Becoming papyrus from underfe...

By KarmaAkabane425

21.2K 698 184

What if someone from our world became papyrus from underfell? Well certainly things won't be staying the sam... More

Oh shoot im papyrus from underfell.
Back home..
Christmas speical chapter
Sneaking away from my babysitter

A few years later..

5.3K 160 83
By KarmaAkabane425

It been a few years now since then. I stayed closer to my brother at all times whenever we need to go somewhere. I will not budge an inch from him, I noticed I already had a scare over one of my eyes.

Which made me realize that this papyrus must of killed someone now already. I'm not exactly sure though since I don't know everyone of their backstories besides the memes I watched. I haven't played any of the games but I have watched some videos about the gameplay or like the comics like the undertale drink comic part 1 until the final. I wish there was more to that though so I ended up rewatching it a lot because I liked it. I wanted to see what happens next and what happened before that but... yeah I haven't seen anything after or before it. I sulked at that, a bit silent.

Though I don't stay silent for long because when I do that, my brother tends to get nervous and worried about me. I'm not sure what timeline this is or what copy or if it's an original or not, I'll find out sooner or later when the other sans do whatever it is they do that mess with the au's and the originals. If we are the originals, how old will the copies of us be? I thought, i heard some sort of fight was happening outside, making my brother alarmed as he looked outside.

He hurried and picked me up, racing out the back way. I looked over his shoulder, oh flip..

It was error! Though he didn't look too good and might be not seeing things completely. I wonder if this was a copy after all? I thought a bit dismayed. I haven't even been alive for too long and I'm already going to die with my brother.

Sigh...I thought as I watched error killing more monsters, I don't even think the human fell down yet... I thought. I saw him notice us and head towards us, but it was more like he noticed sans then me. "Brother?" I said and "shh it's ok paps I won't let anything or one harm you ever again.." sans said still running. I wonder if error wondered why he was running from him. "But..he's following us.." I said and sans glanced over his shoulder with an alarmed look.

Sans teleported to that one room where he and the kid usually fought at in the gameplay. I forgot what the room was called, it's been a long while since I last saw the gameplays.

Next time I'll rewatching them every now and then and not once a month.

Sigh, sans was looking to hide me somewhere before error got here but he heard a chuckle that made him freeze. Sans looked over his shoulder with an alarmed look on his face. I peek over his shoulder a little bit not enough to be noticed right alway.

"Why run away from your fate? It's not like you can escape me. Now where is your brother? I usually see him sooner or later." Error said voice glitching a bit.

I heard sans growl at that. "I won't let you touch my brother! He's finally speaking and now this!? No I won't let him get hurt again! He will not die this young!" Sans yelled still facing away from him to hide me from view.

I saw error blink at that, confused on what he meant by that along with wondering how old this papyrus was. He looked around, trying to see if this papyrus was hiding somewhere in here before barley seeing something peeking up over the sans shoulder.

Wait what? Error thought and focused on that shoulder, which sans noticed and shifted a bit to hide his brother better. Wait.. this papyrus is still a kid!? Error thought alarmed and checked the code.

He froze, oh sh** error though. He was attacking the original underfell! Holy sh**! He thought, but why was this papyrus still a kid while the other copies where older? He thought confused and checked more to see what happens to this papyrus. His blood would have froze if he had any coursing through his bones.

Underfell papyrus Almost died and if he did every other papyrus would have died in the copies of the original. Something happened that also deaged papyrus...He felt both alarmed and horrified that he targeted an original.

Oh shoot. He thought using his strings to move them out of the way, accidentally grabbing the little papyrus's soul and opening a portal to leave after releasing the human soul.

"error! Stop!" Ink shouted just getting there as error left, accidentally taking the original papyrus with him and not realizing it. "No!" Sans shouted distraught over his brother getting kidnapped.

"Don't worry! I need to bring you somewhere and we can plan to get your brother back." Ink said trying to reassure the distraught original underfell sans. Sans got angry, "you better otherwise you are so dead! He finally started talking only recently and now he's kidnapped!" Sans shouted angry and distraught as ink brought him back to his base.

After a while he brought more originals and copies from each one.

They were all a bit confused on what was happening, the originals weren't usually brought in and this was the first time seeing this sans. They wondered who he was. They didn't know he is the original sans from underfell. They knew he was an underfell though, they wondered where his brother was at and why he looked like he was about to cry.

It was unusual to see any underfell sans or papyrus crying unless they saw their brother dying in a genocide route. Was that what happened with this underfell sans? Did he see his brother die?

"Ok so what happened?" A copy from undertale asked. "Ok so error..just kidnapped this sans brother, and they are both the original underfell sans and papyrus.." ink said a bit dismayed at that and it caused an uproar.

