The Evil Beneath Us

By DarkFortresszn

5K 625 712

To be unpublished soon and rewritten! Featured on @DarkFantasy's, @Dangerous Love's, @Ghost's, @Ya's, @Parano... More

1 | An Unforeseeable Suprise
2 | A Great Disappointment
3 | A Fatal Encounter
4|The Aftermath
5| Haunted Dreams
6 | Troubled Waters
7| New Beginnings
8 | Chaos Reigns
9 | This Place Is Death
10| The Confrontation
11|A Disastrous Outcome
12 | A Brutal Massacre
13 | All Hope Is Gone
14| Man On The Run
15| The Point Of No Return
16| Vengeance Is Mine
17| When Darkness Falls
18 | A Distorted Reality
19| The Great Escape
20| The Long Walk To Freedom
21| The Honourable Stranger
23| Man On A Mission
24| Duplicity
25 | No Way Out
26 | Redemption
27| An Unexpected Visitor
28| Till Death Do Us Part
29| Bad Weather Condtions
30| In the Line Of Fire
31 | A Friend Till The End
32 | Face - Off
33| The Reunion
34| Hell On Earth
35| The Confession
36| A Perfect World
| Achievements | Aesthetics |

22 | No Place To Run

54 8 2
By DarkFortresszn

It is always fair sailing when you escape evil.
- Sophocles.

Before Derek could hear the rest of the man finish his sentence, the lights unexpectedly went out and the room was shrouded in darkness. Derek promptly rose from his seat and navigated towards the open window fighting through the silhouettes of shadows, that prevented him from getting to the other side of this pitch-black room of death.

He carefully pulled the drapes aside, discovering that all the lights were on in every house, in the neighbourhood but this one. It was as if this house was the only one that had a cloud of darkness hovering over it, preventing any light from coming through it. Derek didn't know what was going on at this moment. But a strange and unreasoning fear filled him, that something exceptionally sinister was going to happen and he no longer felt safe here anymore.

He started to wonder if this was a coincidence or if it was the work of the high principalities of evil at it again - with her anything was possible.

He felt an uncomfortable knot form in the pit of his stomach, when he thought to himself, if this was her doing all this to taunt him and mess with his mind even further. Something ominous was seemingly at play here and one way or another he was going to get to the bottom of this.

He rapidly made his way across the room, to aid and assist the man so he could help rise up off his seat. The old man appeared to be frightened almost and was shaking involuntary as he stumbled around in the darkness looking for something but became frustrated when he discovered it wasn't where he left it.

"What's wrong?" Derek asked him anxiously his voice sounding ragged and filled with concern.

But the old man didn't answer him and continued fidgeting in the shadows for something, that he was desperate to find. Derek saw the man's wife emerge from the kitchen and stand in the entranceway of the doorway, she herself looked as equally as terrified as her husband.

"What is going on?" Derek asked again, his voice resounding throughout the entire house. He could feel a sharp icy cool breeze creep up against his skin, forcing him to a seizing halt. He felt as if he were being touched by something in the shadows.

"You have to leave," the man whispered, with a tone of impatience in his voice."It was a bad idea bringing you here."

He paused for a second before speaking, an expression of anxiety quickly passed over his face." S-S-She's here, Derek you must leave..."

Derek couldn't believe his ears. Did he just hear those words come out of this old mans mouth and say those words? Good God Almighty...Derek thought breathing a silent sigh of relief under his breath. This man was living proof that he wasn't going out of his mind, and that everything he had been through was real.

"Please tell me what you know about this woman and Albert?"Derek cried out frantically. "Please I need to know if there is something you know, about this man who left me this will in testament, and why this crazy woman is trying to ruin my life and frame me for all these murders?!"

"Please," he pleaded with him, before pausing, for a brief uncomfortable uncomfortable second."Please tell me..."

Derek was desperate to know the truth, the anticipation alone, was driving him to the brink of insanity, and his hope now lay in this man's hands.

"You will find the answers at that house," the old man assured him almost in a robotic tone of voice. "But you haven't much time - if you want to get your life back, you have to go there. The answers, I assure you will find there."

"She's got to hasn't she?" Derek asked him the look of fear on the man's face was self-explanatory, without him even having to answer, Derek already knew.

"I can take you there," the man offered, " but we haven't much time." He looked away uncomfortable, something unspoken in his words.

He glanced over his shoulder and gazed at his Ruddy faced wife, he was trembling, as he struggled to maintain a steady balance.

