always | hitoshi shinsou x re...

由 Sopheriaaa

195 13 1

memory lane with the one and only aizawa junior ! 更多


195 13 1
由 Sopheriaaa

Hai guys! This is a oneshot for my friend lol, feel free to replace her name/info for yours.

She just got done watching Banana Fish and yeah... Y'all should know how she's feeling.

Alright enjoy! Also give my bb some words of encouragement and some serotonin, she needs it.

By the way, there is no quirks, no powers. Just sweet, simple, and modern.

Here ya go bb, this is for you <3 

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

~ 5 Years Old ~

"Okay everyone, today we have a new student! Make sure to welcome her with open arms." The teacher had her hands on your back as you fiddled with your hands.

"Go on and introduce yourself honey."

You made a little squeak as your teacher gives your a little push to the front. Staring at the classroom, you noticed a boy with vibrant purple hair.

Looking at the clock to avoid eye contact with everyone, you introduced yourself, "Uhm, nice to meet you all. My name is Minatozaki Kallie."

Little gasps were heard but nonetheless the children all smiled.

"Okay honey, go sit next to Hitoshi-kun over there." She pointed to the direction of the boy with pretty colored hair, "Hitoshi-kun, raise your hand."

The little boy raised his hand in the air till you made your way over there and sat next to him.

"Let's learn our kanji!"

While writing down the kanji you were being taught, you felt a little poke on your left shoulder causing you to flinch.

"Oi, you." A little monotone voice called out when you turned to see Hitoshi.

"M-me?" You squeaked.

"Who else?" He looked at you as if you're dumb.

"O-oh uhm, yes?"

"Are you a foreigner?" He asks as you tilted your head at the weird word.

"What is that word?"

"My mom used that word when she was talking to my dad, she said it means 'someone who is not from here'." He explained to you as you nodded, kind of understanding that word.

"Then yeah, I think I am a foreigner."

"Wanna be friends?"

"Friends? Really?!"

"Kallie honey, pay attention. I do not want to call your mom and dad on the first day." The teacher warned.

You stood up, "I-I'm sorry sensei," and bowed to your teacher then sitting back down.

You heard a little snicker coming from your left when you got red, "That is not funny." You pouted.

"Let's promise to be friends." You held out your small pinky.

"Always." He says and wraps his pinky around yours as you both stamped the promise.

~ 8 Years Old ~

Three years later, you and Hitoshi have gotten really close. You both were peas in a pod, if you saw one you would see the other. The two not having the same classes did not stop them from hanging out.

"Kall, are you coming over to my house?" Hitoshi asked the blonde who was putting her bento in her little cubby.

"Duh." You giggle and walked to your desk, sitting down.

"Just asking." He held up his hands and waved, leaving to go to his classroom next to yours.

[After school]

"Ready loser?" Hitoshi waited in front of your classroom with his bag in his right hand as he held out his left hand.

"I am not a loser, and why do you always want to carry my bag, loser?" You chuckled at his gentleman-ly action.

"Wow only losers use the same nickname the other person calls them." He says and snatches your bag from your hands and runs away.

"H-hey!" You growl and start chasing him till you both get to the entrance where you see Hitoshi's mom.

"Konnichiwa Mihoko-san! Haijime-san!" You bowed to your best friend's parents who smiled and welcomed you with open arms.

"Hi sweetheart, how was school?" Mihoko asks you, bending down to your level.

"Mom, I'm right here." Hitoshi crossed his arms making you snicker at his behavior,

"Jealous that auntie likes me more?" You teased the purple-haired male.

"W-what?! No! It's just weird for the parents to greet their own kid."

"Face it Toshi-kun, I am the better kid."

"No you are not." The two of you began to argue as you stuck out your tongue and opened the car door, shutting it in his face.

"Oi! I always sit on the right side!"

You began to mock him between the glass window.

"Alright you two." Hajime chuckles as opens the door for his wife, while they drive to their house.

"Kall, sweetie. Your parents are joining us for dinner." Mihoko tells you when you all entered the Shinsou household.

"Oh okay."

"Both of you study before doing anything." Hajime tells the both of you as the two of you pout.

"Yes dad/Yes oji-san."

