All of a Sudden

By RosealinaHeart

15.9K 528 780

Dream likes George. George likes Sapnap. Sapnap likes Dream. It's all over the place for them. Especially whe... More

Planning Together
Quick Game
The First Arrival
The Start of a New Beginning

Normal Day

5.6K 166 227
By RosealinaHeart

Before I start this, to avoid any toxic fans or hate comments or messages, this story won’t be the DreamTeam irl! This is their personas/skins in this story. I don’t want to offend anybody or angry others because of how toxic the fandoms and stans are becoming now. 

They still will play minecraft and stream in this story, if that makes sense. I’m trying my best to avoid any negative comments from this story. This is obviously NOT real! I ship them respectfully!

I don’t genuinely/harcorely want any one of them to be together for real, I don’t harass them to be together, and I don’t think they ever will get together like that irl. They are just best friends. This is all for fun and I hope you guys enjoy this story as much as I enjoy writing it!

Also, please don’t hesitate to draw some fanart or recreate some scenes! I would love to include them in the book and I will definitely give you the credit that you deserve!

Sapnap’s POV
Haven’t been doing much at all. I’m just watching YouTube videos on my bed. It’s been boring just streaming by myself. I don’t have any video ideas and I’m personally not good at coding. I just don’t know what to do. Maybe if I hit up Dream and we can make a video together?

I sat up on my bed and exited out of YouTube to go private messaged Dream,

Yo Dream! Let’s record something

What? Like, right now?

No, I’m talking about Christmas eve. Yes I mean now!

I mean, I’m down but what will the video be about?

I dunno, use that big brain of yours to code something epic

If only it was that easy

I’m sure we can think of something that we can do

Alright, I’ll meet you on a discord call so we can talk about it there. I need to set up my computer

Later loser

Seeya cowboy

I giggle to myself as I read what Dream called me. Damn, he’s so perfect… I don’t understand how someone could cheat on him. Whenever I heard that from Dream, I heart dropped for him. Who the hell would break his heart like that?

I got up from my lazy ass to get started on recording. I turned on my monitor and waited a few seconds until it turned on. I opened discord and waited for Dream to be active to start the call. Man, it’s been a while since we ever did something when it’s just me and him…

I get lost in my thoughts as I hear an incoming call on discord. I answered “Dream! You took forever!” I hear Dream laughing. “Sorry! Patches wouldn’t get off of my keyboard.” I giggle, “You’re such a bad cat owner!” I joked. “Okay, well at least I’m not afraid to show my affections to my cat.” Dream replied.

“Whatever! I show my cat tons of love! More than you, that’s for sure!” We both started laughing. This is a great way to start off my day… A nice conversation with Dream. I smiled to myself.

(Art done by xcaro_doodles14x)

“Anyways, let’s brainstorm!” I say as me and Dream talked about what we could do for a video. Hours went by as we both coded it so that we took damage at the same time. It was my idea because I’m such a genius.

After we did everything we could, I stopped recording. “Wow Dream! You suck!” I say as we just turned the world into creative mode. “Says you! I did so much better than you, all you did was die constantly that made me die constantly!” Dream said. I roll my eyes as we just roasted each other for another hour.

“Okay, I got to go. Patches want some cuddles.” Dream said as we both exit the minecraft world. “I want some Dream cuddles too.” I said unknowingly out loud. “What?... WHAT?!” I hear Dream scream. “Y-yea! Dreamy Poo! Sapnap wants cuddles too!” I say in an obvious joking tone.

I felt relief whenever I heard him start laughing. “You’re such a dummy! For real though, I need to head out.” I sigh with my hand on my face knowing what I’m about to say, “Aight, Imma head out.” We both burst out laughing. “Dammit! You and George both on that meme!” Dream said while laughing. “Everything ties back to George, huh?” I say quietly.

“What was that?” Dream asked. “Huh? What are you talking about?” I pretended to not know what he was talking about. “Nevermind, must’ve been my head. Okay, this time now! Bye Sapnap!” I smiled as I thought how adorable he sounded everytime he says bye. “Heh, bye Dream.” Then just like that, the call ended.

I started to edit the video so I can at least get something started and post it by next week because I’m lazy like that. After an hour of editing almost 2 hours of footage out of 5. I keep forgetting how long it takes to record a video.

