The Legend of Willow

By LyricalDragon52

192 0 0

An original story based in the Legend of Korra show, following similar plot points. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3

Chapter 2

22 0 0
By LyricalDragon52

A few days had passed, and Willow was once again spending her afternoon sitting on the street curb playing music, with her woollen beanie laid upside down on the road, which already had a few coins thrown into it.
Her deep blue eyes were shut tight as she enveloped herself deeper and deeper into the music she was playing, instead of playing one of her usual songs, she had decided to improvise on the spot.
Willow opened her eyes to see it was going well,
A pair of young boys were sat in front of her swaying along with her with big toothed grins, Willow giggled and smiled at them as she continued to play.

Mako suddenly stormed by, looking around frantically.
He spots Willow on the curb and jogs over to her.
"Have you seen Hasook?" He asks
"Hello to you too, Mako" Willow chuckles "and no I haven't, why?"
"He's late for training. We have another match tonight and Bolin and I can't find him, we haven't seen him since the last match." Mako was visibly frustrated "As per usual Hasook just has to ruin everything. We could have a chance at winning if it weren't for that idiot" he was starting to gain in volume, and the mother of the two young boys came over and beckoned them away, shooting Mako a glare.

Willow stood up and walked over to Mako, guitar still in hand.
"Hey don't worry, he'll show up. Let's just head back to home." She suggested.
"But I need to find Hasook! We have a match ton-" The hotheaded firebender started
"I know, and that's why you need to go home, the match is in a few hours and you need to be a calmer headspace than where you're at. Marching around Republic City isn't gonna do you any favours" She cut him off. "If he's going to come, he'll show up, but the best you can do right now is go home and get ready"
Mako sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Will we head back then?"
"Sure, lemme just pack my guitar up"

Once back at the Arena, Mako and Willow walked into their apartment to see Bolin fast asleep, snoring on the couch, with Pabu curled up on his chest.
"Bolin! Get up!" Mako yelled, his brother shooting up suddenly.
"Woah! Okay! Crap, hi, hello, I'm.. I'm up" Bolin called, Pabu jumping off his chest, and over to Willow's leg, who smiled and knelt down to pet him.

"Come on! We have to get ready" Mako sighed.
"Okay, okay. Did you manage to find Hasook?"
"No sign of him, we just have to hope he shows up"
"But what about the match? We need three benders!"
"I know I know"

Willow cut in
"You two go get ready, train and warm yourselves up, I'll get your uniforms ready, and I'll let you know if I see Hasook."

The pair nodded and stepped out, Pabu climbing up onto Bolin's shoulder.
"Thanks, Willow" Mako said, with about thirteen percent of a smile.
"Don't mention it"

After the brothers had shut the door, the young woman sighed and grabbed their Fire Ferret uniforms, as she started folding them she looked out the window at Air Temple Island, and she wondered what Korra might be up to.

Once she finished, and their uniforms were neatly folded, clean, and ready for use, Willow took them and brought them to the Fire Ferret's changing room, and laid down on the bench, ready for the boys to come collect them for the match.
Willow leaned up against the railing and sighed, looking over at the arena, and the seats which were mostly empty but starting to fill in with some earlier fans, their chatter could be heard quietly echoing around the enormous room.
There was a sudden knock at the door, making her jump, as she opened the door she looked up to see a familiar face, Korra, with her usual big, wide smile, and shiny blue eyes.
"Hey, I'm here to watch the match if that's alright" she greeted.
"Korra! Hi! Yes, of course, come in" Willow wrapped her arms around Korra's neck and pulled her in for a hug,
Korra seemed surprised at first.
"Sorry, I'm a hugger" Willow giggled.
"Don't be sorry, I love hugs" Korra smiled and hugged back.

As the Avatar stepped into their changing room she looked around.
"The boys are just down training in the gym and getting ready, they should be here soon" Willow explained.
"Cool" Korra nodded and sat down on the bench, Willow sat next to her.
"So you're training Air Bending with Tenzin on Air Temple Island?"
"I am indeed"
"What's that like?"
Korra let out a hefty sigh.
"Exhausting. I'm trying my best but it's so difficult. I got Water, Fire and Earth bending so easily because they were more physical" she started. "But all the meditating and metaphors in Air Bending are driving me crazy."

Willow leaned back. "Well how about Tenzin? He's always been pretty nice to me."
"You know him?"
"Yeah I've met him a few times, very.. air bendy.. but I always thought he was a kind person"
Korra scoffed
"Well not in my experience, he's just been a grumpy old man who gets mad when I don't grasp what he tries to teach me, and tells me what to do"
"I've heard he can be pretty regimented. What does he tell you to do though?"
The avatar grew a cocky, rebellious smile and looked over at her
"Not come to the Pro Bending Arena."
Willow's eyes widened.
"Uh huh. He says it's nonsense, and a dIsGrAcE tO tHe ArT oF bEnDiNg"
Willow now scoffed.
"I know right?" Korra exclaimed. "It's like he doesn't get it. If he just came to a match he could see how awesome it is"
Willow tilted her head to one side.
"Or tell Bolin to shut up and meditate"
The two girls laughed a little together as the door burst open,
Revealing the two Fire Ferret brothers.

"Any word from Hasook?" Mako asked Willow, who shook her head.
Mako threw his hands up in frustration and sighed.
"Hello to you to, by the way" Korra waved, grinning, earning another chuckle from Willow.
"Heya Korra!" Bolin exclaimed, pulling her into a big hug.
Korra hugged back and laughed
"We're all huggers here I guess"
"Yeah except Mako" Bolin chuckled.

Just before the firebender could rebuttal with anything, the door swung open and the referee stuck his head in.
"Two minutes left, get down there quick" he commanded, before swiftly leaving.
"What the hell are we gonna do?" Mako groaned.
"Uhh.. we could wait for Hasook?" Bolin suggested.
"Hasook isn't coming. He's a no good no show" Mako sighed.

"If you guys need a third bender, why don't I do it?" Korra raised an eyebrow.

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