You both went upstairs to his room. It was filled with anime figurines in a glass showcase near the right of his TV, a bookcase filled with mangas, a typical boy room.

"Okay loser, what do you need to work on." Hitoshi takes out his backpack and took out his notebooks.

"No, what do you need to work on." Kall insisted as he sighs,

"English..." He disappointingly says making you giggle,

"Good thing I know both languages."

"Yeah yeah, just teach me." Hitoshi blushes, embarrassed that you're teaching him.

"Then you can help me with Japanese." She insists as his head brightens up at the words.


"Says the stupid one!"

"Hey... when we grow up. Will be still be friends?" You fiddled with your fingers.

Hitoshi stops moving his pencil and glares at you, "Why did you ask such a stupid question, stupid?"

"It's not like anything's going to change." Hitoshi stated.

"Always." He simply said, "Remember that. We'll always be friends."

You smiled happily, "Okay loser, what do you need help on."

"Ugh..." he groans.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

"You suck at this game loser." Hitoshi leans back on his bed to where you were, just above him on top of his bed.

"Well no duh, I don't even like this game." You defended yourself.

"Nah you just suck."

"Kall, your parents are here. Also dinner will be done in ten minutes." Hajime comes into the room to see the notebooks closed and the kids playing on the PS3 (or XBOX).

"Okay." They both said and went down to greet your parents.

"Hi mom, dad." You smiled and hugged the both of them as you saw your brother and grimaced.


"You're ewe!" Your brother stuck out his tongue,

"Alright you two, go get cleaned up for dinner."

The parents of the three children smiled, "How have you been Mihoko-san?"

Your mother asks the purple-haired woman, "No need for formalities, we've been knowing each other for three years now."

"Exactly, we're practically family Kim." Hajime enters the conversation and clinks beers with your father, wrapping their arms around each other.

"Not yet anyways." Your mother, Kim, implied as she chuckles.

"We got to wait another 10-15 years." Mihoko smiles.

"Hitoshi is a good kid, he better treat our princess right." Your father, Chikai, said as Hajime pats him on the shoulder,

"If he doesn't, I'll kick his ass for you Kai." He does a hardy chuckle.

"No need to." Your mother giggles.

"Let's see where the future takes us."

Meanwhile, your brother was playing on Hitoshi's PS3 while Hitoshi was playing Minecraft on his PC.

"No way you just killed me." Hitoshi gripped onto his monitor.

"Oops." You simply said, snickering on the inside.

"I had 34 diamonds!"

"Oh did you?!" You faked a gasp as you picked up the diamonds and started to book it.

"Oi!" He got off his pc and pinned you with one hands on both of your wrists and grabs your phone.

"Hey!" You yelled as he ran downstairs.

"Give me back my dad's phone!"

"Woah!" All the parents exclaimed as they saw their kids at one end of the table.

"I swear if you kill me and get the diamonds, I will create arson!"

"No creating arson! What is the matter?!" Mihoko and Kim exclaimed.

"She killed me!"

"Okay when I told you to build my house because I was getting iron, you used dirt!"

"At least it's wasn't sand!"

"Alright you two," Your mother giggles, "Kall, go get your brother."

"Connor!! Dinner's rea-!!" You shouted when Hitoshi covers your mouth.

"Could you be any louder?!"

~ 13 Years Old ~

"Toshi-kun!!" You exclaimed and ran to the boy, giving him a big hug.

It was your 8th grade year, only two more years till you both are high schoolers.

"You're still so loud." He groans.

"Okay and? That still doesn't stop you from being my best friend." You smirked.

He flicks your forehead, "Come on, we're gonna be late."

"We're finally in the same class! It's been two years since we had the same class."

"Ugh... that means I have to put up with you even more."

"Hey! Rude!" You exclaimed, and pushed him.

"I'm just kidding." He chuckles when you walked away from him.

Hitoshi's face slowly turns into a frown, "H-hey I said I was just kidding."

You continued to ignore him as he bit his lip. He went to go grab your hand, "I'm sorry..."

The two of you stayed quiet, "Never thought I hear you say that." You giggled.


"I wasn't mad." You laughed.

"We're not friends anymore." He simply said and walked away.

