By adoreeestyles

185K 2.9K 2K

Sequel to Love Doesn't Exist. More

Authors note
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
Authors Note :)

chapter twenty-eight

4.8K 93 31
By adoreeestyles


Staying with Molly and Niall was... ok. I know the last thing I should be doing was complaining because they've both kindly let me stay with them for a week now while I continue to search for an apartment to live in. However, sometimes I find myself wishing that an apartment would appear sooner.

Ellie was adorable, don't get me wrong. She'd inherited Niall's bright blue eyes, although that could change seeing as she was only a baby. She looked even cuter wearing onesies that were only just a bit big for her, given her smaller size. 

But despite being the absolutely adorable and tiny baby she was, she was loud. Especially at night. I had only gotten a total of nine hours of sleep over the past four days because every night, I was woken up by the screaming cries of her.

Molly and Niall had gotten an even less amount of sleep than me and the two of them were constantly up, trying to calm her down every night and day.

But tonight, that wasn't happening. Ellie had been crying for twenty minutes now and I was wide awake, covering my head with my pillow and trying to stop myself from also screaming like Ellie.

After another five minutes of her non stop crying, I got up with a groan, stumbling out of the guest room that was currently filled with a lot of my boxes, and over to the noise, knowing I wouldn't be getting sleep any time soon.

I found Molly pacing in the living room, slightly bouncing on the balls of her feet to calm Ellie down, with Niall was passed out on the couch in what looked like a very uncomfortable position. Although I don't blame him because I could literally fall asleep standing up if I had to.

Molly spun around at the sound of my footsteps. Just like me, she had massive bags under her droopy eyes.

I collapsed down onto one of the other couches as Molly continued to try and calm her screaming baby.

"She just won't stop crying. I've tried feeding her but she's not hungry. And I know for a fact that she's not teething because she's four weeks old. I just- I just don't know why she won't stop" Molly exasperated.

I nodded my head in response although I don't think I was even half listening to what she was saying.

"Come on baby. Mummy and Aunty Em need their sleep. Daddy's already asleep and we would really appreciate if you did too" Molly said in a slightly higher voice than usual, looking down to Ellie in her arms.

Surprisingly, Ellie stopped and for a moment I swore that I could have literally fallen asleep within a second. However our silent and peaceful moment was short lived because Ellie erupted into another scream of cries.

Niall shot up from the even louder noise, his tired eyes searching the dimly lit room before landing on Ellie and Molly.

"Come here baby" Niall said tiredly, standing up and extending his arms for Ellie. As soon as Ellie was in Niall's arms, her screams somehow managed to become even louder, causing me to whimper in disbelief.

"How can someone so tiny, make that much noise?" I asked. Molly shook her head, quickly taking Ellie back and sitting down on the floor as Niall fell back onto the couch again.

Molly too looked on the verge of tears as she desperately tried to calm Ellie down.

"I can't, I'm sorry I just really can't" I said, standing up after another five minutes. 

Molly looked over to me, already knowing what I was thinking. Niall had somehow managed to fall back asleep and I seriously had no idea how.

"It's ok, go" She said, giving me a small smile before turning her attention back to the still screaming baby.

I let out a sigh of relief, quickly making my way over to Molly and giving Ellie a quick kiss on her temple. My presence however only seemed to make her more mad because her screams got even louder and I quickly left before I could disturb her anymore.

. . .

Two in the morning. It was two in the morning by the time I got to Harry's house. He didn't even know I was coming because I was too tired to remember to ring him and ask.

But it was two late to go back to Molly and Niall's seeing as the taxi that I nearly fell asleep in, just left.

I slowly and very tiredly, walked up to Harry's front door, beginning to knock repeatedly in hopes that he'd wake up.

My eyes felt so droopy and I wouldn't be surprised if I fell asleep standing on Harry's doorstep.

I continued to knock on his door, not being too loud but also not being anywhere near quiet.

The door flung open, revealing a shirtless, very tired and somewhat grumpy Harry, most likely because I was just pounding on his door.

I however, for once, was too tired to pay any attention to his extremely flattering body and instead looked up to him with eyes that felt like they could close at any moment as he rubbed his own before looking down to me.

"Emily? What- why- what are you-" Harry's groggy voice stopped. "Are you drunk?"

"No, just been running on nine hours of sleep for the past four days" I grumbled. Harry's brows furrowed as he still held onto the door in what seemed to be slight shock.