"Whatever you do honey lock the doors, and stay out of the shadows until I come home." The old man looked at his wife as if he were never going to see her again. it was breaking Derek's heart, he felt as if he were responsible for this. if he hadn't dragged these people into this none of this would have happened.

Derek had just reached for his duffle bag, when he felt something cold reach out and touch him once again, stabbing him and brushing up against his skin. He knew it was her tormenting and teasing him, but he refused to let her see she was getting to him. She wanted his reaction - it was nothing but fuel for this creature.He quickly turned to the old woman and bid her farewell with a soft and appreciative smile, before grabbing his bag and slowly retreating off into the shadows of the night.

Derek's pace was driven with both determination and fear. He was scared no doubt about it. He knew if this didn't work, it would be over for him. This was his single last shred of hope he had left to cling to.

He felt himself shuddering once he got in the car. The old man had decided at the spur of the moment to go in his wife's car for a change. By the time he got in the car, Derek felt as if his body were going into shock, and hypothermia just waiting for the man, to lock up. Derek's eyes were searching each and everything in sight, he knew her presence was near, he could feel it.

He heaved in a quick sigh of relief when the old man finally got in and started the car. Derek examined the light skies beginning to emerge from the darkness, realising it wouldn't be long before dawn approached.

Once they drove off Derek felt the calmness gradually ease into him for a brief second. He turned to the man and noticed he had a gun protruding out of his denim jacket that he wore. It looked a lot like a Thirty-two calibre Smith and Wesson.

A gun? Derek thought in confusion why would he need a gun? and better yet why would be carrying it on him now? Self-defence reasons perhaps? He didn't dare ask him, of course, but even so, he did find it most peculiar.

Once they made it onto the main high way Derek, noticed a build-up of traffic further ahead, as they began nearing closer towards the massive pile-up of cars all eagerly waiting their turn, to get to the other side of the road. Derek realised it was a group of police officers stopping each and every vehicle at the intersections, that passed them. Roadblocks surrounded their police vehicles and Derek knew very well that this was in no way good. This was bad he thought. Clearly, it was a manhunt now and this horrifying image confirmed he was, in fact, a fugitive running from the law.

What was he going to do? He thought anxiously. Unless they turned and came back this evening, but what difference would that make? They would still be there when they came back, they would never stop until they found him. From what he could see they had every inch of this place surrounded, this is what she wanted this was her despicable way of trapping him and getting him under her sick control and all to herself.

The bitch...Derek thought to himself furiously.He was seething right now with a helpless anger. She was probably sitting here and revelling in all this right now.

"Quickly, hide in the back and don't move,"the old man sternly ordered Derek. He did as he was told feeling the car slow down.He climbed over the passenger seat, and heaved himself over onto the empty seats. He forcefully dropped to his knees and squeezed his body in between the seats. The old man quickly gave him a fleece blanket, he kept beneath his feet and gave it to Derek. "Here cover yourself with this, and don't move."

Derek's heart was beating out of his chest. A million, wild frantic thoughts were travelling through his mind. What if they found me? I would end up back at that place and lose my family forever? All he could do is sit here quietly and pray to God for a miracle, if he ever believed in God it was at this very moment.

The closer they got, the more anxious Derek became. He peered through the blanket, seeing a police officer, quickly walk to their car the second they stopped. He lay there quietly, hearing his own teeth chattering violently in his mouth with panic. All he could do was pray this would be over very quickly.

Surprisingly enough everything had gone well at first. The officer proceeded to ask the old man for his licence and registration number, as well if he had seen any man through these parts. Derek instantly knew who he was referring too. He heard the old man quietly say no and continue to tell the officer, that he was in a hurry to get home and that his wife wasn't well. That's when the situation began to escalate and get heated. The driven and persistent officer insisted he step out the vehicle so he could search the car.

It was either that or he would face being detained for refusing to comply with the police officer. Derek knew very well that the old man was in a situation he couldn't handle and that he had no choice but to conform to the officers orders.

He slid further down on the floor, the blanket still covering him and raised his knees to his chest. He was paralysed to the spot the menacing aura held him in a tight grip. A cold wave embalmed him as the hairs rose from the back of his neck, he knew very well, that he was trapped now and there was no way out.

In the process of being edited and rewritten.

Word count 1701

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, will Derek escape or will he be caught? Stay tuned to find out, if Derek will get out of this difficult predicament he's in. If you liked it please don't forget to vote and comment.:)

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