First name terms

By peachrte

24K 811 3K

Gilbert and Anne had known each other for years, but the redhead had never been able to forgive him for calli... More

1- Surname terms
2- Passive-agressive
3- F-R-I-E-N-D-S
4- Darkness
5- Sincerely, Blythe
6- The field of colorful freedom
7- Encounters and future reunions
8- Family from different families
9-Talk to me
10- Denial
11- Bittersweet
12- Annie
13- Camouflage
14- Spinning
15- Quiet
16- Late sleepers
17- Melody of love
18- Quandary
19- Blindfold
20-Fists and fights
21- Go
22- Part 1: Hurt me twice
22- Part 2: Carrots and Slate-face
23- "She"
24- My Girl
25- Until we meet again
26- BA 5967
27- Stalker team
28- New member
29- Support
30- On the road
31- Unexpected declarations
32- No response
33- In a heartbeat
34- Open eyes
35- Your perfect
37- RAIN
38- Endings
39- Operation Geronimo
40- First name terms
41- Caught
42- Recovery
43- Date ride
44- Anesthesia
Quick A/N and recap
45- Stories without ending

36- Like a song

391 22 66
By peachrte

Frozen Delights, Avonlea's favorite ice cream parlor, had suffered from an invasion. The Italian worker was perplexed at the sight of thirteen teenagers entering his property. It seemed as if it would never stop when one by one went through the door. Customers usually came in groups of two to four people, but never large enough so that they'd have to join many tables together to fit. The whole "Avonlea High gang" plus Winifred Rose, were sitting inside the shop, bringing a bustle.

-Welcome to Frozen Delights! What may I serve you during this hot day?- the man offered his service and a warm smile. The consumer would usually approach him but he decided that it would be easier to take everyone's order and then drop everything off at their table- We have, of course, ice cream and sundaes, and during the holidays we are also offering some milkshakes.

-That milkshake sounds amazing... I'd like a vanilla milkshake, please.

-Oh, Sloane, be a gentleman, ladies first.

-Since when do you care about people being gentlemen, Jose?

-No, she is right, Charlie. I'd like a cookies and cream sundae, please- Tillie asked while the employee wrote everything down. Meanwhile, the named girl looked at her indignantly since she had scolded Charlie so she could go first.

-Winnie, what do you want?- Gilbert asked.

-I'm okay baby, thank you. I don't want anything.

And with that comment, all eyes started being on her. They all turned their heads in disbelief. Did she just say NO to ice cream?!

-You are not going to take anything?

-It's fine, Jane, I'm sure she's on a diet or something...- Josie said after her.

-Oh, no, I'm just not much of a fan of ice cream- her response was followed by a loud gasp form many of the people on the table. Tillie put her hand in her heart, feeling as if she were about to faint.

-I don't like her- the latter whispered to Jerry, who had also joined her dramatic show and was looking away from the British girl.

-Are you even from this world?!- Cole exclaimed louder than he intended to.

-Just ignore them, they are always dramatic- Anne told her.

The redhead wasn't too fond of the idea of her being with Gilbert, but she was still a nice girl and deserved to be treated with kindness. The curly-haired boy smiled at his feet, hiding his smirk so that Anne wouldn't say "What are you smiling at, Blythe?!". He was glad to see that his best friend and girlfriend got along well... or so he thought.

After a whole minute of dramatic hyperventilating from the group of friends, they continued ordering-I'd like a Blue Moon ice cream cone. Make it all Blue Moon.

-Blue Moon?!- Cole snickered- That's vanilla with blue food coloring.

-It is not!

-I'm sorry, Moody, it is- Anne commented from the other side of the table- But I agree that it is much more delightful to have a colorful type of ice cream.

-Wait, you are the girl from that night, right? The redhead that took Pistachio...Anne?

-I am. Nice to see you again, Dave.

-What the hell is happening here? Why do they know each other?- Jerry looked at both of them confusedly.

-And what happened "that night"?- Jane added with a tad of disturbance on her face.

-You are the boy that came with her, right?- he gestured towards Gilbert, who nodded- The late sleepers in winter...

-LATE SLEEPERS?- Josie literally yelled, a wide smirk appearing on her lips.

-This is getting hot...- Tillie mirrored her blonde friend.

