Dear diary. I mean journal! (...

De queen_pepe_bitch

15.1K 618 215

Draco felt embarrassed that he has to write in a stupid book about his emotions even more so that he was alwa... Mais

Here we go again
Its not a diary!
A smokers dream
Dont skip classes kids!
Harry is jelly
A nice night
Grass is green
I swear it doesn't hurt
Malfoys fiancé
Blood is thicker than water
He is okay
Luna Love
Maybe break ups
Cigar burns
Not actually dating
Daddys home
Dear journal
A life to remember

Should we date?

577 25 6
De queen_pepe_bitch

Dear journal

I've received a letter from my mother. It turns out my engagement with Astoria green grass is still in motion even if my father is in Azkaban. I have to find a way to break this engagement. Astoria is a pain in my ass. She kissed me in front of Harry yesterday. Besides my better judgment, I didn't slap her for multiple reasons one being my father would murder me. Anyway, I'm gonna talk to Harry today. I think I might tell him how I feel.

Draco locked up his room with the usual hexes and charms to keep his room from being trespassed into. He ran a hand through his hair anxiously.

"Darling!" Pansy called happily locking arms with Draco who stood up straighter and put on a smile

"Hello, doll. I believe you've been made aware of the situation at hand?" Draco said with a charming smile Pansy chuckled as many of their housemates around them watched them. They were always watching them, Draco, in particular, was a fan favorite. Any misuse of a word and it was letter and letter after letter sent to Narcissa telling her that Draco was not fit to inherit his father's fortune.

"Of course darling my gown for your wedding will be stunning" Pansy smiled at Astoria who's teeth were grit.

"I'm sure you'll be the main event," Draco said they walked out together then booked it to murtles bathroom

"Draco what hell is going on!?" Pansy yelped as Draco presser his lips into a thin line

"I don't know! Suddenly I got an owl saying for some reason my engagement wasn't broken!" Draco whined and Pansy looked at myrtle who was very upset Pansy had brought a boy in there

"Sorry girl it's an emergency!" Pansy reasoned myrtle huffed and threw herself into the wall

"What do we do?" Draco felt pain in his chest and his breath quicken

"First we need to calm down and think this through rationally," Pansy said holding onto Dracos hand

"Look at me and take a deep breath." Pansy smiled and Draco did as he was told starting into pansy's eyes and taking deep breaths as she smiled

"Good job" she encouraged and Draco sat on the very disgusting tile floor Pansy paced in front of him thinking as Draco tried to regulate his breathing and not to think of his chest pain

"Do you have any idea what the contract says?" Pansy asked and Draco swallowed thickly

"Yes, I do I read it be more specific Parkinson!" Draco yelled and Pansy laughed awkwardly

"I mean anything that would make you an unfit husband for example dirty blooded a murder you know the usual" Pansy dropped next to Draco as he thought about anything that would prevent the loveless marriage from happening

"Wait. If I get my father's blessing to marry another I think he can break the contract!" Draco smiled Pansy chewed the inside of her lip

"I don't know Draco. The odds of your dad doing that are low." Draco huffed at pansys response mostly because she was absolutely correct.

"Well. I know!" Draco smiled. Pansy returned it excitedly and was taken aback when Draco took her hands in his and smiled

"We could pretend to be dating!" Pansy blinked at Dracos words and shook her head

"Why would I pretend to date you?" She said

"Because the engagement is like parent-approved should one of us die or be involved romantically with someone else the contracts break! Also, it's a way to keep me away from the ministry" Draco beamed. Pansy nodded and then sulked

"It'll never work" she groaned

"What!? Why?" Draco sighed

"What do you mean why? Darling the entire school knows I don't particularly fancy the masculine line wizards here" Pansy laughed as She watched Draco smack his for head

"Right I have no idea how I forgot my best friend is the school-wide known lesbian" Pansy laughed at Dracos words and then they settled into a peaceful quiet

"A relationship huh?" Pansy thought out loud. Draco watched her closely as she felt the cigs in her brain whirl. And then it hit her. It was so painfully obvious she almost whacked herself over the head for being so airheaded

"Why not pretend to date Potter?" Pansy's eyes gleamed as Dracos eyes went wide and he blushed

"Oh he seems to love that idea" myrtle giggled as she fazed through the door

"Shut up myrtle" Draco hissed the girl filled with rage fazed back through the wall wailing uncontrollably

"Come on Draco it's the perfect setup. Already told everyone that you're dating. You just gotta make it public." Pansy said excitedly

"She is insane! Date Harry??? I was gonna confess yes but I don't think I would date him??? Like I don't know!" Dracos mind spun and Pansy punched his arm and broke him out of his train of thought

"Draco if you don't want to it's fine it's just an easy solution" Draco bit his lip. Effective and efficient was always what Draco strived for. But it was at what he considers to be a high price, his dignity.

He chewed the inside of his lip for a moment and then stood

"Let's talk to bloody potter" Draco stood his cheeks pink. Pansy chuckled for a second and stood as well clasping onto Dracos arm and leading his out of the restroom

"You know," Pansy said with a small smirk

"I heard you were given a diary to write in" Draco presses his lips together in embarrassment

"What! It's not a diary is a journal!" Draco yelped. Pansy laughed at Draco's reaction and teased him about what she thought he would be writing in there. They both didn't notice Astoria Greengrass spying on them and smiling slightly and the mention of a diary

"Interesting," she said as she turned away a wicked idea forming in her head

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