Will Without Direction

By JustHereForWriting20

4 0 0

A young girl with the power to destroy anything she touches, seeks to leave the enslavement brought upon her... More

The Fallen
A Girl or a Monster?

Family Issues

1 0 0
By JustHereForWriting20

In the misty, almost suffocating air, the bulky man reappears, looking quite impatient.

"Nafeli hustle along, I need her ready!" he bickered.

He kept on tapping his foot against the floor, releasing out a loud splash. Before he began shouting again, Nafeli came out of the mist with the girl behind. All her bruises, and wounds were gone, but her scars were still present, mostly the large one around her cheek. Even though her injuries were all treated, she seemed and felt wrecked. Her eyes were barely open with bags beneath it. Her hair was still as messy and greasy since she got here.

"Finally," he hissed.

"Treat her well," Nafeli recommended.

"Like I'll listen to a siren for advice," he chuckled.

He grabs the girl by the arm, yanking her towards him.

"I'll be back," he mumbled.

Just like that, they sink into a vortex where they reappear in a more captivating place. The place was coated in gold and silver with figures that could grasp the stars, but the pillars stood higher than the statues themselves. However, it didn't seem the palace needed the pedestals in the first place. It already didn't have a rooftop, so why did it need it in the first place. Many say it's to hold the stars from falling onto the people of Mt. Olympics, but others say... otherwise. The man, again, begins to push the girl forward, seeming in a bigger rush than last time they parted ways.

"Move it!" he snapped.

The girl, like always, follows his instructions and moves forwards. The rest of the way through had quite similar structures to the start of the palace. Big statues surrounded by giant pillars, gold, and silver. We finally stopped in front of a massive gate with two guardians that toppled above the squabble man. Just like the man, they had the same lighting bolt on their helmet. They both looked quite proud to obtain the emblem by the little smirks they had on their faces. You could tell they were newcomers by that.

"Take those smirks off your faces and open the door!" he shouted.

For someone shorter than two enormous guards, he sure had a mouth, but the guards did as they were told. They quickly took off their smirks and opened the door.

The hall was a complete mess as a group of servants scrambled around the room with varieties of fabric, such as silk, satin, velvet, and rayon in stacks. They were all trying to dress similar people like the girl. It was her family, well her mother's side of the family. The family she never wanted nor asked for. A family that glared at her with distasteful eyes. They looked at her as a peasant beneath their feet when they were the same blood, but she couldn't care less anymore. You could say that she's used to it. To be stared at with sickening eyes that could send a chill down your bone.

Although out of all those stares, one felt like daggers sinking into your skin. A man had a long scar around his tired eye who wouldn't stop staring with his cold stare of disappointment. He had extraordinarily short hair that managed to become messy regularly. He had a scruffy beard and two dark brown eyes. He looks young but exhausted like he hasn't had any rest for at least a week.

The girl was harshly pushed forward near the man. Comparing the girl to the man seemed to be like a child next to her father, having the same rusty look.

"Alright, get her prepared as soon as possible," the bulky man hissed at one of the servants.

The supposed maiden, quickly nodded her head before exerting several measurements of the girl's body. It could make you dizzy just trying to keep up with every movement she made, but of course, nobody tried to. The bulky man let out a loud sigh before leaving out the ginormous doors.

The man finally left her with the family that so badly despised her. Agathe tried to keep to herself since she couldn't withstand a conversation with her supposed family. However, the man next to her hasn't removed his eye apart from her. It felt uncomfortable, but it wasn't long before the man spoke out.

"Agathe," he muttered. The girl didn't answer, and instead, kept her eye on the mirror. The man sighed, seeming disappointed by her lack of response. "You must finally grow out of the phase of yours," he continued. "It's not proper for a young lady like you to look so... hollow."With that last reply, Agathe finally turns her head towards him. The maiden quickly caught on the harsh tension between the two and walked away to me to help the rest of the maidens.

"If you knew what I go through every day," she snarled. "Then, your statements would have changed."The man quickly scoffs at the idea like an arrogant old fool. "When I do get out of my phase, Corban," she scuffled. "Then I'll live cheerfully murdering incident people, exactly how you want me to act. However, Zeus has already described me to the whole world that I am an uncontrollable monster, so why would I change that when it makes him happy. Our goal, of course, is to fulfill the wishes of our masters."

