The Barista AU (Luz X Amity)...

By ThatOneDumbWriter

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Practice and Drinks
School and Distractions

Confidence and Questions

576 31 17
By ThatOneDumbWriter

Amity was downstairs with her sister and brother. She was looking at her penstagram page while sitting on their couch. She was scrolling through her pictures, she scrolled down until she found the post she made a year ago, where she took a selfie with her team after they won the grudgby championship in their first year. Amity smiled at the picture. This season, her team was doing very well. they had an upcoming game and if they won that one they would move on to the playoff game.

Suddenly the house phone ranged. Edric picked up the phone. ''Hello?'' Edric asked the person on the other side of the phone. ''Really?'' Edric said. Amity raised an eyebrow at his brother. ''Ok, thanks for letting us know. uh-huh, ok bye!'' Edric hung up the phone, placing it back on the table.

''Who was that'' Emira asked Edric. ''School's canceled today, apparently, there was an outbreak of rouge abominations, so they gotta clean that up. Looks like you got an early weekend Mittens!'' Edric told Amity.

''Huh. What do I do now?'' Amity questioned herself. Emira suddenly had an idea. ''I know Mittens, Why don't you hang out with us?'' Emira suggested. Amity looked at Emira like she was crazy. ''You want me...To hang out...with you guys?'' Emira nodded her head. ''I'd rather help clean the abominations then hang out with you guys'' Amity said sarcastically. ''Aw, come on Mittens! It'll be fun! Edric and I have to do something first, it'll probably take an hour, so what to do you say?''.

Amity thought to herself for a minute. She hasn't hanged out with her siblings for a while now, and she feels really bored right now. ''Ok fine, we can hang out'' Amity told her siblings. ''Great! Let's meet up at the markets in 1 hour!'' Emira told Amity. Amity put on her usual jacket and opened the front door. ''Ok, see you later Mittens!" Edric yelled out Amity. She closed the door and proceeded to walk towards the market.

An hour. She had to find something to do for an entire day. Amity emptied out her pockets and found that she still had some money leftover from yesterday. She could just walk around and find something to buy with the snails she had left. She reached the market and looked around. Most of the people were just selling junk or things she already had. Amity sighed in bordem. Nothing was happening.

Amity continued looking around, hoping to find something that catches her eye. Suddenly, she hears loud noises, she heads towards the sound. She finds someone screaming demands to people who walk by. ''You, Servant! Buy this human stuff or the king of demons will prey on you!!!". It was King, she remembered him from yesterday. ''Forget it, King threatening customers won't make them buy this stuff'' Eda told King. ''But Eda! I'm the king of demons, everyone should be fearing me!'' King screamed towards Eda.

Amity giggled at King, She decided to check out the stand, she never seen many human items, she thought she could find something different here. Amity walked up to the stand starting at the many items on the table. Eda noticed this and decided to do her classic pitch routine. ''Why hello there? See anything ya like?!''. Amity looked on the table and noticed something, she couldn't believe it, It was the 5th installment of Azura. Amity almost jumped with joy, she calmed herself down and pointed to the book.

''Um, I couldn't help but notice this Azura book...Is it for sell?'' Amity asked the owl lady. ''Of course,it's for sell kid, why would this be on the table if it wasn't?'' Eda asked Amity. Amity blushed in embarrassment. ''Aww, don't be embarrassed kid, it was just a question!'' Amity felt more comfortable now to continue the conversation about the book.

''So...How much is it for the Azura book?'' Amity asked Eda. Eda took a moment to think of a price, and noticed the jacket that Amit was wearing. ''Hang on, is that a grudgby jacket?'' Eda asked as she pointed towards the jacket. Amity looked down and gave a slight chuckle. ''Oh yeah...yes it is, I'm actually the captain of the team!'' Amity said with confidence. ''Nice kid! You know I used to be a grudgby player myself! Wasn't the captain, but I was the star player of the team!''

Amity smiled. ''Woah really! How many championships did you win?'' Amity asked. ''Well only 2, but boy were those the best championship games I have ever played in'' Eda said as she gazed into the sky. ''Anyways where was I?'' Eda asked herself. ''The price of the book'' Amity told Eda. Eda snapped her fingers ''Of course, now let's see'' Eda though long and hard. ''Tell you what kid, since you like grudgby and are as big as a player as I was. I'll give this book to you for 1 snail'' Eda said with a one eye closed. ''Really! Thank you so much!'' Amity pulled out 1 snail and handed it to Eda, Eda then handed Amity the book. ''Pleasure doing business with ya kid! and hey! if you ever need some grudgby lessons, you can always come to me!'' Eda yelled out as Amity walked down the rest of the market.

