Selfish | Revamped


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"Tell me it's nobody else's." More

13 (newly edited)
14 (new)


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AUTHORS NOTE: I don't know why people still reading my first book. That's not even me I swear. If ykyk because that was the writing style in 2019 and I don't know how people still read stuff like that.

You know it's ass when the main character getting forced to go to a party chapter one LMFAOOOOO ong tho I only keep it up for publicity 💯


"Siah, can I get these pretty please? Everybody has them on TikTok." Tati pleaded with a pout plastered across her face as she pointed at the led lights.

The two siblings were at Target shopping for Tati's room and other appliances Nubi advised him to get. He wanted her to put everything together but she encouraged him to put personal value into his new home.

"Get 'em, Ta." He said calmly, nodding his head as she quickly grabbed it and placed them inside of the basket.

So far they comforters, pillows, a fluffy rug for Tati, and a black printed plain rug for him. All they needed now were curtains since the rest was getting delivered.

"You want this?" He furrowed up his eyebrows examining the lamp that was shaped into a letter T. She instantly nodded, it was super cute in her opinion.

He tossed it into the basket and continued down the aisle letting her spot out things that caught her attention. He was debating if he wanted to buy grocery's from there but he had no clue of what he was supposed to get.

Which also reminded him that he needed an air fryer. He couldn't cook to save his life and he heard the lil' thing was convenient.

"Will Nubi come over to help me with my room? N-No offensive Si' but you have no taste." She muttered the last part making him chuckle lightly.

"You fuck with her?" He said rhetorically, shaking his head at her previous comment.

"Yeah, I guess. She's super nice to me and isn't she kind of your girlfriend?" She smirked, noisily.

"Swear you slick." He chuckled as he hiked up his pants examining each air fryer on the shelf. Settling for the Ninja, he grabbed it before placing it in the cart.

"We ain't together Tati, but she'a come help you." He told her as they headed toward one of the shopping lanes.

Nubi called herself being distant so she hadn't replied to any of his text in the last few days. He wasn't stunting her at first because he was back working graveyard shifts so he slept most the day, but she was starting to piss him off.

Childish as fuck. He couldn't help but shake his head at the thought.


"We haven't hung out in forever guys." Yubi pouted as her two friends sighed in response. "I'm serious and y'all taking me as a joke."

"We were literally just together girl." Dae rolled his eyes as he leaned further into his covers and adjusted his phone so they still could see him.

"Exactly." Meko retorted in agreement. The small clique were all in the comfort of their own rooms and had been on facetime for the last hour.

"Wanna do something tomorrow, like brunch?" Nubi butted in, suggesting.

"Whaaat? You wanna hang with us finally." Dae joked making her such her teeth. Him and Yubi swore she replaced Messiah with them.

"Shutuppp, we're always with each other."

"They just bitter because they single. Nobody checking for they asses." Meko muttered making her laugh.

"First off bitch, I have a man! Don't do me." Yubi waved her off playfully. "Anywaaay, I'm free. I like getting ready at night though, can we go for a late ass dinner?"

"Eight or that's too early? Most restaurants close around ten." Dae asked her, liking the idea overall. Something about getting ready at night gave them a different type of confidence.

"We can do eight." Nubi said as they hummed in agreement. Time was still a hour behind so when they started getting ready, it would be dark outside.

"Look at us, making plans and shit." He joked making them laugh in sync.

The group continued their conversation for the next hour, debating on where they wanted to eat at. After agreeing on to a restaurant, Nubi made the reservation before they hung up.

To pass time, Nubi scrolled aimlessly through pinterest trying to find an outfit for the outing they planned.

She was a girly girl at heart but never found time to wear the outfits she envisioned herself in so she was going to use this as a leeway.

Ding! Furrowing her eyebrows together, she sat up slowly reading the message across the top of her screen.

Come outside.

"This gotta be a joke..." She whispered to herself, clicking his number almost immediately as she jumbled out of her bed waiting for him to answer.

"Why are you outside of my house Messiah?" She whisper yelled as soon as the call connected. She thought he got the message over the last few days, but apparently not.

"I'a tell you when you get out here." He retorted nonchalantly.

"Messiah, I told you we shou-"

"I told you I didn't give a fuck. You mad about some old shit, why you on that with me Nubi?" He rasped. "Hm?"

She was catching onto his tones and she could sense what he was trying to do. "I'm not mad about anything, I told you that. It's just.. ion know." She shook her head continuing.

"I can't come with you Siah. My dad here and he's not going for that." She told him biting at the flesh of her cheek slightly.

"Tell him one of yo li' friends came and got you a'sum." He spoke cooly slouching back in his seat. He looked back at Tati seeing her sleep, letting out low snores.

After a mental battle with herself, she decided to put what was close to pride to the side and go with him.

"Alright, hold up." She said frustratedly before hanging up. She quickly slipped on some tights while she tried to think of something believable that she could tell her dad.

As Messiah waited for her, he scrolled through his timeline bobbing his head every so often at the music playing in the car.

He wasn't big on instagram, matter fact, he only followed five people on it. Twitter and facebook was his go to.

After a few minutes, he looked over hearing her front door shut and keys jingle. She almost looked scared as she walked out toward his car.

"Why you look like that? Fuck happened?" He quizzed examining her face.

"I had to leave before he came out to see what "friend" was picking me up." She huffed pulling her hair over her shoulder, allowing it to flow down her lap.

She leaned against the seat, turning to look at him but he was already staring at her.


He only shook his head with a faint smirk plastered on his face. "You just got these done?" He reached over thumbing over her lash extensions.

She always had her eyelashes done but these looked different. They were wispy and longer than usual. It added age to her face.