"Toshi-kuuun!" You quivered your lip in a playful manner and caught up to him.

"Stupid." He mutters and flicks your forehead.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

The two of you were on the train station to head home, "Hey kitty, catch."

Ever since Shinsou found out you loved cats, he started to give you that nickname with the on the sides: loser and stupid.

"Ah!" Kall screams but catches something metal.

Looking at the item Hitoshi tossed to her, she began to smile; admiring the beautiful rose gold necklace given to her.

On the right side of the block had the words carved with the word "always" in cursive letters in English. The other side had the day the two of you met.

"How do you even remember the day that we met?" You laughed.

"I just did." He shrugged when he felt arms wrapping around him.

"I love it, thank you Toshi-kun."

"Yeah whatever, don't get sappy on me kitty. It was your birthday a week ago and I didn't get you anything."

"Well I mean you did spend the night." You clarified his reasoning.

"I didn't get you anything."

"You make it seem I'm gonna get upset if you don't get me something."

Hitoshi pauses and gives you a look. You knew what it meant to, it was the 'I know you did not just say that to me because we know you're lying'.

"D-dont give me that look!" You whined as the two you of went to your house.

Arriving at the front door you smiled, "Thank you again... it really means a lot."

"Don't get sappy on me." He says as he paused. Slowly extending his arms, he looks at you and then the ground.

"Yes?" You smirked at his action, "I swear Kall, if you think of something stupid I will leave."

You jumped towards him and hugged the male. Your arms were wrapped around his neck as his arms were wrapped around your waist.

Suddenly the door opens and you hear a groan, "Ewe mom! Kall and Hitoshi are being gross!"

"Shut up you little brat!" You yelled when you were about to run after your younger brother.

"See you tomorrow stupid."

"Oh- see you tomorrow Toshi-kun! Be safe!" You smiled and waved at him as he began walking away, having his hand in the air.

Looking down at the necklace you couldn't help but feel your heart racing.


~ 17 Years Old ~

You guys finally were high schoolers. No matter what you guys still stuck together, the only thing that changed was the way you guys viewed each other.

Yup. You both had fallen in love with each other, yet you both still have yet to find out your feelings for one another.

"Hello~ beautiful." A voice approaches you, turning around quickly you sighed,

"Hi Denki..."

"Why do you sound so upset?" He pouted with big beady anime eyes.

"Cause you're being an idiot so early in the morning." Two girls approached the two with a group of five behind them. The two females punched the teen on the back of his head.

"Ow! Ria, Knii! That actually hurt!" Denki cries out.

"Cause she got fucking man hands." Another blond scoffs when the heterochromatic haired and eyed girl covers his mouth.

"Kacchan, what I did tell you about making fun of people?" The girl with white and red hair frowned.

Katsuki flinched, "Tch, not to do it." Ria kisses the male's cheek and smiles, "Good boy."

"I'm not your damn dog!"

"But you do act like a bitch whenever your girlfriend calms you down. Aren't you a good boy." Knii smirks, adding fuel to the fire.

Katsuki's level of anger slowly decreased as he gritted his teeth, "You. Move. Before. I. Snap."

"Woah, he actually obeyed." You snickered as you saw more tick marks forming on his head.

"Alright Kacchan, let's go to class first before you cause a scene." Ria sweat drops and held her boyfriend's hand.

"I don't want to see your fucking brother!!"

A huge hit was heard, the group all saw Katsuki holding his head, "You crazy bit- chick!"

"We are in the same damn class whether you like it or not!!" She yells.

"He's so scared of her." A girl with pink hair giggles at the intersection between the couple.

"Speaking of couples, Kall," A redhead spoke up as your turned to him.

"Yes Kirishima-kun? Wait why is my and couples in the same sentence?!"

"You dumbass... When are you are boyfriend getting together?" Knii finished Kirishima's sentence.

This made you blush heavily, "He doesn't even like me!"

Suddenly a fire swarmed around the light-skin female, "U-uh us and Knii will g-go. Before she flips." Mina nervously says,

"Kirishima-kun, Sero-kun, can you help us?" Jiro asks the two boys who nodded and quickly led the angry teen away leaving you and Kaminari together.

"When are you two getting together?"

