Myth and magic

By dutch_daydreamer

219K 4.2K 1.7K

When Sally Jackson gets attacked, Percy Jackson finds out about a secret Sally had been keeping about her sid... More

1. A message
2. Old friends
3. A letter
4. Intruders
5. Goodbyes
6. Introductions
7. The meeting
8. Time to buy a stick
9. The journey
10. Sorting
11. A visit
12. Last day of vacation
13. First day
14. Revenge
15. Old enemies
16. A new teacher
17. Gathering
19. Chihuahua is big now
20. The truth
21. Facing yourself
22. The voice
23. Buying time
24. They will be okay
25. Surrounded
26. Darkness
27. Let go
28. Welcome home

18. First day of training

6K 128 11
By dutch_daydreamer

The first training came and Percy was excited.
He was eager to learn how to cast spells that could help him during battle.

Harry had been working on a schedule.
He seemed to take his job as teacher seriously.
Percy could respect that. Especially when battle is comming.

Percy had dreams about it.
Just flashes of images. About Voldemort, Death Eaters, students getting injured, the castle being attacked with monsters.

Percy was standing next to Ginny who was talking to Luna. They both wondered what Harry had in mind for his first lesson.
After a couple minutes everyone was accounted for.

"Welcome to the first lesson." Harry said to quiet the students. "I know that everyone feels a little on edge with Umbridge walking around. But I expect everyone to take this seriously."

"For the first lesson we are going over the basic charm to use when you want to disarm your opponent." Harry says. There were some excited whispers.

"Everyone form a line." Harry said. The group did as they were told. Harry showed everyone how to do it.

Neville was first and wasn't able to disarm the puppet.
Harry gave him some tips and the next one was up.
The girl from Hufflepuf didn't succeed either.

Next up was Percy.
He looked at the puppet and remembered what Harry had told the others and took a deep breath.
"Expeliarmus!" Percy said loudly.

The stick flew out of the puppets hands and straight into Percy's hand.
Percy smiled and there were some whispers behind him. But he didn't care. He was happy.
Harry smiled and complimented him.

He stepped aside and let the others try.
Only a few others were able to do it.

The rest of the training Harry had the ones that didn't get it spar against each other to practice the disarming spell.

Harry paired Percy with Luna.
Percy liked her. She was kind and always smiling.

They sparred. Percy gave her some tips and eventually Luna disarmed Percy.
Percy smiled. "You did it Luna!" He said.

"I am glad. I don't think I could have done it without you Percy. Thank you." She said with a smile.

Harry smiled and nodded at Percy. He probably noticed Percy giving her tips.

After some more sparring and some different things exercises Harry whistled and everyone looked up.

"That's it for today's lesson. I hope everyone enjoyed it. Next week I have something quite special planned."  Harry said with a smile.

Percy wondered what it was about. He didn't seem to be the only one. Others started whispering.

"Anyway I will see everyone next week." Harry said and everyone headed outside. Carefully looking around.

Percy said bye to Harry and walked outside with Luna. They were talking about creatures that sleep in your ears.

"I was on my way to the forest, there are some new born Thestrals. You'd like to come and feed them?" She asked. Percy smiled and nodded.

They made their way to the horses with little words. But the silence between them didn't feel awkward.

They arived at a more open place in the woods.
And Percy could hear them.

"Do you come here often Luna?" Percy asked as he noticed some of the Thestrals nearing them without fear.

Percy didn't know if it was because of him or because Luna was familiar.

"Not as often as I'd like. But I like to come and visit them when they are near." Luna said. Percy nodded.

'My Lord, it is an honor to be in your presence.' One of them said with a bow.

'You don't need to bow. The honor is mine.' Percy said to them. Not out loud because of Luna. Not that Percy thinks she would find it weird.

"I know you are different Percy Jackson." She simply stated. "I don't know how. But I can feel that there is more than we think."

Percy looked at her. He didn't feel offended or threatened by her saying that.
It was just something she thinks and noticed.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me your past. I get it. I just thought you should know that it is okay."

"Thanks Luna." Was all he said. And he meant it.
There was a silence as Luna fed a small Thestral.

It was cold outside. The chills went up his spine.
Percy suddenly felt restless.

'Lord, there are strange creatures wandering the woods. Creatures that mean harm. Some even whisper your name. Perhaps you should go back to the castle.' A Thestral said.

Percy nodded and whispered a thank you.
"I think we should go back to the castle." Percy said.

"Okay." She said. Percy put his hand in his pocket getting hold of Riptide. With his other he held Luna. He didn't want her to get hurt or lost.

Percy and Luna made their way back and as they were almost at school ground Percy heard a roar.
He and many other students turned around. He saw birds flying away not far from the castle.

This can't be good.
"Luna, get inside. I need to go. There is something I need to handle."

"Where do you think you are going mr. Jackson?" He heard behind him. Professor umbridge.
Percy closed his eyes and sighed. Such a bad timing.

"Professor, I need to.." Percy started but didn't finish his sentence. "I am going to the Great Hall to get something to eat." He said bitterly. Arguing will only waist his time and breath.

"Indeed. Now go on. Head inside." She said sweetly.

Luna and Percy walked inside followed by the pink toad. Percy was looking for ways out.

"Mr. Jackson." He looked up. It was professor McGonagall. Percy almost cheered in relief. "I need to speak with you. Now." She said sternly.

"Of course professor. See you later Luna." Percy waved and ran off to Professor McGonagall.

"Professor, I need to go. Now. There is something in the woods. It's getting way too close to the school." Percy said in a urgent whisper.

"Alright Jackson. Be careful. If you are not back within 30 minutes I will inform the headmaster and come looking for you." She said.

Percy nodded and took off.

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