Royal Happenings (Narry)✔

By WritingZmyPassion

96.4K 4.2K 5K

Two lads. A prince, a young lad, from the family on the top ladder of nobility in great England. Prince Harry... More

1- Yes Your Highness
2- Didn't Expect Less
3- I'll Walk You Out
4- Now Give Me A Hug
5- You Are Early
6- Royal Dinner
7- Oh Shut Up, Harriet
8- Will You Marry Me?
9-Take Today Off
10- Your Hands Are Magical
11- He Is A Friend
12- Let It Go, Princess
13- Relax, Pet.
14- Thought You'd Never Ask
15- I Do
16- Sassy Niall Is Hot
17- Go Faster, Your Highness
18- I Promise
19- Watermelon Sugar
21- Oh My God
22- You Are A Meanie
23- Gross Green Liquid
24- Are You Okay, Baby
25- Why Would He?
26- A Peaceful Flowing River
27- Our Little Baby
28 Don't Hide It
29- Golden
30- Right Babe?

20- I Love You, Princess

3.2K 125 145
By WritingZmyPassion

Double update because my baby is 27 today. Happy birthday, Nialler! So much love for him.♥♥♥♥


A week later, Niall woke up to a little body curled into his side.

He smiled when he saw Zoe sleeping soundly with her little thumb in her mouth.

"Morning Princess." He kissed the top of her head and she turned, sleeping on her stomach.

Niall sighed and looked at the empty space of the bed on Harry's side.

His husband had been so busy with state affairs the past week; waking up at first light and going to bed very late at night.

The blond sat up slowly, feeling the mild cramps that he'd been feeling all week kick in. He closed his eyes tight and rubbed his stomach, hoping the pain would go away soon but it only got worse.

He suddenly felt the urge to throw up and in seconds, he was sprinting to the bathroom and throwing everything in his stomach up.

"I fucking need to see the doctor." He muttered when he flashed the toilet at brushed his teeth.

He knew he had a stomach bug but he ignored it and hoped it would go away soon.

He didn't wanna see the doctor because then she would tell Harry that Niall was sick and the blond didn't want to bother Harry, not with how busy he was lately.

But now, he knew that ignoring the bug had been a big mistake on his part. His cramps seemed to be getting worse every morning and he had some serious weird food cravings.

Niall walked back to the bedroom and placed pillows on both sides of Zoe before going back to the bathroom and taking a quick shower.

When he was done, he went to check on Zoe and found her awake, he gave her a bath and after dressing her up, the door opened and in walked a palace maid.

"Good morning your highness." She greeted. Niall subtly rolled his eyes at the title but answered nonetheless . "Breakfast is served, would you like me to bring it up for you?"

"No, thanks. I'm coming down." Niall answered. The maid bowed her head and left the quarters.

Niall picked Zoe up and grabbed her favourite toy; a stuffed orange fish, then he went out and down the grand staircase.

"Good morning Sunshines!" Anne beamed at them as soon as Niall entered the huge dining room.

Zoe squealed happily at seeing her grandmother.  She clapped her hands with a huge smile making her parents and grandmother laugh.

"Morning everyone." Niall greeted as he walked over to the Queen so that he could hand Zoe to her.

The baby smiled at the Queen but clung to Niall for a second before she went with her.

"I'm surprised she has parted with Niall. She didn't wanna let him out of her sight last night when it was her bed time." Michal commented and Gemma agreed.

"Really?" The Queen asked, kissing Zoe's cheek.

"Yeah, that's why she ended up spending the night with him and Harry." Gemma clarified. Then she turned to Niall. "I hope that wasn't a bother."

Niall shook his head with a smile. "Of course not, I love her and I love taking care of her."

The Queen smiled fondly at both her sons-in-law. "Well, she loves you too." She said gesturing to Zoe who had her arms out towards Niall.

Niall took her from the Queen and kissed her cheek. She tried to do the same but ended up biting his cheek.

"You know what, babe." Gemma started, looking at her husband. "We should get started on making a little sibling for Zoe because she seems to have forgotten about us."

"Gemma!" The Queen yelled but there was a smile on her face while Michal just blushed.

Niall finished feeding Zoe her food and then started on his own too. However, the little one kept distracting him until Michal coaxed her to go with him.

"Has Harry and dad left?" Gemma asked, looking between Niall and her mother.

"No, they are in the throne room with the Scottish ruler and his courtiers. They should be out in three hours. Atleast this busy week has come to an end." The Queen answered and Niall smiled even though he already knew it.

He missed his husband and he would like to just cuddle the day away with him but he would wait till the Scottish had left.


After breakfast, Niall decided to take a walk in the palace grounds. He was always marvelled by how beautiful everything was and he thought that he didn't appreciate it enough.

When he felt like he had walked enough, he sat down on a swing and his body guard stood at the side.

Niall was about to strike a conversation with him but he was cut off when his phone buzzed.

He smiled when he saw Louis calling him.

"Hi Lou." Niall greeted cheerfully.

"I miss Liam." Came Louis' whiny reply and Niall could bet that the former was pouting.

"I miss Haz too. Come over, they should be done in an hour." Niall encouraged.

"An hour, really? Aren't they working till late?"

"Apparently no. Most of the work has already been done, they are just summarizing now." Niall answered.

"Sweet, I'm coming over right now." He said and hang up.

Niall sat conversing with his body guard and before he knew it, someone was escorting Louis to where they were.

He stood up to hug his best friend and when they broke it, he saw Harry and Liam walking towards them.

"There's your boyfriend." Niall said, gesturing with his head behind Louis.