"What?!" Your eyes popped from your sockets, "Wait. Is this actually you Kaminari-kun?"

"Hey, I can be a real gentlemen when I want to." He flipped his 'long' hair making you giggle.

"Well I just know he doesn't see me like that. He sees me as a little sister, even though I am two months younger." You explained to the human-version Pikachu.

"Dude's blind if he sees you like that." Kaminari shrugs and places his hands on the back of his head.

The two of you began walking to class when you frowned, "I just don't know..."

"You'll figure it out." He says as you smiled sadly.

"Oh yeah, when are you going to ask out Jiro?"


"You know what I'm talking about. You've practically been trying to get her jealous any minute you can get. Even I know that, and I have like 1/3 of a brain cell."

"Pfft, well you're wrong." Kaminari tried to cover up his emotions when he holds your hand.

"C'mon m'lady. Time for our courses."

"Ewe, never again." You giggled when you saw Hitoshi.

Denki looks at you and smirks, "Oh shoot, I gotta go to my locker. Go on without me."

This made you smile as you approached your childhood crush.

"Good morning Toshi-kun." You beamed at him.

"What were you doing with that idiot?" Shinsou quickly asked you making you look at him weird.

"Woah jealous much?" You laughed.

"No, he's just an idiot. Why do you hang out with him."

'Ah.. so he doesn't get jealous...'

"That's rude, he's my friend. He's not as bad as you think he is. Plus you need to work on your people skills."

"As long as I have you, I don't care for others." He simply said and took your hand in his and began walking to your class.

You glanced at him and blush, "T-toshi-kun?"


"What are you doing?"

"Making sure you don't get lost." He said with his head facing the other direction, as he was blushing.

"Thank you for walking me." You quietly said as you didn't realize your hands were still intertwined.

Shinsou lifts up your chin with his finger and thumb, leaning in.


"Ow!!" You yelped in pain.

"Kitten, get to class." He says and began walking away.

"Says the one who walked me to class!" You stomped your foot.

Then suddenly for some odd reason, your body moved on its own. Running up to him, you wrapped your arms around his waist. Your face on his back as you wrote the word,


You let go and walked away from him. When you were clear out of sight, Shinsou gripped onto his chest and forehead,

"Fuck... I can't do this anymore."

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Month passed, it was the day before Valentines Day. The month where girls confess their love to the boy they like.

"Do it pussy." Knii says to you as you blushed heavily.

"I-I don't know if I can!" You panicked,

"What if he rejects me!" Your eyes began to water.

"F-fuck..." Knii flinches and bit her lip, not really knowing how to deal with human emotions.

"Girly, you'll be fine. For all I know, I think he likes you back." The white and redheaded girl approaches the two with bags full of chocolate stuff.

"How do you know that...?"

"I just know. Plus who the hell calls their best friend 'kitten' as a best friend nickname?l Ria pursed her lips together.

"Yeah, sounds like he likes you." Knii says.

"Also you did tell us that he called you kitty first. Kitty kind of sounds weird and sounds like a kid nickname, but Kitten does sounds more like a more ya know." She wiggles her eyebrows.

"Now come on. Let's go make some chocolates for our boyfriend and future boyfriend. As for you." Ria giggles but then then grimaces and looks at Knii and makes an ugly disgusted face,

"We don't talk about that!" Knii screeches when the two began to argue.

"You like my brother! He's old!"

"Okay and? I'm legal next year." Knii simply said making Ria gagged.

"I- okay. Well I'm pretty sure Touya-nii likes you too which oddly discomforts me, but I'll help you." Ria sighs in defeat.

"Woah!! He does not! I am perfectly fine with being friends!" Knii exclaims.

"Well I mean you did have a crush on him for about two years now." You intervene.

"You. You shut up." Knii slowly grows red.

"Awhh!! Is Knii blushing?!" You squealed.

"She has feeeelings." Ria made puppy dog eyes when Knii glares at the two of you.

"I will kill both of you."

"Nah, you love us." You smiled as you brought both of the girls in for a hug.

❤︎  ❤︎  ❤︎  ❤︎

Both you and Ria had little goodie bags for the Bakusquad, handing them out to eat and every one of them.

