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TEMPTATIONS ( book 2. ) - legoshi. returning to the boarding school, cherryton academy. an old crime comes u... More

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1.9K 77 7

" I hate the fucking cold. "

(Y/n) muttered silently, rubbing her arms up and down trying to chafe warmth but no there was no luck.

After a good few minutes of entering into the city to pick up her boyfriend, she stood outside by a pole. The cold metal brushed against her neck allowing her to shiver at the touch. She silently cursed under her breath before lifting her gaze up to the building.

As for Legoshi, he stepped out of the juvenile detention before thanking the staff and security for taking care of him and setting him straight to go. His head lifted to meet the breeze with his eyes closed, exhaling with a breath of relief.

The air blew a sweet scent, automatically recognizing it and his eyes fluttered open to meet with his girlfriend who was a few feet away, shyly waving at him.

Legoshi walked towards (Y/n), crouching to her height then pulled her straight to his chest with his head toppling onto her head with his arms around her waist.

" I missed you. " He muttered.

Her eyes rolled playfully, " I missed you too, dummy. "

The male canine scratched his neck nervously, averting his attention elsewhere so he wouldn't lock eyes with her. He stammered heavily, " I have a criminal record now so it'll be hard for me to try to get into universities and get a job. "

(Y/n) blinked at the fresh information before nodding.

" Is that a deal breaker? " He insecurely asked, hoping for the outcome to be great with his luck going on. He then felt the reassuring squeeze in his palm, noticing the female smiling to herself as she watched their hands.

She teasingly grinned, " So stripper is on the table? "

" .. No. "

" So you can cross dress but not strip? "

" Fine. "

Legoshi sighed to himself, shaking his head as they slowly began to make way away from the detention center, " But I got you so.. It's okay, right? "

(Y/n) tilts her head to the side to gaze into his dark orbs that easily bore into her (eye color) hues that lingered for a long moment, " I'm not going to lie, it's a lot but I'm sure we can work a few things out for you- together. "

The tone of concern and reassurance was clearly audible which made his chest clench. His tail began to wag rapidly before dipping his head down to peck her cheek with a large grin on his face.

He nodded eagerly before waving his index finger, " But if I were to redeem myself, and enter a carnivore university and get a job somehow, then we can get married happily and have a family. " He stated to his girlfriend who grew flustered at the thought,

" Family..? " She repeated.

Legoshi lifted his head and down, answering her question which made her drop her head to her stomach and raised a finger to point, " As in one day, getting off the pills Gouhin gave me to avoid that and have kids? "

His fingers raised to her forehead, flicking a second a later, " Is your brain not working today? "

A blush crept onto her face before burying her face into her palms. She mumbled inaudible phrases, grateful that he doesn't have sensitive hearing like she does to where she can literally eavesdrop without having an intention.

Her head lifted up, turning away and she knew he was smiling down at her waiting to hear her answer and she sighed, " Let's talk when we're married. " Mumbling as she dragged him through the streets.

But she squeezed his hand, catching him off guard. She never grew tired of his surprised expressions that she grew so fondly for, he may have an airhead tendency and mindset but she couldn't ask for anything better.

" But I can promise you that I'll be there every step of the way so that one day, that can be a reality. "

His gaze narrowed onto her and she flashed her fangs as a grin allowing his face to soften to a reluctant smile. His tail never took a break from swinging side to side.

Legoshi can survive well enough as a tail-wagging misfit of society, trying to find a way of life as long as he has (Y/n) by his hip.

" So what's the plan now then? I only have community service for taking part in fighting but that's it. " (Y/n) chirped, curious time knew what's his next move of action and he remained silent- still unsure himself but he had a good idea. He continued to guide her up the stairs to a cliff while he spoke.

" After all, I'm not in university, I'm not employed, and on top of that I'm an ex-convict. " She nodded at his words, listening to him continue, " I have to find a way of life that's right for me.. Then maybe, I can live life as an adult without regrets for both of us. "

Her lips curved to a smile but her eyes enlarged at the new six words that escape his lips,

"I'm gonna drop out of school. "

He admires her beauty silently while she remained silent, a small smile on her lips was displayed. The two then spared a glance at the view of the city from the cliff, noting the people that walked among the streets.

The soft breeze lingered through fur, the sun reflecting down onto their forms. He couldn't help himself when she looked so enticing that he leaned forward to capture her lips into his- her slowly sinking in.

She pulled away, her lips grazing against his, " As I said, every step of the way. "

Legoshi places a peck before leaning away to lift his head to look down at the scenery. He'd be lying if he said it was prettier than the female beside him.

" How was the conference with the police anyway? " Her boyfriend chirped and her shoulders shrugged as if it were nothing- just a plain old interrogation.

The two slowly stepped away from the cliff, hand in hand in a random direction of the city but little did they know while they conversed;

There were others chatting about the couple.


