Corruption At Its Finest

Von TheDarkAmarok

10.3K 553 597

Trapped. Alone. Waiting to be free'd. Nothing is in my control anymore. I sit here crying in this empty abyss... Mehr

>Death Guarenteed<
>Playful Punches<
>Familiar Face<
>Loud Silence<
>Confusing Confusion<
>Strange Connection<
>Fire + Ice<
>Later Pal<
>Panda Man<
>Box World<
>Hardcore Parkour<
>Behind Closed Doors<
>No Pain, No Gain<
>Final Battle Pt.1<
>Final Battle Pt.2<
>The True Ending...<


189 9 24
Von TheDarkAmarok

-Dave's POV-

->>_Saturday, 8:29pm_<<-

Dave - "So, here's the plan."

I nudged away Mega's body before I spoke since it smelled bad.

Dave - "We can't kill Clay, so we need to weaken him in a way that won't kill him."

George - "But wait, what if we use one of us as bait?"

A few seconds later...

Dave & George - "Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot!"

George - "Loser."

Dave - "If I die, it's your fault."

George - "We don't have any time to play around. What is the rest of the plan?"

Dave - "I'll distract Clay, and if he ever gets too close to me, you run in with the syringe and inject the stuff into him."

George - "What if he brings those lion things back?"

Dave - "Then we'll have to take those out first. You keep the syringe with you, and I'll guard you if Clay gets too close."

George - "Wait... But if I do change form, then I won't be able to use the syringe."

Dave - "Who said you had to change form?"

George - "What do you mean?"

Dave - "Didn't you already start a fire with your hands a few minutes ago?"

George - "Yeah..."

Dave - "That means you could still be human."

George - "Alright. So let's say, neither of us die and we inject the stuff into Clay, what happens next?"

Dave - "I don't know what would happen next... I guess we'll have to see."

George - "Ok, but what if we die?..."

Dave - "Then it's over. I think we're the only ones left who know about Clay so... That'd mean it would be the end for so many people... It might even be the end of the world..."

George - "Then... What if only one of us dies?"

Dave - "Then one of us dies. We can't do anything about it. All we need to do, is defeat Clay. That is our only goal, right?"

George - "Right."

Dave - "I don't know if Clay has a weak spot or not since he can change his form. So, let's just keep trying to get him on his knees."

George - "Then inject the liquid into him?"

Dave - "Yeah."

I guess this is our plan. I looked at the sword I held in my hand. It looked pretty cool.

Dave - "So... Are you ready to go fight Clay?"

George - "Yeah, I think so..."

Dave - "You'd expect him to just appear out of nowhere and fight us now since we're ready."

George - "Mhm."

We sat there and waited... And waited.... And wait- I HATE WAITING!



George - "Maybe we should go look for him?..."

Dave - "Y-yeah..."

I don't know why I stuttered but I suddenly began feeling... Off...

Dave - "George... D-do you feel dizzy?..."

George - "A little, why?"

Dave - "I think we're b-breathing in something that's not n-normal..."

George - "You seem a lot more affected by it th-then m-m-me...-"

George suddenly collapsed. 

Ah, shit.

I looked around to see if I could figure out where that stuff was coming from. But before I could figure it out, I fell to the ground, dizzy.

Before I passed out, I watched a figure walk towards me. Their looks were hard to make out because of my blurry vision. They grabbed one of Georges legs and began dragging him over to me before he bent down and looked at me.

Clay - "Goodnight Dave."

I felt something hit my head, making everything go black.

->>_Saturday, 11:12pm_<<-

My eyes slowly opened as I got a glimpse of my surroundings. I tried to stand only to realize I was chained to a pole. I heard footsteps approach me in the large completely blacked room I sat in, smelling something rotting.

Clay - "Hello, Dave."

I tried to speak but only before realizing I had duct tape over my mouth. I began licking it to make the glue softer so I could get it off.

Clay - "If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get. But... I'm feeling extra kind today, so I'm going to give you an advantage during our final battle."

I felt the tape get ripped off my mouth causing me to flinch.

Clay - "What a child, flinching over such a mild feeling..."

Dave - "You should just keep your mouth shut."

Clay - "You want me to shut up? You have no idea where you are, do you?"

He began wheezing like a maniac.

Dave - "What's so funny?"

Clay - "This."

All of a sudden a light turned on. The first thing I saw was George hanging by his wrists on the wall in front of me. But next to George were all the bodies from the people that Clay had killed. To Georges right, Zak was there, hanging by his wrists, lifeless. To Georges left, Tommy was hanging by his wrists as well, except he didn't even have pants or boxers on.

