Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~...

By Namifangurl07

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She was happiness. She was joy. A charming little girl with who would always see the positive side of things... More

The main Cast of the Story (Yours truly)
CH1 - Changing minds
CH2 - Hope in the impossible
CH3 - Like brother like sister
CH4 - Between the flames and the light
CH5 - A chance to become someone
CH6 - The First Case
CH7 - The three Yokai
CH8 - Reunited again. . .
CH9 - A Son's motivation
CH10 - Eye to Eye
CH11 - Meeting the Master
CH12 - Fighting in the darkness
CH13 - Brains and Sheer Dumb Luck
CH14 - Rise or Fall
CH15 - The Spirit Detective Strikes Again
CH16 - Where the adventure begins
πŸ–πŸŽ¨ Drawings πŸŽ¨πŸ–
CH17 - Into The Maze Castle
CH18 - Genbu the Stone Beast
CH19 - Byakko the White Tiger
CH20 - Inside The Room of Hell
CH21 - The Second Round
CH22 - The Cold-hearted Warrior
CH23 - No time to waste
CH24 - The beginning of the real fight
CH25 - What's important. . .?
CH26 - The end of all this
CH27 - Back home with confusion
CH28 - The Second Wave of All
CH30 - Here we go again
CH31 - Into the Unknown
CH32 - Under the Water
CH33 - Battle between emotions
CH34 - The Scarves From the Past
CH35 - A Rocky Situation
CH36 - Like Water and Fire
CH37- Difficulties and more conflicts
CH38 - Final Decisions
CH39 - It's combat time
CH40 - The moment of truth
CH41 - The Flame within ourselves - Part 1
CH41 - The Flame within ourselves - Part 2
CH42 - The skeleton in the closet.
CH43 - A Heart to Heart
CH44 - Getting into a little situation
CH45 - Miyuki's conclusion
CH46 - Blind Love
CH47 - Opening Up
CH48 - From Good to Disaster - Part 1
CH48 - From Good to Disaster - Part 2
CH49 - Start of Something New - Part 1
CH49 - Start of Something New - Part2
CH50 - Weird Days Happens
CH51 - Lamenting Beauty
CH52 - Freaks in our way
CH53 - With Small Steps Forward
CH54 - The Demon Triad
CH55 - The Toguro Brothers
CH56 - One Last Mission
Last Page - Author Note

CH29 - The Nightmare Case

340 16 9
By Namifangurl07

As soon as we got through the portal Rosehead and I were in Koenma's office. When we stepped one foot into the room, I see my brother and Botan as well, and by the looks of things, Yusuke is having a great episode of curses and rants because like a whiny child, he doesn't want to go anywhere.

"Give me a break, we just got out of one mission, and let me remind you we almost died there!" Yusuke screamed like a banshee or more like a total brat.

"I know Yusuke, I know, but as Spirit Detectives, it's still your duties to keep the balance of the world, every time the evil rises." Koenma replied calmly even though he held the look of irritation on his face.

"He got a point Yusuke." Our assistant, Botan agreed. "The evil would always pop up when we the least expected."

"You can explain that all you want Botan, he will always act like that for almost every time when he is reminded that the sun doesn't revolve around him." I told her pointedly.

"Shut it, sis!" Yusuke snapped at me annoyed making me sigh in disapproval and cross my arms over my chest.

"What's the fuss about anyways?" I asked with a bored tone as I placed each hand onto my hips.

"Unfortunately, some bad news for you two." Koenma began to talk as he rested his chin on his clutches. "I don't know if you had seen or sensed something, but there had been some strange activities happening in your city, very recently, like for instance people, well mostly children having nightmares frequently or adults getting more aggressive out of the blue for no reason at all.

"Really?! You called us for this?!?!" My brother asked with annoyance and disbelief mixed up together. "Give me a break, everyone has that kind of problem." Yusuke pointed out. It's true though, everyone has their fair share of having bad dreams.