" What's this all about? "

A deep voice spoke, not lifting his eyes off the file on a recent incident. He studied the photo of the teenage male that was displayed in his mugshot. He read the information about the incident, repeating out loud, " A seventeen year old wolf ate his friend's foot? "

The horse slammed the file onto the table below, " This happens all the time. Hell, the media would eat this to pieces- why do you want to censor it? "

The mastiff breed canine frantically sweated, worried for the male's reaction, " Well.. "

" You see, the wolf had the deer's consent to eat his foot. That's what makes it peculiar, there's a chance that this news could cause an increase in predation incidents. " The canine told the tall lean horse, but the horse nodded at the information,

" So, this wolf committed predation so he could take down the culprit of a predation incident and the deer gave him his consent to eat his foot..? What's that all about? This guy's philosophy is insane and he's still a teenager? "

A chuckle escaped his lips but there was something about the wolf in the image that he couldn't make out,

" So he fought fire with fire? "

He released a hum of amusement, nodding his head with satisfaction, " That sure sounds dangerous, that actually makes this guy quite interesting. It's good that he's still young, why don't we keep an eye on him? He may look awfully sturdy but he has a tough road ahead of him. "

The horse extended his hand out, allowing the mastiff to place another pile and he narrowed his attention down before furrowing his eyebrows,

" Who's the girl? "

" That would be his girlfriend, (Y/n). She had trialed for his innocence and she was also the child from the homicide case ten years ago the one that you had closed- "

He held his hand up to motion him to stay silent, reviewing her record from the previous years and chuckled from interest, " Underground martial arts without approval also gambling was a crime. She's something. " He commented.

The canine peaked over, " She also took part in fighting beside her boyfriend which is why she was charged for assault but we are disclosing it to self-defense. "

The room was filled with silence, there was the hard tension that filled the space. He tossed the file onto the table with the other wolf with a smirk displayed on his lips,

" Give her a call. "


" I see you're back home. "

Gouhin stated once he lifted his tea to his lips, watching his daughter enter the room quietly. She nodded as a response before pulling in her tall boyfriend, clutching onto his forearm with her head on the ground.

The panda sighed, " I'm assuming he needs a place to stay? "

(Y/n) frowned at her father, feeling guilty for the trouble he had gone through for the past two days with the whole police station crisis and him having to clean up her mess. " Gouhin, I'm sorry about dragging you into my situation- "

He held out a hand out, " I rather you get community service and be placed in independent studies than for you to be locked up. You both really irritate the living hell out of me but you're my kid, I have to take care of you. "

Gouhin glared over at Legoshi, " You, on the other hand- you little shit. I'm starting to dislike you. "

" (Y/n), I want to talk with Legoshi so please go to your room. "

The female raised an eyebrow but never spoke a word, exiting out the room to head into her bedroom that was down the hall. The male wolf watched her step out of sight before heading towards the panda.

Gouhin lifted his glasses off his face, rubbing his eyes with the side of his palm, " Legoshi, I know you're a stubborn piece of shit, "

The male wolf raised his hand to his neck, scratching anxiously as he listened to the spotted bear, " But listen to me and listen to me good- Take care of (Y/n). " The canine's eyes enlarged at the discreet anxiety in the adult's voice but nonetheless he determined to take on the task for the rest of his life.

Legoshi watched the panda with admiration, nodding his head up and down in agreement which allowed Gouhin to continue, " After fetching her from the station, I had placed her into independent studies considering your school did nothing but putting harm in her way- Even in the black market she wasn't close to being in danger. "

The male wolf's ear twitched, signalling that he was still all ears and his girlfriend's father's expression dropped to a cold face, " Legoshi, I like you so don't mess this up, kid. "

His face dropped into a frown, " Just take care of my wolfie, that's all I ask. " He turns back to his desk as he continues to file more work.

" Gouhin? "

The panda hummed, not sparing a glance at the teenager behind him and Legoshi curled his fist, he was dedicated. The panda did not only just help him during the past year but he had offered (Y/n) another chance at life and he was grateful for that.

He stated with a gentle tone, " I will protect her till my last breath. "

Legoshi promised.

The male wolf bowed to the adult before heading towards (Y/n)'s bedroom and he twisted the doorknob slowly to see her choosing clothing from her drawers. She leaned back to see the crack of her door open and her boyfriend behind and she waved him in.

He stepped inside and helped her choose a shirt, choosing a tee shirt that she stole from him months ago.

Legoshi sat on the edge of the bed facing his girlfriend, lifting the hem of her shirt to expose her stomach and helped her strip off her top. He couldn't remove his eyes no matter how much he felt dirty for it- All he saw was perfect imperfections and kept falling more and more in love with her.

The purple bruises that powdered over her ribs along with the stringing scars that were carved onto her skin. Gauze spots planted onto the side of her waist;

She shared similarities with himself- the deep clawed scars that coated over his back. Bruises that peppered across his stomach and face.

But she wore them better.

(Y/n) placed the shirt over her head, removing her jeans to drop and she stood in nothing but the long tee shirt that hung over to her mid thighs. She snickered once she noticed a blush creep onto his cheeks, squeezing his face in between her fingers, " You're so cute. "

He grew flustered at her statement, watching her slip under the comforters of her bed and patted the empty space, " I can't use up this whole bed by myself, you know. "

Legoshi dug into one of her drawers that was specifically for him and found sweatpants, switching his jeans to the joggers and removed his hoodie and shirt to be shirtless.

The male slipped beside her and held a gaze onto her form that stared at him with a smile, " We should make a pact. "

" Pact? "

" That we both agree to survive the wild side together, you and me- Anywhere and everywhere. "

Legoshi remained quiet, studying her form. The shirt slowly grazed up to her hip and her elbow on her pillows, leaning into her palm with a small grin of excitement with her pinkie waving side to side as a temptation to agree.

He couldn't deny that face so he held out his pinkie finger to collide with hers.

" To survive the wild side, we go. "

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