Baby Come Back

By holychels

24K 401 18

I wanted Baby Come Back to be on Wattpad because it is one of the first Camren fanfics I ever read and I was... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Sad News :(

Chapter 12

851 20 0
By holychels

The next few days were full of tests of every kind for Lauren. She sat up in bed with her eyes half open, in a delirious state due to all the medication she lived on.

I had called my mother to tell her i wouldn't be home again, but all I got was the automated voice mail that I've heard so many times before.

I wouldn't dare leave her side since shes at the most vulnerable state of her life. Today was not just an important day due to Lauren coming out of her coma, but Jake has got his court trial today.

To say I was nervous would be an understatement. Jakes family is manipulating, slimy and would do anything to cover their backs; I have a feeling that it wont all go to plan like I had hoped. Claire has gone to represent Lauren and also myself since Shane trained to be a barrister he's filling in the gap of our lawyer. I trusted him with and Claire, and I knew they'd pull through for us.

I heard a small sigh and I turned my attention to the fragile girl in front of me.

"Hey there sleepy head," I soothed out as she tried to get her eyes open.

"Camilllaaaaaa" she slurs out and I couldnt hold back a giggle. Even all dosed up on pain killers she was adorable.

"How are you feeling baby?" I said as I held her hand.

"Sore," she pouted and tried to move around in the bed but gave up once she was all out of energy.

"What you say laur?" I heard her mumble out something which i couldnt understand.

"Marry me," she said as she tried to look me in the eyes but kept dosing off into space.

"Lauren youre so drugged up right now you dont even know what youre saying," I say with a sad smile, which I'm guessing she didn't catch since a flash of surprise contorted her face.

"Nooo I will, we will soon," she says with a lazy smile and while her head lulls back into her pillow.

"I missed you so much Lauren," I say with a shaky voice trying not to cry. By now her eyes are almost closed and shes still again.

"I love you," she mumbles before falling back to sleep. Moments like this have been happening every few hours since yesterday and they left me with so much happiness inside me I felt I might burst. I knew she'd fight through it and be alright, and id help her through it too.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by my phone ringing. I quickly picked it up and i was met with the soft voice of Claire.

"Camila? Any news?" she questioned.

"Yes! She woke up again, she started to speak in structured sentences which is brilliant. The doctors said they expect her memory and speech to be okay, but the nerves in her legs aren't responding very well. They didnt give a definite answer as to when they want to try again."

"Well at least it's something right?" I heard her say softly down the phone.

"Yeah it's wonderful," I smile. I really was proud of her.

"Well I called to update you on something, but you're not going to like where it's heading.." she started while I climbed into Lauren's bed with her, I positioned myself so I was cradling her head and running my hands through the remains of hair she had.

"Okay, shoot," I replied.

"Well once we got here we were a bit surprised to see Daniel, Laurens dad here with Jake in the courtroom. We brushed it off but it turns out Jake is pleading on accounts of Self-Defence. Daniel brought evidence of Lauren's past drug usage that make her look like a very possible threat, she was even given a official warning by police when she was caught in a drug bust with the damn gang she was in. Daniels has known all this time about Lauren, her whereabouts and how we struggled, but he kept away to obviously keep his reputation clear. Now he's trying to cover Jakes back with her mistakes, saying she's unstable and reckless. He's trying to turn the case around on her. But that's not the worst bit," She said in a shaky voice. By now I was as stiff as a plank of wood, I felt my chest tighten when I looked down to see my baby sleeping. She didnt know what was to face her in the future, all the pain she'd have to go through.

"He's trying to get custody of Lauren too," she said as her voice cracked.


That night I didn't sleep. I lazily held one of her limp hands and played with the ring she always had on her middle right finger. The clock struck 2a.m and I knew I wasn't going to get any rest, so I decided I'd go home and pick us some more clothes and shower. They had dosed Lauren up with sleeping pills that would keep her floating in sleep into the late afternoon tomorrow, so with that knowledge I would not be missed I slowly detached myself from her, kissed her forehead lightly then climbed out of the bed. Before I left the room I turned back to get one last look at her. This would be the first time I've ever left her alone in the hospital.
I made my way to the nurse station and found just the person I've been looking for.