"Awh thank you thank you thank you!!" Mina exclaims and hugged you both.

"I love you guys." She pouted.

"Much love to you too Mina-chan." Ria smiles and you did too.

You and Ria handed your chocolates to everyone when Katsuki grew irritated. Standing up he left without saying a word.

"Woah what's up with the Pomeranian?" Knii questioned.

"Did you not give him the chocolates Ria?" You asked the girl who shook her head.

"I made him a bento, he's being such a girl. He has to wait." She giggles,

"Such a mainly thing to do." Kirishima wraps his arm around Ria's neck.

"For sure." She nods as Knii nudged you. You looked at her and saw her looking at a direction.

Standing still, you debated. Jiro saw this and pushed you, "Ack!"

"Stupid... are you okay?" Looking up you saw Shinsou staring at you.

"Y-y-yeah!" Your face went bright red, "Hey kitten, are you sick?" He immediately got worried and felt your forehead.

He leaned in and connected his forehead with yours, "T-toshi-kun..." you stuttered.

"You don't have a fever, but what are you doing after school?" He asks.

"Well mom said that auntie invited us to dinner." You told him, recovering from your mental breakdown.

"Liar. She told me that I was suppose to tell you." He sighs making you laugh, "Well mom and auntie are pretty close."

"Yeah no duh, it's annoying."

"Well I think it's cute."


"Looks like the bell, see you after school." You waved towards the male and left with your friends.

Shinsou notices a small purple polka dotted box with a silver ribbon wrapped around it. Picking it up, it read his nickname on the little tag.

There he saw three fruit tarts. There was a heart strawberry in the middle, surrounding it was blueberries in a circle.

Noticing a piece of paper he read through it and paused. Quickly wrapping his Valentine's gift away, he left for class.

[Next Month]

Ever since Valentine's Day, your mood was weird. All you kept thinking about was who could've picked up his present.

But it was probably for the best.

Although your nerves couldn't go away.

"Girly, you need to stop panicking." Ria said as she was playing with Katsuki's hair who currently was busy on his phone playing games.

"Kacchan, you went the wrong direction." She tells him making him irritated,

"Let me play my damn game woman."

"Well I'm trying to help you play your damn game." She snapped back.

"Yeah it'll be okay, plus it's White Day tomorrow! You may never know, he could confess!" Mina squealed and claps her hands.

"Don't doubt yourself Kall." Sero tells you making you grow more nervous.

"You'll be fine." Kirishima reassure you as you slowly calmed down. You take a glance at Kaminari,

"Denki-kun, remember our deal." You tell him as he got flustered.

"If it does actually happen, then you need to pay your end of the deal."

"Alright alright I will..."

Knii looked at you as you looked at Ria who looked at Knii. The three of you telepathically smirked and nodded.

"Isn't this adorable." Ria giggles when Katsuki stops his game and glares at his girlfriend.

"Tell me."

"You already know." She simply says.

"What the hell aren't you telling us?" Jiro asks when no one replied.

"Oh wow, thanks." She scoffs and walks away with you and the girls following her.

"Don't worry Jiro, you'll find out sooner or later." Ria winks at her.

"Kitten." Everyone stops and looks at you to only see Shinsou as well.

"Tch." Katsuki scoffs and drags Ria away, "Kacchan!" She whined.

"Well looks like we'll be leaving too." Mina drags both Jiro and Knii away.

"Nice to see you again man!" Kirishima salutes Shinsou who awkwardly does the one wave wave as the boys took their leave.

"Mom wants to do another dinner." Shinsou tells you as you nodded,

"Okay, I'll just go with you after school." You tell him as he nods,

"See you after school kitten." He kisses your forehead and leaves.

You stood there holding your forehead, freaking out. "What the fuck was that?!" You whispered to yourself.

❤︎  ❤︎  ❤︎  ❤︎

"Hi honey!" Mihoko smiles and kisses your head, "Dinner will be ready at 7:30/19:30."

"Okay." You replied as Shinsou led you upstairs.

He placed his bag near his desk and laid on his bed. Having his arm over his eyes, he patted on the space near him. 

