The Successor and the Scienti...

By pearlshipper332

5.9K 100 25

After David Shields stunt on I-island gets him banned and kicked out from the island, he and his daughter hav... More

Things are coming together (edited)
Coming to Terms (edited)
The Arrival

The Shields Come to Japan (Edited)

2K 30 6
By pearlshipper332

Melissa's POV-

It was midday when I had finally gotten back home from the academy. It was a tiresome day of invention failures and near explosive catastrophes.

'God I'm exhausted, and it's only Tuesday.' I thought to myself, as a small groan escaped between my lips.

I was shaken from my thoughts when I noticed that all the lights inside the house were off.

'That's odd, papa is usually home by now.' I silently pondered as a pit started to form in my stomach.

I silently made my way through the corridor and over to the living room, checking every room along the way as I looked for him.

When I finally got to the living room, I found my father hunched over on the couch, and his head in his hands.

I couldn't see his face, but I could tell something was wrong. I dropped my backpack on the ground, before walking over to where he was and kneeling down in front of him. I reached up and gently took his hands in mine, and slowly pulled them away from his face, so I could get a good look at him.

What I found was a tired and depressed man. There were severe bags under his bloodshot eyes, and his hair was messy and unkempt.

The longer I stared at my father, the more worried I got. He always tried to look nice and presentable, but now it seemed like he had no motivation to do so.

I struggled for a moment to get the words out as I looked into my fathers tired eyes. "Papa, what's wrong? did something happen while I was at the academy today?" I asked him, making no effort to hide the concern in my voice as I spoke.

He slowly raised his head to let his gaze meet mine for a moment, before letting his head drop back down in an almost defeated manner.

The sight of it tugged at my heart as I realized just how beaten down he had been.

"I...I'm sorry sweetie...but...because of the stunt I pulled a month ago...the council of I-island, voted to kick me off of the island." He slowly and shakily replied.

I hadn't expected them to outright kick him off the island. "S-So, where exactly would we go then? If we can't stay here, then where would we go?" I asked him.

I tried to keep the worry out of my voice, as the pit in my stomach grew even larger. Even if I was called a genius by my classmates, I was still just a girl. A girl who held worries about the world and what the future may hold.

I watched my father let out a disheartened chuckle as he shook his head. "No sweetie, you don't understand, you've been allowed to stay here and make your dreams come true, I'm the one that has to leave the island." He clarified.

It took me a moment to process what he said, before I gently squeezed his hands and shook my head. "If you're leaving the island, then so am I Papa, I don't want to stay here if you have to leave forever." I replied, a hint of defiance in my voice as I responded to him.

"Sweetie please, I don't want to drag you down and make you give up the place you've called home for so long." He told me, while his voice cracked and broke, as he struggled to keep it together.

I let a small smile make its way onto my lips as I shook my head. "This place wouldn't be home without you Papa." I responded, my smile growing a bit more as I spoke.

He stared at me for a few seconds, before letting out a sigh of defeat as he slowly shook his head. He let out a small chuckle as he lifted his head once more. "You know, you get that stubbornness and sweetness from your mother." He said to me before continuing. "Now the problem really does become, where could we possibly go once we leave the island." He pondered aloud.

I let my gaze drift down to the floor as I contemplated the possible options that were available to us. That was when an idea suddenly sprang forth in my mind.

"Papa, I think I have the perfect idea, I'll be right back." I told him, as I quickly got to my feet and ran through the living room and towards my own room.

I flung open the door to my room, and raced over to the desk that was on the far side of the room, before grabbing my phone and turning it on. I opened up my contacts, and after a few seconds of scrolling, found the name I was looking for: Izuku Midoriya.

I tapped on the contact and opened up the messages, and took a deep breath before typing up a message and sending it off to him.

'Hopefully this goes as smoothly as I'm hoping it does.' I thought to myself as I patiently waited for a response.

Midoriya's POV-

I was currently sitting at the desk in my dorm room, multiple notebooks spread out in front of me, and another one in my hands. I was attempting to get the ungodly amount of homework that was assigned for Thursday, done before tomorrow.

My concentration was momentarily broken by the sound of my phone buzzing against the surface of my desk. 'Huh, wonder who that could be?' I pondered, as I picked my phone up.

