Dates by the pond

By Frckldfc0506

421 13 0

Just a couple of their secret dates they had by the pond : ) More

Untitled Part 1

421 13 0
By Frckldfc0506

Cha Eun Jae grew to like the pond by the hospital very much. It was getting warmer day by day as Winter slowly turned into Spring. The surface of the water wasn't frozen anymore and they started to get more sunlight, but it was still not warm enough for her to ditch her winter jackets. She looked at the watch on her tiny wrist; it was 2:10 already, Woo Jin's surgery must've taken longer than he thought it would. She leaned down, reaching for a pebble, took a step back with her right leg she bent a bit and threw the pebble into the water, which sank with a huge splash. Eun Jae sighed. How on Earth did he do that? She threw several pebbles after that which all ended up with the same fate. She was about to take her sixth one when she heard Woo Jin chuckle from behind and she turned around immediately.

- How long have you been standing there? - she asked, offended.

- Long enough.

- You're not being fair! - she pouted.

- I'm sorry, but you were so cute I didn't want to disturb you. - he smiled and leaned down to get himself some pebbles too. - Stone skipping, huh?

- Well I'm trying. You made it look so easy I thought I could do it as well. 

- It's nothing. - he smiled, took a step towards her and stopped behind his beloved Eun Jae, putting his hand on her hips as he pulled her a bit closer. - There. - Woo Jin said, giving her a stone. - You just have to have the good ones to do that. Those you used are too thick. So you just take a step back, lean down a bit... - he instructed her, guarding her hand, his other one still on her hips. - There you go! - he said proudly when the stone reached the water surface and bumped on it twice before it sank. Eun Jae was so happy she started clapping with a huge smile on her face.

- Another one? - she asked, looking at him and he couldn't stop adoring how she acted like a child. 

- Here. - he put another pebble in her hand and repeated the same process. 

- Wait, let me try it by myself! - she said excitedly and leaned down to get another one after they threw the second one with even more bumps.

- Eun Jae ya, is this really how you want to spend the couple of minutes we have together before one of us gets called in again? - Woo Jin asked, laughing. 

She dropped the pebble, turned around, shot her biggest smile at Woo Jin and hugged him, burying her head in his neck as she weaved her fingers behind his wide back. With his thick jacket, she felt like he was her big teddy bear as he rested his chin on her head, breathing in the sweet scent of her smooth hair. He pushed her a little to look into those hazel eyes that made him fall for Eun Jae the first day he met her, cupped her face and leaned in to kiss the woman he loved the most. 

- How's your day been so far? - she asked him when she pulled away and took his hand as they started walking around the pond. Looking down on their intertwined fingers, she realized just how perfect her small hand fit into his big one and couldn't help smiling at that thought. 

- Kim sabu and Dr Park started arguing again and they asked me to be the judge in who was right. 

- What were they fighting about? 

- Honestly? I can't even remember now what the initial problem was. They started out from professional things and then the thing I needed to give them my opinion about was where it would be best to start expanding the hospital's building. You know, the trauma center.

- Hm. - she nodded. - So what did you say?

- Dr Park thinks it's the best on the West side, Kim sabu thought it best to start expanding the East wing and I told them the South side would be the best in my opinion. They agreed that none of them agreed with me and started criticizing my non-existant architect skills. 

- As if they have any. - Eun Jae said, smirking. 

- I know, right? - Woo Jin laughed, letting go of her hand, put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her a bit closer, still walking. - Thank God I was called in for this surgery, so I was saved. You should've seen their faces, they were about to fight me! 

- Do I need to call my gangster friends? They could save you again. - she boasted, still proud of herself for helping out Woo Jin back then. He looked down on his shoes and smiled. He remembered when she first told him the loan sharks being gone was mainly thanks to her and her gangsta friends. She was so cute he didn't have the heart to tell her it was actually Bae Moon Jung and his dad who saved him. - So how did the surgery go?

- He went into cardiac arrest in the process of it, that's why it took longer than I anticipated. But he's fine now. Sorry for being... - he started to say but then noticed Nurse Oh walking towards them. - Oh no, please, don't come here. - he gritted through his teeth. 

Being the wise woman she was, Nurse Oh realized they probably went out to have some space from the others inside, so instead, she waved, turned left and went in. 

- Hope she won't tell about us to the others. - Eun Jae smirked.

- Especially In Soo. - Woo Jin nodded. - Do you know how much a pain in the ass he could be sometimes? He drove me crazy with his stupid suspicions on why you were away for so long back then. 

- I'm sorry, Woo Jin. - she pouted. The wind started blowing and she got the chills because of it. 

- Are you cold? - he looked at her, concerned as they stopped. 

- A bit. - she admitted. Woo Jin took both of her hands in his and blew his hot breath on them, making Eun Jae blush. He planted a soft kiss on her skin and then intertwined his fingers with hers of her left hand and put it into his big pocket, still holding it. 

- Let's go back now, I don't want you to get sick.

- Well.. - Ahreum said in the nurses' room with a lollipop in her mouth as her accessory. It was just the two of them there, yet she was basically whispering. - You should really start looking for a place for your secret dates now. I'm sure it would be more comfortable than out in the cold.