How did papyrus get kidnapped exactly? Isn't he supposed to be strong? What happened exactly!?

"How in the absolute fuck did the original papyrus from underfell get kidnapped!?" An underfell sans yelled. Some looked towards the original underfell sans for an answer. "He took him from my arms by his soul! God damn it! He finally started talking a few years ago too! That motherfucker is so dead when I see him!" Original underfell sans yelled out not happy at all.

They wondered on what he meant by finally talking. They decided they will ask when the original papyrus from underfell was safe here. "So we need a plan to get him back, if he died, all underfell papyrus's dies along with him." Ink said and many didn't like that their brother could die any second if the original underfell papyrus dies. The others from other au's felt sympathetic towards their counter parts, they understood if their brother was kidnapped like the original UnderFell's was, they wouldn't be all that happy either. Either way they still weren't happy that any of their brothers was kidnapped.

They started planning, meanwhile back in the void with error and underfell papyrus.

I stared at error, wondering if he did the exact same thing to underswap sans. I could feel him get a bit twitchy at being stared at. I saw error look around, before glancing at the ground. I was staring directly up at him. "Gah! Where did you come from!?" Error said startled. I blinked at him, "you took me from my brother as you left." I answered and he checked my code.

He looked like he was about to panic at accidentally taking the original underfell papyrus before he noticed how young the papyrus was deaged to. He was so small! He thought, then He noticed his strings wrapped around the papyrus soul and freed him and Papyrus soul went back in. "Thank you." I said and he stared at me like I was an alien. "I've never been thanked before..." error said thinking. "So..when can I go home? I'm sure sans is worried about me and is probably threatening to end your life right about now." I said and error stated at me. "Huh..I guess I have to get you home soon.." error said a little dismayed at being alone right now.

I tilted my head, thinking. "Did you want to watch something before I go back?" I asked him and he Perked up a bit at that. "A-And maybe you can visit me! Or I can visit you but I don't know how to get here so you'll have to visit me every now and then!" I said and error looked a bit surprised and agreed to that. We ended up watching a Spanish au.

It was certainly amusing, though error doesn't realize a regular young kid shouldn't be watching monsters shoot at each other.

Good thing I'm not a regular kid. I'm an reincarnated teenager.

So I'm still pretty young when I died but eh, I don't care anymore. I just need to live life to the fullest in this life.

So after we finished watching, error looked at the original underfell and started looking for my brother, he frowned when he didn't see him.

He remembered hearing ink, ah he probably brought him to his base and was probably thinking up a plan to get the original underfell papyrus back. So he started searching for the original underfell sans code. He found it after a few minutes.

He opened a portal to inks base or where they were at. He stepped through, papyrus following behind him. "Error! Give us back underfells papyrus!" Ink shouted getting ready to fight. The others were too and sans was about to attack him, "your dead!" OUF Sans shouted, angry that error took his brother.

"Brother?" They heard and the original underfell stopped in his attack and stood up a bit straighter, scanning for his brother. They looked for him but didn't see him anywhere. "Go on kiddo. Your brother is waiting." Error said and they blinked, feeling confused by what error meant by kiddo.

OUF Sans got on his knees and held his arms out and a tiny figure raced toward him and into his arms.

Causing many shock to the others, why was the original underfell papyrus a kid and the copies weren't!? They thought confused as to how that happened. "Thank you mr error! Come visit again soon! It was fun!" The underfell papyrus said happily waving to error.

Causing many shock once again as to how the papyrus was happy and joyful. Error chuckled, "yeah yeah kid. I know if I didn't you would find a way to visit me." Error said as he left. "Oh brother it was fun! Even though he didn't realize he grabbed me until he noticed I was standing right in front of him! We watched a Spainsh au! I didn't get what they were saying but I saw them shoot each other! It was very amusing! I want to see more next time! I also promised he could visit next time when he had time so make sure to cook some more food for him too!" Papyrus said happily making many others shocked and stunned.

OUF Sans looked a bit annoyed at having to cook for another person before hiding it with a smile. "Yes ok I'll cook more food next time had fun yes? And wait what do you mean he let you watch people shoot each other!? The son of a flipping jacket!" OUF Sans cursed. They blinked at his interesting chose of words, a bit confused on why he wasn't cursing but using a different word instead. "What brother! No cursing!" Papyrus said not happy.

Yes it wasn't cursing really but a substitute for cuss words until his younger brother was a lot older. "Yes yes..but he let you watch people shoot each other! You shouldn't be watching that.." OUF sans moaned out shaking his head dismayed.

Now his brother is going to want to watch that... when his brother wants something, he gets it.."it was very funny though, I don't know what they said but how they shot at each other was very amusing. You should watch it! I think you will like it too!" OUF Papyrus said. OUF Sans nodded at that, "ok kid go play for a little while. I got to talk to some of them." OUF Sans said and papyrus frowned and narrowed his eyes, reminding others just because he was still a kid, he shouldn't be trifled with.

