The knight of hell and the gr...

By DragonJ8210

2 1 0

This is a story about the knight of hell and the green knight vs the King with the hundred knights and the re... More

The knight of hell and the green knight

2 1 0
By DragonJ8210

The green knight, Bertilak de Hautdesert, the knight who was sent to Camelot by Morgan le Fay to stir up some trouble, in the end, the green knight had a duel with Sir Gawain and was satisfied with the results.

The knight of hell, Berith, it is said that Berith's skin is red and so is his armor, in short, Berith is known for many things in the underworld.

Now for the antagonists of this story.
The King with the hundred knights, now this King goes by many names but the one thing that is for sure, is the fact that he has hundred fine knights.

The red knight, just like with the King who has hundred knights, the red knight also goes by many names but the one thing that is for sure, is the fact that the red knight is a fine and marvelous knight.

Now, for the story!

The knight of hell and the green knight were riding towards their opponents.
" So, what is hell like? " said the green knight.
" Warm. How did it feel like getting your head chopped off? " said the knight of hell.
" Intriguing " said the green knight.
It was quiet for awhile.
" So, what do you think their names are? " said the green knight.
" I have no clue, all I know is that they are strong, " said the knight of hell with what seemed like a smile under his helmet.
The green knight and the knight of hell had now finally reached the large valley where the battle was going to take place.
Before the green knight and the knight of hell stood the King with the hundred knights and the red knight.
All the knights were on their mighty horses.
The wind ran through the whole valley making the grass dance, the sun was at its highest and the knights drew forth their weapons.
The King gave his knights an inspiring speech, the red knight breathed excitingly, the hell-flames around the knight of hell glowed with valor and the green knight felt his strength rise mighterly.
No more words were heard, the only sound which echoed, was that of swords, lances and horses.
The whole battle lasted a week and in the end, a feast was held for all.

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