stop.

"Mom he's so cute, honestly, but ugh! Like some guys from the hockey team were going to the Lake tonight, seeing as it's our week off of games, and when I asked if they had room for one more player, Jason waved me off and laughed, saying it'd be a rough game and that he didn't want me hurt." The Lake was, well, a lake. It was a great hangout place for all the high school students, especially the juniors and seniors, and while it was like a pool in the summer, during the winter it was great for hockey. Someone let out a rumor that tonight the Lake would be solid ice, freshly frozen, the perfect opportunity for a game.

I kept pacing as I ranted, all the anger that built up during school finally spilling out.

"And most girls would find that him being protective as cute, or even hot, but they don't have someone telling them that they can't do something, all because they're a girl!

"And the funny thing is, I'm pretty sure I'm tougher then Jason! I mean he was sobbing when he sprained his ankle last season, and when I broke my wrist a couple months ago I barely even cried!"

Okay, so a few tears did leak out, but at least I wasn't crying a river, unlike Jason, who wouldn't stop complaining over a sprain. "Besides, he knows I'd be fine. I play on the varsity team for Gods sake!"

Yeah, I made the hockey team at my high school. Barely. If was was at all a lesser player then I am now, I wouldn't have made it, seeing as the new coach we got this year can be really sexist. However, I kicked ass during the tryouts, and all of the other players supported me. Thank god too, I don't know what I'd do without hockey.

"And don't even get me started on Hunter!" I whipped around to face my mom, stopping my pacing momentarily, and I could just feel the smoke coming out of my ears.

"Oh god he's such an asshole!" I whipped around again, kicking the couch as hard as I could, not even flinching at how much it hurt. "He's an arrogant, cocky, stubborn, self-absorbed," for each insulting word I kicked the couch, getting harder and harder until a broken toe was pretty much ensured, "asshole!

"But you know what?" I turned back around angrily. "At least he treats me like an equal, or at least as much as Hunter treats anyone like an equal! Honestly, I swear he's built some sort of pedestal for himself in his mind, and it's so fucking annoying!"

I finally stopped to take a deep breath, feeling slightly light headed.

"And of course they're both my friends," I sighed, sitting on the couch across from my mom. "It's just- guys are so confusing." I groaned, laying my head back.

After a moment, my mom finally spoke up.

"So which one do you like?"

"Huh?" I looked at her, confused. How'd she get that out of my outburst? "I just told you, they're-"

"Annoying, I know," my mom cut me off, smiling. "But which one do you have the crush on?"

My cheeks were on fire instantly, and I scowled at her. "I don't like either of them."

She raised her eyebrow in a challenging manor, as if she wanted me to try and argue.

My blush deepened, and I avoided her gaze. I don't know what she was talking about, I don't like them!

"Uh huh. Well, Hunter might be an asshole, but I know you'd never want a smothering boyfriend who wouldn't let you do things like play hockey, and I know that you'd also not want someone who was too submissive. The only person who could hold their own against you would be arrogant, cocky, stubborn, self-absorbed asshole." She grinned at me, and I narrowed my eyes.

"Mom, Hunter and I are barely friends," I muttered, trying to push away the blush. That would only prove her case further, even though there's nothing to prove.

"That may be, but-"

Suddenly, Connor poked his head into the living room from the kitchen, interrupting my mother. "Wait, so who's the annoying one?"

"Both," we answered at the same time.

Connor's brow furrowed. "Which one's the asshole?"

"Hunter." Again, at the same time.

"And who's the sweet one?"

"Jason." In unison once more.

"They why not just go out with him?"

"Because he's annoying," I rolled my eyes. "Keep up Connor."

"But then what's wrong with the other one? Hunter, was it? Why not date him?"

This time, my mom and I said two completely different things.

"Because he's a dick!" I scowled, frustrated.

"That's what I said!" My mom cried, exasperated. I turned to glare at her, and she grinned back at me. "Of course, he'd better treat you right or I'll kick his ass."

"Wasn't Scott an arrogant dick when you met him?" Connor asked my mom, amused. I rose my eyebrow curiously.

Mom rolled her eyes. "Sorta." She turned to face me. "I think the real question here is... Is Hunter hot?"

My eyes widened to the size of saucers. "What?!" Blood flooded my cheeks instantly, burning my face. My mom just looked at me, waiting for my answer.

I looked down at my feet, shuffling them nervously. "Well-um-I guess so..." Wrong. He was so unbelievably hot, it wasn't even a joke.

"Then what's-"

Connor never got to finish what he was saying, because the doorbell rang, and I was more then happy to get up and open it. Of course, that was until I saw who was at the door.

Of course... just my luck.

And there he stood, basking in all his self-proclaimed royal glory. Hunter James. One of the captains of my high school's hockey team, the Wolverines. Popular for not only being an amazing player, but also for being incredibly good looking, with his long dark brown hair, grey-blue eyes and strong, prominent jawline. He had a tattoo, on his right shoulder, but no one really knew what it was, or what it meant.

Single, for now. Who knows how long until some exotic Brazilian prostitute catches his eye and bam!, next thing you know he's dating her.

"Hunter?" I asked, shocked. "What-" I shook my head slightly, my jaw hanging open.

