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TEMPTATIONS ( book 2. ) - legoshi. returning to the boarding school, cherryton academy. an old crime comes u... More

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" Well, it's finally happening.. Take off the bandage on your head. It'll put you at a disadvantage. "

Gouhin advised, keeping a close eye on the male wolf that stood before him. Legoshi lifted his hand to his wound, unwrapping the bandage from his face to reveal three claw gashes running across his eye- permanently scarring him.

The panda nodded his head in approval.

The male wolf held up the bandage still close to his face with a blank expression, " My wound's now sealed, thanks to your treatment. "

His fingers slowly grazed across his scars, slowly taken back with his eyes enlarging at what he felt, " Oh wait, hold on. I can still feel it, is it permanent? " He questioned before running his long fingers across his eye once more.

The spotted bear watched the teenager before confirming, " It's said that a change in your face's appearance shows that you're going through a turning point in your life. " As he motioned to his own scars on his face, he turned his head to the clock and frowned,

" (Y/n), is running late. "

Legoshi narrowed his eyes towards the clock that was displayed on the wall, his blood ran cold. It was like it was taunting him that his time was almost up- for his life or death situation.

He nodded his head with a stoic face. " She said she was buying a few items for you and I.. "

Gouhin sighed, scratching his cheek, " She can handle herself. "

The spotted bear turned his head to face the window, hoping for a sign to his daughter but no luck. His eyes averted onto the male canine beside him, " Whether you win or lose, your fight with Riz will surely bring a great change in your life. " He let out an effortless chuckle, towering over him.

" And whether you live or die.. It's going to be messy.

That being said though, don't die. "

Although it was better said than done, he needed to remind the male that he will make this moment- something that will be cherished later. This will be a reminder that he can survive a yakuza and he will now fight his foe. He will continue to reside by his significant other and live to see another day.

He needed to be told that now, he needed the reminder before it was too late. It wasn't everyday when he find yourself fighting for his beliefs or for his relationship.

Gouhin instinctively reached towards the wolf's hand, taking his palm into his own and gripped it firmly, " Don't die, think about all the herbivores you're doing this for and especially (Y/n). " After his statement, Legoshi nodded with determination as he imagined his girlfriend with tears in her eyes as she grinned for his safety. He needed to be alive to see that, to live thought that.

They shook hands.


Legoshi frantically took steps down the stairs, trying to get to his destination- wishing he'd bump into (Y/n) on the way but no sight of her. He began to grow cautious until his phone lit up with her caller ID filling his screen, he pushed the device to his ear.

He pressed accept before breathing out, " Are you okay? "

The male heard the other line with faint chatter in the background as if it were in a packed place, she clutched her basket to her front side as she sighed softly. Still having no courage to respond with the thoughts that ran through her head.

She was currently out buying things for later so that they can make this new year's memorable; she along with her boyfriend and her father. It wasn't just to celebrate the new year but the win of the battle that Legoshi is about to be a part of.

A faint laugh from the other line made his chest clench.

(Y/n) purses her lips together before smiling sadly, " Hey, No, yeah I'm fine. Erm- I'm actually running late because of this fucking line.. So I'll meet you at the bridge. "

" Where are you, need me to go get you? "

" Legoshi, please be careful. "

" (Y/n)- "

" I'm serious, go now and I will be there as you win. "

His eyes enlarged at the tension straining her voice, he looked around his settings then nodded his head before gazing at the direction he needed to be headed with a sigh, " (Y/n)? "

A hum was given.

Legoshi's free hand clenched the railing of the stairs, gritting his teeth hoping that she would make it on time. Hoping- it's not there last time.

" I love you. " He blurted out.

Silence was given, his blood ran cold thinking that something had happened before a small sigh was heard, " Sorry, I was getting into line.. "

" And I love you. "

He breathed out in relief, allowing his form to relax at the four words she had stated. His head lifted to the bridge's direction with a frown. They both said their farewells and with that, the male wolf had sprinted off.

(Y/n) held her phone to her chest with a long frown, her body was aching with the repeated thoughts of what if. She wanted to finish her shopping so she could make it fast but the exits were blocked so if you were a customer leaving- you had to buy something and exit through the back.

The streets were filled with families and cars trying to get home.

" And now why is (nickname) sad? "

The familiar voice and scent struck her nose and ears, allowing her to lean her head back to the side. Eyeing at the two familiar lions with scars on their faces. Her frown slowly faded but was still visible, " Yo. "

Free quirked an eyebrow at the female canine, studying her expression but it was just the knitted eyebrows and the frown, " What's wrong with your face? "

" What's the matter? " Dolph questioned.

