When I Needed You The Most ~...

By NotReadyToPlayNice

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Louis has always known he was a carrier but what happens when he has trouble getting pregnant "its ok baby, w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 22

887 17 14
By NotReadyToPlayNice


its been 6 months since louis woke up from the coma and HJ is now 9 months old and louis went back to his house about a month earlier and had to buy a new car but he is loving it, harry is still seeing the therapist and doing alot better as he works on himself and louis still hasnt reach out to harry to talk to him but harry know to give him his space

"mom" louis yells out as he gets to jays house

"laundry room" jay says as louis walks to the laundry room

"mom Hj has an appointment can i leave the minions here" louis says

"sure they are all outside anyways" jay says

"ok i will be back in a few hours" louis says as he gets harlow and and walks out the door and puts her in her carseat and goes to the appointment and when he is done louis decides to go to a coffee shop and just spend some time on his own as he sits down harlow starts to whine and louis picks her up and sits her on the counter

"who is my pretty pretty little princes" louis says as  he puts his forehead to hers and smiles as she starts to laugh "of course you are" louis says not knowing harry was outside looking in

"whose baby is that" harry questions

"i dont know maybe he is babysitting" niall says

"tell me the truth" harry asks

"i dont know" niall says as he sees louis put the baby back in the carrier and gets his coffee and walks out the coffee shop and sees harry

"whose baby is this" harry questions as a tear starts to fall and louis takes a deep breath

"yours" louis says

"what" harry says

"ummm lets go to your moms and i will explain everything" louis says

"fine but i am driving with you" harry says

"then you drive" louis says as he gives harry the keys and drives to his moms house and they walk in

"louis" anne says in shock

"did you know louis had a baby my baby" harry questions

"yes" anne says

"sit down and listen" louis says with annoyance

"how what" harry questions in shock" and you kept all this shit from me"

"you have no right to question me you gave up all rights when you walked away not just from me but from our kids your kids and i didnt find out until i was almost 8 weeks no one knew until my accident and yes she is yours" louis says

"i know she is she looks like the boys and darcy but she has your blue eyes" harry says as he starts to cry "what is her name"

"Harlow Jane Tomlinson, and no you are not on the birth certificate" louis says as he takes a deep breath

"i have a right to know" harry demands

"rights you have no rights to anything, not to me not to MY kids to nothing" louis yells out "you have no rights you signed over all rights to me so you are wrong you have no rights at all or did you forget because if you need a reminder i have all the paperwork"

"can i......can i hold her" harry says almost begging

"no, i want you to leave us alone we dont need you" louis says as he gets harlow and walks out of the house and goes to jays house "mom im back"

"how did it go"

"good stupid doctor said she is 5 pounds over her target age group" louis says "my fat rollie pollie baby is perfect"

"i know and you know she will loose it as she becomes more mobil" jay says

"But i dont want her to grow up i want her to stay a baby forever" louis says

"i wanted the same thing but here we are" jay says

"mom harry saw me with her" louis says as he tells her everything that happened

"ohh shit" jay says

"yeah and then he was like can i hold her and i was like ohh hell nope" louis says popping the P

"are you sure about that" jay says "i mean keeping the kids from him"

"mom for now yes i want to go see donald alone and together and then i will see, i go see him next week"  louis says

"ok well i know you always make the best decisions for the kids" jay says

"i have to if it was up to me i would never want to see him again but my kids i want them to know that i did everything i could to make them happy and i know they miss him even if they don't remember him" louis says

"and you"

"i do i really do i love him so much and i know i want to be with him and i know he has been working on himself but i am scared so scared we have 4 kids and we are not even together how fucked up is that" louis says

"look maybe you can start slow like get him to be part of the kids lives again and then work on you and him" jay says "and no sex that is all i need you to be pregnant with baby number 5 and you and him dont talk, i swear he can just look at you and bam your pregnant" jay says

"i know wonder why i wasnt getting pregnant when we were married" louis says

"i dont know but after the twins  no problem" jay says laughing "now he looks at you and here we are"

"ughgh HJ might be the last baby i dont think i want anymore" louis says

"we will see but before you do please go get checked out you been thru so much and i dont want to decide between my son and granchild again because i will choose you" jay says

"no you will always save the baby" louis says

"then no more babies or go get checked because  i am sure you will be pregnant with in 2 years"

"no no more, the twins are 4 darcy is almost 2 and HJ will be one and all of them on the same day" louis says

"go get checked regardless if you want to have more kids or not" jay says

"i will i promise" louis says" i will call later and make an appointment"