He smirked. "Close your mouth Allie, your giving me ideas." As he spoke his hand reached out, his fingers gently grasping my chin and moving it up.

My face was instantly heated up, and I quickly smacked his hand away. Hunter laughed, causing me to scowl. "Shut up."

Hunter laughed again, leaning against the doorframe casually. "Chill, Al. I'm joking."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah whatever," I muttered, still blushing. Hunter chuckled at my obvious discomfort. Shooting him a glare, I sighed.

"Look Hunter I don't know what the hell you want, but-"

"Al," he cut me off. "Just calm down. Please."

God you're so moody. I glowered at him. "And why's that? Why shouldn't I just kick you out now-"

He cut me off again. By now I knew my face was even redder, and I knew it wasn't because of embarrassment.

"Allison, I'm serious. Don't get all pissy before I even explain."

Oh god, I'm gonna kill him. "Hunter I swear to god if you interrupt me again-"

Hunter sighed. "Wilson, shut up for a minute. Please. Unless you'd rather me go ask Aaron Sanders to join my team instead."

"I- wait what?"

Hunter rolled his eyes. "I'm sure you've heard the rumor that the Lake is at its prime tonight, and that some of us were going to go play a quick game of hockey." I nodded my head wordlessly. Is he saying what I think he's saying?

"Well, it's true. Jason and I... we got into a bit of an argument." Hunter sighed irritably. "Which means that my team has to beat his team. At all costs." Jason was the other captain of our school's team; it made sense that he'd be one of the leaders.

"...And a little birdy told me, that you two aren't on the best terms right now either."

I snorted in agreement. "You could say that." Hunter raises his eyebrow in question. I huffed angrily. "He basically told me that he didn't want me there tonight, because he didn't want me hurt."

Hunter stared at me for a moment, before throwing back his head and bursting into laughter. My eyes narrowed on him. "It's not funny! He's fucking suffocating, and way too protective, and trust me when I tell you, it sucks!"

Hunter laughed even harder, doubling over and clutching his stomach. "Hunter stop!" I whined, stamping my foot with a pout. Yeah, I was being childish, but he was just so aggravating, and so moody! How does he go from rude and blunt to laughing his ass off?

Finally, he sobered up enough to stand straight, and even when he looked me in the eye, I could see the amusement in his gaze.

"Are you done?" I asked impatiently, crossing my arms.

"Are you done?" He mocked, copying my stance.

"Ugh!" I half-screamed. "God, you're infuriating!" I whipped around, fuming, and just as I was about to go back inside and rant to my mom some more, Hunter grabbed my arm, pulling me back around.

"Wait." All the amusement was gone, and his eyes went back to their smoldering grey color that froze me to my core. Normally Hunter's charm and good looks don't have an effect me, but ever since my mom suggested me having a crush on him...

"What?" I asked hoarsely, hating the sound of my voice, although he didn't seem to pay any attention to it.

"Now, I'm being serious." Hunter warned. "I want you on my team."

Woah. "What?"

Hunter raised an eyebrow. "For the game. I want you on my team."

Woah. "What?"

Hunter rolled his eyes. "Allison..." He warned.

Woah. "Seriously?" I asked shocked. "Why?"

Hunter snorted. "Let's be honest, your one of the best hockey players I know, and Jason is a fool to think that you're not valuable."

Woah. Is Hunter James actually complimenting someone besides himself?

I was speechless. Sure, people know I can play hockey, and they all know my parents are big in the hockey world, but here was Hunter, telling me that I was good enough that he wanted me to play. And knowing Hunter, he didn't just what to play; he wanted to win.

"Clock is ticking," he growled, suddenly back to the pissed off bomb he is at school.

"Uh-" I blinked a couple of times. "Y-yeah. Yeah sure. Just give me 10 minutes to change." Hunter gave me a sharp nod.

I stepped back, about to close the door, but before I did I hesitated, debating in my mind.

I sighed. God I'm gonna regret this... "Do you, uh-" I cleared my throat. "Do you want to come inside? Just for a minute while I get ready?"

At first I thought Hunter was going to refuse, and I knew that it'd turned incredibly awkward, and I'd blush for the rest of the night. Perfect. Just perfect-

Hunter shoved himself off the doorframe, taking a step forward. "Yeah sure, why not."

I smiled a little, suddenly nervous as I stepped back, opening the door wider to allow him to come in.

I really liked my house. No, I loved it.

It was two stories, and my parent's bedroom was on the first floor, along with two bathrooms, the kitchen and the living room. That meant that my bedroom was upstairs, which was good, because my parents had no idea whether or not I went to bed when I was supposed to, or what I did at night. It did make it harder to sneak out at night, but I found a way.

After all, nothing is better then night hockey.

I also had my own bathroom, and the guest room was upstairs as well. But no one really stayed there much, unless one of my aunts or uncles got into a fight and needed somewhere to stay. That sorta sucked, but it didn't happen often.

Now that I think about it, I don't think Hunter has ever been in my house.

Hunter and I have a... weird, relationship. 70% of the time we hate each other, and the other 30% I can actually stand him, in fact I might even like him.

And then he does something stupid, and I hate him again. It's a never ending cycle of confusion and mixed signals.