I saw so many other bodies. Next to Zak was Mega's body, which had no head. Next to Mega's was Jacobs, next to his, was Darryls. The list went on. Everybody's body was hanging up on this wall, has he been collecting them this whole time? 

George was passed out, but then I looked from George to Tommy and noticed something about the rest of the dead bodies.

They had no eyes.

The eyelids were pinned open, except for Mega's since his head is gone. The stench was awful, the sight made the smell even worse.

Clay - "Like what you see?"

He walked up to me and knelt down in front of me. He looked considerably human, other than the fact his skin was very purple and his eyes were very purple as well.

Dave - "Why did you do this to them!? What did you do to George!?"

Clay - "Don't worry, your little friend is still alive."

I realized I didn't know if Clay had the syringe or not. I hope George still has it in his pocket.

Dave - "What do you want?"

Clay - "A fair fight. You're not a cheater, are you?"

He looked me in the eye and didn't reply until he pulled out a knife.

Clay - "You should answer my question."

Dave - "Or what?"

Clay - "Or this."

He walked over to George.

Dave - "WAIT-"

He lightly cut his chin making blood drip onto the ground.

Clay - "Now, Dave, are you a cheater?"

Dave - "No."

Clay - "Good. Now, I'm going to untie you and your little friend George. I will give you back your sword, but you better not attack me, or else."

As much as I wanted to, I couldn't, or he'd kill George.

Dave - "Alright."

He untied George and let him fall to the floor. Then he walked over to me and began untying me. I want to punch his stupid little face in so badly.

As soon as he did I brought my hands to my chest and rubbed my wrists since they were sore from being tied up for who knows how long.

Clay - "The only way out, is this metal door."

He walked over to the left side of the room and banged on it.

Clay - "You have 15 minutes to prepare, until we fight to the death."

Dave - "The sword?"

Clay - "You'll get it five minutes before we start."

Dave - "Why not-"

Clay - "Bye!~~~"

He opened and slammed the door shut causing the room to shake.

I began feeling kind of sick. The room was moving side to side. Was it hanging from something?...

I shook off the sick feeling and crawled over to George in the candle lit room. I began dragging him away from the bodies on the wall and over to the other side of the room causing it to wobble a bit more.

What the fuck, how is this fucking room swinging from side to side...

Dave - "George, get up! George!"

I lightly shook him until he rubbed his eyes and sat up.

George - "Dave... What's that smell-"

I grabbed him and pulled him towards me.

Dave - "Whatever you do, don't turn around."

George - "Why?..."

Dave - "Just don't-"

He turned around, of course.

George - "W-what is..."

I could see him begin to shake. I'm not usually the huggy or sappy type but... We both need this right now.

I pulled him closer to me and engulfed him in the biggest hug. I could feel him shaking. It was weird since I'm two years younger than him, but we've made it this far, and we need to continue pushing each other forward, no matter what happens.

Then, I finally realized something, something I haven't realized this entire time.

All this time. All these people dying. They weren't just our friends, or fellow youtubers. These people mean the world to me. So many of these people have helped me push my way through to get to where I am today.

Thank you, to all the people who have helped me on this dangerous adventure. Thank you, to all the people who risked their lives for my own sake.

Jacob, Zak, Mega...

I looked at the bodies hanging on the wall.

Dave - "George, I've realized something..."

George - "W-what is it?..."

His voice was shaky yet concerned.

Dave - "You and everybody else here who helped us get this far. They weren't just our friends, our companions, or potentially our saviors. You want to know what you and everybody else is to me? To us?"

George - "What?"

Dave - "Family. They're our family. We all took the path of a youtuber. That led us all to these fates, and these moments that we now hold so very close to our hearts. You George, are my family, and we, as brothers, shall defeat Clay once at for all, we WILL avenge the rest of our family and free the real Clay, and we WILL, make sure everything turns out good in the end. So once again, thank you George, thank you for being there this entire time, throughout all of this pain, you stuck by me and didn't turn on me. Thank you."

He hugged me tightly. I smiled and hugged him back.

We sat there as I felt tears fall down my face and I could feel George crying, with his tears soaking my sweater a little bit. Please don't get snot on it...

I looked at the bodies in front of me as the anime music played in the background with the crowds cheering for me (Fun fact, there were no crowds or anime music). 

Dave - "George, let's do this thing!"


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