"ok that is all i ask" jay says as louis phone starts to rings


"you fucken asshole leave my girlfriend alone you fucken twat" the voice says

"what are you talking about dude" louis says as he puts the phone on speaker

"what the fuck you mean what the fuck i am talking about" the guys says with anger " i went thru her fucken phone yesterday and she has text from you  everyday asking do you need a ride fucken home, what do you want for dinner what the fuck you mean what do you want for dinner that's what the fuck i am talking about "

"you went thru her phone" louis questions trying his best not to yell as jay holds louis hand

"yeah i went thru her phone thats between me and her so fuck you" he says

"whoah" louis says in shock as anger starts to build

"if you talk to my girlfriend or keep sending her text i am going to kick your fucken ass" the guys says

"whoah hold on chill hold on" louis says wanting to laugh but anger consuming him

"calm down" jay whispers to louis

"you got that you piece of shit" the guys says

"hold on dude who are you talking about" louis says

"who the fuck do you think i am talking about i'm talking about my fucken girlfriend charlotte that is who the fuck i am talking about" the guy yells as louis starts to laugh" what the fuck is so funny asshole and you wont be laughing when i fucken kick your ass"

"ohh you mean my sister charlotte fucker" louis says lauging as the guy hangs up the phone "what the fuck"

"CHARLOTTER ELIZABETH  TOMLINSON" jay yells out as lottie walks in the kitchen

"what did i do and why are you yelling my full name" lottie questions

"who is your boyfriend" louis says

"chris" lottie says

"the idiot you told me about a few months back" louis says

"yeah i talked to him and told him that unless he changes i wont be his girlfriend and he has" lottie says

"ohh no he hasnt" jay says

"well dumbass just called me" louis says as he tells lottie about the conversation

"ohh for fucks no" lottie says

"i recorded it" jay says as she plays the recording

"call him" louis says "dont let him know we are listening and lottie takes out her phone and calls chris

"lots babe" chris says as he answers the phone

"dont lots babe me my brother if fucken pissed off why the fuck did you call him and why the fuck are you still going thru my phone after you promised me you wouldnt" lottie says with anger

"he is lying i didnt call him" chris lies

"he just came in my room pissed off at me" lottie says "dont make me go ask him and put you on speaker dont lie to me"

"its just i love you so much and i didnt know who he was and i let my jealousy get the best of me im sorry" chris says

"nooo  you are so wrong i have never given  you a reason not to trust me and now you call my brother and threaten to hurt him what the fuck is wrong with you, i never want to see you again and i am going to block you" lottie says

"listen to me and listen carefully you are mine and no matter what you do you will always be mine charlotte you can block me if you want but when  i get my hands on you it wont be pretty" chris threatens and that angers louis

"you dont scare me" lottie says "its over and dont ever bother me again"

"you will regret this" chris threatens

"im not scared of you and if you ever come near me again you will regret it" lottie threatens with anger as she hangs up on chris and soon louis phones starts to ring

"hello" louis says

"tell charlotte to call me because if i go to her house i will take her by force its not over until i say it is" chris says with anger

"come get her and i swear i will make you regret the day your mom opened her fucken legs"  louis says with anger

"fuck you watch when i get there" chris says

"come at me asshole i will fucken kill you myself" louis screams out in anger as jay takes louis phone away and hangs up

"calm the fuck down" jay says

"lou im sorry please calm down" lottie says

"no the fuck no and if i find out he laid a hand on you i dont give a fuck i am going to jail" louis says with anger

"bring HJ" jay says as lottie goes to get harlow and brings her and gives her to louis

"i swear charlotte if he laid a hand on you i will fucken kill him" louis says with anger as jay takes harlow and lottie takes her back to her swing as louis follows her "answer me did he touch you did he hit you or make you do something you didnt want"

"he pushed me a few times and last night he grabbed my arm and i have bruises" lottie says as someone starts to pound on the door and louis goes to answer it

"lots call harry and make sure you stay in the backyard with the kids this might get ugly" jay says "DAN" jay yells out as louis goes to the door and jay tries to stop him "louis calm down you cant get this worked up"

"i dont give a fuck he hurt my sister" louis says with anger as dan walks to the where jay was

"open this fucken door charlotte" chris yells out as he pounds on the door

"louis calm down" dan says as he grabs louis

"no fuck that asshole hurt my fucken sister" louis says as he gets out of dans arms and opens the door "who the fuck are you coming to my parents house and banging on the fucken door like you pay rent and shit" louis says with anger

"who the fuck are you"

"you came to my house you are no one to ask me any fucken question" louis yells out" who the fuck are you"

"im lotties boyfriend and i need to talk to her" chris says "who the fuck are you"