"It's is true, but this case is very different." Botan chimed in with a serious tone. "While a few of our investigators were roaming around the city they told us that some dark spiritual energy is hanging in the air, but when I went to check it myself I found a child screaming and crying in their sleep like they're being tortured in their dream. However once they woke up, that strange energy disappears as well, leaving bruised up kids once the job is done. "

"It seems that something or someone is feeding its energy fear and anger of humans. " Shuichi observed earning a nod of agreement from me.

"And let me guess the next, the more fear it gets the more powerful it becomes?" My brother asked the obvious.

"Obviously." Botan confirmed it with a nod, but she still held a serious expression on her face like last time before she sent me to the Maze Castle first. This could only mean that this isn't going to be a child's play like our last time. "But I have a feeling that this is just the beginning."

I looked at Rosehead who was reflecting the same feeling I have through his eyes. Worry.

"Indeed you're right Botan." Koenma agrees with the Grim Reaper's statement. "Sadly however we don't know anything about this entity's identity or anything about its aim, so I want you all to start an investigation as soon as possible. Maybe in that way, we can put an end to it before things go too far. "

"Yeah-yeah we get it." Yusuke said uncaringly as he dismissively waved his hand. "Now can we go now? I've got to beat Kuwabara since he asked for another round. Again."

"Oh, for once in your life Yusuke take your job a bit seriously!" Botan exclaimed irritatedly right after she hit the back of my Spirit Detective partner's head.

"You may leave." Koenma said, ignoring my brother's rudeness and stupidity. "But be careful and keep a close eye on the streets. "

"We will." Rosehead promised formally before we all left on our merry way.

By the time we got back, it was already night time.

"Well, I guess I'll see you guy's later." Yusuke guessed before turning on his heels and walk to another direction.

"I don't think it's very wise to wander off our own at the moment." My redheaded friend said. "If Koenma said the danger is great than it would be best if we stick together during our search and activities."

"Awh, come on man, we have powers and our fists." My brother said confidently as he got into a superhero pose. "I say if they dare to attack us, we will kick their asses in no time."

I facepalmed hard at this statement. He is so immature in every way possible. I was about to comment something, but I got a little stuck when my nose felt something rather. . . odd. . . I closed my eyes for a second and breathed from the air. It smelled weird for some reason, making my insides feel all funny. But not in a good way anyway. Probably some drunk people had left their booze somewhere or marked their territory. Anyways I ripped my way back to reality when my brother dearest said something stupid again.

"Moron, your reckless ways of thinking will get us all killed." I said as one of my eyes twitched.

"What? It's better than nothing." Yusuke insisted, but I had none of that.

"Idiot, for once you can think logically." I bluntly told him with my arms crossed. "You can't always just jump headfirst into the cold water, you have to plan ahead and be patient."

"What's with you for real? What's your deal?!?!" Yusuke snapped at me as his eyes were glowing with anger. "You sound just like those old hags. Mean and heartless, not to mention cranky who doesn't seem to enjoy life much!" I narrow my eyes at him but I remained silent.

"Calm down Yusuke." Shuichi tried to calm my brother down, but from the look on his face, he didn't manage to do what Rosehead asked him to.

"Why can't you just say something optimistic for once and stop being such a mean bitch in most times?!" At the harsh words that left his mouth, I feel like I am being stabbed in the heart, even though I remained calm and emotionless on the outside. What's with his sudden anger? I mean I am aware that my sarcastic and blunt attitude can irritate him a lot, but this kind of behaviour from Yusuke felt somewhat strange to me. 

Why though? And let's not forget the fact that he even called me a female dog for the very first time in my life. . . And for some strange reason, that felt like a punch in the gut.

"Yusuke. . ." Kurama called in a calm yet warning tone. Like he was enraged. Why? "You need to control your temper."

"Tsk." I scoffed at my brother. "I was only pointing out the obvious genius! You may have powers and the talent to fight, but you can't win a war with only a sword and without any strategy."