"Who's else on our team?" I asked causally, trying to break the silence.

"Caleb and Tyler on defense, and Aaron as left forward. You'll be right forward, I'll be center, and Will's in goal."

I nodded slowly, remembering all the strengths and weaknesses based on this season, as well as previous seasons, and I came to the conclusion that we had a pretty strong team, and I don't know how Jason would be able to pull together a team that could beat ours.

Wait a minute...

I turned to Hunter, frowning. "I thought you were going to ask Aaron if I refused..."

Hunter grinned at me, looking rather amused and mischievous. "Was I? No no, I already asked Aaron. "

"Then what was your backup plan?"

He shrugged, back to being serious. "I had no backup plan. I guess I was just hoping you wouldn't have any plans tonight."

I didn't have a chance to answer, because by then we had reached the living room, and as soon as my mom saw Hunter, she stopped whatever she was telling Connor. Giving me a questioning look, Mom put on a smile and stepped forward.

"Mom, this is Hunter." Her eyes flashed to mine, and her lips twitched into a secretive smirk. Oh god Mom, please don't. "Hunter, this is my mother." I shot her a glare, warning her to not mention our earlier conversation at all.

Although it soon became apparent that she wasn't the one to worry about.

"Hello Mrs. Wilson," Hunter stepped forward, giving my mom a charming smile, holding out his hand to shake. "I'm Hunter James, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Call me Elle," Mom smiled, shaking Hunter's hand. "And the pleasure is-"

She never got to finish what she was saying, because Connor interrupted her.

Pushing right past my mom, he stood in front of Hunter with his arms crossed, eyeing him up and down in what would seem to be a threatening manor. Except for the fact that Hunter was just as tall as Connor, and a hell of a lot more muscled.

"And I'm the uncle," Connor muttered gruffly, his brown eyes narrowed into slits as he glared at Hunter, who shot me a confused look. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Con, leave him alone." I sighed, walking past them towards the stairs. "Hunter, I'll be right back. Connor, back off before he looses his temper and throws you off the roof." Hunter let out a snort of amusement at that, meanwhile Connor just rolled his eyes and backed up.

"Hey Allie, don't you think Hunter would love to hear about the conversa-"

Connor never got to finish what he was saying, because I grabbed a pillow off the couch and launched it at him hard enough to make him stumble back and fall on the love seat.

"Connor, I will kill you in your sleep. Then you can call me a serial killer." My voice was calm, and emotionless, but it shut Connor up.

As I walked up the stairs, I heard him call:

"But you'd never kill your favorite uncle, right?!"

He's right; I guess Jay and Edi are safe tonight.

• • •

"Yes!" I shouted, pumping my fist in the air as I skated around the lopsided lake, pleased that there was no sign of breaking or cracking.

Hunter let out a loud hoot, skating over to where I was and throwing his arm around my shoulder roughly, pulling me into his side and laughing. "Suck on that you prude!" He hollered, still gloating to Jason, who was scowling at us from across the ice.

I had scored more then half our team's goals, including the winning goal. The game started out close, but by the end of the second period, my team started to score point after point after point.

We crushed them, 19 to 4. And the funny part was, it was only me and Hunter on offense.

Aaron was Jason's best friend, and as soon as he realized that the other team was lead by Jason, he switched over, leaving us with only five players instead of six. And Hunter being Hunter, refused to take anyone less then his first choice, which meant we played with our five, and not six.

Not that it mattered, in the end, because we crushed them.

Jason glared at Hunter, his gaze zeroing in on his arm around my shoulder before flickering to my face. His eyes were full of sadness, and he quickly turned away, starting to skate over to where his own teammates were. Before I could say or do anything Hunter pulled me away, back to Will, Caleb and Tyler, who were practically jumping over each other in excitement.

I felt bad. Jason was still my friend, and even if he treated me like a glass figurine, he looked out for me, no matter how unnecessary it was. Now he was over there alone and hurting while we were here, gloating, and to be honest I was being an asshole by not doing anything.

Then again, I'm almost always an asshole.

Just not with my friends. I mean Hunter was an exception in that department, but not Jason. He didn't deserve this.

I looked over my shoulder, trying to catch Jason's eye, my face a mask of guilt, but he wouldn't look over at me.

Sighing, I turned back around. Hunter squeezed my shoulder once, and glanced down at me, smiling. Genuinely smiling. Sure, it was gloating, but still smiling.

"Good job," he whispered in his gruff voice, looking down at me intently. Everything else in the world zoned out, Caleb and Tyler and Will, all gone. Thoughts of Jason and the game vanished, and just like the movies, it was only Hunter and me.

For a moment, I thought he was going to kiss me. But, unlike the movies, he didn't, and the moment disappeared just as fast as it came.

Hunter looked away from me, laughing at something that Caleb said, but even to me it sounded forced. Annoyed.

I looked away, broken out of my trance with my heart pounding in my ears. For a second there, I almost wanted Hunter to kiss me.

"Let's go celebrate-" Caleb started to say after some playful banter with Hunter, but was cut off by Tyler elbowing him in the gut, causing him to let out a loud oomph.

Tyler gave him a not-so-discreet look, gesturing his head toward me and Hunter, mostly the arm that was still around my shoulders.