"i am her fucken brother now fucken leave" louis yells out with anger

"or what"

"ohhh you dont want to challenge me asshole" louis says with anger as chris pulls out his gun and louis starts to laugh "you think you are a man because you have a fucken gun fight me like a man not like a coward because that is all you are trying to control and push around a girl because you have no balls to come after a man"

"fuck you, you have no idea who i am and what i can do" chris says

"amuse me before i fucken kill you" louis says

"i work for the most powerfull hitman in this country and i am his right side man" chris says as louis sees harry walking to the house with niall

"ohhh you mean you work for him" louis says as he points to harry

"boss" chris says in shock as he looks at harry and louis punches chris as he falls back and continues to punch and kick him

"i fucken told you not to fuck with my sister and you fucken threatened not only her but me asshole" louis says as he punches chris over and over as harry runs to louis and picks him up and hugs him tight as niall gets chris

"calm down doll, please calm down its not good for you" harry says in louis ear as louis starts to cry

"im sorry im so sorry its just he hurt my sister" louis cries out

"which one" harry asks

"lots" louis says "im sorry"

"look at me" harry says as he lifts louis head "there are those baby blues i love so much" and harry can feel louis calming down

"thank you" louis says as he hugs harry tight and starts to cry harder

"he reminded you of richard didnt he" harry whispers into louis ear and louis nods his head and harry takes a deep breath "its ok i am here to protect you and your family no one i mean no one will ever hurt you or them, you trust me"

"yes, thank you" louis says not wanting to let go of harry as harry places a kiss on louis head

"you fucken set me up asshole should put a bullet in your head" chris yells out

"i have to let you go i have to take care of this asshole who just threatened you" harry says with anger

"no please dont leave" louis says

"i have to see what the fuck this assholes problem is" harry says "what did lottie tell you"

"she said he was controlling" louis says as he tells harry everything lottie told him including the conversation he had with chris on the phone and jay took out her phone and played the recording

"ohh and he said works for you and is your right hand man, guess niall has been demoted" jay says laughing

"well he does i mean did work for me but i will take care of him" harry says

"thank you for being here" louis says

"no problem you needed me and lottie told me you were about to kill him and i need to keep you out of jail the kids need you" harry says as he hugs louis tighter not wanting to let him go as he places kiss on louis head "i have to go"

"ok thank you for coming" louis says

"no problem, tell lottie and the rest of the girls they are never allowed to date" harry says with a small laugh

"ohh i will tell them" jay says laughing as louis lets go of harry and harry lets go of louis as he walks to chris

"how the fuck do you know them" chris yells out

"since when the fuck do i answer to you" harry says in anger as they put him in nialls car and drive away

"you ok lou" jay asks

"yeah just he was talking like richard would talk to me" louis says as he starts to cry "and i never wanted any of my sisters to ever go thru that"

"she is safe and nothing happened to her but you need to control that temper of yours" jay says with a small laugh

"says the one that has a worst temper than me" louis says

"i know but i mean when you were in harrys arms how did you feel" jay says

"safe" louis says

"lou let me check you that was a lot of anger you were going thru" dan says

"ok dad" louis says as dan checks louis

"you are fine your blood pressure is a bit high but its normal for how angry you got"

"ok thank you" louis says

"just rest for a few more minutes and you should be fine" dan says

"mom dad" lottie says as she walks into the living room

"sit and talk" jay says

"is loulou ok" lottie says

"yes his blood pressure is a bit high but he is fine" jay says as lottie goes to lay down next to louis

"im sorry lou, i was just scared of him he threatened to hurt me and all of you if i ever left him i was scared so scared" lottie says crying

"why didnt you come tell one of us" louis says

"because of your tempers" lottie says " im sorry"

"tell us everything" jay says

"when i met christ i went to that club with stacy and melany we were dancing and having fun he came up to me and asked me to dance and we did all night we talked and had fun he gave me his phone number and i called him a few days later we started talking and texting and met a few times for lunch he was very nice and sweet brought me a rose everytime we saw each other one day he saw me talking to liam when i ran into him as i was getting an iced coffee and chris saw me talking to liam and when liam left chris called me he called me so many names i started to cry and he hung up on me, i went about my day and that night he called me and apologized told me he was sorry and it would never happen again but it did and everytime it did he would apologize and would tell me that he just likes me alot he asked me to be his girlfriend and that was when i talked to you lou and i told him that i wouldnt be his girlfriend unless he changed and " lottie says as she takes a deep breath and starts to cry

"tell us, mommy gotchu" jay says as she runs her finger thru lotties hair and lottie takes another deep breath

