Entangled Fate

By Amyraamyr001

976 252 346

"Many people don't get the one who they wanted to be with,but ended up with who they are supposed to be with... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1πŸ‘‘
Chapter 2πŸ‘‘
Chapter 4 πŸ‘‘
Chapter 5πŸ‘‘
Chapter 6πŸ‘‘
Chapter 7πŸ‘‘
Chapter 8πŸ‘‘
Chapter 9πŸ‘‘

Chapter 3πŸ‘‘

77 23 42
By Amyraamyr001

       "Do what is right, not what is easy nor what is popular"
                      Roy T.Bonnet


  Zayd was pissed with the girl that seems to be wasting his time, his time is very precious he can't just allow a dumb girl to waste it, he blame himself for parking at the first instance, he would have just drove off after all it wasn't intentional.

      He wonder why he stop, this is not him,he called the driver to give the girl some money since she is prolonging the issue its just a splash, after all thats what they all want "money", he couldn't bring him self to come down from the car & apologize to a low life mediocre girl. He heard the sound of someone knocking on the tinted window,he turned to look at the person & it turns out to be the girl who was ranting ,who does she think she is, his driver was begging her ,he knew he made a mistakes by not allowing the bodyguards to follow him they would have know how to deal with these perfectly without him even stopping & that imbecile of a driver he has to fire him since he can't get a simple task done.

     Remembering he had people waiting for him,he drove off with full speed leaving them behind,he has a meeting by 11:00am & the time says 12:00pm now.

      He reached Turaki Corp.Nig.Ltd, he parked his car in the VIP section of the parking lot, the car door was open for him by a bodyguard, he was in the mood to drive himself today,thats why he drove himself, he came out of the car strengthening his Armani suit & threw the car keys to the bodyguard.

    He made his way into the company with a graceful confidence aura,a demeanor authority,charisma,he walk with attorney like he own the place no doubt he owns it, the guards saluted him as they open the door. He met his Assistant already waiting by the the private Elevator

"Good morning sir" his assistant says in a trembling voice with a slight bow, he didn't say a word he just get into the elevator as his assistant press the floor number.

      The lift took him to the 15th floor,he came out of the elevator his spicy scent consuming the whole place, as soon as he entered the conference room all eyes turn to him & everywhere went quiet, pride, confidence that was his companion, he has a striving leadership aura sorrounding him.  Sitting down on the swivel Chair at the head of the long mahogany table,he veered his head to those in the room & was met with a man scrutinizing gaze,he stare back at the man without any atom of care.

     He hated waiting so he does not like keeping others waiting, the look the man in his early fifties was giving him was full of disdain & all sort  & he hate it,he hate being ordered or being treated like he depends on someone or someone's money.

    Zayd took a calculative glance at Musa Alkali, the shrewd business who will do anything thing to get a deal, he doesn't mind playing dirty as long as he got what he want, he was authoritative & commanding.

     "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting something came up" Zayd said in his husky accented voice

Alkali who is sitted by the right side of the long table with his delegates gave him a scurillous look, while others kept quiet aware of the exchange between the two men, they knew better than to interfere.

     Zayd ignore him & open the laptop his assistant just kept on the table & this pissed the man off more.

    "Do you really have an idea of how long I've been waiting, this is a business enterprise not a polo or gulf club,I have other important commitment to tends to, if you really want this collaboration you wouldn't have keep us waiting" the man bellow contemptuously.

    Zayd haul his eyes from the Laptop & peer at his chopard wristwatch,seeing that the time is 12:10, 20 minutes left for the schedule time for the meeting to end, he motion his Assistant to stop preparing the slide for the presentation.

    What Alkali said enraged Zayd, how can he be so presumptuous, who gave him the audacity to question how he manage his business, for all he know these meeting was to hold two weeks back but they kept canceling it in the name of Alkali not being in the country,he saw how his staff always work hard whenever these same meeting was schedule but in he end they will postpone it,  now he has the brass effrontery to be questioning his competency ,his professionalism& punctuality.

  He avert his gaze to Alkali giving him a murderous "The deal is off"his resounding voice penetrating the conference room making them to shuddered.

    Purling murmur was passed among the delegates, some of them was surprise by what he said especially those from Alkali side, while those from his side expected these to happen when the man was bluffing but they don't expect him to cancel it these fast since its Baba that fixed the collaboration.
      These was the Zayd they all knew, he doesn't give a damn or care about what anyone think, he does not care about loosing as long as his self- esteem is intact thats all that matter.

    Standing up he picked his phone & strode out of the conference room with a conceitful gait, head held high without any otter of regret, his assistant on his tail.
Coming out of the conference room,the female workers on that floor started whispering & ogling at him , greetings where being thrown at him from every corner, he get into the elevator without sparing them a glance & press hiss floor number (25th floor)
    Now in the elevator Zayd could envision Baba disappointing gaze ,Baba reprimanding him with his numerous psychologies & philosophies on how to behave, he wish he could cut him the slack.

      The deal wasn't pulchitridous, after doing the quotation & everything, it does not seem to favor them,Alkali would be the one to gain more benefits so why waste his time in a nonprofitable deal. But Baba, that old man definitely have something up his sleeve.

         His secretary who was seated in her corner right before his office stood up immediately she saw him, with her heavy cake up face she started adjusting her top to expose her cleavage.
      "Good morning sir"she said in a sly seductive voice.