In response to that remark, the named couple, Noah, and Winnie, shot a look at her. The first two threw her a deadly one, and the others a wide-eyed one. The four of them wanted the earth to swallow them, while the other nine waited expectantly for an explanation.

-What were you doing here...late sleepers?- Cole laid his head on his hand, looking at the couple intently.

-Having ice cream.

-Yeah, Anne, it's a fucking ice cream parlor. I mean, why were you awake?

-Keep it PG, though, please.

-HAHAHA JOSE- Jerry, Charlie, and Tillie fell into a pit of laughter.

-OH MY GOD, JOSIE!- Anne screamed before burying her face in her hands, a blush of embarrassment creeping up her cheeks.

-Josephine Pye, I'd like to remind you that my girlfriend's here and, for god's sake we just couldn't fall asleep and decided to have some ice cream!

-Are you sure? Because...- Jerry cocked an eyebrow, and Anne's head popped up, knowing exactly what he was about to say.

-Watch your mouth, Jerry Baynard, because if you say what I think you are about to say, I'll cut your hair in your sleep- she threatened, knowing that his hair was one of the things he treasured the most.

-No, now you have to say it!

-If you don't say it, I'll punch you, and I mean it- Josie added.

-I'll never let you copy my homework again if you don't talk- Cole leaned into the table.

-Spill the tea.

-Alright, alright, calm down! Remember the day of Cole's welcoming party last year?

-Say goodbye to your goddamn hair...- the redhead muttered, ready to leave as soon as he finished the anecdote.

-The Shiiiiirllllsss night?- Tillie smirked. She would never let that go.

-Yes, that he was drunk.

-Gilbert Blythe!- Winnie's British accent was heard across the room as she scolded him.

-Well, the next morning I found them both in a compromised situation...

-Oh, I'm loving this!- Cole sat on the edge of his seat.

-They were both asleep...

-Baynard, watch it- he said coldly.

-...cuddling in Gilbert's bed.



-I knew it! "Just friends"? I never bought that shit!- all of them exclaimed at the same time.

The whole table, including Dave, watched as the dramatic scene took place after what Jerry said. Winifred leaving the shop while saying "I...should get going", her boyfriend calling after her, Noah looking at Anne disappointedly... Everything looked like a movie.

-I'll kill you- the redhead said coldly before slamming the parlor's door shut.

-Babe...You messed up- Diana looked at him sorrily before running after her best friend.

-What the hell were you all thinking?! And you, Baynard? Shirley trusted you with this. And my girlfriend was here!

And with that, the curly-haired boy left too, making Jerry feel a bit guilty. Gilbert was right, he had crossed the line and now regretted it. He buried his face in his hands, sighing defeatedly.

-Well, this turned out to be a great afternoon, huh?- Tillie wrapped an arm around Noah, and he just looked up at her with the bad mood taking over his features.

Moody sighed deeply, feeling the tension all around him- Can I get that milkshake, please?- he asked Dave for his order- Actually, make it two.

-I messed it all up.

-You did- Cole laid his back against the chair.

-Ugh, I'm a dumbass.

-You kind of are, Jerry.

-Thank you, Mackenzie. Thank you for agreeing with me- he smiled sarcastically.

-You are welcome- Jerry rolled his eyes with a groan.


-Winnie, wait!- Gilbert hurried behind her, running through the streets. The girl, however, looked back at him and started walking more quickly, trying to ignore him- I'm sorry ab... Winnie!

-What?!- she briskly stopped on her tracks and turned around, and he was a bit taken aback by her reaction.

-I'm sorry about them. They had no right. And I promise nothing happened that night. I was just drunk.

-Well, that's very comforting- she scoffed before walking on.

-I... It is a long story but I give you my word that nothing happened.

-I don't want your explanation! I just want you to stop hanging out with her. I want you to take care of me, not her! You are always paying attention to her. All the texts every night, talking about those books you've exchanged, the phone calls, hanging out with her... I'm your girlfriend!

-I know, Winnie, and I'm really glad you are- he gazed at her, taking ahold of her hand- But she is my friend and I want to help her, she is going through something hard...

-Yes, her father's in a coma, you've told me- she rolled her eyes, looking away indignantly and snatching her hand out of his grip.