OUF Papyrus agreed after a few moments of a staring contest. OUF Papyrus went to go play as the sans and papyrus's gathered to talk. "So what happened? Why is he younger then the other papyrus's?" An underswap papyrus asked. "You see..sigh.. how do I say this without confusing many of you? He was older..but something happened and now he's a kid again..except he was unresponsive until a while back. I don't know what exactly happened that made him just being a black state and a kid again, but he' little miracle.. I never thought he would be able to respond again. I was so happy to see him moving and talking again. Which is why I wanted.. error dead when he took my brother. Only reason why I won't try to kill him now is because my brother just adopted him into the family and I'm pretty sure error knows it..sigh.." OUF sans said letting his head drop at that.

They started talking after that.

Meanwhile with OUF papyrus. I was playing and watching my brother at the same time. I got bored after a while and summoned a gaster blaster, ohhh I thought. Its been a while since I summoned them, they were quite big to me. I saw the gaster blaster look around before it saw me, eyes widen with shock. I got up and stared at him curiously.

He let me get on him and started flying around. "Weeee!" I said happily as we raced around again. I think this is another one of the gaster blisters I summoned a few times to fly. I noticed them looking around before my brothers eyes caught mine. "Oh no not again! Papyrus! Get down from there! You could get hurt!" OUF Sans said dismayed and the others looked towards where my brother was looking, many looked horrified at me riding a gaster blaster.

"Never! You have to catch me like last time!" I yelled happily. Last time brother had to ride his gaster blaster to catch me. It was fun because it can last for a few hours depending on what it is and how much of an emergency it was to get me down. "Sigh..fine..." sans said summoning his gaster blaster.

He got on and followed me, others doing the same thing to help him get me down. I summoned another gaster blaster, using one to distract others.

I smiled, gleefully, "yayyyy!!" I yelled happily.

They tried catching me for a few hours before my brother finally caught me. I laughed happily as I had a lot of fun. "Again! Again!" I said smiling and Sans tickled me. "Hahaha! Nooo! No tickling me!!!!!" I said laughing and they others stared with amusement etc.

He stopped tickling me, I sat up, giggling. "That was fun! We should do it again sometime!" I said and "you say that all the time paps. I still don't know why you like doing that so much." OUF Sans said amused. I paused and tilted my head, thinking, "because! You never get to have any fun unless your playing with me! Your always so serious so I got to help you have fun! I also didn't like being away from you for to long and you were talking seriously again with the other you's and me's!" I said and they blinked.

Ok how was kid papyrus so observant? He knows that sans is serious for a reason and finds a reason to get his brother to have fun.

Interesting..they wonder if the underfell papyrus's also had a reason to being a bit harsh towards his brother along with being in the royal guard. They wondered if that was his way of giving their brother a break from things and have time to themselves and have a bit fun that they couldn't when they were younger.

They wondered if it was only just the original underfell papyrus that felt that way or all underfell papyrus's or sans felt that way depending on their roles in their au.

OUF Sans blinked at me, surprised.

I pout, "just because I'm young doesn't mean I'm stupid brother. I know you, your always so serious because of the others back home. I know your protecting me from them, I want you to have a chance to have fun, if that means riding gaster blasters and have you chase me for a few hours, then so be it. I may be young but I'm still powerful on my own. Don't expect me to just sit by and watch. We keep each other safe. I may not be as smart as some grownups, but I can still think and decide on my own. I make my own decisions, and don't you forget that brother." I said and what I said made them start to think.

Maybe the papyrus's from underfell really did have a reason to being harsh to their brother after all. They weren't sure of it moments before the original underfell papyrus who was now a kid said that. So if the original felt that way, wouldn't that be the same for the other au's or copies of the original? So would that really mean that being harsh and in the royal guard gives the other brother more time to themselves, to have fun, and all that when they couldn't when they were younger? They wondered looking at the underfell papyrus's in a new light. They wondered if that was the same for other fell au, originals, and copies.

"Heh yeah thanks paps, your the best." OUF sans said smiling at me. "Of course! I the great papyrus looks out for one of my own and your one of the two that's one of my own!" I said proudly.

Some of them awed at that. Babybones underfell papyrus is adorable they all agreed to that. I looked proud at getting them to awe at my awesomeness.

I decided it was then that I needed to take a nap as I yawned.

"Looks like it's your nap time bro." OUF sans said and I walked over to him. He picked me up and I laid my head on his shoulder, slowly falling asleep.

Finally finished with 3179 words! Yay.  Hope you all like and comment what you think. Also give me ideas please. Ja ne~!

OUF = original underfell


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