My cheeks flushed, and I tried to step away, realizing how awkward this position was now that the initial feeling of victory had ended, but Hunter didn't release his grip, if only tightened it.

Caleb's face transformed from a look of confusion to one of understanding, and he was suddenly smirking, as if knowing something that I didn't.

And he probably did.

"I mean... Ty, Will? Wanna head to Joe's and grab a beer?" Caleb turned around to face the two men in question, however I didn't miss the wink he sent Hunter, who in turn grunted in annoyance.

I frowned to myself. That's funny, I was sure that Caleb was about to say that we should all go celebrate, most likely by heading down to Joe's Bar for a drink. And yet, something made him change his mind... almost as if he was trying to get Hunter and I alone...

Oh shit.

Stupid, stupid! God, you idiot!

Of course he was. People tease Hunter and I all the time about whatever our 'relationship' is. Some say just friends, some say more. Some say we're screwing each other behind everyone's back.

Regardless of what Caleb and Tyler think, they were setting us up.

And I was this close to shoving them through the ice and letting them spend some quality time with the fishies.

Before I could intervene, Tyler spoke up, his own signature smirk gracing his face. "Oh yeah, definitely." He glanced over at Will, who nodded, grinning slightly. Tyler chuckled to himself, before looking back over at us. "You guys don't mind, do you? I mean, I'm sure there's some other way to celebrate your victory Hunt, don't you think?" Tyler wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, causing Caleb and Will to snort with concealed laughter.


"I bet some romantic music... dinner by the firelight... all this should start sounding good right about now, yeah?" Will teased. Caleb scoffed.

"Please, do you really think Hunter is the romantic kinda guy? And Allison?" Caleb rolled his eyes. "No way. I bet they go right to the kinky stuff. Ya know, whips and handcuff kinda kinky. Who knows, maybe they don't even make it to the bed before the clothes are ripped off."

By now, Will and Tyler were roaring with laughter, Caleb soon joining them, and my face was on fire.

This wasn't even the case were I blush just because; I was thoroughly embarrassed, and I had no idea how to reply to any of this. Although, it seems like Hunter did. He somehow always had a comeback, no matter the insult.

"Where'd that one come from, Caleb? Your wet dream fantasy?" Hunter replied bluntly, not at all phased.

Caleb winked at us. "Oh yeah. Cause dreaming about you and Allie is totally boner worthy."

"Oh I bet," Hunter didn't even miss a beat. "Seeing our hot, naked body's fucking is such a turn on... probably the most action you get in a week."

Even I couldn't suppress a snort of amusement over that one, my face burning even hotter over the fact that the topic of conversation was still Hunter and I... sleeping... together.


Caleb rolled his eyes and brushed it off. I knew he wouldn't take any of it to heart, after all Hunter and Caleb are extremely close. In fact, that's why Hunter said those things. Caleb knows he doesn't mean any of it.

"Whatever. Why don't you and your smokin' little vixen just run off back to her house, yeah?" Caleb's voice was amused as he and the others started backing away. With one final wave, the curly haired idiot turned and walked away.

For a moment everything was silent. I couldn't look at Hunter; I looked anywhere but at Hunter.

Normally I was so chill and cool and just... not awkward. But throw me in the midst of two teens arguing about a sex life, my sex life, one of which is the partner in question...

You might as well show me a pre-dug hole to go and die in. Because I definitely don't do well with those situations.

After a moment I felt Hunter tugging me somewhere, his arm still around my shoulders. Lifting my gaze, I watched his pickup truck come into view. I always liked pickup trucks. I think it'd be so cool to have one, and I was hopeful my parents would get me one for my upcoming birthday.

We were both quiet as Hunter stopped by the front of the car and unlocked the doors, finally removing his arm from around my shoulders. I bolted towards the passenger door, climbing in without a moment of hesitation.

Hunter chuckled to himself as he got situated, starting the car and turning on the heat. Good thing too, because I was freezing. I guess I just hadn't noticed before, seeing as I was either skating around or had my own personal heater keeping my tucked into his side.

I shivered in my seat, my hands immediately starting to move up and down on my upper arms, trying to make enough friction to warm me up.

I glanced back into the back of the truck, suddenly getting an idea.

Siting there, on top of hunter's hockey bag...

Was an old Wolverines jersey. I think it came from last year, maybe freshman. Either way, it'd be huge on me, and either way, it'd keep me warm. Sort of.

Swallowing hard, I shoot a quick glance at Hunter, who was busy fiddling with the heater controls.

Just do it.

Without sparing Hunter another look, I turned around in my seat and grabbed the jersey, pulling it down and over my head before I righted myself in the seat, now facing forward.

I could feel Hunter's eyes shift over to me. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched him roll his eyes, before turning back to the car controls. "You have to give that back."

" 'Kay." A grin spread across my face, satisfaction racing through me. I had actually done it. I'd stolen Hunter's jersey.

As Hunter got himself situated, memories of the game flitted through my mind. I thought I'd be glad to be rid of Hunter's arm, but now that it was missing... I wished it was still there.

I was almost hoping he'd do the romantic boyfriend move and place his arm along the back of my seat, but no such luck.