"he grabbed me by my neck and slammed me against the wall and told me i would never leave him i am his and if i ever left him he would kill me he pointed his gun in my face" lotties says

"did you and him have sex" louis asks

"no and he never pushed me too i just told him i wasnt ready" lottie says "but these last few weeks he was being more pushy told me if i loved him i would have sex with him and he was giving me 2 more weeks and then he would make me"

"i should of killed him" louis says with anger

"calm down" dan says

"im sorry so sorry i should of came and talked to you all but i was scared and ashamed" lottie says

"lots i want you to know that no matter what happens i will always be here to protect you and nothing and nobody will ever hurt you" louis says

"us too lots we love you my sweet baby" jay says

"where did harry take chris" lottie asks

"i dont know harry and niall are just going to talk to him" louis says

"i cant believe how overprotective harry still is of us" lottie says

"told ya" louis says

"im sorry and i promise if it ever happens again i will come and tell you all immediately" lottie says

"you better or i will kick your ass next time" louis says

"as if i can kick your ass" lottie says as they hug each other and cuddle into each other as louis falls asleep "mom i am really sorry about all of this"

"its ok lottie you made a mistake and i hope you learn from it, if you have never seen your father treat me or any of your sisters that way what would make you think it was ok for some else to treat you that way" jay says

"i knew it was wrong but i really liked him and the times that were good he treated me so good but i knew it was wrong and i wanted to leave him and i didnt know how but i am happy it happened this way, what if he comes back and tries to hurt me" lottie says

"he wont i am sure harry and niall will take care of him, you know how much they all love you and the kids, and i am glad zayn or liam werent here" jay says

"ohh yeah and liam has a worst temper than louis" lottie says "look mom doesnt my brother look like an angel"

"he does then he wakes up and there is the devlish angel i love so much" jay says

"mom you think niall and harry will hurt chris" lottie asks

"i dont know but i know they will teach him a lesson to try and mess with us you specially, you know you are harry's favorite" dan says

"i know" lottie says as they hear a knock at the door and dan answers it

"come in harry niall, louis is napping" dan says as harry and niall walk in the house and go to the family room

"hey is chris ok" lottie asks

"yeah we told him to leave town and never to come back or else i would take care of him personally" harry says as he winks at jay

"and he just left" lottie questions

"yeah nice guy but that temper of his" harry says as he laughs

"ok so i know their is some thing more if you all are here" lottie says

"there is and i hate to do this but we need to wake up louis" harry says

"you wake him up i dont want to get punched" lottie says

"no jay" harry says

"niall" jay says

"dan" niall says

"ohh hell no" dan says as they all know how much louis hates to be woken up as they all start to laugh "harry"

"Lottie" harry says

"lets rock paper scissors" lottie says

"fine" harry says

"rock paper scissors, go" lottie says as she makes the scissor and harry does paper "i win"

"uughgh fine" harry says as he lays down next to louis and places a kiss on his lips and louis opens his eyes "hi"

"hey" louis says as he closes his eyes and cuddles into harry

"doll, i need you to wake up niall and i have to talk to you and your mom and dad and lottie are here" harry whispers into louis ear

"nope" louis whines

"come on its important" harry says as louis cuddles into harry and harry hugs louis "come on sleeping beauty"

"nope" louis whines

"louis" jay yells out as anne walks in the house

"what is going on" anne says

"louis wont wake up" jay says "up louis or i will throw you down"

"uughgh fine but i was comfortable" louis says as he sits up and harry moves "what is going on"

"where is lottie" harry says

"im right here" lottie says

"did you ever meet chris family" harry asks

"no he said he was an orphan and ran away when he was 17 and has worked hard to get where he was" lottie says "why"

"he was richards youngest brother from a different mom and he found out that lottie is your sister and was using her to get to louis, he blames louis for richard disappearing, richard was the only one that worked and supported their whole family and when he disappeared the whole family had to get jobs and support themselves and richard knew about chris and would give him money to help him" niall says

"so he was using me to get to louis" lottie says in shock

"unfortunately yes but dont worry we took care of him told him to leave you alone or niall will take care of him" harry says

"but what if he comes back" lottie says

"then call us and we will take care of him" harry says

"ok thank you both i love you both" lottie says as she goes to hug harry and niall

"and you know we love you like our little sister" niall says

"i know thank you" lottie says " i have to do my homework"

"can you check up on the kids first" jay says as lottie goes to the back yard

"now tell us how you really got all this information from dumbass" louis says

"it wasnt to hard he was scared i think he might have shit himself when he saw harry walk in" niall says laughing