(Y/n) stepped to the side, allowing the two males to cut with her and they obliged. She runs a hand through her long locks of fur before tugging, " I have to be somewhere.. And this line doesn't fucking move. " Her voice cracked, giving sense to the felines at the sight of the puppy in distress.

The two lions both turn to each other before nodding.

Free swifted his jacket to the side to reveal his gun from his waistband, clicking the safety off before grinning and lifting it to the air, " Our puppy has to be somewhere, i'd you don't move and give up your spots- I will shoot everyone on the toe. "

He smirked but there was no empty promise in his words.

Dolph took a hold of the female's shoulders feeling the stress but didn't comment on it. He walked her ahead once the line moved to the side and Free chuckled to himself as he put his glock away. (Y/n) placed down the items onto the counter, turning her head to face them, " Do you need anything? "

Free placed down a pack of cigarettes on the counter, watching the female canine dog into her backpack and fished for the cash as the cashier was rushing the items into a bag. (Y/n) paid immediately before giving a quick nod and the lions dragged her outside.

Free kept his hand onto her shoulder as Dolph held her other, " We can give you a ride, just let me know where. " He offered.

The female nodded her head, allowing them to guide her elsewhere but there was no car insight.

" Did Ibuki and the boss leave? " Dolph questioned, looking around the area then noticed the small canine grow frantic and Free yanked her shoulder to guide her towards a tree, then whistled over at his comrade, " Go back, I'll drop (nickname) off. "

Free got into his motorcycle, allowing the female to hesitantly sit behind him and loosely wrapped around his torso then turned to face Dolph,

" Happy new years, Dolph! "

Dolph watched the female canine smile softly at him then he rolled his eyes playfully before waving his head to motion them to get going which they oblige.

" Hold on tighter, I go past the speeding limit. "

" Huh? "

The lion kicked off the stand of the bike and clenched on the gas, speeding off the direction which made the canine cling onto him tighter with her head against his back, " Do you even know where you're going? " She called out loudly since the wind blocked out a lot of sound for him.

Free states calmly, " I have something to do first. "

" But I need to be there right no- "

" Boss might get eaten tonight. "

Her eyes widened at his statement, not only was her boyfriend in danger but someone he looked up to. Free continued to drive at full speed with their fur blowing with the wind.

(Y/n)'s head lifted to the side and saw the ocean, her (eye color) hues bore into the rogue waves that smashed against the side of the road that was built on the side of a cliff. The moon glistened down onto the two that sped down the road, it was like at the moment it was only peace.

The ocean only held peace to her.

Her cheek rested against his back side, " Free, Is Ibuki.. " She trailed off, not wanting to finish the question but the nod he gave her immediately signaled her that he understood.

The two drove off in silence, avoiding obstacles that were in the way with occasional drifting.

The car was finally spotted up ahead and Free kept his eyes on the road, using a hand to grip his gun from his waistband and handed it to (Y/n),

" When I get closer, shoot him. "

Her fingers gripped the glock, feeling her chest tighten at the thought of killing someone again. She cared for the lion and the buck, which is why she couldn't bring herself to do it- It wasn't her anymore.

" I can't do it. " She called out.

Free noticed her hand fidgeting outwards with the weapon pointed and he continued to drive but placed his hand onto hers with full control, " I can't either, so do it now (nickname). "

His finger hovered over hers where the trigger was placed, hearing her breathing grow heavy.

They both pulled the trigger.

The vehicle broke into a stop, skidding across the road with glass shards flying into the air and Free braked the bike, twisting his upper half to pull the canine to his chest to avoid any harm from the glass.

Free slowly pulled himself off the motorcycle then extended his hand to the female. She hesitantly placed her hand onto his and her eyes closed from allowing any emotions about killing Ibuki to release from her eyes.

She felt a hand on her shoulder, goulding her to black car that Ibuki and Louis rode in. " Let's get you where you need to be. "

A small tear glided down her cheek, breathing intensely. Her backhand immediately wiped her wet face then turned to face Free while he avoided eye contact but couldn't resist anymore.

His eyes bore into hers, " Thanks, (Y/n). "

He never called her by her name- So she allowed her facade to kick in and swallowed the lump in her throat as she made it to the car.

(Y/n) was first to see Ibuki's lifeless body that toppled over Louis as he checked for any living sign for the lion.

" Ibuki?! "

" I used my bike to follow you. "

Free stated with a smug expression, he did it because not only did he fulfill his duty to protect his boss but he went with his promise to Ibuki.