You took this as an invite and sat near him with your legs hanging off his bed. Shinsou grabbed your legs and placed them on the bed as he laid in your lap, "H-Hitoshi!" You squeaked when he opened one eye,

"My full name huh?" 

"N-no, you just caught me offguard you idiot." You tell him while covering your face.

"You're the idiot."

"I am no-" He sits up, leaning towards you with his breath hitting your hands.

Revealing your red face, you scooch back till you hit the bed frame, trapping yourself there. His left hand was near your right thigh while his right hand was near your head on the bed frame.

[A/N: Ssssspoicy kabedon~]

"Get my hint." Shinsou leans his body more towards you.

"S-stop." You squeaked and pushed him away.

He chuckles, "I teased you too much huh kitten?"

"That was not f-funny!" Your eyes began to water, feeling such mixed emotions.

"You really are sensitive." He continues to chuckle and lifts up your chin.

"I got your Valentine's Day gift."

Your eyes widen, "I didn't g-give you one though."

"It dropped when you left that day." He smirked.


"Are you going to keep stuttering or listen to my response, kitten?"

He leans in and whispers, "Just follow my lead."

Capturing your lips, you were god awful since you never had a boyfriend due to your long time crush on your best friend. Now look at how long you waited for this moment.

You quickly pulled away making him frown, "I thought-"

"I..." You made it up to him by kissing his cheek.

"I don't know how to breathe..." You shyly say as he smiles,

"I'll teach you from now on." 



"So wait are we dating now? Is that how it works?" Shinsou asks as you shrug?

"I don't know, I think you have to ask me on a date first." You shrugged.

"Well, we can always go to a cat cafe tomorrow." 

"Really?!" Your eyes lit up.

"Of course, only for you." He smiles and kisses your forehead.

[Later on that night]

"Auntie was so happy to hear the news." You giggled, remembering how you both told your parent you guys were dating.

~ Flash back ~

The two of you came down hand in hand, greeting your parents when Mihoko noticed that something was different. 

"Toshi honey, is there something you're not telling me?" Mihoko asked her son who blushed, not realizing his mom's gret intuition.

"What do you mean?" He cooly played it off.

"Mhmm, okay." She says when she heard a huge 'what' coming from the living room.

"Hitoshi. Come here." Your father calls out to Shinsou who nervously walks to Chikai.

"Y-yes sir?" The poor teen stuttered, "Am I in trouble?"



Chikai sighs, "You didn't tell us that you were taking my daughter on a date."

This brought confusion to the teen male, "I-uhh.. Sir. I apologize but I was planning to tell you tonight. I didn't think loud mouth over here was going to say anything the minute you got here."

"Loud mouth?! Excuse me? Hmph that's why I am the favorite." You sneered as he covered your mouth. You being you, you licked his hand which did not faze him.

"Mrmf gur ofp mE!"
[Translation: Let go of me!]

"Mr. Minatozaki, Mrs. Minatozaki. Can I take your daughter on a date tomorrow?"

Chikai shows a big smile and stands up, "Of course son." He shook the free hand of the teen.

"We all have been rooting for you two for a very long time now." Kim smiles as you finally were able to get Shinsou's hand away from your hand by pinching him.


"What do you mean for a very long time now?!" You exclaimed.

"What did I miss?" Shinsou's parents came to the kitchen when your parents told them.

"Son, treat her well. If you don't I will kick your ass." Hajime bluntly said making Shinsou gape his mouth like a fish.

"What? I didn't raise you to be a bad significant other." Hajime said, explaining himself causing everyone to laugh.

"I am so happy for you two. Finally! I cannot wait for my grandbabies." Mihoko squeals, then comes another squeal from Kim.

"M-mom!" You and Shinsou both exclaimed.

"Ewe, they're doing that weird couple thing where they say the same word." Connor grimaced at you.

"Shut up you little insect!" You grit your teeth.

~ Present Day ~

"It was very funny." You giggled.

"Yeah.. it was." He smiled as the two of you laid down together, his left arm was around you as you cuddle into his chest.

"Toshi-kun-" "Say my name formally..." He blushes as you laughed,

"Toshi, uhm.. I have a question." 

"What's your question?"

"Nevermind it's stupid."

"Well, you got my attention. Might as well tell me." He says pulling you closer.