"Demi?" I say quietly as she spins on her heels to face me. Her features light up at my presence and it causes a ghost of a smile to cover mine.

"Hello there pumpkin, how are you holding up?" She says as she envelopes me in a warm hug. I really needed one right now.

Demi was Laurens central nurse, she took care of everything. From transporting her to and from her tests and scans to her blood transfusions every day. She's been amazing with everything, she read me like a book and she always knew what to do.

"I'm better now. She woke up for a little bit earlier which was really great. I was wondering if you could keep an eye on her? I'm going to head home for a half an hour, to shower and stuff," I said with a sad smile and she rubbed the side of my arms with her hands.

"Sure thing honey you take your time; you deserve it! I tell you, there's couples in here who've been married longer than you've been alive and they're not half as dedicated as you. I can see you must really love her," she smiles and I feel a small bubble of happiness rise in my chest.

"I really do Dem," I say.

"Well go on then, get your big ass movin' or you'll miss all the excitement!" She says and I let out a giggle.

"Okay, okay, I'm going, thank you!" I yell from down the corridor and she gives me a little wave in response.
I take a taxi to my house and climb out. The city was silent at this time of night, and I decided it was my favourite time of day. Everything was clam. A thought popped into my head about coming out here with Lauren, showing her this little bubble of solitude. How much she'd like it and how it'd be just another secret we shared.

I pull out my keys and go to turn it, when I notice it doesn't fit. I turn it around thinking its the wrong way up, but that doesn't work either. I jiggle the handle of the door to check of its broken but as I go to grip it, I notice that it's not the same handle as I remembered. My parents had changed the locks.

In a daze of surprise I rang the doorbell a little too animatedly until I heard the patter of heavy footsteps. Suddenly the large door swung open to revel my father, in his pyjamas and a look of disgust on his face.

"Daddy, hi," I say with wide eyes when a see his response to seeing me.

"We changed the locks for a reason. You are no longer welcome in the house. Daniel told me all about that girl you've been seeing in secret and I will not have this family name tainted by your vulgar life choices." He slowly speaks in a low tone, his voice dripping with venom.

"I've sent most of your stuff to the girls house. Don't you dare show your face here again, don't call and don't arrive at 2a.m expecting open arms ever again. As of now I'm childless, and you are fatherless. Are we clear?" He asks but before I can even squeak a response out he slams the door in my face.

I've heard about what happens to kids who get kicked out in this town. Their life's dissolve into nothing. They end up living off the government, ambition-less and often addicted to something illegal. I could see my whole world slipping through my fingertips; college, my plans to travel and see the world, to have a good job, settle down and start a family, all shattered because I fell in love.

This was just another kick in the jaw. I didn't deserve this, no one did! Lauren didn't, Claire didnt, I didn't. In a matter of a few months my life was flipped upside down so much so I couldn't even recognise. I was numb to the pain I should have been feeling.
But after all this time, I knew I was stronger than this. This wouldn't let this taint me, or my ability to love or to find happiness. I'm going to be the girl who fought through this shit that was thrown at her and defied everyone's beliefs while, on top of it all, staying in love with the one person I truly adored.
I quickly wiped the tears off my face and picked my head up all at once I felt a weight being lifted off my shoulders. I was okay, I wasn't falling apart, I was strong.

Suddenly my phone started to chime from my pocket and I whipped it out, and saw it was the hospital calling.

"Hello?" I said and I heard painfully horrific shrieks and screams in the background of the call.

"Camila? It's Demi. Lauren's suffering from night terrors. We could use you if you're not already busy, but no worries if you are, I just think it'd help soother her," she says calmly.

"On my way," I mumble out a response before running down the driveway.

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