As his comrade, he would follow along with him or his wishes and that's what he did- he granted what Ibuki wanted even if he didn't want it himself.

The carnivores watch the deer shake Ibuki's limp, cold body continuing to call him out hoping for a sign of life.

" Ibuki, hey, Ibuki. "

Louis began to shake the feline back and forth as he gripped on the lion's jacket, " Open your eyes, you're a lion aren't you..? You can't die here. Ibuki! " He pleaded as he placed his head on Ibuki's arm, he had so many questions for the fate of the lion, " Free.. Why did you kill Ibuki? "

The scarred lion entered his head into the car, lifting his dead comrade's head only for it to drop slowly a second later. " That's a nice dead face.. A face that calm wouldn't come from inhabitants of the underworld. "

Free took a hold of (Y/n) as she kept her gaze onto the lion before her that oozed with red gore. Her stoic expression allowed her to prevent showing any emotion about what she had committed.

The scarred lion proceeded to state that his actions was because he had promised his comrade if anything were to happen- he'd interfere.

The feline allowed her to enter inside the car before crawling to the driver's seat which made the wolf and the deer squished together. He gave a side glance down at (Y/n) as she kept her gaze on the dead lion.

Louis frowned, turning away to face forward but questioned, " Why aren't you with Legoshi? "

She held a stoic expression, one he was very familiar to. Her shoulders slumped down allowing her backpack to drape down to her elbows as she leaned her head against the deer, " I'm trying to get there. "

Louis then brushed off that topic once the sight of the lion never escaped his mind nor his eyes as it sat beside him, " So that was your promise? Ibuki never planned on eating me.. He only drove me here because I told him that I wanted to leave the Shishigumi. It's all my fault. "

The lion nodded his head with a smile, " Ibuki's pretty clumsy in some ways, you know? He's inflexible. " He continued to add as he placed his free hand on the sad wolf's back, trying to comfort her,

" I'm sure in the end, he thought he had no other choice but to put himself against you as a lion of the Shishigumi. "

The buck leaned his head against the closed door, not sparing a single word to the two. The vehicle grew silent with the hard tension aroming the air which made it harder to breathe.

The two teenagers glance at Ibuki, taking in the fact that he is now no more.

" We're here, boss. "

Free broke the car into a stop by an alley, allowing himself to exit before the two teenagers followed. Lastly the canine was slipping out the car and he extended his hand, she of course took it and nodded as a thank you.

Her blood ran cold at the realization she was closer to the bridge than she thought. She already killed one person today- she doesn't need to watch nor kill another.

Free's voice broke her out of her trance, " This is the way to the main street, please don't come back to the black market. "

He took out a cigarette from the pack he had gotten earlier with (Y/n) and pushed it to his lips before igniting it with a lighter. He cuffed the end, preventing any wind to block him out and he inhaled with glee.

(Y/n) and Louis faced the alley with enlarged eyes, worrying about the outcome that they will once face,

" If you get yourself killed in here, then Ibuki would've died for nothing. Go and live life where you belong and know this,

If I see you here again, I'll eat you alive. "

The herbivore felt his body grow stiff at the threat but he knew it held meaning. He held his ground nonetheless, he nodded his head once he took a hold of the canine's wrist into his hand.

" All right, it's a promise.. "

The buck dragged the wolf through the alley as she followed but before she did, she nodded at the lion, " Happy new year's Free. See you around.. " and after that the lion chuckled as he took another hit, pulling away from his lips as he breathed it out,

" What a crazy life, it's been fun, boss. "

Red gore dropped onto the ground as Riz dug his fangs onto Legoshi's torso, clenching onto the canine's form with his teeth as he muttered, " I think your bones are a little too hard. " The wolf was breathing heavily at the accelerating pain from his torso.

" This isn't normal.. "

Riz growled frustratedly once he took realization that he couldn't crush his bones as his mouth was covered in his classmate's blood, " What, did you eat someone too? "

" You wouldn't understand, Riz.. "

Legoshi slowly growled after grunting out, his mind drifting onto the moth- it's protein and calcium sinking into his bone, allowing him to grow increasingly stronger by the second as he was held under the bear's grip.

Respect for life is what he thought, he needed that so he can change his views for the better.

" The only way for living beings to respect and understand each other is to become one with one's flesh and blood.. "

The male wolf grunted out, trying to resist against the grip that was held against him but his statement had caught Riz off guard that Legoshi escaped, flying out of his embrace midair and the bear had hallucinations.


His eyes enlarged, blinking rapidly to erase the image and before he knew it, Legoshi twisted his upper half before slamming his fist onto Riz's nose.