I guess Caleb was right... Hunter is not the romantic boyfriend type. At all.

I bet Jason is the romantic boyfriend type... not that I care.

"What were you and Jason fighting about anyway?" I asked casually, remembering our conversation at my door.

"Huh?" Hunter muttered distractedly. He was now staring out his window.

"You said you wanted me on your team because you wanted to beat Jason after the fight you had... what were you fighting about?"

Hunter didn't reply for a moment, before glancing over at me. "We had conflicting views on... someone."

I frowned, looking out my window with a huff. Hunter was stubborn, probably as stubborn as I am. If he didn't want to spill, he wouldn't.

"How does that lil' Chinese place downtown sound?"

"What?" I turned to look at him, a stupid expression on my face. What the hell? What is he talking about?

Hunter sighed impatiently, the guy from the ice gone, replaced by his cold, hard exterior. Much like the ice we left. "The Chinese Place," he snapped. "Ya know, for dinner? The one with the amazing ribs? Remember?"

I knew the exact place Hunter was talking about, despite the fact that he never mentioned the name.

There is a little Chinese restaurant downtown, that everyone knows but no one actually knows anything about. The name is... well, unknown. Everyone just calls it 'The Chinese Place'. My group of friends go there a lot, more then the average person, just to have one of the ribs, which were honestly amazing.

"Of course I remember," I snapped, furious with his mood swings and seemingly unending anger for the world around him. Everything seemed to set Hunter's fuse ablaze, and it took no time at all for the spark to reach the bomb, and when it does... all of hell breaks loose. God he was such a bipolar asshole... "Although it'd be nice if you asked if I wanted to go get dinner, instead of implying it. Like a normal person."

Hunter rolled his eyes, but otherwise didn't give any indication that he heard, or even cared, about what I had said.

"Chinese it is."

Not like I even agreed, but okay I guess...

• • •

"I'm serious!" Hunter defended.

I shook my head, having no other way to communicate my disbelief, seeing as I was laughing too hard to make any sound come out from between my lips, besides the occasional snort or or giggle. I wasn't sure that laughing for this long was particularly healthy; I haven't had a normal breath since before Hunter began his ridiculous story.

Hunter huffed, crossing his arms in an annoyed manor, but even in my deranged state I could see the amusement and warmth flickering in his eyes.

"You're insane," I finally choked out, forcing myself to take a deep breath. At this rate I'd pass out before I even finished my food.

Scattered around Hunter and I were plates and cartons of food, some empty, others half-full. I wasn't paying, so I didn't care, and it seemed Hunter didn't mind either.

Good thing too, because he ordered the lot of it. I'm glad he did, anyway, seeing as I are almost as much as Hunter did, which surprised him, even though it shouldn't, seeing as we've eaten together before when the hockey team gets together of something.

What most guys don't understand, is that girls (real girls, not the fake plastic barbies) can eat just as much as they can. Especially after a hockey game.

"Al, I'm not joking." Hunter argued.

"Do you really think that I'm stupid enough to believe that?" I demanded, I trying not to smile.

Hunter frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. "Yes I do." His lips formed a pout, the bottom one sticking out sharply as his brows furrowed adorably.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Too bad. I don't."

"But I'm telling the truth!"

With that, my head fell forward and hit the table with a loud crack. "You mean to tell me that the time you first ever drank alcohol, you got so drunk that you and Caleb cut down a Christmas tree in the woods behind Zach's house, decorated it with Cheeto Puffs and Twizzlers, and the next day you shoved it into his pool?"

Hunter smiled at me proudly, and I snorted.

Geez laweez, this guy is an idiot...

"Come on," Hunter rolled his eyes, standing up from his side of the booth. "Time to get you home."

I didn't have a chance to answer before he grabbed my arm and hauled me up from my seat.

"Wait! The fortunes!" I cried, barely having time to grab the bag of dozens of the little folded cookies well known for being Chinese before Hunter was dragging me away. The tip left on the table was more then enough to pay the waiter for everything he'd done (and dealt with) this evening; the bill longer then my hair, which was a good 18 inches long.

Hunter pulled opened the door, shoving me out while simultaneously waving a goodbye to the lady at the counter.

I broke open one of the cookies. "Soon, a visitor will delight you." I read aloud, stumbling behind Hunter as he pulled me with him.

I could hear the smirk in Hunter's voice as he replied. "Huh. That's already come true."

I rolled my eyes, popping the cookie into my mouth as I balled up the fortune and dropped it back into the bag. I pulled out another as I swallowed the cookie.

"Ooh, I like the sound of this one." I grinned to myself as Hunter took a step back to be walking side by side with me. He tried to peer over my shoulder, to get a glimpse of the paper but I turned it slightly so he couldn't see. "Beauty surrounds you, because you create it."

Hunter snorted, and I scowled at him. Just as he opened his mouth to reply I shoved the cookie- fortune included- into his mouth. Ignoring the choking sounds he made as he tried to remove the balled up paper, I grabbed another from the bag.

The last one. Aren't those supposed to be the ones that actually come true? I know it sounded superstitious, and I guess it was, but it made me nervous. What if it wasn't a good one?

I ate the cookie before reading the paper. Maybe that'll help.

