Will Without Direction

By JustHereForWriting20

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A young girl with the power to destroy anything she touches, seeks to leave the enslavement brought upon her... More

The Fallen
Family Issues

A Girl or a Monster?

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By JustHereForWriting20

In this enchanting world of surprises, it's good to know that magic clearly exists. It's a complicated matter to explain, but the basics will be enough to remember. There are three different ways to obtain the ability to use magic where some are lucky, and some aren't. To achieve it you must learn it, be born with it, or be cursed with it. It doesn't seem that hard to accomplish, but it's nearly unachievable for humans. Humans have been shown to have a low level of spiritual connection to their natural environment and are seen to be fearful of almost everything they don't understand. However, for nearly every living being, it's tricky to study the arts of magic, which must always be learned at a young age. Now it's time to advance to Mt. Olympus where a young girl awaits her faith.

There hanged a cage made out of solid gold; surrounded by white clouds. It was a wonderful era with the sun beaming high above the earth. However, don't let your eyes get deceived by its beauty. Look closer and what you so call, "truth"... is merely a lie.

Down upon the cage hanged a girl with thorns wrapped from head to toe. Blood would drip from the tip of her toe, leaving a pool of blood below her. She couldn't move, or else, the thorns would surely pierce her organs. She would be neglected there for days or even weeks until someone let her down. But today was the day she would be released. A high pitch scream echoes through the clouds. An eagle appears soaring in the sky. It had a strange tattoo of a lightning bolt on its back signifying one of the beloved gods. It lands on top of the cage looking down upon the girl with its razor-sharp eyes. With another high pitch scream, the thorns slowly let go of the girl.

The girl falls on top of the puddle of blood, left beneath her feet. Her body was completely covered in bruises, scars, and scratches. Her hair was long and pure as black but was a complete mess and full of grease. There was a wonderful accessory lynching from her neck. A rusty chain thick enough to cover her throat.

A few seconds passed with the girl staying there motionless on the ground. But as those few seconds passed, the girl opened her eyes gasping for air. She looks around looking somewhat confused to her surprise she was let down. She gets up, feeling the painful stings from her wounds left by the thorns. The eagle screams again, catching the girl's attention. It flies down towards the opening of the cage, transforming into a humongous man. He had the same lighting bolt on his back, shining brightly as gold as the eagle did. You could feel the rigid tension that swarmed the atmosphere between them. It was somewhat suffocating.

"Hurry up," he muttered.

His voice was raspy as nail files and gutturally. Without any questions asked, the girl limps her way towards the bulky man. He was at least two feet taller than her or probably more. He grabs her tightly by the arm; dragging her towards the misty clouds. On the other side of those misty clouds stood a mystical city of spirits.

It could stun the very eyes of any human begin who laid their eyes on it. The houses were decorated with colorful silk, and the walls were carved with figures of the Greek gods. There were markets where tons of people roaming about grabbing extravagant goods for the royal festival. It was a wonderful celebration to admire, but that wasn't the same for the young girl.

The man puts a tight grip on the girl's shoulder before disappearing into a vortex. They reappeared in a hot and humid atmosphere filled with steam and water. It was hard for her to see what's in front of her, so she waited until the man started pulling her arm around again.

"Where are we going?" she mumbled.

"Shut it!" he hissed. "You speak when you are spoken to."

She was hesitant to continue obeying this man, but she couldn't disobey him even if she wanted to. As long the man possesses that tattoo on his back.

"Nefeli come out!" he shouted. "I have a guest for you."

He pushes her forward, making the girl lose her balance. She falls down to the floor with a loud splash.

"Nefeli!" he shouted again.

The girl tries to get up with the aching sensation of her body ripping apart. As she sits up, she catches a figure swaying towards them. A woman with black hair thin as web appeared. Her face was long and sharp with her cheekbones popping out. She had fins for ears that curved down to her chin.

"I see you brought me a visitor today," Nafeli muttered.

With her palms, she fights to pull herself forward. Her arms were slim and pale as bones with wrinkly skin. She must have been here a long time to have lost so much of her grace. Naftali looks at the girl who was barely able to sit up straight.

"You brought me frail girl?" she questioned.

"She's no girl I could reassure you," he hissed.

"Then what is she?" she croaked.

"She's the spirit of order," he answered.

Before the Nafeli answered, she took another glance at the girl who was barely conscious on the floor.

"Fine, I'll get her all fixed up in an hour or so," she answered.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Nafeli," he sighed.

He swiftly disappeared into the mist without a trace insight. Right after he left, the girl got up without a display of pain.

"Appearing so frail when you could obviously endure it," she muttered. "You haven't changed since the last time I saw you,"

"But I see the years have grown a toll on you, Nafeli," the girl mumbled.

"Your sour mood hasn't changed either," she growled. "Come along before I change my mind."

"Change your mind about what?" the girl asked.

"To help you escape, of course," she answered.

Without another word spoken between the two, Nafeli struggles to turn herself back. The girl follows through unsure of the old hags plan. As deeper into the mist they went, the higher the water got. It burned her skin and even her bones, but she kept on going deeper into the water.

"How much further," The girl asked.

"You'll see when we get there," Nafeli shouted. "I understand that it burns you, but this is going to heal your wounds."

"If you say so," the girl mumbles.

It was troublesome to see in the sea of fog, but further down the road, you could see a faint light flickering.

"What's that," the girl asked.

Nafeli turns her head around, showing a giant grin on her face.

"Your way out," Nafeli answered.

"My way out," the girl muttered, unable to believe the old hag.

"Yes," Nafeli chuckled," well, it's going to be part of our little plan."

What could a flicker of light help with her escape? They approach it seeing it just wasn't a flicker of light. It was crack to the outside world. It finally hit the girl. Nafeli was about to risk her own life.

"Nafeli you shouldn't," the girl mumbled.

She turns her head around towards the girl revealing a soft smile. She reaches out her hand, that was only skin and bone, brushing the girl's cheek.

"That's the first time you've ever called me by my name," Nafeli consoled.

"But you could escape yourself," the girl cried. "You don't have to help me!"

"I'm already old, you're still young and thriving!" Nafeli croaked. "So please let me help you like you always helped me."

Small tears rolled down Nafeli's cheeks, unable to hold them back any longer. The girl wanted to speak out that she could still make the best of what little she had left, but it never came out.

"Are you with me?" Nafeli asked.

The girl nods her head in agreement as she tries to hold back her tears.

"Alright then," she chuckled. "Listen carefully."

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