I was too tired to even care though, and instead, I grabbed his hand, tangling my fingers in his, kicking the door shut and leading us to his bedroom.

"What are you-"

"Just shh" I said, cutting him off and opening his door. "Ellie's been screaming for the past week so I'm sleeping here" I told him, chucking my phone onto his bed before gently tugging him down with me only to have him land on top of me.

I groaned, pushing him off me before throwing my head back onto the pillow and closing my eyes. Harry fell silent, seeming to just accept that I showed up at his house at two in the fucking morning so I could sleep in his bed.

I scurried across the bed, snuggling into his side were I fit so perfectly, deciding I could just blame it on my tired state in the morning, even though I knew that wasn't the reason behind this.

I rested my head against his warm, bare chest, seeming to catch Harry by surprise. But, he still wrapped his arms around me close to a second after, one sliding under my shirt to begin to rub small circles with his thumb on my hip.

His actions were only helping me drift off to sleep easily, along with just being in his familiar hold.

"You're wearing my shirt" Harry said suddenly, breaking the calming silence that I hadn't heard for a week.

"Mhm" Was all I managed to say, not processing what he was saying and just agreeing with him.

"Do you wear it often" His groggy voice asked, once again breaking the silence and pulling me furthur away from my wanted and much needed sleep.

"Mhm" I said again.

"I like it" He whispered and even though his voice was quiet, it was still managing to keep me awake.

"Thank you baby, but I really need to sleep so you're going to have to stop talking" I mumbled, pulling myself closer towards him in hopes I would fall asleep quicker if I was closer.

"Sorry" Harry replied, helping me by pulling me up so I could rest my head in the crook of his neck. "Baby" He added, a tease in his voice and making me only realise now that I'd let that slip.

But I didn't bother to correct myself because I didn't want to, and once again I could use the excuse of being tired to do so.


"For the love of god Harry, shut up" I groaned. I didn't have to see him to know he'd be giving me a cocky smile because he was obviously trying to rile me up on purpose.

"Sorry" He repeated, and I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. Luckily for me, Harry did stay quiet from then on, and I was able to easily fall asleep within a minute.

. . .

My body slowly woke up after what felt like the best slumber I'd ever had. What surprised me was the fact that it was nearly dead silent, no cries of Ellie heard.

Glad that she was finally able to get some sleep, my eyes fluttered open. But, I wasn't in the guest bedroom anymore. I sat up, rubbing my eyes and letting them adjust to the light as I remembered what had happened.

I'd gone come over to Harry's at two in the morning, just so I could sleep.

I let out a laugh that was definitely aimed at myself before collapsing back down onto his bed and snuggling closer into his doona. I turned over, expecting to see Harry beside me, but was met with no one.

I sat back up, looking around his room and finding it empty. I reached down for my phone that was still laying on his bed, a bit furthur down from where I'd left it.


That was definitely the longest I'd slept in for a long time, although I didn't blame myself seeing as I'd been running on nine hours of sleep for four days straight.

But I was still in no mood to get up and instead, snuggled in closer to his doona. Harry's bedroom door creaked open and I pulled the doona down slightly, finding Harry making his way in.

"Sleeping beauty has woken" He chuckled, making his way over and stopping beside his bed. I looked up to him, a small smile creeping onto my lips as he looked down to me with one already planted on his. "How'd you sleep?" He asked.

"Mm... the best" I replied, somehow still responding in a sleepy manner. Harry's smile turned into a smirk, making my smile fade. "What?" I asked. Harry shrugged, sitting down on his bed beside me as I sat up.

"Was that because you were attached to me the whole night?" He teased, his smirk widening and his eyebrows raising. "You seemed pretty comfortable" 

"I guess so" I teased, giving him a shrug and making his eyebrows raise even higher. 

"You guess?" He asked, leaning in closer and causing my breath to hitch from the close proximity. I could now smell his familiar vanilla scent even more than before and could feel his breath lightly fanning my lips.

Harry's hand found its way to the small of my back, slowly pushing me backwards until I was laying down underneath him.

My heart rate picked up, feeling as though it could beat out of my chest any minute as his large hand stayed on my back. 

I bit my bottom lip, unable to stop myself from looking down to his plump lips that still had breaths fanning my own lips.

Harry's spare hand slowly came up to my face, his thumb gently brushing along my lip to stop me from biting it. I looked up, finding him also transfixed on my lips. I let my eyes flicker in between his own, studying the now slightly darker but still so beautiful green.