Corban quickly shoots a hateful glare by her sarcastic reply. Before things could have escalated any further, a young-looking girl grabs Corban's hand. Her eyes were big and light blue like the sea. Her hair was put up in a messy bun with pearls scattered through.

"Let it go, honey," she insisted. "She'll find her way through her demons soon."

Agathe looks at her, letting out a sarcastic chuckle, "You make it sound as if you truly understand what I'm going through." she scoffed. "You live in a captivating palace with children of your own, and a husband who loves you. I will never have that opportunity as you have!"

The girl's delicate eyes quickly turned fiercened. She let's go of Corban's hand, standing as tall as she could, but you could tell she was genuinely afraid. Agathe looked down to see the girl's hands shaking as she tried to hold her ground.

"You don't know anything! You talk like you know everything, but you don't," she shouted. "Why do you always have to act up like this?"

She looked as if she was about to cry, but was able to hold it in to not ruin her mascara. She steps down from the pedal stool, giving a cold stare at the young lady. Agathe barely passed her by an inch but still looked intimating.

"What a delicate flower you are," she sarcastically said, avoiding her question. "Listen carefully. You may inherit our power and have the hand the oldest of our kind. Only you shouldn't be talking to me as my superior. I see you nothing more than a mistake."

The young lady's eyes grow with fear faster than when she became fierce. She quickly fell back to Corban, which he wrapped his arm around her.

"I think that's enough," Corban hissed.

"I agree," Agathe responded sarcastically.

Corban, with the young lady, walks out the ginormous door, leaving her alone with the rest of the maids. Agathe sighed in relief to finally be left alone.

"Excuse me, miss," a shy voice muttered. Agathe turns around to see a girl, no older than ten, shivering in her boots. "I-it's time for your bath," she stuttered. "We're already behind schedule a-and it will save us some time i-if you could c-cooperate."

Agathe nods her head, letting herself be led by the girl to the hot spring. They quickly scrubbed off pieces of dead skin and washed her hair until it finally grabbed its smooth appearance. They quickly pulled her out of her hot shower into the cold atmosphere. She felt cold, but there's been times where she has felt colder than now. As Agathe tried to space out to forget about the chilly atmosphere. The young girl tabs her shoulder to grab her attention. Agathe turns her head around to the direction of the girl who still had the same nervous look on her face.

"Miss m-may you, g-give your hand?" Agathe nods her head before presenting her scarred up hand. The young girl gently presses the middle of her palm where a visible scar was.

"Y-you may feel a little... hot," she explained. She lets out a loud sigh before whispering an enchantment.

Immediately the waterdrops covering Agathe began disappearing into steam, leaving her hair dry and her skin smooth. She let go of her hand right after seeing her skin completely dry. They abruptly pushed her near some curtains before dressing her in a chiton plum dress. It fit her perfectly with the exact measurement. Her sleek hair was twined down to her waistline, which was somewhat heavy to carry. They added curtain accessories to appeal to the one she's trying to dazzle. A necklace and bracelet of a golden lightning bolt that fit her wrist perfectly. On top of her head laid a laurel crown made out of pure silver. The servant all moved away from Agathe with bright smiles on their faces. You could tell they were exhausted by the sounds of sighs and some wiping away sweat from their foreheads.

"Alrighty, sweety just wait until your escort comes along," she said.

Agathe nods her head before the servants leave her alone in the messy room filled with clothes, glitter, accessories, and random pieces of feathers. She sat down on a small cobblestone bench that was quite uncomfortable. However, she endured until the man with the pissy attitude came to retrieve her. The man seemed annoyed by the loud chuckles as the door closed behind him.

"Amateurs," he muttered. Agathe got up from the bench and walked towards the man. She had just caught his eye. "Well, don't you look lovely," he chuckled. He sounded as if he was in a better mood than when he entered. He seems to enjoy himself. "You can't be the same girl, can you?" he flattered her. Agathe ignores his abrupt flatter since she didn't want to make a fuss about it. The last time that happened, she was beaten for supposedly responding back when not spoken to. "Oh... you are the same girl," he mumbled. "You still have that cold stare."