"what i point my gun at him and all of a sudden i am the bad guy" harry says with a laugh as louis stares at him as harry puts his arm on the headrest and louis cuddles into harry

"but am i safe" louis says

"ohh yeah no one knows he didnt want to tell anyone as all my men would of told me and that would of been the end of that" harry says as he places a kiss on louis head "love you doll" harry whispers into louis ear and louis looks up at harry and smiles

"stop it both of you" anne and jay says at the same time

"what" louis and harry say at the same time

"you both know what" niall says

"lets talk about this right now" harry says

"about what" louis questions


"what about us" louis says

"i want to do this in private go to dinner with me" harry say

"no" louis says

"louis dont be stubborn" harry says

"i am not stubborn" louis whines

"yes you are" everyone says as harry extends his hand and louis reaches for it as harry picks up louis and puts him over his shoulder

"we will be back" harry says as he walks out of the family room and walks out the door and puts louis down as he opens his car door "get in"

"fine" louis says as he gets in harrys car as they drive to a near by restaurant and soon are seated

"talk to me" harry says

"i dont even know where to start" louis says as the tears start to fall

"do you love me" harry asks as the waitress goes to their table and takes their drink and food order

"yes but harry i am scared" louis says

"i know but believe me that seeing you in the hospital not knowing if you were going to live or die made me realize that i never want to live without you, i been so stupid and almost loosing you forever scared the shit out of me" harrys says as he takes a deep breath as the tears start to fall

"i dont know what to say, i am scared so scared that we i mean you will go back to what you do best and cheat on me how am i suppose to trust you after everything and then to go as far and abandon our kids" louis says crying as the waitress brings them their food" how tell me how am i suppose to trust you"

"i dont know but are you willing to go to donald with me" harry says

"yeah i think we need it but harry this is the last chance i am giving you this is it and if you cheat on me we are done and i will move away from here and you will never be able to find me or the kids" louis says

"it wont happen again i didnt realize how much i love you all, i never appreciated you and how much you loved me and not my money, louis i am sorry for every wrong i have ever done to you and i will spend the rest of my life proving to you how much i love you and only you well other than our kids" harry says "you know it killed me when nono asked gemma who i was, i am their father and he didnt even know who i was" harry says as the tears continue to fall "that day i wanted to tell him but i knew i didnt have that right i gave up everything for what i thought would make me happy when all i need is you and my kids"

"and we need you too, you know nono and lolo are not the same without you, they dont smile as much as they used to i guess they need you more than you need them" louis says

"not true i need them more" harry says "but i need you more than anything in the world you know when you were in the coma i would put your hand on my chest and your heart would stop and then start to beat with mine and i knew you would come back to me"

"that is what scares me that you know that no matter what i will come back to you and you use that against me" louis says

"i am sorry about that i am sorry for taking your love for me for granted for making you feel like you are not worth my love because you have been the only one that i have ever loved and i am to stupid to realize it, but i am asking for one last chance to prove to you that you and the kids are what i want and will ever want and need in in my life" harry says as he looks at louis in the eyes

"but we have alot to work to do so no sex or kissing and i dont want you to see the kids until i know you are serious about us" louis says

"i am i swear i am" harry says

"harry i cant go thru this anymore we have 4 kids and we are not even together makes me think if this would all have happened if we were still married would you have walked away from me is having kids to much for you did you really want kids or did you want kids because i wanted to" louis says as he cries

"no i really do, having our kids have been the happiest i have ever been walking away from them was the stupidest thing i have ever done " harry says as he takes a deep breath" im sorry so sorry for every wrong i have ever done to you"

"i know you are i have seen the change in you" louis says

"so you think we will be ok" harry asks

"i think so but we have a lot of work to do" louis says

"and i a willing to put in the work i want you and the kids back all of us together in the same house and  be a family" harry says

"i want the same thing but we have a lot of work to do" louis says

"so no kissing"

"no" louis says



"blowjobs" harry says as he winks at louis

"no" louis says as he starts to laugh and the waitress takes harry the bill

"take your time" the waitress says as she walks away and harry takes out his credit card and places it on the table

"hand jobs" harry questions

"stop" louis says laughing

"fine but i will wait for you until you are ready" harry says

"how long have you not had sex" louis asks

"umm about a month before your accident" harry says

"wow but before we have sex again i want you tested for any STDs" louis says

"i am clean i got checked 2 weeks ago" harry says

"really" louis asks in shock

"yeah one of the people got an STD from someone else and i had to get tested and i am clean but to reassure you i will do it again" harry says

"ok i want you too" louis says

"and you"

