A Daring Kiss

By albadetamble

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Mal, a Master Vampire was out looking for someone simple to drink, someone she could green eye into forgettin... More

Chapter One: A Meeting No One Expected
Chapter Two: A Very Fun Coffee Date
Chapter Three: An Incredible Dossier
Chapter Four: A Blazing Introduction
Chapter Five: A Show Off
Chapter Six: A Warm Day of Training
Chapter Seven: A Dark Temptation
Chapter Eight: A Secret Wish
Chapter Ten: A Thrilling Conclusion
Author's Note

Chapter Nine: A Nasty Separation

87 6 7
By albadetamble

Mal could see everything from above, she could see Uma's teal blue hair swinging around her as she slashed the vampire closest to her. Mal could hear her scream as she lunged with a sliver dagger across his face. He growled back at her and lunged forward, his arms were streched outward as he leaped for her. His entire body moved faster than the human eye could catch Uma didn't see him coming as his entire body smashed into hers and they flew backward into a glass window of an abandoned building in the alley

Mal tried to hold in her rage and remember what her sire, Laverna, taught her about being attacked by more than one vampire. It was about more about how they attacked you, Mal watched and it didn't take her long to realize that these men were trying to tire Uma out. They wanted her winded, maybe unconscious, but they were not trying to kill her.

Something was going on here that Uma and Mal alike didn't know about.

Mal thought back, she had gotten a note from Audrey about how she had found a new 'toy' to play with. How it wasn't fair to Audrey, Audrey had told her the last time she saw her over two hundred years ago that she would take away any happiness Mal ever found again, but this wasn't a play on killing Uma, if all six men had been on top of her, pulling her limb from limb then yes, but this was different.

What was the plan?

Uma came out of the glass window, her blood - oh no - her blood, if they taste her blood... she's dead for sure. Her blood was dripping from scratches on her face in her arms was the man's now corpse. She had killed him.

"Laverna, please forgive me." Mal whispers and closes her eyes, she's about to go against everything her beloved sire ever taught her. Mal flew down faster than she ever did before landing hard on her feet, a few steps away from Uma, and breaking the cement below her. "Hey boys, you know I can't have my girl fight along don't you? And I bring out the big guns." All of Mal's flames turn the brightest shade of blue and heat blooms around her.

"Hi Maleficent," Uma says, she coughs "glad to see you,"

"I apologize for taking so long," she says and turns for just a glance to smile at her and then back to Uma's attackers "what the hell do you think you're doing?"

Another man walks towards the two as Uma throws the corpse at the men. "Sorry about your friend," she sneers and Mal can't help the laugh she lets out.

"Now, now," The new guy says with dark curly hair and even darker eyes "There's no need for such confrontation,"

"I know this man is playing," Uma says deadpan she walks to Mal daggers still in hand and gets back into her fighters stance. Mal scoffs and crosses her arms, this man was making a spectacle.

"You see," he says "We're just the distraction." he grins and lunges

He's faster than Mal expects him to be because suddenly he's on her punching her on her side and Mal is just confused. She sets him on fire immediately simply by pointing her finger at his chest, flames danced off her finger and into his skin. "Do you guys not know who I am? Or?"

Their backup doesn't looked surprised or confused as Mal throws her hands towards them and begins to burn them from their feet up.

"Who sent you?" But she knows the answer, she just doesn't know why she brought such crappy attackers.

The men scream jumping up from their feet or bending down to stomp at flames.

"I'm confused," Uma says standing right next to Mal as she watches the attackers go up in flames. "The only one with a lick of power is the one I already killed. Just kill these guys so we can go home."

"We should find out why they attacked you," Mal says

"It probably has something to do with New Orleans." Uma says "I wanna go home, just kill them."

Mal agrees and burns them all where they stand.

What was it that one had said? Mal couldn't remember now.

Suddenly, right beside her Uma screams.

Mal turns so quickly and finds Uma yelling her body jerking in on its self and Uma grabbing at her clenching stomach.

