Dear diary. I mean journal! (...

By queen_pepe_bitch

15.1K 618 215

Draco felt embarrassed that he has to write in a stupid book about his emotions even more so that he was alwa... More

Here we go again
Its not a diary!
A smokers dream
Harry is jelly
A nice night
Grass is green
Should we date?
I swear it doesn't hurt
Malfoys fiancΓ©
Blood is thicker than water
He is okay
Luna Love
Maybe break ups
Cigar burns
Not actually dating
Daddys home
Dear journal
A life to remember

Dont skip classes kids!

809 29 27
By queen_pepe_bitch

I talked with Harry yesterday. He apologized for the paper again. He doesn't know when he'll have another interview but it feels good to talk to him. I feel a little safe when I'm with him. Well, a lot safe. I like being around him. I can't explain it. I don't hate him. No matter what I say I don't hate him. Don't get me wrong he's a git but I don't hate him he's trying to help. I didn't ask for it. But I'm glad I got it.

Draco walked through the halls of Hogwarts his head held up high and a cigarette lingering unlit in his lips as he looked for someone with a lighter

"You would think I would have tons at this point," he thought doubting his mind but blaming it on age

"I just doubted my memory and blamed it on old age. what the heck" Draco thought knowing it would end up in his journal. He moved to the left as a hex was thrown to his right though he was quick it skimmed his arm and he hissed slightly snarling towards a Ravenclaw who made a smug face. And laughed along with his friends as a Hufflepuff frowned and mouthed a sorry. Draco smiled at them and winked making them blush and look away

"Hey, Malfoy!" Harry cut in. lighting the cigarette that Draco had in between his lips.

"Hey Harry thanks for the light" Draco smiled at Harry who blushed softly

"I- I think I'm gonna take up your offer," Harry said nervously

"Is that so?" Draco blew smoke into Harry's face and Harry coughed slightly but held his ground

"Yeah," Harry said taking it from Dracos lips and placing it between his and taking a long inhale

"Wait hold on!" Draco yelped taking it from Harry as he coughed and sputtered people began to watch them as Draco laughed as Harry coughed up his lungs

"Harry what the heck!" Draco laughed as Harry recovered his eyes were watery and his face was red

"Come on" Draco grabbed Harry's arm and dragged him to the boy's restroom

"Wait I'm gonna miss class!" Harry yelped

"Don't worry about it we got potions next I'll just say you went to the hospital wing with me" Draco said tapping the cigarette letting the ash fall

"Oh yeah and what fake injury are you gonna makeup? A headache?" Harry said sarcastically

"Nah this" Draco lifted his arm and showed Harry the cut on his arm

"Oh, merlin! Draco we should take you to the hospital wing!" Harry held onto Draco arm he shrugged off his robe and let it fall into the floor

"Don't worry about it" he said taking his tie off and rolling up his sleeves

"What are you doing?" Harry sputtered looking at Dracos chest his white shirt shaping him perfectly

"I don't wanna bleed on my stuff" Draco shrugged stepping on the cigarette bud and looking at Harry. They stared at each other for a while until Draco nodded

"Okay." Harry's eyes went wide as Draco took a step forward and put his hands onto Harry's cheeks. They were rough overworked and smelled like old cigarettes and lotion. Draco pulled Harry's face close to his own and stared into his eyes

"You aren't wearing your glasses again" Draco smiled

"Thanks for noticing" Harry pouted. Draco laughed softly at Harry's words and he took a step closer

"Your eyes are stunning Potter," Draco said taking a step back and Harry blushed

"But you aren't ready to smoke" Draco picked up his robe and tie from the ground

"What!?" Harry took a step forward and reached out to hold Dracos hand

"Why not" Draco looked down at his hand and back at Harry and smiled. Harry let go quickly and crossed his arms

"You're eyes tell me" Harry stared at Draco smiled smugly

"The eyes are the gateway to the soul Potter. I can see through yours. Pain and suffering are there yes. But you also have love, friendship, kindness. You don't need a poison in your lungs you need love" Draco said with a smile. He heard someone walking outside yelling at kids to go to class

"Oh shit" Draco yelled grabbing Harry and shoving him into a stall

"Stand on the toilet!" Draco laughed as they both stood in the toilet seat leaning down so their heads wouldn't be seen on top of it. They were so close to each other Harry could smell the nicotine off of Draco who was smiling widely

"I'm currently in a bathroom stall with Harry Potter hiding from I can only assume is Flitwick," Draco thought knowing it would end up in his journal

"Is anyone in here?" He called. Draco turned to Harry with a smile

"What the fuck?" He mouthed. Harry held in a laugh puffing up his cheeks.

"Going once! Going twice! Alright" they stayed quiet as they heard the teacher shuffle out of the room and into the hall the Draco burst out into a fit of laughter jumping off the toilet and walking out his voice ringing off the walls

"What?" Harry said chuckling a bit looking at Draco with a huge smile

"He does this every-time" Draco stretched and winked at Harry

"Come on. After one check they don't care" Harry drowned and followed

"About the paper" Harry began as he shuffled next to Draco

"The paper?" Draco mimicked stepping outside and letting the sun hit his pale complexion soaking it up

"Yeah. The daily prophet when I told everyone I had this secret crush on you" Draco pressed just lips together

"Oh, Merlin! He might confess to me! Do I look okay! Wait, shit! Do I confess to him? Does this mean he might be my boyfriend?" Dracos head was spinning that he was surprised when Harry showed him a parchment with a date on it

Dear, Harry Potter  

We would love to have you for another interview! Please send an owl for confirmation. The date of the interview is xxxxx

From, the daily prophet

"Now I can set things right!" Harry smiled and Draco swallowed thickly and stared at the paper. He bit his lip and turned to Harry


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