However, upon reading the slip, I realized that I was wrong.

With a roll of my eyes I closed my fingers tightly, hearing the crisp crinkle that followed before opening my hand and dropping the balled up fortune on the ground. Shaking my head, I started to mutter under my breath as I squeezed the empty paper bag, ignoring the uneasy squeezing of my stomach. It wasn't true; it couldn't be.

"Please... like I need another of those stupid things... I'm perfectly fine on my own." Hunter watched me, but I ignored him as we walked to the car.

"What'd it say?" He finally asked. I shook my head, frowning, not wanting to reply.

"Al," Hunter sighed. "Come on, just say it." I shook my head again, biting my lip in nerves as I looked away, anywhere but at him.

A hand grabs my shoulder, forcing me to stop walking and face him. "What?" I muttered hoarsely, staring at the ground. Don't cry. Please don't cry.

Gently, Hunter pulled my chin up so my eyes met his. And instead of looking away like I wanted to, I stared up and into his eyes. His captivating grey eyes.

No no no. It can't be. Not Hunter.

"What did it say?" His voice was quiet, compelling, and I found myself speaking before my mind created the command.

"A new relationship is about to burst into flame... love is a friendship set on fire." My voice was soft, quiet, and my chest tightened. Hunter's face instantly softened.

"What if it comes true?" I whispered, more like choked out. "It can't come true... I don't want it to come true."

"It won't," Hunter assured me, reaching his hand up to cup my cheek. "I promise. If anyone so much as thinks about it, I will personally hunt them down and shove a hockey stick so far up his ass it will come out his ear."

I chuckled weakly, trying to force the tears filling in my eyes to go away. One spilled over before I could stop it, and Hunter instantly brushed it away with his thumb, pulling me into a hug.

"Wow," he mutters to himself after a minute. "Mason sure did do a number on you." I buried my face in his chest, squeezing my eyes shut tightly, forcing the memories away.

After a minute I had calmed down, pulling away from Hunter with a weak smile. He returned it, before leading me to his car.


This boy is going to be the end of me.

The whole night, I hadn't been able to keep my eyes off of him. Not for long. And I blame it on how bipolar he is with his constantly changing mood swings, because there is no way I could be attracted to this brash, insane, asshole.

And yet... a small part in the very back of my mind couldn't help but think that I was.

Hunter was an idiot, and he was rude and unkind and selfish, and he was a self-righteous dick.

But he could also be cute and funny, sweet and kind. He could be protective and thoughtful and so much more. He just never showed anyone, never really showed me.

Until tonight.

Because tonight Hunter was in one of his rare good moods, where he was constantly smirking and making jokes. He wasn't completely rude (except to Jason, which made me wonder what they fought about). In fact, I was definitely going to ask him about that again, sometime between now and when he dropped me off at home.

The car pulled up to my house, jolting me out of my trance. The whole night had gone by in a blur, almost as of the night had just begun. As if I had just pulled Hunter away from a brewing fight.

Oh god...

Hopefully, Dad and Uncle Con would still be out, and we wouldn't have another run in with them. The memory of the first meeting flashed through my mind.

I had come down the stairs after changing out of my school clothes and into a pair of leggings and a light blue hoodie from one of the guys. I hoped that it would be enough to keep me warm until we stared the game.

Hunter had been standing at the base of the stairs, talking to my mom. Connor was no where to be found, which I realize now should have worried me. However, it only put me at ease.

"Ready to go?" I had asked him, shouldering my bag higher up my arm. Hunter nodded, and I kissed my mom's cheek.

"Where's Dad?" I asked, and my mom shrugged.

"Probably still downstairs with Connor, why?"

I smiled at her. "No reason. We'll just be going now."

"You aren't even going to tell me goodbye?" I had froze upon hearing his voice. Oh shit.

Wincing, I slowly turned to face him. "Dad," I replied weakly. "Hi."

My father stood before me, brown curls and cocky face galore. He was frowning, more like glaring at Hunter, before shifting his gaze to me. "Hello Allison." He shot back, calmly, though the anger was easily detected. Oh no, he used my full name...

I cleared my throat. "Well Dad, Hunter and I should get going, don't want to be late." I laughed awkwardly, slowly backing away until I bumped into Hunter. Even then I didn't stop, just grabbed Hunter by the arm and dragged him stumbling back with me.

Dad just stood there staring at us with a raised brow. And I think that if it weren't for a certain brown haired neat-freak uncle who thought it'd be funny to intervene, I would have made it.

"I don't know Scott, don't you want to know who this bad boy is, stealing your daughter away for a night?" I stopped moving, instantly feeling my back stiffen.

Connor, I am going to kill you.

Dad didn't share the same view as I did, seeing as he instantly agreed with his best friend.

"You know Connor, your right. Allison, why don't you introduce me to your... friend."

Shooting Connor a death glare, I forced a smile and turned around so I was facing my dad head on.

"Dad, you've met Hunter before, remember? The team captain?" My dad's eyes narrowed; he didn't say anything. "We're just going to the Lake for a little scrimmage, okay? We'll be home early." Dad's face remained the same.

"Hey Mr. Wilson. Remember me?" I closed my eyes tightly, frustrated, before opening them again. Hunter don't...

