𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒆...

By NickiG_1202

82.5K 3.3K 2.1K

When King Enji falls terribly ill, and no other remedies seem to work, Prince Shoto Todoroki and a special cr... More

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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 26

1.2K 59 87
By NickiG_1202

The stars are closer

The group set off almost immediately out of the city, Shoto not even bothering to bid his goodbyes to anyone. He was determined to find Izuku, no matter what it takes.

However, Iida reprimanded him that it'll be unwise for them to simply rush and exude their energy when the day has only begun. As much as it irritated Shoto, he had to understand that this type of game wouldn't end in a simple day or two.

Elyria was their best chance in finding them, and if that doesn't help them, then Izuku might as well be anywhere. It also didn't help the fact he was a blink away from passing out on the spot.

That's how he somehow found himself rocking slightly from side-to-side, the piercing sun didn't do any help for his cause either. Iida was by his side, prepared to shout at him if necessary to keep the boy awake, he also took it upon himself to chat with the stoic boy despite not getting any responses.

"Did you know, that one out of 5 wild-berries most likely has some kind of bug in them? It's really fascinating actually, and an easy way to find out is by simply pressing into it slightly with your thumbs..." The Elven boy rambled on, Shoto not even bothering if it's real or not.

They were at the head of the group, of course besides Aizawa who sluggishly followed close behind. He was an odd hat that managed to shield his eyes from the blazing sun, Shoto staring enviously for not bringing a hat with him.

Behind them, Shinso and the blonde boy, Ojiro, were busy making small-talk even though it was similar to how Iida's and his conversation is like. Shoto learned from the Elven boy that Ojiro was one of Endea's top trackers, and is best suited in finding someone's trails or any footprints left behind.

The other was known as Tamaki, an Elven boy who also had some experience in tracking or hunting. Despite his anxious exterior, the boy possessed a unique type of magic, whatever he eats can be manifested upon himself for any useful task. Iida mentioned how he was also a Kingsguard-in-training like Mirio, though no one would've guessed at first glance.

The group seemed promising, even Shinso with his skills in stealth also would come in handy. Shoto trusted them enough to be efficient in this kind of mission, and that they'll definitely be of use to them in the near future.

The prince just hopes it'll come sooner, though with the rhythm of the horse continuing to trot down the path, and the faint noises of nature tuning around him. Shoto found himself lulling to sleep until a small snore could be heard.

"Are you gonna keep being melodramatic all day or not?" Dabi asked from across the room, now sitting up as he watched the mer stare intently out the window. The boy smirking as he saw the way Izuku flinched at the sudden intrusion.

"I don't even know what a melodramatic is," Izuku countered, sending a glare at the other who simply scoffed in return.

"Then I guess you still won't know," He taunted, before taking a peek out of the window as well, curious about what the boy was even looking out. "What were you thinking about?"

"What makes you think I was—"

"Your nose scrunches up whenever you're deep in thought, you've practically done it the entire time you've been with us." Dabi pointed out, stifling a chuckle as the way Izuku's eyes widened in shock and embarrassment. "Also, you can stop that whole 'tough guy' act, you practically cried when you saw a squirrel."

"I never met one before, how would I know that it doesn't eat people?!" Izuku shouted, flailing his hands for better emphasis before settling down. "Why do you even bother what I'm thinking about?"

"Because I'm not going to sit here in awkward silence for 6 hours. Since you won't answer that, what's it like being a mermaid? Is it true you guys eat sailors until there's nothing but the bones?" Dabi asked, he was a bit curious about the topic, after all, he's practically seen every other race in the continent already.

"What?!—Who said—I mean, some of us do eat humans but it depends! We only attack them when they enter our territory, and only the ones who did the kill can either feast on it with themselves or share it." Izuku tried explaining, his voice wavering in hesitance as he thought back on the topic.