     Not sparing her a glance, he move to his office, CEO was written on a silver name plate on the door, sliding in his access card, the door made a click sound & open, he remove the card & entered.

   His office was beautifully decorated by one of the top interior designer, its huge & spacious with everything being black, grey or white, its has a deep masculine Aura.
      He remove his blazer & draped it on the coat hanger, then slackened his neck tie a lil , before sitting on the plush leather swivel chair, he takes a look at the files in the table ,then took the one at the top & started working on it.

    "Sir, I think Baba has get to know about the canceled deal" he heard his assistant said as he came into his office in frenzy

    "Okay, am going home take care of my schedule for the day"he said authoritatively.

     He walk out of the office after wearing his blazer & gets into the elevator, the guard open the door for him as he came out of the office complex.  He made way to the parking lot where a driver was waiting for him"Good Afternoon sir" he greeted opening the door for him while he nodded as he entered the car, he sat down leg crossed at the owners, the driver get into the car & drove off.


"Assalamualaikum" Zayd salaam entering the sitting room of another part of the mansion, it has an ambience of riches & lushness, everything design in golden, a golden chandelier dangling in the middle of the gigantic sitting room.

     "Wa'alykum salaam" chorus of voices answered.

"Inna wuni" he greeted those in the Living room in his unique hausa accent with a hardened face.

He turn to his grandfather who was sitted on his golden royal chair in a white jallabiya with a black cap perched on his head some of his grey hair visible, his grandfather still look handsome even in his late 70s, whenever he look at him, he wish time would stop so that his grandfather would be the forever active & strong grandpa without the grey hair or silver hair as he call it, his not so strong body, he knew he can only wish not even the greatest magician's can stop time.

   "Inna wuni Baba" he greeted going down a bit.

"Yawwa zaydu, how is work" he ask in a I will deal with you later look which only Zayd understand,

  "Alhaji zamu wuche'' he heard those in the room said.
    They've definitely gotten what they came for ,for them to be smiling like that, he wonder why Baba never see the bad in them, Baba know all their mischief & all their treacherous attitude yet whenever they come he welcome them with open arms, they are slowly turning the mansion to a Majalisa , which usually annoy him,but he can't be more grateful to them since they keep Baba busy & entertain.

   Alhaji Muhammad Dahiru Turaki, known as Baba, one of Nigeria top business Mogul, founder of Turaki corp.Nig. Ltd,a multibillion dollar conglomerate, A nice, good & caring kindhearted man , a genious in business strategy, you can call him a philanthropist or a humanitarian bcos both suit him,always ready to help the needy & the poor both young & old, he was loved by many.

      "I heard you cancel the deal" Baba said looking at Zayd who has a down casted look.

   "Baba, its not even profitable we will just waste our effort & resources & in the end we have little to gain" he said through gritted teeth remembering what Alkali said.

   "I've told you several times to understand the virtue if these little things,its these things that count, if you can do it in the right & proper way it will makes you great, its not all about money & material things" Baba said glaring at his arrogant grandson.

   "The main reason I cancel it isn't about money, the man is very greedy & cunning he definitely have an ulterior motives"

      "It looks like I did not tell you why I accepted it, I accept it because it came with a marriage proposal & is daughter is well trained the opposite of her father" Baba said curious to know what his son will say.

  "Not again Baba, I know you were playing one of your not so fair game, pls stop "Zayd said aware of his grandfather different tactics of getting him a bride, this is the 10th or is it 12th pious, well behave, well groomed,well trained girl according to Baba dictionary, no wonder Alkali was talking authoritatively,he was already playing the father in law role, he thought he have found a dummy of a son in law.

    "Since you're finding it hard to find a wife ,I decided to step in to make the search easier" Baba said

   "I love my girlfriend & she also love me, I don't need any of those gold diggers, we will be getting married soon" he said his eyes sparkling in joy & happiness.

    Baba shook his head, he feel like smacking his grandson head & put some senses into it, that girl his just decieving him, but the boy is blinded by  love.

     ''Ranka dade Alhaji"a man said coming into the sitting with some bags.

  "You what are you still doing here,I said your job is done here" Zayd bellow at the man, he was the same driver that cannot do a simple task.

     The man was trembling in fear, he know what he is capable of,   Baba dismiss the man & turn to Zayd.

    "You don't have any right to sack him,he works for me not you, thats his means of livelihood just because you're privilege does not make you any better, he is older than you, am done tolerating your insolence behavior'" Baba said in anger.

     ''Baba, he disobey ......."he did not complete what he wanted to say when Baba took his Staff made from Irish Ash wood & Slightly hit his leg. 

      Zayd shake his head at Baba's little drama of hitting him.

     "What did I tell you about saying sorry, how can you be so inconsiderate, you hurt an innocent girl & your big headed ego will not allow you to say sorry,rather you commanding people to apologize on your behalf" Baba said disappointment showing on his face.

    "She was walking like she is on rampage, when she saw a car isn't she suppose to move" he know he lied it was entirely his fault but he won't admit it.

    "You know the right thing to do" Baba said getting up from his chair with out looking at him.

     Zayd know baba is angry with him & thats the last thing he wanted to happen, he can't bear babas anger, but what he is asking him to do is nearly impossible..............

    Hello my lovely people,  so here is another chapter, an insight of our male lead😀😂.

    Whooooowww  Zayd,........

     I'm so excited, and Zayd what did Baba ask him to do that is nearly impossicant😂😂😂.

    Remember to

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