- How do you know? - she looked at her, surprised. She thought her secret dates were in fact secret ones. Did Nurse Oh spill the tea about them?

- Come on, unnie! Every time I see how red the tip of your nose is, I know you two were together. Has he even took you out on a proper date yet?

- You know we don't really have time for that. - Eun Jae smiled. - And when we do, we mostly spend it either in his or mainly my apartment. 

- Okay, okay, I don't need to know the details. - she shook her head. - Oh, who am I kidding? Tell me everything! Is he a good kisser? I'm sure he is, he seems to be someone who's good at anything. 

- Especially creating non-existant lines! - Eun Jae laughed. 

- Why don't you two take a day off and go somewhere? 

- It would be really nice actually. - she said, looking into infinity as she imagined them going somewhere nice. 

- What did I get that for? - Woo Jin asked, smiling after Eun Jae kissed him out of nowhere. They were on their usual "pond-date". The weather got quite nice over time and the trees around them were blooming already. It was beautiful, absolutely beautiful. Also she was ever so in love it all made everything look prettier to her. 

- For our perfect date yesterday. It reminded me what a wonderful place Jeju Island is. Thank you. - she answered, her hands still around his neck as Woo Jin was holding her by her waist. 

- I should've took you out sooner, but Kim sabu couldn't afford to give me a full day off. - he shrugged. 

- No worries. To be honest, I really love these secret dates we have inbetween surgeries. Why would I go to expensive restaurants with someone perfect for my mom but completely boring for me? - she asked, her hands sliding on his face now as she caressed his cheeks with her thumbs. She couldn't get enough of looking at that face. The face that smiled much more ever since they finally crossed the line that night in February. 

A cherry blossom petal fell onto her hair. Smoothing a strand behind her ear, Woo Jin took it off, placed it in his palm and blew it away. - Have you talked to your mom? - he asked carefully, not trying to make her upset.

- Not yet. Dad told me to give her some time. 

- Hm. I'm sure she'll come around. - he said and hugged her tight, planting a soft kiss on her hair as Eun Jae hugged him even tighter. His scent and his embrace was enough to make her feel better. 

Just like the last time she was crying. It was her sister's birthday and she went went back to Seoul to celebrate it with her family. Everyone was there; friends, neighbours, even distant cousins. Her mother was kind as ever, she had a nice word to everyone there. Except for her own daughter, whom she avoided during the whole time. When Eun Jae couldn't take it anymore, she grabbed her by her wrist and confronted her after the guests left. 

- Are you keep going to ignore me? Are you still that mad?

- You made it perfectly clear your family doesn't matter to you. So I don't get why we should care about you then. You know I hate nothing more than betrayal.

- Betrayal? - she asked, taken aback. - Eun Ho made a mistake, even he admitted it. He said he understood and even said sorry to me on your behalf for putting me in such a difficult position, why can't you just forget about it?

- If you're done talking so rude to me, I would like to get some rest now. And there's absolutely no need for you to say goodbye to me before you leave tomorrow. Good night! - she said on an ice cold tone and walked up the stairs, leaving her youngest child crying. 

- Come around? No. She should apologize to you first! - she stated, pulling away to look at Woo Jin again.

- There's no need. I mean that, Eun Jae, I don't want you two to fight because of me. - he said, looking down. Once again, self-sacrificing Woo Jin was back. Smiling, she pinched his side playfully through his doctor's coat. 

- I'll fight anyone who ever hurts you, okay?

- Shouldn't it be the other way round? - he laughed.

- But you've already fought for me so much and we're in this together now. - she smiled and Woo Jin kissed her again. Eun Jae never missed an opportunity to let him know he wasn't alone anymore; he didn't need to fight his own battles with no one beside him now. And that was still something he needed to get used to after being by himself for a long time. - If everything goes well, I'll finish my day earlier. Come to my place when you're done here and I'll cook something for dinner, okay? ... Or maybe I'll let you cook something. - she added, remembering how she burned the whole chicken last time she tried to cook something nice. 

- I can't wait. - he smiled, took her hand and they started walking back to the building. 

Eun Jae was on her way to the pond. She was still in her normal clothes since she just arrived at the hospital because she was taking the night shift that day. She knew everything. Eun Jae saw how sad Eun Tak looked so she asked him what happened. As she got closer, she saw Woo Jin sitting on the ground, knees bent, his face buried in his hands. She could see he was sobbing as she stopped beside him and sat down. 

- Woo Jin ah... - she said, putting her hand on his back, rubbing it gently. - I'm so sorry for what happened. - she said on a low voice. His sobs just got harder by her words and he was now shaking. Eun Jae put her hand behind his ear and pulled him closer in a tight embrace. He buried his head in her neck, his arms that were crossed around his bent legs now let down competely. - It's okay. Woo Jin. It's okay. - she said, caressing his head gently and she let him cry. For as long as he needed. His sobs were so painful it made her cry as well as she pulled him even closer. 

- He was only eight years old. - he said some minutes later, after he calmed down a bit. - He was so young. So young... - he said, his eyes still wet from crying. 