The large bear was shoved deeply into the pavement, crumbling below him. The canine inhaled and exhaled intensely, allowing sweat to glide down his face as he regained his breath. He needed to think fast- smarter.

His thoughts were once cut off as he felt large hands grasp at his wrist and forearm.

" You know, you make it sound like Tem and I didn't respect or understand each other. " The bones in the wolf were slowly tightening as if they were going to snap anymore.

The bear slowly sat up, keeping a grip on his wrist that was held against his snout, " While you certainly have been training.. " Legoshi clicked his tongue in pain, trying to regain control but there was no leisure. " It's really nothing special. " Riz stated stoically.

" It's unacceptable- Any more slander against my genuine friendship with Tem is unacceptable. "

Riz growled once he finally stood at his large height, lifting his opponent's wrist high above his head that allowed Legoshi to hang with his feet above the concrete. His feet tried tapping the ground but he held no ground.

His nose oozed with blood, " No more talking. "

The two stared at each other for a brief moment with nothing but hatred; their deepest desire to murder each other was clearly visible between the two.

There was no one to stop them, even if there was.. No one would be able to. Their hate ran deep through every limb and bone that they held in their bodies.

Legoshi bared his teeth, barking, " You killed Tem- He was your victim and you ruined everything! " He made sure that his anger that infuriated his body was shown.

Riz's eyes darkened, gritting his fangs allowing his rage and fury to huff from his nostrils, glancing above his head as if he were speaking to the heavens.

" Tem it's okay. I'll shut this guy up for good. "

The bear sent the wolf flying over him.

Sounds of blunt crashes echoed throughout the dark night that couldn't be muffled with the wind. Destruction was clearly happening not far as Louis and (Y/n) reached the bridge.

The herbivore glanced at the female canine, watching her ears twitch with the loud sounds of grunting and pummeling that went down. His eyes enlarged once he noticed her (eye color) hues darken into a dull color.

Her speed picked up, forgetting about the deer behind her.
" Legoshi! "

The bear was swinging the large wolf back and forth, side to side on the hard pavement. Legoshi arched his back once he hit the ground, choking up a groan from his lips from the immense pain that ached in his whole body.

" Legoshi, Legoshi. "

The wolf's vision blurred, not sparing a single word towards his opponent. Riz started to taunt the canine with a smug grin, " That's right, when an animal is at the brink of death, their body becomes like liquid. " He jerked the wolf's body against a pillar.

Gore traced down on the pillar as Legoshi's body slid onto the ground. His breathing wheezed quietly, hard to focus with the pain that ran through his form- he was bloody and bruised all over.

Riz still held onto the wolf's ankle with a tight grip, " Still, you're pretty tough. " He chuckled effortlessly at the sight of the wolf who was still breathing, " Five to six wall-slams and you're still not dead. "

The canine rolled his eyes at the amusement in the bear's voice, his head slammed against the wall behind him which made his enemy pause and drop his ankle,

" You still conscious, Legoshi?

" What. "

" Oh, you're still alive. "

Legoshi grunted under his breath, trying to sit up but kept failing and slipping against the wall, " You're trying your damnedest to kill me.. What's the point in worrying about me? " He questioned, narrowing his attention off the floor to face the bear.

Riz blinked repeatedly, trying to understand the question but chuckled, " True, but we're in a special relationship now, so I just wanted to make sure. "

A special relationship- At the brink of death, was a special relationship.

The canine began to wheeze but instead exhaled the blood from his nose to escape, his hand was placed onto his chest hoping to push out anything that suffocated his windpipes. His ribs couldn't function properly due to him most likely having broken ribs.

" What the hell.. " He scoffed out to himself.

An intense gaze burned through the wolf's flesh, allowing him to struggle with his attention so he kept flickering back and forth but it always landed right back onto the bear that towered over him.

Their eyes locked, holding every inch of rage to bore within each other.

Riz held a blank expression up at the sky to study the full moon that loomed over the two, " To tell you the truth, when I ate Tem, I knew all along that there was no friendship between us- It was.. It was just a one-sided murder. "

Legoshi's eyes enlarged at the information, not only was what he heard was a lie but the fact that his opponent wants to tell the story now out of all times.

His ear twitched, hoping he got that all right.

He then continued to listen to the bear's rambling, " From the depths of my heart, I always knew it was true. " Riz simply shrugged his shoulders as he watched the wolf below him, " You're going to die after a few more blows, I wanted to confess the truth before I kill you. I.. "

" Riz! Wait, hold on! "

The desperate tone strained his voice which caught the bear's attention the most- the pleading.