As I was about to be done editing for the day, I stumbled across this part in the recording. It was Dream saying “C’mere Sappynappy! Come closer so I can protect you. I don’t want you to die, then because I will die!” with his little giggle at the end. I obvoiusly had to cut it out because of how stupid I souned right after.

I was giggling and didn’t know what to say! I couldn’t even stay in character in front of him! I just sounded stupid. No way in hell I’m leaving that in!

I felt a smile growing on my face as I felt my cheeks get warmer. My heart did this weird futter thing inside of my chest. His nicknames for me are the best...

Dammit Dream! Why is it that out of all people, you made me like this? That’s so gay.

I saved my progress and closed everything to turn off my computer. Now I have nothing to do and I don’t want to edit anymore. "What the hell can I do now?” I said to myself as I got up to walk around my house.

I look at my calendar to see if I have any plans this month. Turns out I don’t, surprisingly. Usually I’m stuck at work or my other friends would want to hang out. I just want to be by Dream’s and George’s side. 

If only they didn’t live so far away. Maybe we can all meet up again? That would be nice, wouldn’t it? I grabbed my phone to text the group chat we have, but then I remembered Dream’s busy with Patches. I don’t want to disrupt him when we just got out of a call together.

I’ll ask them later. Now I’m bored again. I sit down on my couch and turn on the TV. I scroll through my phone on Twitter for something, anything! I eventually found some fanart of us. I clicked on our hashtag and just endlessly scrolled through all of the amazing fanart that our fans did.

I feel like I don’t deserve it because I don’t do anything special for anyone to hold onto. All I do is play minecraft, read donations, and scream. I don’t know how people find that inspiring or amusing, but I am forever thankful to have this big of a following... 

I then find some ship fanart. There’s a lot of DreamNotFound art… I don’t like how it makes me feel. I feel hurt in a way? But not-ish? I can’t describe it. There’s just so much art of Dream and George together while I’m just a doodle in the far back third wheeling. 

My smile faded as more fanart I kept seeing of Dream and George. I then got to see some SapnapWasTaken fanart. It was cute. Soon enough, my smile came back to me. I clicked on the hashtag of our ship to see how the fans think of me and Dream’s relationship would be.

It’s pretty funny to see fans thinking Dream would be confident in a relationship. Knowing him personally, I love seeing how they view him. He’s sensitive, likes cuddles, a softy on the inside, would cry at the smallest things, and has a soft voice whenever he’s talking about something he deeply cares about, and everyone views him as a top! Ridiculous, HA! 

But how would I know? 

I laughed out loud. I’m so dumb thinking any of this fanart would become a reality… I mean, I wouldn’t mind is it did. Don’t even know if he’s not straight. Known his for years and we’re both too akward to talk about our sexuality. I want to ask him but I don’t want to put him in an akward or uncomfortable position. 

I get out of Twitter to watch TV. Sports is a good way for me to get distracted. I flip through the channels to find anything good or if any teams I like are playing today. I waste the rest of the day watching TV and imaging what could happen.

I look at the time and it was 10pm. Damn, already? I turn off the TV and went into my room. I hopped on my bed and checked my phone to see if anything new happened. I got a notification from Dream in our groupchat.

How’s it going guys

Da fuck do you want

Sapnap! Language!

Who are you now? BBH?

I swear

Well, someone has to say it lmao

I just wanted to ask how your days were

I’m doing great thanks for asking

How rude XD My day was the same as always

Nothing intresting happened to me

Wow so we recorded a whole ass video and you’re just gonna say nothing about it. You broke my heart Dream :,(

You guys recorded a video without me?!

You and Dream do that to me all the time, why’s it so wrong for me to do the same?

That hit to hard to home...  Of course I was joking but, a part of me ment it because it’s not fair. Why do I have to be alone while they do things together?

Hey, I didn’t mean it like that. We jus recorded a video for Sapnap’s channel

Nice. Can’t wait to see what you guys came up with

I texted you guys in the first place to see if you guys wanted to go on a discord call and do something together

That sound nice! I’m down

Sure, I wouldn’t mind at all

I’ll start the call

A few seconds later, I get a call from Dream in Discord. I answer it to hear Dream happily welcom me with “Hi! Hi Sapnap!” God, he’s too cute. His little innocent greetings always gets me… Not long after, Geoge joins the call. “E’llo Goregy?!” I say in a british accent.