"What? What is it? What's the danger?" Mal grabs at Uma but she can't see any danger, she doesn't understand why she's screaming. She brings Mal to the ground and places her in her arms as she continues to scream and more blood begins to drip from her nose. Mal brings her wrist to her mouth and slices her artery with her fangs and puts her wrist in Uma's mouth. "Uma you have to drink, let me heal you," But Uma hasn't stopped screaming, she may choke on Mal's blood, but she has to try something.

It was Mal's concern that was her undoing, she was so focused on her screaming lover she doesn't feel the magic in the air. Another Vampire's power feels like electricity, like all the hair on the back of the neck standing up and if unfamiliar with someone's power it feels like a shock. This power, was not unfamiliar to her, she chose to ignore it.

"Wow Mal, you've really lost your touch." She sighs and punches Mal on the side of the head so hard both she and Uma go flying.

Mal is Dazed; she had to of been hit with something harder than a fist, she was seeing stars and she couldn't help Uma when her entire body slams into a car across the street. Her entire body makes a dent and she groans as her heartbeat slows.

There's another voice as well whispering something in another language, what is that? Latin.

"So Audrey," Mal says as she comes back to full awareness. "You finally decided to show your face again."

Audrey laughs as Mal finally gets a good look at her, she's just as beautiful as Mal remembers.

Her hair was still it's thick chestnut brown, her skin the color of caramel, and her lips in their usual pink pout. Even after hundreds of years Mal still felt that warm rush she use to feel at seeing Audrey.

"What's the meaning of this Audrey," Mal gets up to stand "You told me you didn't want to see me again."

"Well, with our history I thought it was time to return the favor you once gave me,"

"You never even asked me why-"

"I DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHY!" Audrey booms losing control for just one moment her rage getting the best of her, just like it always did before. She takes a breath and smiles again bright and charming "And... neither does Lonnie,"


That's when Mal finally noticed, has it been so long since she was challenged that she forgot how to fight against real enemies? So much she was unaware of the extra heartbeat and... Lonnie, one of the members of her line just a few feet away whispering in Latin?

"What the HELL do you think you're doing, Lonnie?" But she doesn't answer, doesn't even look at Mal, she's making eye contact with Uma's unconscious body.

Lonnie was apart of Mal's line, and she was working with Audrey? How had this happened?

Rage filled Mal all over again.

How had this happened? Had she become so relaxed with her people she couldn't even smell out a traitor in her own house? Lonnie had been one of her humans that feeds her most important vampires and she... she had been working Audrey? For how long? For why?

And now she was what? A magic user? Spelling Uma?

"No," Mal growls "This is between you and me, Audrey."

She flies. She grabs Lonnie and throws her as hard as she can away from Audrey and Uma. Her plan was to break her concentration on her spell and throwing her 20 yards seemed the best way to do that. If she broke a couple of bones on it... oops.

Mal doesn't feed her humans vampire blood but if she has been working with Audrey long she was sure Lonnie was hyped up on Vampire blood and the throw wouldn't kill her like it should.

"Oh, sorry Mally," Audrey says when Mal grabs her by her throat and off her feet. "Trying to set me aflame? I had miss Lonnie take that away from you before we dropped by to say hello."

She growls "You think? As if you can take that from me." Mal tries to reflame... and finds... nothing, just sparks shooting out from her finger tips.

"Ah, gotta love magic." Audrey grins even as Mal's grip on her throat gets tighter "I love that now, you're just as weak as any old vampire. We know you're fighting skills aren't as great as they once were, you starting leaning on your powers way more than necessary."

Mal felt her resolve slipping, what was she even listening to Audrey for anyway? What does her gloating do for her? Nothing. A growl rips out of Mal's throat something dark and animalistic Mal hasn't had to use centuries, there was more than one reason Mal was called The Dragon. "You sick and dirty bitch, you think flame is the only power I've got?" Mal threw Audrey up and into the skies, Audrey caught herself quickly and laughed. She really thought... she really thought she could beat Mal.