"you were the last one" louis says

"ohhh" harry says as he smirks

"stop it styles" louis says as harry reaches for louis hand

"fuck i love you" harry says with a smile

"love you too" louis says "should make you work for my ass"

"ohh i am" harry says "why couldnt you have been like zayn and give it up the same night"

"cuz i aint easy you should know that i love to play games" louis says " and if i was easy you would of gotten bored quickly that is why you come back to me"

"true" harry says

"so when do you want to start seeing donald" louis asks

"i can call him tomorrow see when he has time for us" harry says

"ok" louis says

"are you back at work"

"no after my accident liam and zayn retired me" louis says laughing

"ohh" harry says

"they said i need to focus on my recovery and not stress out but i still go when we have important meetings but all in all i stay home with the kids and zayn goes part time but liam he is there all the time since maya stays home with the kids" louis says

"wow and i wasnt there when you needed me" harry says

"you were, you know i was able to hear your voice everything you ever told me i heard" louis says "you have been there and today when i needed you, you were there"

"and i always will be there i dont want to miss anything else" harry says

"i know" louis says

"did no one really know about harlow" harry says

"yeah no one i was thinking of putting her up for adoption i was single 3 kids i was really scared then you wanted to terminate your rights i just didnt know what to do but when i woke up all i can think was that my baby had died until mom and the doctor told me she made it and i just felt so bad cuz i wanted to give her away" louis says as he starts to cry "but now i am happy she is here and has blue eyes like me"

"hmmm" harry says" she has to have green like me"

"ohh no she has blue and i am happy" louis says

"how about another styles baby" harry says

"no i am done, i was telling mom how when we were married i couldnt get pregnant and now it seems like you look at me and BAM!! i am pregnant" louis says

"i know right" harry says "come on lets go for a walk"

"ok" louis says as they stand up as harry gets his credit card from the table and puts it in his wallet as they walk across the street to the nearby park and walk around as louis wraps his arms around harrys arms as harry places a kiss on louis head

"rose for your love" an older woman says

"of course" harry says as he pulls out his wallet and takes some money out and pays the lady

"beautiful rose for my beautiful doll" harry says as louis smells the rose

"thank you" louis says as he starts to blush

"you know how much i love that blush on you" harry says as he places a kiss on louis lips

"stop" louis says as he tries to hide his face in harrys arms

"you are beautiful and i am lucky to have you be mine forever" harry says

"only if you behave i dont reward bad behavior" louis says with a smile

"hmm define bad" harry says

"stop" louis says "but thank you for tonight it was nice"

"i want you to know that i am going to do what ever it takes to prove to you that i want you all back" harry says

"i know you do but please no more games we have kids and they suffer more than we do, it was painful to see the twins asking for you every night they would cry themselves to sleep waiting for you and i cant do that anymore" louis says as he starts to cry "it broke my heart every night to hear them crying for you and i had to tell them you were busy but harry i am not doing that anymore"

"you wont i promise i know they mean nothing to you but please believe me that this is what i want" harry says "you know i went to donald and i swear he broke me down to where i didnt even know what my name was anymore but now i feel like a whole new man and its a man that you deserve and a father that my kids need"

"i believe you" louis says

"i better get you back home before your mom comes looking for me" harry says

"and she will" louis says as they go back to harrys car and drive back to jays house and walk in

"dont tell us your pregnant" niall says laughing

"no but we had a good long talk and we are going to work on us" harry says

"we are going to couples counseling and work on us and then i will reintroduce harry to the kids" louis says

"are you ok H' anne asks

"yeah i have to do this louis way i am the one that broke the trust but as long as we work on us then i am ok" harry says

"where are the kids" louis asks

"upstairs probably asleep" jay says

"well mind if they stay here i dont want to wake them up" louis says

"sure" jays says

"niall why didnt you leave" harry asks

"you are my ride" niall says

"fine come on lets go" harry says

"i can drop off niall he is on my way to my house" louis says

"if you dont mind" niall says

"no lets go" louis says as they all hug and say their good byes as louis and niall go into louis car

"you and harry really going to work on your relationship" niall asks

"yes i do love that stubborn asshole" louis says

"i know you do, you know when you are not together he is just different he is not happy" niall says

"well we were not together because of him" louis says

" i know its what i would tell him but i have seen him so broken and now he is happy" niall says

"i know but i am still scared but i am going to work on that with donald" louis says as they get to niall and zayns house

"well thank you for bringing me and thank you for trusting me" niall says as he gives louis a hug

"no problem thank you for being amazing" louis says as niall gets down from the car and louis leaves and gets to his house and goes to his room and takes a shower and lays down the bed as louis gets a notification