Agathe never liked the cold stare she gave, but she's never able to hold a smile. You could say it got stuck to her by all the glares she gets from other people.

"Let's get going already so I could finally eat something," he snarled.

Agathe and the man walk towards the humongous door quite prepared to see what's on the other side. The man puts out his hand on the door as a shimmer of blue light flashes up between the doors. Agathe's hands began to twitch as the door casually opened. She may not appear afraid with that icy look of hers, but she was sincerely anxious to walk out of those doors into the bright light. She knew she had to move forward, but her legs wouldn't budge. "Come on! Move it!" he snarled.

He pushed her into the bright light where her fate lies. Agathe eyes begin to adjust the burning sun to find herself in the ceremony she dreaded. A celebration among gods. A ritual that will make her lose her last possession. A recognition regarding the carnages she caused. She was what every god talks about. Most of the gods came to the ceremony principally to see if the tales are accurate about the young girl who cleared out a whole kingdom in a couple of hours. She was too timid to walk forwards, so she waited till someone saw her.

It didn't take long until...

"Well if it isn't the beautiful Agathe," someone shouted.

It was Hermes with his usual loudmouth. It wasn't long until she caught everyone's eye. It went silent with her in the center of attention. They all had the same glares of disgust, but that didn't make Agathe feel uncomfortable.

"Well, if it isn't my prized possession!" Agathe already knew who it was by the sound of his voice. She truly despised this man more than anything else in the world. It was the reason her life was miserable.

It was no other than Zeus. He had long white hair, as well as a white beard, giving him an old-like appearance. His eyes were clouded with fog, but seemed able to see fine. He loved to show off strength; however, his cocky attitude made every living being loathe him.

It made Agathe want to gag the moment he saw him, but she endured. Agathe goes down on both feet, almost touching Zeus' feet. "I'm glad to be in your presence, my lord," Agathe said happily.

Agathe gets up the moment she finishes her sentence. She tries to put on a slit smile, which somewhat hurts her jaw. Since it was rare to see Agathe acting so politely, and not murdering a whole city, many in the ceremony were curious about her appearance. "Today is a special ceremony for you, Agathe," he said. "Today, you will be getting your emblem just as every worthy warrior gets." Agathe never prized the idea of getting an emblem since they have to burn into your skin. But also it basically shows you're the property of someone. Sure it represents a sign of loyalty and nobility, yet your freedom is still taken away. You must always be in line with the orders of the one you serve. That's someone Agathe doesn't want to do that for the rest of her eternity. "Before the ceremony, everyone enjoy yourselves with treats and drinks if you so desire," he chuckles.

Everyone gives a loud cheer before they all separate into their own little groups. Agathe immediately left the scene, grabbing a bottle of wine on her way there. She didn't care about the terrible flavor or how it stung her throat. It just had to help her loosen up a little bit. Of course, after a couple of sips, she felt relaxed and somewhat sleepy. But there was always something that just had to interrupt the little party she had.

"Agathe can we talk?"

Agathe had already known who it was by the sound of his insecure voice. It was the God of war Ares who everyone knew him as a brute who only craves bloodshed. However, Agathe knew a different side from his brute appearance and actions. He was once a lovable friend. No, he was the only one she could even call a friend. He understood her situation, and she believed he cared about her. But she found out later on that his true intentions were similar to his father. She didn't want to turn around since she knew how pathetic he would look.

"Agathe please, at least look at me," he asked her. He slowly moved forward, similar to a man trying to approach a hungry tiger. Agathe stood silent, taking another sip from the bottle of wine. "I understand that I've made some... big mistakes bu-"

"SOME big mistakes," she snapped as she turned around. "Those weren't mistakes Ares!" Her feet stumble over each other as she moves closer to him. She couldn't help hating the god who thought it was a good idea to throw her trust away. She hated his existence.

"Agathe you're drunk give me the bottle," he insisted. He tried reaching for the bottle, but Agathe quickly moved her hand out of reach.

"No," she mumbled. "This has been the only thing that had brought me happiness." She tripped over her foot, stumbling on top of Ares.

"Agathe you need to grow up," he mumbled. "you're allowing your drinking habits to get the best of you."

"I know, but I got nothing else," she said, pushing him away.