"So, have you eaten a human before?" Dabi mocked, Izuku evidently freezing up at the question. The man's turquoise eyes widening in realization, "Oh, you actually did—"

"I didn't." Izuku clarifies through clenched teeth, his eyes refusing to look at the other. "Only mers who manage to kill can be able to do that, some talk of the way of the hunter or whatever. I—I never managed to kill before," He admits, remembering the way Shoto would've been his first killed, but funny how things ended up.

"How come, afraid of blood or you just can't fight?"

"Who says I can't fight?! I was trained and mentored by the strongest, I can do it if I put in the work!—"

"That's it, you just don't want to, right?" Dabi asked, taking the way Izuku bit his lip anxiously as a 'yes'. It made sense, the green-haired boy didn't seem to have that killer instinct he'd expect from a mermaid, or merman apparently.

"It's just—I was taught to only take what I need... not what I want, and I don't want to just kill someone I know nothing about for the sake of some respect," Izuku admitted, by now he was hugging his knees nervously.

"Well, I guess that is respectable if it helps, though that probably doesn't mean much coming from a pyromaniac." Dabi attempted to lighten the mood, as he started to hop off from his bed. "I'm going down to get whatever cat-inspired meal they have here, you want?"

"If they have any fish then—"

"Isn't that cannibalism?" The latter jokes, only earning a sharp glare which gave him the green light to leave the room swiftly.

By the time Shoto finally awakened, the first thing he noticed was that he wasn't on his horse, or at least in the same spot he was in before. He lazily opened his eyes to scan his current predicament, waiting for the blurriness of sleep to wash away.

The first thing that catches his eye was the way the skies have changed. Instead of the usual bright sunny scenery he remembered, the skies were a simple seamless blue as the group continued down their way. 'How long was I out?' He questioned to himself skeptically.

"Looks like you're finally up, that's what you get for sleeping the moment we start," He heard Aizawa's voice say, which brought Shoto to the second thing which caught his attention. He was on his horse, but the thing was he was practically hanging over the side of it, his face was about a foot from the ground.

It startled Shoto and nearly gave him whiplash when he quickly swung himself back into position. Through the dizziness of moving too fast, he realized how Aizawa was in front of him leading his horse while he was in slumber.

"I did tell you sleep was important, this is why you should've listened to me before!" Iida argued, his loud voice causing the still drowsy prince to flinch involuntarily.

"I wish I could be sleeping now, but somebody had to bring me along for this damn trip," Shinso grumbled, indigo-eyes glaring intently at his father. He still remembers the way the man had the nerve to practically throw him out of his own bed.

"I wish I was at home too..." Tamaki whispered softly to himself, using his hand to pull down his hood even more then what it normally could.

"We need to cheer up! Elyria is just around the corner, once we have no clue who we'll be encountering so we have to stay positive and be prepared for anything!" Mirio chirped excitedly, smiling confidently as he continued staring ahead promisingly.

Shinso simply scrunched his face in annoyance at such a bright attitude, the boy mentally imagining being in his bed and sleeping away the day.

"Excuse me Sir, but how much longer would it be from here and Elyria to begin with? It feels like I've been seeing the same clouds forever now," Ojiro spoke up, his tone didn't have the same optimism as Mirio but also lacked the clear annoyance of Shinso's.

Aizawa didn't bother turning around when he gave his reply, "Since we didn't make any stops, I suggest we'll probably reach it in a few more hours. By then, I'm sure it'll already be sunset or total nightfall." The older one explained.

"That seems reasonable, see Shoto, we're already closer than when we were yesterday! You have to keep your head up high!" The Elven boy tried to encourage, but when he turned to the prince it appeared he was too in thought to even realize he was being spoken to.

"How about in the meantime, we tell stories, that's usually how I would waste time! Who wants to go first?" Mirio suggested happily.

"As if—" Shinso began until he was interrupted by another.

"I have plenty of tales! My favorite one is..." Iida began to ramble on about some story, Mirio, and Ojiro listening intently and offering some side commentary.

Meanwhile, Shinso slouched on his horse and groaned tiredly. 'I hate it here,' He thought to himself, sighing in defeat.