NIALL: harry wants your phone number can i give it to him

and louis wasnt sure if he wanted harry to have his number but louis decided it was ok

LOUIS: yeah that is fine

and louis puts his phone down and soon gets a text from an unknown number and knows its harry

HARRY: sorry just wanted to talk to you some more

and louis decides to call harry

"hi" harry says

"hey where are you" louis aks

"the apartment, just got out of the shower and was thinking i wanted to talk to you get to know you again" harry says

"ok pick your poison" louis says

"just talk to me i dont care about what i just want to hear your voice" harry says

"what did you really think when you saw HJ" louis asks

"HJ" harry questions

"harlow jane daisy started calling her that since she stated she hated the name" louis says laughing

"at first i thought it was someone else but when i saw her i mean really looked at her i knew she was mine" harry says

"you know my quadruplets all share the same birthdays all their weights and lengths are all the same" louis says

"isnt it amazing" harry says proudly

"stop it" louis says "but i think i dont want anymore kids i think i am done"

"ok, i mean we have 2 boys and 2 girls unless you want to go for the tie breaker" harry says laughing

"no with my luck the next baby will come out like you" louis says

"but look how gorgeous they are" harry says" might have to get a bigger gun for the girls"

"stop, ok i dont want to talk about the ankle bitters you enpregnanted me with" louis says laughing

"dont say that about my angels" harry says "but your right lets talk about us"

"what about us" louis says as he bites his lower lip

"i need you" harry says seductively "i want you"

"i miss you" louis says

"come over" harry says

"i dont think i should" louis says

"ok goodnight my love" harry says as louis starts to yawn

"good night my love" louis says "stay on the phone with me"

"ok" harry says as they continue to talk and soon both fall asleep on the phone the following morning louis wakes up and notices his phone battery is dead and puts it on the charge and gets up and changes his clothes as his phone starts to ring

"mom" louis says

"Hey been calling you all morning are you ok did harry kidnap you cuz i wont mind keeping the kids" jays say as she starts to laugh

"no i am home we talked last night about alot of things and we fell asleep on the phone and my battery died and i just charged it, ill pick up the kids in an hour" louis says

"ok just making sure you were ok" jay says

"im safe and sound" louis says as he hangs up his phone and sees harry calling him "ello andsome"

"good morning doll" harry says "i just called donald and he said he can see us monday at 10"

"ok now to find a babysitter" louis says

"my mom can watch them and i think gemma has the day off" harry says

"sure but i am sure they are all going to end up and my moms house" louis says

"ok well i will see you monday" harry says

"Ok see you monday" louis says as he hangs up the phone and finishes getting ready and soon leaves and picks up the kids from jays house and goes back to his house and spends the rest of the day with his kids and that night after louis puts the kids to bed louis gets into bed and louis phone starts to ring and he sees its harry "hi"

"hey " harry says "are the kids asleep"

"yeah they all just went down harlow was a bit fussy but she finally went down" louis says

"well how was your day" harry asks as they continue to talk and louis decides to tell harry about all the kids and how they have changed and soon both fall asleep on the phone again


its now monday and louis is nervous as he drops of the kids at annes house

"nana" the kids yell out as louis walks in the door

"he left already didnt want to be here when you got here with the kids" gemma says

"ohh ok i better get going before i am late" louis says

"good luck and know that we love you both and are proud of the both of you" anne says as she hugs louis

"thank you anne it means everything to me" louis says as he walks out the door and goes to the therapist office and sits in his car and takes a deep breathe as he gets down and goes into the office and checks in

"mr tomlinson dr donald is waiting for you" the receptionist says as she walks louis to the door and soon walks in

"morning louis how are you" donald says

"nervouse anxious scared" louis says

"well harry came in a few minutes early and we have been talking about some things he wanted to address before you got here" donald says

"ohh ok" louis says

"well let me set a few ground rules before we start" donald says

"ok" harry and louis say at the same time

"first no yelling or screaming we are here to talk if you feel like you are about to yell excuse yourself calm down and come back inside if its something that you feel might take a little longer we can work on it in another room 2nd you both need to be as honest as possible no matter what the other person reaction might be, 3 dont hold back we are trying to get past almost 10 years of hurt do you both understand me" donald says

"yes' louis and harry says

"ok harry you can go first" donald says

"first i want to apologize again for every wrong i have ever done to you and to tell you that i love you so much" harry says

"but you keep telling me the same thing and keep doing the same thing how can you love me and cheat on me, leave me and leave me so easy not once but twice and then walk away from our kids , children that i thought we both wanted" louis says as he takes a deep breath