Not. Ever.

Mal flew at her and her hands still sparking with what little flames she could currently create. Audrey and Mal were up in the sky moving at speeds faster than most vampires the cloudy night would stop anyone else from seeing as Audrey and Maleficent were drenched in wet cold clouds.

They were screaming at each other ripping at each other's skin. Neither woman had sliver, this was all teeth and nails and rage. This wouldn't be a fight to the death. Unless Mal could get her arms around Audrey's neck and pull just hard enough to rip of her head, and she could, possibly, if they weren't currently heading towards the moon at top speeds.

When Audrey bit into Mal's shoulder she yelped in pain. That...

Audrey was biting her with liquid sliver?

Mal blasted away from Audrey, if enough liquid sliver got into her bloodstream, it could kill her.

"Not so fast Mally!" Audrey giggles "Liquid sliver in my in-sizers, how cool is that? It's also in my nails, my teeth, and now... in your body. Took you long enough to notice, Dragon. You really have lost your touch huh?" Audrey flies towards her but doesn't try attacking again "You might wanna check on your girlfriend, seeing as... she isn't where you left her."

"I'll kill you, Audrey, I spared you before but I swear to the gods if you even touched her. It will be the last terrible deed you've ever done."

"But if you kill me, you'll never find her, and you want to find her, don't you?" Audrey grins "I told you I would take everything from you, and darling, this is just the beginning. You'll know where to find me when you want your little play thing back. See you soon."

Audrey disappears.

Mal spins looking for her waiting for another attack, but there's nothing.

So she flies down to where she last saw Uma laying on the ground, unconscious by that grey car.

When she gets there Uma is gone, the spot where she was still scented with her blood.

Mal's face crumbles.

There's no use, no use in calling out for her. Knowing Audrey she used a spell and sent her further away than Mal can fly too. The only thing she can do now is call for backup, Mal flings herself into the air and flies back home, she doesn't really know how exactly she makes it home but suddenly finds herself in front of Evie, clutching at her shirt.

"Mal, you have to talk to me, you have to tell me what's wrong."

"Audrey, Audrey has Uma, and I'm gonna kill her."


When Uma wakes up it's the taste to vampire blood in her mouth, but it isn't Harry's. She continued to drink feeling the aches and pains in her body, what happened to her? Was this Mal's blood? No... It tastes different... Why can't she open her eyes?

"Alright that's enough," Says a feminine voice and suddenly the blood is gone and Uma can feel her body begin to itch as the healing process speeds up and her cuts and scrapes begin to close. "You are a greedy drinker aren't you?" The vampire laughs, Uma was drinking her blood, but who was she? Why couldn't she remember anything?

"We did a lot to you when you were under," Audrey giggles "I didn't realize how special you were initially, I had no idea truly. But I could smell your blood when you were fighting those little vampires I sent your way, I had no idea Mal kept demon branded humans as play things. Must be nice, when she fucks you, makes you harder to kill than the average human."


Oh the gods, Mal! Uma couldn't believe how fuzzy her head felt, how could she have forgotten Maleficent? Where was she? Was she okay?

Uma finally opened her eyes and looks around she was in a black stoned roomed with high pointed ceilings, her head pounded. She groaned slightly as she felt at her limbs, her body was being stretched out like a star, her arms were chained in thick sliver chains tight around her wrists and her legs were tied up as she laid with hard wood behind her.

"I drained you as close to death as I could currently allow and pocketed your blood, you are a special little human aren't you, I would, take your clothes off and look for your demon brand but to be honest I don't want to see you naked." Audrey laughed

"Where's Mal? What have you done with her?" Uma got out but her voice was barely above a whisper, what else had Audrey done to her? She didn't even feel like herself anymore.

"Did Mal tell you anything about me?" Audrey asks and Uma looks at her, exhausted and shakes her head. "Of course she didn't, she probably didn't want you to know how much of a monster she is. Surprisingly, I wasn't changed by Maleficent, I was changed by a vampire who died during my transformation. He wasn't strong enough to pull me off of him and I drank him dry. Maleficent was there and she took over as my sire. She raised me in this second life, before Evie, I was her second in command.