Amity eventually passed the entire market and was now near some shops. She was reading Azura as she was walking. As she was walking she spotted a bench and decided to take a seat and continue reading. Amity kept reading to herself for a while. She then stood up and continued walking. As she walked, she looked on her penstagram account and scrolled through some pictures. Amity looked up and noticed she was on a familiar street, she then realized that this was the same street as the tea shop. Amity quickly looked around for it and surely enough it was here.

Amity saw that the store wasn't open yet. Amity couldn't help but peek into the shop through the glass window. She looked around, and saw that girl, Luz, was organizing and cleaning tables, making sure they were ready for customers to come in, Amity couldn't help but admire the girl. She was always so considerate of others. Even if no one sat at a table, she would clean it down just in case. Amity let out a sigh. She really wanted to talk to Luz more. But she didn't know how. She has even talked to Luz during school or anywhere outside the shop in fact.

Amity was day dreaming, trying to figure out how she can talk to Luz, when she snapped back in reality, she noticed that Luz still had her back turned to her while cleaning, Luz suddenly turned around a caught a glimpse of Amity through the window. Amity panicked and dropped her Azura book, and started running as far as she could from the shop. ''Stupid! Stupid! Of course, only I, Amity would do something so Stupid!'' Amity continued running until she got back to the markets. She stopped running and tried to catch her breath. She suddenly realized that she left her Azura book at the shop.

Amity put her hands on her eyes and grunted in frustration. She started running back to the shop. Once she made it, she peeked around the corner to find that the book was gone. ''Great'' Amity muttered. Amity slowly started walking back to the markets, but before she could make it far, she was suddenly startled by 2 twins. ''Hey Mittens!'' The blight twins yelled, Amity yelped and fell on the ground. The twins both started laughing. ''Seriously guys?!'' Amity yelled. ''Why do you always got to scare me whenever we meet up?'' Amity questioned in anger.

''Sorry mittens, it's the sibling code, we are required to do that!" Edric said sarcastically. Amity just shrugged it off, she was focused on something more bigger, she embarssed herself in front of Luz and lost her book. ''Hey, what's up Mittens? You know if you actually don't like us doing that you could've just sa-'' Emira was quickly cut off by Amity. ''What? No no no, it's not that, just that...Just that...'' Amity hesitated to tell her siblings what was bothering her, fearing that they would tease her about it.

''It's just that...I had a good run and was just trying to catch my breath! Yeah that's why I look sad!'' Amity quickly explained. The twins looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. ''Well if that's the case, let's go to the tea shop and get a drink!'' Emira instantly suggested. Edric nodded his head in agreement. Amity realized the situation and tired to come up with some excuses. ''Uhhhh, The shop is actually closed today!'' Amity blurted out. ''What? No it's not, see look the sign is on'' Edric told Amity. Amity peeked over and saw that the sign was on. ''I-I mean, I don't really like their tea!''. Edric and Emira both looked at each other. ''Mittens we saw that you had 2 cups of empty tea in your bedroom, it's obvious you liked their tea, now can we go? I'm really thirsty!'' Emira exclaimed. The twins grabbed Amity's hand and proceeded to drag her to the store.

Amity try to wiggle out of their grasp, but their grip was tight on her hand, she eventually gave up and accepted the fact that they were going to the tea shop. They reached the entrance and opened the door and stepped inside. Emira and Edric went in line, as for Amity, she went to the furthest table inside, and sat down hiding her face. Amity wanted to run out as fast as possible, but she knew if she did that, her twins wouldn't ever stop bothering her about it.

''Next!" Luz called out. Amity recognized the voiced, A single word almost made Amity passed out. She tried her best to not make eye contact, but she couldn't resist. She saw her siblings ordering, While Edric was ordering, Emira turned around to see that Amity wasn't next to them. She looked around and spotted Amity at the table. ''Mittens! What are ya doing? Come up here!''. Amity looked up and tried to get Emira to stop by motioning her hand back and forth, signaling for her to 'Cut it out'.