-You didn't just... roll your eyes- his tone of voice changed in a split second- It's no joke, Winifred. Her father hasn't opened his eyes in more than a week, and there is a chance that he won't ever again.

-I know! You said it a hundred times before but I still don't want you to be around her!

-Well, I won't do that! She needs support and I have to give it to her because I'm her friend!

-Oh, so she gets more attention because her father is in a coma?

-Yes, she does! Do you know how it feels to see your father dying right in front of you?! Spend hours at the hospital, praying that the machine doesn't stop beeping?! Do you know how helpless that makes you feel? So, yes, I might want to help her. She's my best friend, and I will try whatever I can to crack a smile on her face because I care about her, and many other people too, not only my girlfriend. So, I'll make her feel like I've got her back because there's nothing worse than going through this alone. And if you envy the girl that is in that situation, fine, but that won't stop me from trying to make it a least a bit less awful than what it was for me! And if someday you are going through something similar, which I really hope doesn't happen, then I'll be there for you- he snapped.

The tension could be cut with a knife as an uncomfortable silence took over them. He looked right into her eyes, a mixture of disappointment and anger in his stare, and the girl felt pure guilt after realizing he had touched an unhealed wound. He was just trying to do something nice for a friend, and she messed it up.

-Gilbert, I...- she put her hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him- I'm sorry.

-Go to the hotel- he gave her a couple of dollars for a cab- We'll talk later.

And with that, he stomped away, ruffling his hair anxiously.



As always, the redhead paced around the room, groaning as soon as she thought of Jerry, while Diana heard her complaints. She was going through the pages of a yellow notebook that contained stories her friend had written. Even though she was not reading them, she loved paying a look at some of the drawings she sometimes made.

-Better yet... I'll keep my promise and I'll cut his hair off!

-Woah, no. His hair is fine like it is, and I don't want a bald boyfriend.

-Ugh, fine. I'll just kill him.

-I want to know, though. Why didn't you tell me about that night?

-Oh, I didn't tell anyone. It was just that... I know how you all are with the Shilbert thing, so...- she sat on the bed by her side.

-It is Shirbert, not Shilbert, and you know you can come to me for anything. I won't tell and I won't judge. 

-I know, I just wanted to forget that it even happened. I'm sorry.

-It's okay, Anne- she put her hand on her knee and smiled at her- You have nothing to apologize for, I just wished you had told me. But... now, why don't we put on some music and forget about all this?

-I wish I could forget it but Cole and Tillie will never let us live this down.

Even though she heard her, she ignored the comment and connected his phone to her Bluetooth speaker. Turning the volume to its highest, she pressed play to "Would you be so kind" by Dodie. It was one of Anne's favorite songs, and she knew it would bring her spirits up. The ukulele started invading the room and Diana moved her shoulder playfully at the beat, approaching the redhead so that she would join her.

-I have a question, it might seem strange- she sang, playing an invisible ukulele.

-I'm not in the mood, Di...- she groaned.

-Are they in pain? Cause mine are aching? Think I know why.

-It's not going to make me feel better...

-You wanna try?- the song coincided with their conversation so it seemed she was really answering to what she had said. She stretched her hand to her, a smirk appearing on her lips, which Anne slowly mirrored.

-CAUSE I LIKE YOU BUT THAT'S NOT ENOUGH, SO IF YOU WILL, PLEASE FALL IN LOVE WITH ME!- after some minutes she was already dancing on the bed, singing from the top of her lungs with her brush, her bosom friend accompanying her from the floor.

Marilla was visiting Matthew in the hospital and Jerry still hadn't come back, so they made the most of the time they were by themselves to perform as if nobody were watching. "Best Friend" by Rex Orange County, "Act my Age" by One Direction, and many others followed. When they reached the fifth song, they were completely exhausted, so they just laid on the bed, laughing at how ridiculous they must have looked and listening to Diana's "chill🌊✨" playlist.

-I feel bad for Blythe. If I am dying of mortification I can't even imagine what he must feel, given the fact that Winnie was there.

-Yeah... I don't think the coffee shop girl will be very happy about it.

-Do you think they'll break up?

-I guess not but I don't really know...