"Im sorry listen to me and please i know all this is my fault but listen to what i have to tell you, when i was with daniel he learned to manipulate me he would get what he wanted from me he never loved me i was the one that fell in love with him and he never loved me he only used me to get what he wanted, he grew up poor and had to work for what he had when i started at the organization i started making money I met him when i went into the beachwood cafe to pick up some food and he helped me i was 18 and he was 18 and we got talking and we became boyfriends he didnt know i had money i moved out of my parents house when i was 17 because i wanted to protect them when he saw that was when he would push me to buy him things if i didnt he would throw a fit and at one point would throw things at me so he was abusive to me but i loved him, i never said anything because i was ashamed of what was going on after, i caught him cheating he left and drained out my bank account i gave him access to it because i was stupid but it was a dummy account and only had a few thousand dollars, when he left i destroyed my whole apartment and started to remodel it but as i worked on my apartment i vowed to never fall in love and play around and never get serious and i did that once someone wanted to get serious i would leave for me it was all about the chase and when i got them i would leave" harry says as he takes a deep breath

"but why did you never tell me" louis asks

"i was ashamed and like you i was scared but i was scared that the same thing would happened i never thought about all this until donald made me dig back to everything and all these memories came back i just wanted to forget about everything and in turn forgetting about all of that made me scared to be in love and let go of my weaknesses but with you, you are so different you have me questioning everything i ever thought about what love was, with you i know its true love you have been the one that has torn down all my insecurities and it all scares me to be this raw with you but i know with you i can do anything without you i am lost and i am still scared" harry says crying as louis hugs him

"why didnt you work on this before when we were together" louis asks

"i didnt want to realize the truth but i guess in order to deal with everything i had to work on what broke me the first time"

"why walk away from our kids" louis asks

"i thought it was best i kept making mistake after mistake and i just i guess i figured you would leave and the kids would see how much of a bad i guy i was that i left first before you all can leave me" harry says crying "it was the worst mistake of my life" harry cries out

"i am going to tell you this and i am going to keep repeating it until you believe me" louis says as he faces harry and looks him in the eyes as they smile at each other" you are an amazing father to our babies , you are loving caring and compassionate you put everything aside to spend time with them even if its 2 minutes, those 2 minutes you make it worthwhile for them, they love you and think you are their superman you are indestructible to them, they need you as much as you need us, we all need you and we want you back all of us specially me" louis says as harry wipes the tears from louis eyes" you are an amazing husband to me well when you arent fucking up" louis says with a small smile "you do so much for us to be happy and we are, and if i was to pick a father for my kids i would pick you over and over again now mind you i can do with out you rile them up and going crazy with them but i love when you all get crazy and run around the house like crazy idiots but those moments are what they will always remember not the money not the house or what school we sent them to but the quality time you and i spend with them and you spend all your time with them and they love you so much"

"thank you" harry says as louis wipes the tears from harrys eyes "i was so wrong to think that you all would be better without me but truth is i am a mess without any of you"

"harry i want you tell me right here right now...... are we what you want because i will not be doing this again and again i cant do this anymore i cant do this to the kids they are older the twins understand alot more so tell me this is your last chance to prove to me that this is what you want" louis says

"you and the kids is what i want i dont want anyone else just you and the kids is all i need" harry says as he takes a deep breath

"ok then if your trying i am staying but we have a lot of work to do before i reintroduce you back to the kids" louis says

"ok i will wait" harry says

"i mean i want to work on us first and maybe in 3 months we can figure out about the kids" louis says

"that sounds fair" harry says as they hear the timer go off

"ok this is a good stopping point" donald days "i think we should meet 2 times a week for a month and then we can go from there"

"ok" harry and louis says

"how did you both think you did" donald asks

"good i think we talk thru somethings that should of be talked about from the beginning" louis says

"yeah i think this would of helped our relationship from the beginning" harry says

"well its never to late to restart but you all had to get to this point for everything to work" donald says

"ok" harry says

"harry i still want you to come on your appointments but i want to see you and louis 2 times a week" donald says

"ok thank you for everything" harry says as he stands up and hugs donald

"thank you i really appreciate everything you are doing for us" louis says as he hugs donald

"well i know you both love each other just harry was a little lost and i am sure he is finding his way back" donald says

"thank you" harry says

"i will see you tomorrow" donald tells harry as harry and louis walk out of the office and go to louis car

"want to have lunch with me" harry asks hopeful

"yeah maybe we can try and talk thru alot more on our own" louis says

"ok lets go in my car then i will bring you back" harry says as louis and harry walk to harrys car and get in and go to the nearby restaurant and soon are seated as they continue to talk


all the love


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