"Agathe don't push me away from your life anymore," he mumbled as he moved closer to her in case she fell again. She stumbles her way towards a pillar putting all her weight on it. "I love y-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence!" Agathe hissed. "Ares you threw that away the moment you made a fool out yourself!"

It ached her heart, spouting out those words, but she was smart not to show it.

"Agathe," he muttered. "I didn't-"

"Oh, I didn't mean to make love to Aphrodite," she mocked him, "I was just confused."

She knew she had struck a nerve from the look in Ares' face. He grabbed the bottle from her hand, smashing it on the floor. It instantly grasped the attention of the people surrounding them.

"Hey!" she shouted.

"Shut it!" he snapped. "I always tried my hardest to please you, but you always seem to push me away!"

"I wonder why," she said sarcastically.

Now he was truly enraged. His face turned bright red, and you could clearly see a vein popping from his neck. He stabbed his way towards looking ready to start a fight. Although Agathe wasn't sober, she knew how to keep her own against him. Ares takes out his swords swinging straight towards, but someone else has blocked the blow. Ares falls back landing on his back. It was Corban who had hindered the strike with his sword. Before Ares was able to get up, Corban's hand already had the edge of his sword near his neck.

"Don't dare point your sword to my niece ever again," he growled.

Ares was shocked, but his anger covered it before anyone noticed. Corban removes his sword, tucking it in his sheath. He quickly turned his head back towards Agathe, who seemed to be shocked by his withdrawal. He gave her a scowl before gripping her hand, taking her somewhere alone. The way there was utter silence between the two, but this would be the first they would ever have chatted alone. He took her outside of the palace on a balcony allowing lights of the city to bloom with yellow and orange colors.

He finally lets go of her hand, allowing her to take in the atmosphere of the scene. The stars illuminated the sky with shimmers and sparkles, which help somewhat ease the tension between the two. She lounged on a pillar uneased by the situation. Corban, on the other hand, stands at the edge of the balcony allowing the breeze to sway through his hair.

"Thank you," she said, finally breaking the silence between them.

"Agathe I understand how much you might hate me," he sighed. "After all, I never help your mother out when she needs me the most." Agathe truly wanted to shout at him how terrible he was for what happened to her, but she didn't seem to be able to slip the words out her mouth. "She was a wonderful woman, you know," he mumbled.

"I know she was," she sighed. "I'm her daughter."

"And an ambitious daughter she got," he chuckles and turns around, looking at Agathe with a delightful smile. It made her unease to see her uncle smiling since all he did was scowl at her, but she tried to smile back.

"I'm n-not ready," she stuttered. She clenched onto the skin of her arm and bit her bottom lip. She wasn't ready to give it all up.

"I know it may seem hard," he said, "but we must serve our master as our loyalty represents how grateful we're for the life they gave us."

She couldn't help but clench harder onto her skin. She wasn't ready to give up the little part she had of her freedom. At this moment, she has a choice to reject her master's wishes, although she would have been kicked continuously for doing so. But to be able to say no and leave with a few bruises here and there, it seemed worth it. She fought by standing to what she thought was right. That's all that mattered to her. However, the emblem that they'll burn into her skin will command her to follow orders without being able to reject it. It would take the freedom that has been allowing her to keep going with this horrific life she has.

"I guess I'm going to have to face it head-on," she sighed as she detached her nails from her skin.

It made her throat dry as she spat those words out. Corban moves behind her, giving her a gentle pat on the back.

"Well, it's time to go back," he said. "It's almost time for your ceremony."

He gives one last pat on her shoulder before leaving her alone in the balcony. She needed this time to prepare herself for what is to come. She couldn't help but feel nervous that this could all go to hell in just a matter of seconds. She goes at the edge of the balcony, looking down at the city that roared with joy.

Families feasted, danced, and laughed the night away. It was something she missed having. Although most of her life has been miserable, she once had a happy family of her own. She had a twin brother who loved her dearly, and so did her. They were identical to each other, only he had shorter and curly hair than her. He was always optimistic around her but had a short-temper. He was self-absorbent and loved to argue with their father about his own ideology. Although they were both opposite to each other, she still loved him. Even if he stabbed her in the back all those years ago.

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