Harry's eyes met mine again, flickering between my blue ones as I did to him. I brought my hands up to cup his face, gently rubbing one of my thumbs along his jaw.

I noticed now, how we'd both managed to come even closer. I let my eyes flicker down to his lips once more.

Not able to take it anymore, I leaned forward, Harry seeming to think the same thing because he also dipped his head down at the same time.

But, our lips only came close to brushing against one another when my phone began ringing, pulling both of us back into present time. 

Harry quickly got up at the same time I slightly gave him a push. I could feel my cheeks beginning to burn as I reached down for my phone, finding Bella's name on the screen.

"I um- I'm gonna go" Harry said, excusing himself and leaving his room. I shook my head with a groan, falling back onto his bed and answering the call.

"Hey Bella" I said, slightly forcing the cheeriness in my voice because I was in fact annoyed that Harry and I had once again been interrupted. It was like the world was giving us signs to not be together.

"Hey Em, you know how you said you want to know when Max and I get together?" She asked me, slightly lifting my mood because I now was sure of what was going to come next.


"Well we're not together... yet. But we're going on a date" She said excitedly, making me smile to myself.

"That's great Bella!" I replied, this time not forcing the cheeriness because I really was happy for her.

"Yeah, but um- I was wondering whether you could give me advise on what to wear and stuff"

The rest of mine and Bella's conversation was going back and forth between what she should wear. I however was only half listening as she told me her suggestions because yet again, Harry was consuming my thoughts.

After a quick ten minute phone call with Bella, I decided I should probably get out of bed because it was already 1:30 now.

I made my way out of Harry's room and downstairs where I saw him outside, his guitar I gave him resting on his knee as he plucked away. 

I slowly walked through the living room before quickly stopping as two 'kids around' shopping bags caught my eye, realising that mine and Harry's present to Ellie was still sitting untouched beside his couch.

I made my way over, picking it up and deciding that it could definitely come to more use for her than Harry. 

"Oh, I forgot about those" I turned around as Harry let out a small chuckle, making his way over to me as I held the two bags in hand. 

"Yeah, same" I replied, looking back down to them. "We should probably gift these to Ellie" I said, looking back up to him in hopes that the we would persuade him to do it with me.

"I think that's a very good idea" Harry replied, looking down to me with a grin. 

. . .

Harry and I stopped at Molly and Niall's front door, Harry holding the gift bag that now contained Ellie's gift and me with their spare key in hand.

I slipped the key in the door before opening it to surprisingly a silent house.

"Are they home?" Harry whispered. I don't know why he felt the need to whisper but I knew I felt the same.

"I don't know" I whispered back, making my way inside the quiet house with Harry following beside me.

We walked past the kitchen and into the living room where we both instantly stopped. On the couch, lay a sleeping Molly, carefully cuddling into a sleeping Niall. Ellie lay awake on Niall's chest, quietly laying as his hand was gently resting on her small back.

"Should we wake them?" Harry asked and I quickly shook my head.

"They've gotten less sleep than me. They need it" I replied, making my way over to them.

I slowly lifted Ellie from Niall's chest, making sure to not wake him or Molly as I did so. Her big blue eyes stared up to me as I did so. A wide grin spread on my lips at the sight before faltering as her attention was stolen.

She looked up behind me just as I felt Harry's presence. His sat his hands on my shoulders, looking down to Ellie with an even bigger grin than my own.

"She's so tiny" He whispered, biting his bottom lip but still smiling widely. I looked back down to her, watching her bright blue eyes look up curiously at Harry.

"You should hold her" I said quietly, turning around as his hands dropped to his sides. His eyes flickered to me, shaking his head nervously and causing me to let out a light chuckle. "She doesn't bite" I said, extending my arms slightly, which wasn't very far seeing as neither Harry nor I had made to step back.

"I know, but I don't want to... break her" Harry replied, looking back down to Ellie. "She looks so fragile"

"Harry, you're not going to break her" I chuckled, extending my arms furthur so Harry had no other option but to take her or step back. 

I had a feeling he wouldn't step back. And I guessed correctly when his hands carefully took Ellie from me, being the most gentle I've ever seen him be.

I watched carefully as he brought her closer towards him, his eyes wide and fixed on her. The only sound heard was our breaths and the light snores from Niall.

Ellie reached her hands out, placing them on Harry's chin and causing him to smile down at her at me to smile up to the two of them.

Another chapter, I hope you liked this one. I really enjoyed writing it!


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