Tinsley's Boarding School - m...

By SylwiaDziadkowiec

800 21 0


Tinsley's Boarding School - my school work.

800 21 0
By SylwiaDziadkowiec

Jak obiecałam Alex : moja praca na angielski zawodowy, o szkole.

Dziękuje za poprawę @ada_flis. :) 

Uwaga: zawiera spoilery.

Description of school from The Scoffers. Please correct if you see mistake. It's important.


Tinsley's Boarding School in Salem (MA) is one of the best schools for wealthy boys and girls in the USA. In facts of course, because behind strict rules, high levels it's really the most dangerous school in that state or in this country. 

Place -  main description.

The School is in the suburbs of Salem in the  big park. It's a really big castle with hundreds towers, 369 rooms for over than 400 students. In school objects we can show also a old, gym class, a Palm House, Gardener's Room,  football fields, a tennis court, golf field, a swimming pool. Around  the school there are a lot of small lakes, ponds, trees and bushes. 

The Boarding School is separated into two parts : dormitories for girls (on the right side of school)  and for boys (left side). Dormitories are on second, third and forth floors. Of course being in other part is forbidden. Boys and girls should know that they can't visit each other in dormitories. 

On the first floor there is a dinner room, classes, lockers and offices of teachers and living room with big fireplace. 

In basements there is a kitchen and laundry room. 


School is private, which means that parents who want to send here their children need pay a lot of money for studying. For less rich families school offers a schoolarship for sport, cheerlading and bests notes.

The Level of learning is really high, so students have chances get to bests Universites in the USA (Ivy League). 

School is for students in age 4-18 (ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, JR HIGH SCHOOL, HIGH SCHOOL).

The School is also great place to exchange programme. Here are students from Russia, France, Poland, Great Britain, Germany and many others. 

High level of science and humanistic subjects. 

Students can learn 4 main languages (russian, french, spanish, italian).

Every student's has personal timetable (JR HS and HS only). 

Students have to wear school uniform 

 - Girls - white shirt, red tie, black skirt and red or black jacket with schools logo.

 - Boys - white shirt, red tie, black trousers and black or red jackets.

Cheerladers can wear a team costume, Football Players can wear  varsity jacket with their team's name and number.


7-8.30 AM - Breakfast

9-12 - Classes

12-1.30 - Lunch

2-5 - Classes

6 PM Supper

10. OO PM - silence time, lightning should be off at rooms.

More important and more interesting things about Tinsley's Boarding School:

1. The Scoffers

The School isn't normal as it seems to be. It's really dangerous place where principal isn't the main ruler of this school. It's only a puppy in his step daughter and their friends' hands. 

The School is full of secrets. There rules a group calles The Scoffers.

The Scoffers is a group of about 20 people . They work in hiding and anybody who knows about them has to to die. They're drug dealers, murderers, and car dealers. They sometimes work for more important gangs. From time to time they also sell innocent girls to brothels to earn some money.They control school's Internet, and telephones. In their mysterious room with drugs and documents, have a cameras video. They torment other students too. They have more rights to do things. Most teachers are afraid of them too, so they can make a parties or smoke, something thay is really forbidden at this school.

Members of this group wear a tatto on their left wrist.

Main leader of their group is Victor Rosenthal, graduate of Tinsley's. He's in  prison now, but when court proves he's innocent, Victor's gonna become a math teacher and tutor of 11th grade. He's the most dangerous around and everybody is scared of him. 

Less important is Lisa Block (Elisabeth Block-Moore), adopted daughter of principal, a  the school's head girl . She has  mental problems, and likes to kill people.She's good manipulator too, so one one knows that she stands behind every mysterious murder  in the school.  Before killing someone she always plays with that person by sending emails to that victim. She signs then as E.B.M, so  no one knows who really writes to them, because almost no one knows her real name is just Elisabeth. 

2. Rules for not everybody.

Rules like visiting other sex, smoking, drinking and playing truant are only for the  rest of the students. The Scoffers don't have to follow them.

3. School is gonna falling down.

Yea, school, even tuitions are high, have got money problems because of business with gangsters. The principal and the owner of school don't earn money, the Scoffers do. Every year they organize parties, balls, competions to earn more and more money to keep the school alive.

4. Always be careful what are you talking about.

Shhh, in the victim's room there are cameras and microphones placed to control them. If they say something about Scoffers, other murders, problems with Lisa's friend they can cancel a conversation and turn off telephone and that line. Scoffers can also take your private things and one punish you for that.

5. That school doesn't exist. It's only in my imagination and in my story named The Scoffers. All right reserved.

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