Shoto didn't give them much thought, now that he at least got some needed rest, he felt more energized and rejuvenated. He was in a calmer state than he previously was, and managed to at least keep his hair from growing anymore white then it already is.

By the time Shoto and his small caravan finally managed to reach the entrance of Elyria, the talking trio had already told about 20 stories each to Shinso's annoyance. The prince was ecstatic to finally be here, already preparing to start the search for the young mer.

Aizawa was right, when they reached the town it was engulfed in darkness and shadows, except for the many streetlights strung up along the streets. The skies were bathed a dark blue, already the brightest of stars managed to show their faces in the blank canvas of night.

The town itself wasn't sleeping however, there were still some people chatting or lounging outside their respective homes or in the plaza. This gave the group better resources to work on since they have many patrons to question if they've seen anything. They took their horses towards the stables, which thankfully resides not far away from the entrance.

"We'll stay here for weeks if needed, once the horses are taken care of, Ojiro you'll be tasked with Shinso to see if you can pinpoint any clues or hints to Izuku's whereabouts. Mirio and Tamaki, you two can begin questioning the citizens if they've seen anyone that fits the description of the group. Iida and Shoto, you two are going to be with me, we'll search the forests around the town for any hints." Aizawa ordered, the others not refuting as they simply nodded in agreement.

Iida nudged Shoto's side, giving the boy a reassuring thumbs-up as the duo was finally close to getting their friend back. Although he seemed to have composure, internally Iida was practically jumping around in enthusiasm. Retrieving Izuku back meant retrieving his friend back, and that alone made him feel purposeful.

The trio wandered around the forests aimlessly without any clues except for how much bugs inhabit the area, Iida has already yelped who knows how many times by now. Shoto grew slightly impatient, but it just gave him more energy to keep on pushing forward.

"We've checked most of this area, I'm sure if they were here I would've heard them by now," Iida exclaimed, his ears twitching like a cat as he heard another 'buzz' of a big fly by, whacking his hands aggressively in the air.

"Aren't Elves supposed to like, be one with nature?" Shoto challenged mockingly, chuckling softly at the amusing scene.

"Hey! That's a biased stereotype, and plus they don't have bugs like this in Endea!" Iida asserted defensively, flailing his hands again at another sound of buzzing.

"Still, I never took you one to be afraid of a few bugs," Shoto teased, Iida sighed as his ears drooped slightly with a face that can only be Iida's way of pouting. However, as the duo made their way over another massive tree stump, they came across a crouching Aizawa who seemed to be inspecting the ground with a lantern for clues. "Did you find anything?" He questioned curiously.

"No, but maybe the four back in town came up with something. Shoto, go and find them for me, while Iida—"

"I can go to the town! I'll be quick, I promise!" Iida pleaded, hoping the gods will give him some sympathy. Though, the gods weren't a dual-haired prince, since before Iida can even react he was already making his way back to town. "Shoto Todoroki, you get back here this instant!" He shouted, ready to give chase until Shoto already vanished his sight.

Shoto was smiling cheekily as he re-entered the small town, chuckling softly through heavy panting. There wasn't anybody in the area, except for one hooded figure crouching down presumably to tie their shoelace.

The prince was about to investigate further, until something small flew into his vision, flying like a piece of the night. His two-colored irises stared wonderingly at the black butterfly, moving his hair away to get a better view as he watched it fly further up.

He remembers the typical stories of symbolism in things as simple as a rose or, in his case, a butterfly. Mainly from Fuyumi whenever he was given some bouquet from a potential suitor or a simple villager who wanted to show their respects. He wondered what his sister would say to him in this case, taking another breath of the cold-air before continuing his path forward.

Yet, due to the small distraction, he wasn't able to notice the crouched figure getting up and walking into the night. Especially not noticing the small green-curls which peaked out from the rugged cloak.

I wrote these chapters as simply the calm before the storm and just as build-up for the next two chapters, also some comical relief!

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