I hear him giggle, “Hey!” The gang is all here calling late at night. Well, for George it’s like 4am. Don’t know why he’s up at this time. “Hey George!” I hear Dream said. “Hey, I just want to apologize for saying those things earlier.” I said to George. I don’t want them to view me any less..

“It’s fine Sapnap. I’m sorry to for being offended like that.” George replied. “Well, since we’re on good terms now, how about we watch a movie together?” Dream suggested. I get a rush of excitement. “YES! OH MY GOD YES! CAN WE SLEEP ON CALL AGAIN LIKE LAST TIME?!” I asked.

 “If you guys want!” Dream laughed. “Let’s fucking go!” I said. “Wot movie are we gonna watch?” George asked. “Wot mov-ay are we gonna wotch? Georgy! Georgy! Wot are we gonna wotch’” I mimicked him. I hear him laugh “Shut up!” I giggled, “Shut up! Shut up Gorgy! Look at me, I’m bri-ish!” I said in an obnoxious british accent.

I hear a tea kettle go off in the background. “Dream? Are you okay?!” I asked. Me and George hears him wheezing at us. “Hahahaaaa!! I can’t- I can’t breathe-*wheeze* -Ahaa!! Hahaha!!” Me and George start dying laughing with Dream. “We’re so stupid hahaha!”

After a few miniutes of laugher we calmed down. We started looking for any movies to watch. There hasn’t been much good movies coming out this year. We decided to watch “Avengers: Endgame” cause why not? We’ve already seen it, but what’s the harm in watching it again?

The whole time we were just making fun of the characters and the plot. It was getting really late and it seemed like George fell asleep halfway through the movie. It was only me and Dream, but Dream seems to be getting tired already. I hear him yawn.

“Awwh, Dweamy getting sleepy?” I said in a baby voice. “No! You are!” He said. “Haha! Liar! You’re so irregular.” I joked. “Better to be irregular than average like you.” Dream replied. I let out an exaggerated gasp. “How dare you. It’s because of me that you have a lot of subscribers.”

“Actually Sapnap, my back has been hurting for a while...” Dream said. I’m getting a little worried, “Wait, why? What did you do?” I asked. “My back’s hurting for carrying the whole team!” Dream said. He started wheezing like no tomorrow.

“Pfff! Okay, that was good. Haha!” I was also relieved. At least Dream is okay. “I’m enjoying this...” Dream said softly. I’m over here confused. “Why?”

“I mean, after all of these years we grew together. You, me, and George. I became friends, played minecraft together, have our own fanbase together! All the moments we all shared together… I love and cherish every moment. You guys are so awesome. I’m so lucky to have you and George in my life.” Dream sounded like he was tearing up.

“Hey, no need to get emotional. We’re here and we aren’t planning on leaving anytime soon. I’m glad that you two are still here with me!” I’m not exactly good with emotional stuff like this, but I’m trying my best. “Thank you, Sapnap...”

“Thanking me? For what?” I asked confused. “You’ve known me longer than George. And you’ve stayed with me. Longer than I thought you’d stay. I can’t ever repay you...” I smiled. It’s so cheesy but so sweet whenever he randomly gets mushy like this. It’s adorable.

After a few minutes, Dream feel asleep on call. I smiled. I started thinking about us. Like what Dream said, we all grew together. Even if it was just a few years, we grew as people together. If that makes sense.

It feels like just yesterday we met on minecraft. It feels like just yesterday we added each other on skype. It feels like yesterday I realized how perfect Dream is. It feels like yesterday I realized my feelings for Dream…

As I was thinking to myself, I slowly felt my eyes become heavier. Then before I knew it, I fell asleep. 

Everything feels like it happened all of a sudden…

~Author's Note~

Hey! This story is based off of a tiktok I made with a specific audio. I hope I can make this story really good and enjoyable for you all

This will be my first DreamTeam fanfiction! I'm still new to writing so I will take any constructive criticism and feedback.

I try to make them in character as much as possible to make it feel like them.

Like I said before, I ship respectfully and this story will be about their personas

[Word Count: 2662]

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