When I turned the screen on I found that there was a new text message, upon closer inspection I found that it was from Melissa Shields. I set the notebook in my hand down on my desk, as I opened up the text message to see what she had said in it.

What I found was a rather unexpected message.

'Hello there Deku, I hope that this past month has been treating you well since we last saw each other. I want to say sorry for not messaging you sooner, but ever since the villain's were defeated and expelled from the island, things have gotten a lot busier. not just for the Academy, but for the whole island. Though, as much as I wish that this was just simply me texting you and seeing how you had been doing, the real reason for this message, is that I have a favor to ask of you. My father and I recently got word from the I-island council, that my father was being kicked out of the island, since he was technically the one responsible for everything that had transpired. I have decided to leave the island with him, and we're currently thinking of places that we could go to. Which leads me to the favor I wanted to ask, do you think there would be any way to live near or in the town that UA is in, and possibly get me enrolled in the support course there?

Your friend,

Melissa Shield'

After reading through the message a couple of times, I got a good grasp on everything that had happened to them recently. The message itself was just as formal and polite as I thought a message from her would be.

I took a few moments for me to think of my response, before taking a deep breath and typing it up. After a few minutes of typing and revising my text, I was able to send it off, now all that was left was to wait for her to respond back to me.

'Hey Melissa, it's good to hear from you after so long. I wanted to say sorry about what had happened with your father, and about what's going on between you two and the council on the island. As for moving here to Musutafu, where UA is located, and getting you enrolled in the support course here, I can help with those things. I'll go and talk to All Might, and have him talk to Principle Nezu about getting you enrolled and set up here at UA. Though, if you enroll in UA, you will more than likely have to stay in the dorms here on campus, unless you can get special permission from the Principle.

Your friend,

Izuku Midoriya (AKA Deku)'

I responded in an equally polite and formal manner, not wanting to come off as rude or inconsiderate to what she was telling me.

I leaned back in my chair as I looked up at the ceiling and stared at it, waiting for a response from Melissa. A couple of minutes passed before my phone finally buzzed with a text message from her.

I opened my phone and pulled up the message she sent, and read through her response.

'Thank you so much Deku, you don't even know how much I appreciate you helping my father and I with all of this, and staying in the dorms doesn't bother me, as long as my Papa's still able to be close by in town. I'm going to make sure to repay you for everything you've done to help us <3'

I could feel my face heating up as I read through the message again. This one was a lot shorter, and a lot more informal compared to the first one she had sent. It felt much more bubbly and excited than the last couple, so much so that it caught me off guard, but also brought a smile to my face.

My eyes drifted over the words of the message, before finally coming to a stop at the little heart at the end of the message. My gaze hung on that little heart each and every time I stopped reading, and each time it made my face heat up and turn a bit redder than before.

It took a few moments for me to gather myself and start typing up a response to her message. Only a couple minutes had passed before I sent the text message off, which read as such.

'I'm happy to help in any way that I can Melissa, you helped me and the others so much when the villain's attacked the island, this is the least I can do to start repaying you for everything you've done. Not to mention, it will be fun having you attend UA with everyone.'

I smiled to myself as I stood up from my chair and slowly stretched, as my phone buzzed in my hand again. 'Holy crap she's a fast typer.' I thought to myself as I opened up my phone again, and read the message she had sent.

'Hahaha, I think it would be fun to attend UA with you and everyone else that I fought alongside that night. That being said, I'm gonna go and tell my Papa about what might be happening, I'll send you a message later tonight to check in again, thank you for everything Deku!'

My smile grew a bit more as I reread the message one more time, before sending off a simple confirmation response. I glanced around my room as I let out a small sigh, and started scrolling through the contacts on my phone, before coming to the contact that I needed at the moment.

I tapped on it and dialed the number, as I brought my phone up to my ear, and listened to the sound of it ringing. A few moments passed before I heard a voice come through the phone.

"Hello there young Midoriya, how can I be of assistance?"

"Well All Might, I need to ask you for a favor." I replied to him.

Hey everyone, I decided to take this story that was on my one-shots, and divide it up to make it an actual book, because I feel that it works better as a story, than it does as a two shot.

So if you have any comments or questions, don't hesitate to post them. I hope all of you enjoyed the chapter.

And as always, I'll see you in the next chapter.


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