- You all did your best to save him. Don't blame yourself. - she said, her hand still resting on his back. 

- I should've saved him! I told his mother I'd save him. 

- Eun Tak told me his chest was totally crushed. It would've been a miracle if he survived, Woo Jin! - she said, trying to comfort her boyfriend. - It was a terrible, terrible car accident and I'm sure he's in a better place now. 

- I hope you're right. - he said. Eun Jae cupped his face and wiped his tears off gently. 

- Take the day off, I'm sure Kim sabu would understand. Come now, I'll make you some chamomile tea inside. - she asked and stood up, offering her hand to Woo Jin. He took it and did as he was told.

- Don't let your patients see you this way, you'd make them go into cardiac arrest. - he smirked as he got to their usual spot. He couldn't stop staring at her long, slender legs exposed in her loose shorts she was wearing. It was already the second half of May and the weather got quite warm. He stepped closer to her and hugged her from behind.

- Oh so you're here. - she smiled, turning her head a bit so she could kiss him. 

- How was Seoul?

- Good. More than good, actually. 

- Oh? - he asked, put his hands on her shoulders and turned her around to look into her eyes. 

- I met Mother again.

- And?.. - he asked, scared of her answer.

- She brought me a present for my birthday. - "Good that she remembered after half a month"; Woo Jin thought but did not say anything.  - I think we're on good terms now. 

- Oh, what a relief! - he sighed and hugged her again. - I'm so happy for you, I know how upset you've been about her, no matter how much you tried to hide it. 

- Am I this transparent? - she laughed.

- I just know you too well. - he smiled and caressed her hair. 

- Then you must know I told her to meet you and apologize to you in person. - she said a bit unsure. She didn't want to put Woo Jin into any situation that was uncomfortable for him. 

- Oh. Is she coming here?

- She asked us both over for dinner next week. Can you make it? - Eun Jae asked, her palms on his chest, smiling at him. Something that always worked on Woo Jin.

- I'll talk to Kim sabu. - he smirked and kissed her again. 

WJ: Can we meet at our usual spot? I need to talk to you!

Eun Jae's heart started beating fast when she read his text message. Something was off, definitely off with him in the past few days and she felt something bad was coming. Did he get another job somewhere far? Did he realize being alone was better than being with her after all? Her hands shaking, she put on her warm coat and went out, where it was snowing all day long in huge flakes. It was freezing cold outside, but she did not care, she was so worried about what he was going to say. As she got closer, she saw him standing with his back to her, staring at the pond in a wool coat, his hands in its pockets. He had some snowflakes on his thick, dark brown hair. Oh, why didn't he put at least a hat on? He'll catch a cold this way.

- Woo Jin? - she asked on a high tone and he turned around. It was only then she saw he was wearing smart pants with a white shirt tucked into it, but the best part of his look was definitely his big smile on his face.  - Woo Jin? - she asked, suspicious. - What's this about? - Eun Jae asked and could feel her cheeks already burning up.

- What I wanted to talk to you about. - he smiled. - I know I could've chosen a much more romantic place for my confession, but our secret dates we have here are the favourite part of my days. Well, one of my favourite ones, to be precise. Everytime we talked here about basically anything; when you made me feel better on a rough day at the hospital, or when we were just sitting here, enjoying the view are the things that made me realize I love you even more than I thought it was even possible. When you smile, it makes me smile too. When you laugh, I laugh with you. When you kiss me, I feel like I need your help as a CS because I feel like my heart's about to explode. Okay, that was a bit cheesy though, I admit it. 

- Keep going! - she laughed, but her eyes were already teary from being so touched by his words. 

- When you cry, I want to cry too and when you have a bad day, I feel like I can't fall asleep before I made you feel better. You're ambitious, smart and have the kindest heart in the world. I love you so much, Cha Eun Jae. I love you so much, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So that I can keep laugh with you, cry with you if needs be and just all in all be entirely happy with you. I still wonder why you chose to be with someone as unworthy as I am and I just love you even more for that. Being with you is more than I could ask for, but if you said yes, you'd make me the happiest man alive. - he said, kneeling down as he took a small box out of his coat's pocket. Eun Jae was already crying. - My Cha Eun Jae, will you marry me?

- Yes! - she said on her cracked voice. - I'll marry you, Seo Woo Jin. 

Smiling and a bit teary eyed himself too, Woo Jin stood up and put the ring on her slender finger; it looked perfect on it. 

- It's so beautiful. - she said, looking at the ring on her finger and then put her hands around his neck, weaving her fingers and kissed him slowly. - And I love you so much too! When should we tell the others?

- I don't think that's necessary now. - he smirked and raised his brows, signing her she should turn around. Everyone from Doldam was looking at them from the entrance of the building. Well everyone except for Dr Park's team, who were busy with a surgery. But everyone who really mattered was there; Kim sabu, Nurse Oh, Dr Nam, the always cheeky In Soo, Moon Jung, manager Jang, Eun Tak and Ahreum who was still wiping her tears. Their real family who sticked together during good and bad times. That's when Eun Jae realized Woo Jin couldn't have chosen a better place to propose. The most beautiful site at the most important place in her life; Doldam. 

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