"I do." My father replied curtly.

"Great," Hunter grinned, bringing his hands together with a clap. "Well, I'll take great care of your daughter. We're just going to go play around with a stick for a while, try to get the puck in the hole, hopefully I'll even score once or twice."

Oh, my god.

I clenched my jaw tightly, whipping around to face Hunter. "Hunter!" I yelled. He in turn just smirked at me, before turning back to my dad.

"That okay with you, sir?"

Connor looked like he was about to explode, either with laughter or anger, and for the first time in awhile my mom was speechless.

And then there was my father, who looked ready to rip Hunter's head off.

"Listen here," Dad growled, stalking forward until he was inches away from Hunter. Surprisingly, despite my father being a couple inches taller then him, and being older and more experienced as well as the Marlies's coach and a former Leafs player, Hunter didn't seem to be fazed by him at all. Not even a little intimidated.

Hunter's face transformed into a mask of fake concern. "Oh don't worry sir, I promise I'll be gentle, even though from what I know of Allie, she's a tough girl. Likes it hard and rough. But if you're not comfortable with that-"

"Shut the fuck up." My dad growled, growing angrier with every word coming out of Hunter's smug face. "You stay the hell away from Allison, you hear me?"

"Or what?" Hunter challenged, the concern gone and replaced with a taunting smirk. "You don't scare me old man."

"Hunter!" I snapped, forcing myself in between the two. I placed my hands on Hunter's chest and shoved him back with all my might. "What the hell's gotten into you?!"

Hunter took a step back to balance, but otherwise ignored me. He continued to stare at my father with a clenched jaw and eyes full of daring. "Nothing babe, just wondering what kinda problem your father has with us screwing around tonight." Oh god someone is about to throw a punch.

Hunter has always had a habit of getting into fights for no other reason then because he wants to blow some steam. And if he really had a fight with Jason earlier... I'm sure he has plenty of steam to blow off.

"Scott-" My mom tried to grab Dad's attention. "Scott look at me." Dad ignored her, but eventually she got tired of him trying to step around her.

"Allison get Hunter out of here." She growled sharply. Dad started to object, still glowering at the man in question, but Mom cut him off. "Connor, you started this mess. Now you're going to help clean it up."

Connor, half-way between helping Dad and helping Mom, sighed in defeat, before grabbing Dad's arm to try- and fail- to get him to move.

Meanwhile, I grabbed Hunter's arm and yanked him as hard as I could toward the door. He didn't even put up a fight, just followed me, smirking at my dad, whose face was so red you could fry an egg on it.

The walk to the car was silent. A couple times I saw Hunter glance at me, but he didn't say anything.

I was fuming. My arms crossed over my chest and I clenched my jaw tightly, trying to refrain from snapping at him. Right then, all I wanted to do what get to the Lake; exploding here wasn't part of my plan, and yet that's what happened.

Hunter refused to unlock the car. He was waiting for me to say something, but I was being stubborn. I stood with my back to him at the door, ignoring him.

Finally he gave in. "Come on Allison, what crawled up your ass and died?" I had to bite my tongue to keep from answering. "Allie," Hunter called, turning me around to face him. "Come on, talk to me."

My eyes narrowed and I ripped away from him. "Why?" I snarled. "So you can tell me some more of your stupid ass hockey jokes?!"

Hunter rolled his eyes. "Babe, look I was joking."

I was used to Hunter calling me Babe, or sometimes Love, but right then it only fueled the fire. "I don't fucking care about the jokes! I wasn't the one bothered by them!" Understanding dawned across Hunter's face, but I wasn't done. "You said those things to rile up my dad, and trust me what I tell you, they worked! He was this close to throwing a punch!" I held up my thumb and forefinger less then a centimeter apart, still staring at him with anger radiating out of me.

Hunter sighed, taking a step toward me. "I didn't know-"

"Don't give me that shit," I snarled, shoving him back. He didn't move. "You knew exactly what you were doing."

Hunter looked at me for a moment with an expressionless face, before sighing. "I'm sorry Al. I shouldn't have done that."

I rolled my eyes, huffing. "Damn right. Now unlock the car. I'm cold."

The rumbling of the engine was cut short, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I stared out the window for another moment, Hunter doing the same. Neither of us moved. I didn't want to. I knew Dad would be pissed. He'd either lecture me tonight or tomorrow. Mom would want to know every single detail tonight.

And, to be honest, I didn't want this night to end.

"We're here." Hunter finally said. I glanced over at him to see him watching me, his face neutral, but his eyes full of conflict.

I nodded and climbed out of the car. Surprisingly, Hunter did the same.

I shoved my hands deep into the hoodie pocket, swallowing hard as I slowly walked up the long, curving driveway with Hunter at my side. Neither of us said anything, but the tension was thick, and my heart started to pound.

About a yard away from the porch, my palms started to sweat and I got extremely nervous. The lights were off in the house, meaning that my parents were most likely asleep.

I was completely alone with Hunter.

Glancing out of the corner of my eye, I saw Hunter staring intently at his feet. Quickly I looked away.

When we reached the steps, and carefully went up them, Hunter grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him.

"You wanna know what Jason and I fought about?" He whispered quietly, staring into my eyes intently. My heart stopped beating as he continued without me answering, his eyes slowly drifting down to land on my lips.