"But Mal didn't like it when I fell in love, I met a man who showed me more about my second life, how fun it could be. I didn't want to make the change, I would have rather died than become... this but here I am. Ben, my lover, showed me how to appreciate the joys of being a vampire. In my human life I had never found love, so Ben was my first." Audrey smiled and looked past Uma, she was looking at the memories she brought up.

"We got to have ten years together before I introduced him to Mal, she was my everything, I wanted her to adore him as I did. I did not introduce them until we decided to Marry. Finally she met him, she was warm at first, very welcoming. We decided to stay in her castle and have the wedding with her line as witnesses. But before the wedding Ben planned to go to Maleficent and asked to free me from her line so I could be my own master, a wedding gift, if you will. Even though that is not the traditional way - either Mal can give me my freedom of her own will or I can beat her in a duel for my freedom. Ben asked for it as a gift because he believed I deserved it and after so many years in her line it would just be a given." Audrey's face grew dark as she continued to look through Uma "She killed him for asking."

Uma... Uma was confused.

That was sad and everything... but what did that have to do with her?

"Why am I in chains right now?" Uma asks her head drooping down, it was too hard to continue holding it up.

"Because my darling," Audrey's voice was closer now, she was in her Uma's face and she places her hands fingers under Uma's chin and forces her to look into Audrey's glowing green eyes. "She took away the one man who loved me, the one man who promised to be with me forever, and I know you and Mally aren't forever yet... but I am going to kill you before Mal gets the chance to figure it out."

Evie removed the liquid sliver, it was a painful process but if Mal had let the sliver stay inside her body it would have been so debilitating, traveling through her body, end eventually to her heart where it would kill her.

That took time, to much time to remove. That hadn't been apart of the plan. The plan was get Uma no matter what, but Evie, the Heart she was had a clearer head than Maleficent.

Evie and Mal were at the Isle now, staying in Auradon wasn't safe anymore. Maleficent had left her people behind in the safety of her castle and with her most trusted children left to watch over them (and to look for traitors) while she figured out a game plan.

The isle was on the outside of Auradon, a little island off to the side, not many people live on the isle and the only vampires who stayed on the isle were only ever there so someone to feed on. It was the quietest place to think and plan without being over heard.

"She said you'll know where to find her, so, do you know where she is?"

"She has to be at my old castle, where I killed Ben," Mal sighs "I know Audrey, she's big, and dramatic. The moment I get there she's going to give me a huge speech before killing Uma, if she hasn't already."

"I don't think you should be the one to save her then, Audrey wants to get a reaction out of you, she wants to hurt you, I think the longer you stay away the safer Uma is."

"I can't not stop her, I have to kill her,"

"I can kill her for you,"

"No!" Mal snaps "This... I have to do this for me, don't you understand?"

Evie sighs 'This isn't about your revenge now Mal, this is about Uma, and now she's hurt somewhere because of you. Did you even tell her about Audrey?"

"I never got the chance,"

"She has to be scared out of her mind right now, this woman she doesn't even know just kidnapped her for something she was never even apart of. Let me go get her,"

"You really think Evie is going to let you anywhere near my old castle? She'll see you coming and set her goons out on you."

"And I will kill them all, get your girl, and get us out of here. I don't think Auradon will be safe for us for a while after this."

"You think Audrey has more than this planned for me?" Mal asks

"I think we don't know what Audrey has been up to for three hundred years, anything is possible."

"Which is why I should have her head on a stick!"

"Which is why you should stay away from that castle! Just - just listen to my plan and if it sucks we won't do it and come up with something else, but for now, can you just hear me out?"

Mal sighs and tries to flame up again. "Yes, Evie, I'll listen."

When Mal's flame are back she will burn Auradon to the ground if she doesn't get Uma back.

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