"Your sister is right about that." Rosehead backed me up. "We must take this case seriously."

"Yeah-yeah whatever." Yusuke groaned as he rolled his eyes at me before turning away from us. "Let's just go then and visit Kuwabara, I need to take my anger out on something."

"Stupid, we don't have time for that." I scolded at him sternly. "Besides he is probably asleep by now." I pointed out, earning a glare from my brother.

"Who cares, I am sure he is up for a good old one on one!" Yusuke said with his stubbornness rising up to the roof. I was about to say something but a hand on my shoulder stopped me from talking.

"Please Yusuke, let's just get to our home first. We will discuss the matters later on." Kurama stated and I just nodded in agreement while I gave a stern look to my brother.

"Okay-Fine, Jeez, you guys are no fun!" My brother whined but gave in to our demands, lifting the weight off of my shoulder. As Yusuke walked ahead, Rosehead and I stayed on the back. While walking our way to our apartment, a sudden sense of a presence ran through me, making me stop on my tracks. I looked around carefully. I concentrate on the presence again. . . Then I suddenly found myself amused.

"Is something wrong Phoenix?" The voice of Rosehead snapped me out of my small trance. I turned to him with a small curled up lip. My knowing smirk.

"Oh, nothing Rosehead." I told him reassuringly as I sent a secret and innocent wink toward his direction. My redheaded friend looked at me with a small hint of surprise on his face but he soon sent me a knowing smile and a nod before I caught up to his pace.

As was walking next to Rosehead I stole a quick glance from one of those high street-lamps, where a familiar spiked haired demon was watching over us all.

I turned back around and let out a small exhale.

'What am I even thinking, he is a demon. . . ' I thought to myself. 'A strange one yet . . . different in some way. . .Hmpf.'


Darkness was the first thing that the female Spirit Detective could saw. Her heavy eyelids opened up groggily but after one blink or two, those dark chocolate-brown orbs narrowed in terror as her eyes grew to the size of melons.

Her body shot up from her lying position as one hand clutched onto her chest while the other one was supporting the weight of her upper body. Miyuki looked around anxiously as her mind tried to look for answers.

'Where am I?' She asked mostly to herself. 'What's this place?' Her eyes darted through the dark place which looked like. . . . an abandoned throne room. Windows with curtains that were torn into pieces and once reflected power and royalty, brick walls that were dark-grey, but with many cracks and holes in them from different sizes, then there was a small staircase made out of gold with water fountains on each of its side while the throne chair, made out of similar golden material was resting on top of it all.

Thunder boomed through the sky as it flashed light onto the figure that is sitting on the chair. It was the emperor of the abandoned castle.

"So this is one of those humans that managed to defeat that pathetic excuse of a son of mine? How interesting." Mused the ruler figure as his smooth, deep, and cold voice sent shivers down to Miyuki's spine. The girl's eyes reflected fear in the open for once, but she soon masked it back and got up from the ground in a fighting stance, not caring that she was still in her night-gown.

"Who are you and what do you want?" The female spirit detective demanded as she regained her bravery and composure. The emperor chuckled in amusement just before his eyes began to glow in the darkness.

"Straight to the point, huh little girl?" Asked the cold-hearted ruler before he lifted his staff high and pointed at Miyuki. The dark-blue aura began to surround his form as the power in his staff consumed the staff's crystal-ball, making it glow brightly while light-blue lightning showed up here and there. The girl was about to use her water-bending, but a two pair of hands grabbed each of her arms, making her yelp while preventing her to get away from her position. It was the warrior sisters and the daughters of the emperor.

"I must say, for once Suzaku did something useful in his life." Commented the emperor making Miyuki gasp at the mention of the Saint Beast that almost killed her and her brother. "Find a great warrior and daughter in law."