Legoshi positioned himself onto his side, laying down with his elbow propped up with his head digging into his palm, " Tell me more. "

" Why are you sitting like that? We're fighting to the death here! " His opponent's jaw dropped at the sight before him, muddling confusedly.

The canine lifted his gaze up to the sky, trying to act casual with a soft tone in his voice trying to pretend his empathy for the large carnivore, " Yeah, but I care more about your confession. I'd like to hear it. "

Normally, when a carnivore lies down with their stomach exposed, it makes something very special. It does against the instinct of being on your guard and only done when you're in complete serenity.

The complete opposite of what he was in, but;

Carnivores will do it when they're sleeping with a family member or a lover. It just shows how deep and passionate the bond is.

But in Legoshi's case- It was in fact the opposite, he just needed the chance to breathe.

" I see Riz, so you knew all along.. " Legoshi stated with the acknowledgment that the bear would notice that he listened to his words. His chest slowly rising up and down, ignoring the fact that his ribs were practically broken.

The bear kept his dark glare on the canine but nonetheless, dropped onto his back beside his opponent with his eyes closed with a smile.

" Well? "

" You're pretty crazy. But hey, I would like to talk to someone about this, and a little break doesn't sound too bad. "

Riz kept his gaze on the sky above, taking in the scenery of the clouds that hovered over with no care but to glide around the world with no responsibility. " Funny that two monsters are lying down together.. "

" We're monsters? " Legoshi questioned with a blank expression but he was slightly interested in hearing the story.

Just slightly.

The bear nodded his head to confirm, " That's what Tem said, that night. I was desperate for him to accept me but I got carried away and gashed his arm, " But he began to smile at the thought, " You carnivores are nothing but monsters. " He said Tem's exact words.

" Strangely enough, it didn't shock me when he said that. In fact, I felt comfort from his words. It was proof that he saw through my nice bear facade. "

" It made me so happy that I sugarcoated my memory of what happened after he said that,

And then, I ate him alive in an emotional frenzy. "

Riz slowly lifted his paw, examining the calluses on his fingers and palms that were intense. The large claws that he used to eat his classmate, a simple hand can be so terrifying. " Carnivores are monsters to the core, Legoshi- It's sad, really. I can hardly remember Tem's face and voice.. Yet I can remember how he tastes and smells so vividly. "

Silence was completely taken over as they were both in complete deep thought of their previous actions. The leaves rustled with the wind, the air fanning their sweaty forms although it was cold; their bodies were on fire.

Legoshi slowly lifted himself from the pavement but he couldn't help but think of Haru- He would've been exactly like Riz.

The possibilities of what if.

His gratitude for Gouhin and (Y/n) ran for miles, lands even. It made him deceive the thought of eating meat, he allowed his morals to become his ideology. Thinking back on a year ago to where his girlfriend had tackled him, who knew that was the moment his life changed forever.

A female he didn't know yet he yearned for her.
Now there he was, he held her and that's why he needed to be the victor of this battle- To stay with her.

The canine placed his hand into Riz's with a tight grip, the bear slowly returned the clenching in his palm, " Oh, that reminds me, Legoshi.. When we were fighting in the showerroom, you told me to enjoy my adolescence. "

" Right now, I am definitely living the adolescence of a carnivore. " Riz smiled sincerely as if he was finally content with who was growing into, Legoshi returned the smile.

But the brown bear began to bend back the wolf's hand.

" But I can't turn back on my beliefs and I know you're not capable of fighting anymore, but we have to continue. "

The large carnivore stood up with Legoshi remaining in the ground, having his upper body to be lifted off the ground from having his hand stuck in Riz's grip. " Carnivores have claws and fangs only for the sake of preying on other animals. Stand up and I won't be violent when I eat you. "

The canine was forced into his feet with the bear continuing, " Your flavor will stick with me for the rest of your life. "

" No Riz, I won't turn back on my beliefs either. "

Legoshi spoke loud and clear, standing to his full height with his left over strength that slowly eased into his body still having his hand stuck with Riz.

His chest tightened once he looked behind the large carnivore to lock eyes with the two he wanted to see desperately. His lips curled into a soft smile with his attention boring onto his girlfriend with the male he considered his rock.

" Carnivores have claws and fangs so they can protect what's dear to them. " He announced calmly.

Legoshi's eyes narrowed onto their hands that were still colliding between them. He took a deep breath, allowing himself to take time to regain his energy for his next actions.

" You've sobered me up.. And now, I'm feeling better than ever. "

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