You bit your lip as the words escaped your mouth, "Will you ever love another girl than me?" 

"Yeah." He simply said making you quite upset and gripped onto his shirt.

Hearing his chuckle, you felt him cup your face, "You didn't let me finish."

"What..." You pouted when he gave you a chaste kiss on your lips,

"Another girl I love, will be the one who calls you mom." 

You began to tear up, "That was so corny." 

He kisses your forehead, "Only for you kitten..."


~ Ten Years Later ~

Years passed by with couples arguments and others, but here you are.

Married to your childhood crush, with your son, Hiroki.

"Momma, when is Kimi coming?" Your three year old asked you.

"Kimi?" You asked him chuckling as he kept poking your stomach.

"That's her name." Hiroki said looking at you.

"How do you know it's a girl Hiro?"

"I just know." He smiles when you heard the door bell.

You walked to the door to see her friends with their kids and sigificant others.

Starting off with Knii, she adopted a son name Kei with her boyfriend Touya. Ria and Katsuki has three kids, twin boys and a baby girl named Katsuo, Katzumi, and Setsuna. 

Denki and Jirou are expecting a baby girl soon, Mina and Sero have no kids but plan on having soon, and lastly Kirishima and Tsuyu ended up getting together three years ago.

"Hello everyone!" Kall smiles and hugs everyone.

"How many months are you Kall-chan?" Tsuyu asks you as you smiled, "Only three months, but Jiro you look like you are about to burst." 

"I am. Rai is poking my bladder with her feet." Jiro exhales as Denki nervously chuckles and kisses the side of his wife's head.

"Kei, go play with your cousins in the play room." Knii ushers her son when Katzumi hold Kei's hand and led him to where all the children are.

"It is so weird to see Katsuki's child so calm." Denki snickers.

"I mean she is the calmer one." Knii sips her water that Kall handed to her.

"And yo, three kids?! You must've been eager." Knii extended the the last word to the blonde who gritted his teeth.

"Shut up!" He yells.

"Still got that temper too huh Bakubro?" Kirishima chuckles as everyone joined in.

"Setsuna is so cute... she actually looks like the both of you combined." Mina coos wanting to hold her.

"Alien face I swear if you drop my daughter-"

"Kacchan." Ria warns her husband.

"Calm yourself pom pom." Knii teased and smirks.

"Quiet skyscraper." Katsuki snaps back.

"That's why you're only two inches taller than me." Knii smirks at how she was 6'0.


"When is Shinsou coming home?" Sero asks when the door opens,

"I'm sorry kitten but work let me out late." He enters and sees everyone in the living room.

"Welcome home." You kissed your husband's cheek as Hiroki comes running from the room, "Papa!!" 

"Hey strong man, how was your day?" Shinsou asked his son who started explaining his day.

"Katzumi my love! Can you hand me the diaper bag?" Ria yells for her son when you heard a loud, "What?! Why can't I give it to you mom?!" 

"Cause mom knows you'll drop it." Your calm five year old told his older twin brother.

"That is not true!" Katsuo yells.

"Oi! Quiet down! This isn't your house." Katsuki yelled at his son who frowned and crossed his arms, "Papa's a meanie." 

"Come here both of you." Ria chuckles, taking the diaper bag and going to go change her daughter.

"Wow, copy and paste." Knii made a comment.


You smiled, you couldn't help but feel very happy and thankful for the people you grew to care for.

Standing up, you headed to the kitchen. You were grabbing more drinks when you felt arms wrapping around you leg, "What's wrong Hiroki?"

"I love you momma!" The purple haired boy beams at you, you smiled at him and picked him up. 

"I love you too honey." 

"Not so fast little man, your mom belongs to me." Another voice comes in and hugs you.

"Nooo, momma loves me more, papa." Hiroki pouted at your husband who pouted back.

"That's not fair, you have to share mom." 

"I will share food, toys, and water, but never momma." Hiroki hmphed and snuggled to you.

Shinsou couldn't help but chuckle, "I love you two." 

"I love you more."

"Always." He says kissing your forehead.


I hope yall enjoyed it! It was quite long, but I really hoped yall enjoyed it! <3

Much love everyone, and to you too Kall XD 


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