And then, without warning, his mouth was on mine.

It was so sudden that for a moment, I froze, shocked. What on earth was he doing, kissing me? Especially after dropping the bomb on me about his and Jason's argument.

A flicker of movement by the closed curtains briefly registered in my mind, but I didn't pay any notice to it. Because by now, I had closed my eyes, and was kissing Hunter back.

I, Allison Sophie Wilson, was kissing Hunter James, my school's notorious player. And I wasn't doing anything about it, besides moving my lips against his own.

The kiss escalated quickly. It wasn't romantic or sweet, but rough and needy. Hunter's hands gripped my hips tightly, pulling me close to him. He took a step forward, then another, causing me to stumble back a few steps until my back hit the wooden post on the porch, all the while keeping the contact with my mouth.

A couple seconds later, the shock induced haze disappeared. But instead of pulling away and slapping Hunter hard across the face like I should have, I started to react to him, to his body, to the way it was making me feel.

My hands moved of their own accord, and rather than hanging limply at my sides, they moved up until they were griping the hair at the base of his neck, tugging gently. Hunter's hold on my hips tightened as my right hand slowly moved from around his neck and down his shoulder, over his chest, feeling the taunt muscles beneath the shirt. Hunter groaned in approval, causing me to shiver.

One of Hunter's hands slowly trailed down my thigh, until it grabbed the back of my knee, wrapping it loosely around his waist. Using the leg on the ground, I pushed myself up, locking my ankles. Hunters hands moved back to my hips, pulling my body closer to him then I've ever been to anyone before.

I pulled away with a gasp, gulping down air so fast I started to feel light headed. Or was that from Hunter?

Hunter rested his forehead against mine, and I shivered again. He never loosened the tight grip he had on my hips, never pulled far enough away for me to be able to clear my head. His pelvis was pressed to mine in ways that made my cheeks heat up, and all the while Hunter's heavy breathing was right in my ear, making my heart pound even faster.

How had I gotten this reaction out of him?

"Open your eyes, Allison," Hunter muttered gruffly, his voice deep and gravely and sexy.

I obeyed, and when I did my gaze was met with the intensity of his cold, steel grey eyes. Or were they blue? I couldn't tell.

Hunter stared at me for a moment, analyzing me, and for once I wasn't blushing. Not anymore.

I felt calm, even though I had just made out with Hunter, who right now I wasn't sure if he was my friend.

"Damn," he whispered after a moment of taking in my flushed cheeks (though not because I was blushing), my heaving chest and wide eyes.

I nodded weakly in agreement. "Damn."

A wry smile crossed Hunter's face as he took a step back. My legs fell from around his waist, and my knees would have buckled of it weren't for the post behind me. He took another step, and another, until he turned around and walked swiftly off the porch, down the driveway and into his car. I watched as he pulled away, not moving an inch.

It was only after he left that I realized I was still wearing the stolen jersey.


"How was it? The kiss?" My mom urged, sitting on the edge of my bed. As soon as I got home, I went upstairs to my room, to find my mom already there, waiting for me. I hadn't even been given the chance to start to the story before she asked.

I froze. "W-what kiss?" I stammered, my cheeks instantly burning. I threw my hockey bag down on the floor near my closet.

Mom scoffed. "Please, I'm not stupid. I saw it. Plus, you're blushing."

"I always blush," I muttered, avoiding her gaze. I really didn't want to have to say anything about the kiss. I still needed time to think about it myself. In fact right now I wasn't even sure it happened.

"Allison," she warned, and I sighed, knowing there was no point in denying it anymore.

But still, I hesitated. She must have seen through the window; she must have been the reason the curtain had flickered earlier. It was the only explanation...

I couldn't lie, not to my mom. Not about something like this. Besides, I tell her everything. With a sigh, I mumbled, "Pretty amazing..."

"Did you like it?"

Still couldn't lie. "...Yes."

"Was it different?"

God Mom, enough of the questions. "Different how?"

"Different as in, did mean something?"

Did it mean something? "I don't know," I answered honestly.

"Don't know for you, or for him?"

I bit my bottom lip nervously. "Both."

"Do you think he-"

I cut her off with a frustrated sigh. "Mom, I don't know." She frowned.

"Well, what else of significance happened?"

At this part, I paused, debating on if I should tell her. I know she'll read into it. I quickly glanced at my hockey bag, wear a certain someone's hockey jersey was stuffed inside.

"I stole his jersey," I finally confessed, looking down at the comforter on my bed, before looking back at my mom. "And he didn't even comment on it."

A small was slowly spreading across her face. "He let you?" I nodded, and she grinned. "Hun, I think you'll be seeing a lot more of Hunter. Especially if he let you steal his jersey. The ones with the stolen jerseys always mean the most."

[A/N: Done, woohoo! That took forever, my god. Anyway I hope you enjoyed as much as I enjoyed Stolen Jerseys (Literally the best book- read it if you haven't. And even if you have... read it again.) Sorry if the language or any of the content is offensive to anyone, but they're teenagers, or there is going to be some cussing involved.

Please ignore any mistakes.

Dedicated to bradmcquaid .]

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