This caught the attention of Luz, who after writing down the order, looked up. ''Mittens? Wait do you have a cat?!" Luz said excitingly. Emira looked back and laughed. ''Oh no! that's just we call our sister!'' Emira explained. ''Really? Who's your sister?'' Luz asked. ''Oh she's that one right there, trying to hide her face for some reason!'' Emira raised her voice towards the end at Amity. Luz looked at where she was pointing and recognize that it was Amity. ''Amity! You have siblings?''.  Amity's entire face turned red, She was still as a statue. Emira looked back at Luz. ''Wait you know my sister?'' Emira asked Luz. ''Oh yeah! she been here for the past few days now! She's a really cool person!'' Emira looked back at Amity and put the pieces together, she didn't want to go here because of Luz, and considering that Amity is bright as a tomato, Emira figured it out.

''Well come on Mittens! Your turn to order!'' Emira told Amity. Amity slowly got up and walked to the front. She was a nervous wreck. She looked at the menu, trying to figure out what she ordered yesterday. ''Can I...Um...Can I mean!!! Your...Uh...Iced Cute...Wait!! Iced tea!! Yeah can I get that...Please?'' The twins looked at Amity with a confused look. ''Okay! Coming right up! Oh wait that reminds me! you dropped this!'' Luz handed Amity her Azura book. ''Do you like this series too?'' Luz asked Amity

''I uh, yeah, actually I do...Do you like the Azura series?'' Amity asked Luz. She smiled. ''Do I like it?! I love it! It has some nice characters and I love the plot!'' Luz said, smiling once again. Amity had something in common with Luz! She remembered what Boscha and Willow told her 'Talk to her!' Amity knew it was now or never. ''So, I-I uh, you know, since you like Azura, maybe we could...Read it together sometime? I mean! if you are cool with it or if you don't want to that cool too!'' Amity blurted out. Amity thought to herself, ''Did I say something wrong, oh my gosh I sound like a creep, ok, just apologize and then-'' Amity's thoughts were cut off by Luz's voice.

''Yeah, that sounds like it would be fun! How about we meet up at the library around 10:00?'' Luz asked Amity. Amity couldn't get a word out, she...Accepted the offer? Amity shook her head. ''Uh! Yeah! I can do that!'' Amity told Luz. ''Great! sounds like a plan!'' Luz got done making the tea, Amity handed her the snails she owed and handed the twin's their drink. Luz then grabbed a sticky note and wrote on it ''Library with Luz at 10:00'' She placed it on Amity's drink and handed Amity her drink.

Amity blushed when she looked at the note. The twins walked out with Amity waving to Luz. ''See you tomorrow Amity!'' Luz shouted as Amity exited the shop. Amity took a sip of her drink, it's been a long day. ''So Mittens...Wanna explain what happened in there?'' Emira asked Amity. Amity blushed. ''Wha-What do you mean?'' Amity asked. ''Mittens me and Edric were standing right next to you and you were a mess in front of that girl? Do you wanna explain or do I need to?'' Amity wide eyed, covered her face. Either way, her siblings were going to find out. ''Ok...Fine I'll tell you...I-I... I have a crush on that girl Luz'' Edric spit out his drink and look towards Amity ''Wait what!?'' Edric asked Amity. ''I said I like Luz'' Amity said once again.

''Oh my gosh Mittens!! I had no Idea!!'' Edric told Amity, while Emira was smirking at her. ''So Mittens, you gonna kiss her~'' Emira teased Amity. Edric squished Amity's cheeks together ''You gonna go mwah mwah mwah to her~'' Edric said. Amity was starting to get annoyed. ''Mittens does she know?'' Edric asked, ''Of course she doesn't know kuncklehead'' Emira told Edric. ''You want us to Luz how you feel Mittens! Does anybody else know?! We can tell Luz you like her if you wan-'' Edric was cut off by Amity. Amity was through. ''Guys! Please don't tell Luz! don't tell anybody about this, I just wanna live a normal life! I don't need you guys teasing me about everything! I-I...'' Amity felt tears in her eyes. ''I'm sorry...Just please...Don't tell anyone...I'm begging...'' The twins looked at Amity with a concern face. ''Hey, Mittens it's ok. We aren't going to tell anyone. We just want to help out our little sister'' Emira told Amity. ''Yeah, we're your family, you can trust us.'' Edric said. Amity looked up.

She couldn't help but break a smile, even when her sibling's mess with her, they always know when to take things seriously. ''Thank you'' was all that Amity could say as she hugged her brother and sister. They continued walking. ''So, can we at least help you?"' Emira suggested sarcastically. ''No! Don't need you guys bothering her too! the twins laughed at Amity's comment. As they walk back home. Amity smiled at the thought of hanging out with Luz. She could finally talk to her, she could finally call her a friend...She hopes that they can be more than just friends, But she knew she had to take things slow. So she will, and when she has the chance, she will tell Luz how she feels.

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