"Suzaku. . . ? Daughter in law. . . ?" Miyuki trailed off before her eyes caught the glimpse of the family portrait that finally placed the pieces together. "You. . . You're his father?!?!" She exclaimed with a look of disbelief on her expression.

"Took you long enough, but at least you have a brain." The emperor commented with a small hint of an amused smile dancing on his lips. "And a great potential to be a great weapon for our needs." At that the Urameshi-girl showed no sign of fear but only glared boldly at the man, only to earn a smirk from him.

"I won't join you if that's why you had brought me here, and whatever you're planning, it won't work." Miyuki told him bravely as her arms still attempted to struggle for their freedom. Sadly the womens' grips were too strong. 

"And why is that little girl?" The sorcerer asked in a mocking way as his chuckle of amusement left his lips in the process. 

"Because I won't let you!" Miyuki said as her brown orbs were flaming with determination. "We won't let you!" At those words the emperor laughed out loud.

"I have to admit that, you got some guts." He said as he raised himself up from his throne. "No wonder my son liked you so much. But still. . ." The man trailed off while her hand pointed his magical staff at the female Spirit Detective's direction. "You're a fool."

Miyuki held her breath as her eyes focused on the magical object that slowly began to charge up with energy.

"However, if you join me, I will let you live." The ruler offered. 

"Like it would matter." The teen girl replied sarcastically as she rolled her eyes at the magician. "I mean I am dreaming, aren't I? So if you kill me, I would just wake up."

"It doesn't work that way around here." The emperor informed as the dark aura began to surround his very frame. "Your spiritual body is brought into my realm, but either way, it will have the same effect on your physical body, meaning if I kill you here, you will die on the other side as well."

"Impossible. . . " Miyuki mumbled out loud as her heart began to race uncontrollably while her body began to shiver. The fear slowly and painfully began to take over the young girl as the situation she was in finally dawned on her. . . And she hated it. . .

"Not to the King of Nightmares." Replied the ruler smugly before the staff's crystal ball shot out a huge blast of lightning at the girl. Miyuki's eyes widen in horror as her body was held up strongly in a death grip that would probably leave some nasty bruises. She tried to get out of the women's grasp, but she couldn't escape. In that dream realm, she was completely powerless. Miyuki's brown orbs then suddenly met with a pair of sad magenta ones. The woman's face was covered with a mask, but her eyes reflected. . .  sadness and regret even. . .

Just as the spell was about to hit the female Spirit Detective. . . .

Miyuki's eyes shot open and shot up from her bed with hands clutching onto her chest. Her heart racing uncontrollably like it was trying to escape out of her ribcages. Cold sweat covered her entire body as if she had just run a hundred laps in one hour. The female Spirit Detective's eyes darted around in a panic, but she soon relaxed as she finds herself in the comfort of her room. She turned to the open window that was right next to her and looked at the night sky with the sparkling diamond-stars.

As her breath began to calm down a small sigh escaped through her lips. Instantly her memory went to her arms and sure enough, she can see the nasty purple bruises forming there.

Soon a small hammer called headache hit Miyuki's head, making her lie back down to her bed and close her eyes for a moment, before reopening them again and make sure to stay awake. 

While Miyuki tries to calm her mind down, Hiei was standing next to her window while covering his third eye with his bandana and hide from the teen girl's view, even though curtains were covering the glass on the inside. With one last glance at his newfound teammate's siluette , he sped off with the odd feeling of relief inside of him. He doesn't even know why he even came here and help this human, who the fire demon despises so much, out of her torturing nightmare in the first place. . . 

"Why am I feeling concerned about her?" Hiei scolded at himself quietly as he stopped for a small moment. "She doesn't even want me. . ." And that for some reason sadden him, making him turn back to the girl's balcony before leaving the area completely. . .

Miyuki suddenly got up from her bed and looked outside the window. With suspicion, she got up and walked over. But when pulled the curtains, she saw nothing. . . no one. . .

But this small encounter with her new criminal. . . this was only the beginning of something new. . . and terrifying.

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