*Play the song now ;)*

"Falling like the Stars" by James Arthur started playing in the background and Anne instantly recognized it. At first, she ignored it and kept on talking... But something was different now that she heard it after a long time. She felt like she could put it in a loop for hours and never get tired of it.
Suddenly a song that was "great" at first, became something much more special.

-Oh my god, Diana, I love this song. I hadn't realized how beautiful it was- she said in amazement.

-It's the one I showed you the day after Gil left.

-I know, it just...I heard it a couple more times, but I had never listened to it, apparently. I mean, I just now realize that it is amazing...It kind of reminds me of Gil...Blythe- she corrected herself before saying it- I don't know what happened to me but, after London, I think I started looking at him with new eyes. Every time I turn to look at him, I can't help but smile. I mean, have you seen his eyes? They have this kind of golden specks that are so...mystical- she closed her eyes, picturing him in front of her, and she bit her bottom lip- And that jaw, since when is it so strong? Oh, and those curls are stunning... How haven't I noticed how handsome he was before?

Diana, who had been laying on her back like the redhead, turned to her side, looking at her with wide eyes and curved up lips.


We're falling like the stars,

We're falling in love


-But you know what is even more beautiful? His personality. He is a total dork, but he is so warm-hearted. I don't think he likes showing his soft side too much, but I've seen it, Di. It is not the same as his politeness, all his opening and closing the door for me, it is another side. It is the one that comes out when he is around Delly, when he is worried about someone, or when you are having deep talks with him at 3 AM ...oh, and when he is drunk too- she chuckled at the memory- He becomes this wise and caring person all of a sudden, and he looks at me in a way that...makes my knees go weak- she felt her cheeks get hot by the image- When he is like that, I can't say no to him. He is the best... He lets me put flower crowns on his head, he agreed to learn how to braid hair, he makes some conspiracy theories with me at 4 AM, he lets me borrow his books, and he is also a lot of fun. He can dance carelessly if he wants, he sings like there is no tomorrow even when he clearly can't reach the note, he joins me in the pillow fights, he let us cut his hair, he watches cheesy TV shows with me, he chased me all across the Field of colorful freedom, he makes up stories with me... Oh, and he is strong, not only physically; Going through the death of his whole family must have been horrible, and still, he was able to carry on with his life and be kind to everyone around him. I think that's one of his most admirable qualities, apart from being so patient and understanding. I guess those things don't rub off on me by spending so much time with him...

-But, wait, why does he remind you of this song?- she asked, noticing how she was trailing off.

 -At first, I thought this song was great, just like Blythe was a great friend before leaving for London, but now... this song, I love it, and Gilbert...


Oh, I'm in love

Oh, I'm in love

Oh, I'm in love


And it hit her. She finally realized. Her face lost all its color and she shot her eyes open- not only physically, but also emotionally-, her heart beating even faster than before. All her feelings had finally been brought to the surface:
Every single time they had touched.
Every single time they couldn't help but lean in towards each other.
Every single time they had cried.
Every single time they had laughed until they couldn't breathe.
Every single time they had looked into the horizon together.
Every single time they had hugged.
Every single glance.
Every single stare.
Every single second they spent together.

-No, no, no, no, no...- she sat up briskly- Di?

-Yes? -she asked knowingly.

-I...Think I... I'm in love with him- the words barely left her mouth, but her friend could hear them perfectly.

-You think?

-No... I'm sure I do...


We're falling like the stars,

We're falling in love


Diana jumped onto her feet, squealing loudly and startling Anne, who looked at her confusedly. She skipped across the room, shouting "Finally!!" into the air at least a hundred times.

-I can't believe you have admitted it! You are in love with Gilbert Blythe!

-I'm in love with Gilbert Blythe...- she repeated her words before groaning and throwing herself onto her bed, covering her head with her pillow.

She couldn't fall in love with him. Not with her best friend. Not with a person that had a girlfriend. He would never choose her when he had Winifred. If he had had a crush on her once, it was clearly long gone. The Gilbert Blythe would never return her feelings... or would he?


Okay... Again, this chapter wasn't so fun, but THIS GIRL FINALLY OPENED HER EYES, GOD.

The next one is much better (or so I'd like to think), and I will probably upload it soon because I've had it ready for a while now.

Anyway... Don't forget to vote if you liked it and comment your opinion! I hope you have a great week/weekend <3

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