Louis quickly turned around and was met with the sight of his smiling boyfriend along with the Prince coming towards them.

He let go of Niall and went to meet the lads halfway. He greeted Harry then he and Liam shared a long slow kiss.

"Hey baby, you doing alright?" Harry walked to where Niall was stood next to the swing and hugged his waist.

Niall melted into his husband's arms. He'd been craving them all day. And to finally be in them was really nice.  He placed his head on Harry's chest and breathed in his scent.

"I missed you." Niall said but then frowned. "What cologne are you wearing?" He stepped away from Harry a tad.

"I'm wearing your favourite, Tobacco Vanille, the Tom Ford one , why?" He asked and went to hug Niall again but the blond moved back.

Before Harry could ask what was wrong, Niall was bent over next to a nicely trimmed shrub and throwing up.

"Baby! Oh my god, are you okay?" Harry asked frantically. He grabbed the water bottle that was sat on the bench that Niall had previously been sitting on and handed it to him.

The blond rinsed his mouth and gave the water back to Harry just as a few garden workers went to clean up the mess.

"What's going on?" Louis asked and placed a hand on Niall's forehead. "Fuck, Niall you are burning up." He retracted his hand quickly.

Harry sat down on the bench and pulled Niall onto his lap, cradling him  and frowning when he felt how high his temperature was.

"Baby, what's wrong? You have a fever." He asked.

Niall lay his head on Harry's chest, "I'm fine, it's just a stomach bug." He replied as if it was no big deal.

"Stomach bug?" Harry asked. "How long has it been bothering you?"

Niall sighed because he knew that Harry was not gonna let it go.  

"A week now. Look it's nothing, it will eventually go away. It's nothing serious." He brushed it off.

"A week!" Harry yelled in disbelief. "Have you seen the doctor?" Niall shook his head.

"Like I said, it's nothing serious." Niall argued.

Harry however, was not letting him go free. He was very cautious when it came to health matters.

"Baby, a stomach bug that lasts an entire week is worrisome. I think you should be checked, just to be sure." He suggested.

"I said I'm fine!" Niall snapped angrily and stood up from Harry's hold.

When he realized that he had snapped, he widened his eyes and looked at Harry.

"Oh my god, Haz, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you." He said and Harry just pulled him back onto his lap and kissed his forehead.

"It's okay. Just please let her check you. I would worry more if you refuse. Please." Harry shot Niall his signature puppy dog face.

Niall groaned but he was unable to resist that face.

"Fine, just not today. I'm gonna monitor myself today and if there's no change tomorrow then I'll have her check me." Niall said and Harry nodded.

"Fine by me." Harry answered. "But you are going to lie down and I'll have lunch delivered to our quarters."

Niall nodded then his face lit up. "Can I have fried chicken? And have them make it really spicy."

"Ookay." Harry answered. "Come on." He then stood up with Niall still in his arms.

The blond's demands to be put down seemed to fall on deaf ears.

Liam and Louis followed behind ; in their own little world, laughing at talking.


The four lads were done eating and Niall was the happiest because he got to eat what he had been craving ; spicy chicken.

"How do you feel baby?" Harry asked after Louis and Liam had left to go to Liam's.

"I feel so much better. See I told you I was fine- ow." Niall started to say but he groaned when he felt pains in his lower abdomen.

"Ni?" Harry called worriedly and sat up so he could hover over Niall.

"My tummy hurts." Niall panted. "It hurts, Haz."

Harry pulled on his hair in frustration. He felt helpless seeing his husband in pain and he couldn't do anything to make it better for him.

He then pulled Niall's shirt up and looked at his stomach. Then he lowered his face to be eye level with the tummy.

He pressed his lips to it, kissing it a few times then he placed his large hand on it and started rubbing slowly.

"Please 'tummy', can you spare my husband from all the pain? He's had enough, please."

Niall couldn't help but laugh at that.

"You are such a dork." He smiled down at Harry who had his head on Niall's lap while he talked to the tummy and rubbed it at the same time.

"Feel better?" Harry grinned up at Niall.

"Now that I think about it, yeah." Niall answered, feeling the cramps stop completely.

"Good." Harry smiled. "I love you, he then placed a last kiss on the tummy and pulled Niall's shirt down.

"I love you too." Niall answered quietly just as Harry was back to lying next to him.

"What?" Harry's eyes lit up. He didn't expect Niall to say that anytime soon. "You do?"

Niall nodded with a smile. "Yeah I do. I mean you are so amazing, babe. It's hard not to love you." Niall smiled.

Harry felt like his heart would burst with happiness. He didn't know how to act. So he just did the only logical thing at the moment; plant a sweet kiss on Niall's lips.

"I love you, Princess." Harry breathed when they broke the kiss.

Niall lay his head on Harry's chest while Harry held him.

They stayed in a comfortable silence for a couple of minutes before Niall broke it.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked quietly, stopping Harry's train of thoughts.

Harry had been lost in thought thinking about how crazy it all had been since he met the blond and slowly fell for him.

"Just thinking about how I lied to everyone that I was gay just to get out of an arranged marriage with Natasha-"

However, Harry didn't get to finish his sentence because while wrapped up in each other's arms, the couple didn't notice the doors open and a person enter, they were only aware of another presence when the person spoke up.

"What?! You are not gay?"


I'm thinking of changing my middle name to 'cliffhanger' hahahaha *evil laugh*

How are you my sweet creatures?

Who do you think found out?

Thoughts on the story so far...

I love you all so much.

Spread the love❤ #BLM


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