She held back a smile, squinting her eyes at him. He was always trying to piece her out. "Yeah on Monday, why? You like them?" He nodded.

"You look good." He complimented calmly making her face heat up. He looked to see if she was strapped in before driving away from the residential street.

"Uh, where we going?" She furrowed her eyebrows together. He didn't reply, only continuing through traffic.


"Why do you have this?" Nubi questioned as she looked at the construction worker vest. They had made it to his crib a little over thirty minutes ago and she was getting a feel of everything.

The realtor end up switching his townhouse in the complex so everything was even more upgraded and modernized than before. Each room had a personalized setting for the AC and there was a balcony in his room.

"I work in a warehouse." He answered her question as he licked over the blunt wrap.

People assumed he trapped, which he did at one point, but he wasn't into that type of shit.

In his opinion he didn't need to any more. He was bringing in over two thousand a week from packaging machinery and transporting it across the city.

Yeah, he hung with niggas that was in the streets but he was his own person and what his homies do didn't concern him. Everybody was just trying to make it.

"What do you be doing there?" She asked as she sat sinking comfortably into the memory foam mattress.

"I be assembling the Lil' truck machinery and package it. I got my CDL a couple months ago so I been transporting it. I'm local though, Ion like all that driving shit." He said truthfully making her nod.

"I thought you were a drug dealer or something. N-no shade to you." She confessed truthfully making him laugh heartily.

"You funny as hell. None 'bout me give drug dealer, you tryna say I'm dusty?" He raised his eyebrow with a grin inching at his lips.

"No!" She exclaimed, palming her mouth as she started to laugh. "I don't know how to explain it, but just know your demeanor come off strong."

"You like that shit though." He chuckled using the lighter to seal where he licked.

"You allllright." She laughed, waving him off as she hoisted her head up with her elbows.

"Seriously though, would you ever make your own business with that? I heard truckers make bank."

"You tryna play 21 questions and shit." He shook his head amused as he continued, "I'an never put too much thought into it. I got enough to live comfortably doing what I'm doing right now."

He been with the warehouse for over 6 months and as he was working, he was saving and adding to the drug money he already had.

"You ever smoked before?" He questioned her as he sparked the blunt before taking his first pull.

She shook her head, "Yeah, but I don't think I got high. I didn't feel nothing."

"You wasn't hitting no good shit that's why." He shook his head motioning her closer to him. "C'mere."

"You wanna turn me out so bad." She laughed but continued to scoot allowing her to sit directly infront of him.

"I'a do you worse than this B." He said chuckling as he shook his head. "Let me shotgun you, I'a let you hit it after." She nodded not knowing exactly what he meant.

He grabbed hold of her jaw before thumbing her bottom lip allowing it to open. He blew smoke into mouth as she inhaled it trying not to cough as she immediately blew it back out.

"Yo lungs weak as hell, hold that shit Nubi." He rasped amusingly as he tightened his grip on her jaw. This time she inhaled longer allowing it to reach her lungs.

"Yo-you tryna k-kill me!" She coughed in between words as she took hold of his wrist, trying control her breaths.

He laughed making her push his chest lightly not finding it funny.

"This isn't funny Messiah."

"You right, my bad." He mumbled locking eyes with her as he leaned in before attached his lips to hers. Without a second thought, she kissed him back allowing their mouths to move in sync.

Using his hand to grip the back of her neck, he pulled her up against him before leaving wet kisses along her jaw.

She moaned breathily as he put out the blunt out in the ashtray before using his hand to rub over her ass.

She titled her head against his shoulder as he sucked down on her neck.

"Don't leave a hickey please." She whimpered into his ear hissed feeling her pussy clench at him slapping her ass.

"I'a leave five of them bitches." He told her, squeezing her neck tightly as he kissed at it.

He figured her people was strict so he wasn't going to this time.

"I wanna feel that pussy Nubi. You wet baby?" He rasped sweet talking her as he rubbed her outside of her tights.

She nodded placed her hand on top of his adding pressure to her core as they rubbed over her sore clit. She never felt the level of emotion she was feeling right now before.

"I know that pussy so fucking pretty. You gone let me make you cum Nubi?"

She whimpered nodding shyly feeling his fingers inch over her waist band. She'd let him do anything right now if he asked.

"Wet as hell ain't even touch you yet." He licked over his thick lips seeing the puddle on the outside of her panties. Her face heated up, embarrassed with how easily aroused she was.

Unexpectedly, knocks sounded off softly from his door alerting the both of them. They were so caught up, he forgot Tati was even there.

"I hate my life oh my god." She cursed hurriedly fixing her tights feeling him take hold of her waist.

"I gotchu' next time." He chuckled amusingly watching as  embarrassment invaded her expression.

"I'm up now Si, can I come in please?" Tati sounded from the door taking hold of the knob waiting for his say so.

"Yeah Ta, come in." He said looking over Nubi once again before releasing her from his grip. As the door opened, he stood up stretching watching her creep in.

Nubi palmed her face feeling herself before sexual frustrated. Tati was trying to kill her in her opinion.

Next day..

"What I'm giving Dae?" Yubi asked aloud, as she stuck her hip out taking a spin.

"A sexy Shamar." He frowned making her mug him as the group laughed. They walked up the stones toward the entrance of the steakhouse.

"Don't do Shamar." Meko said making her gasp.

"Y'all gone stop playin' with me." Yubi sucked her teeth pulling at her dress feeling it start to inch up her thigh.

"Y'all remind me of Santana and Caresha so much." Tiana, Meko's girlfriend said aloud. Nubi agreed somewhat. They were always at it but never took anything they said to each other seriously.

"I'm Caresha though." Dae shrugged said making her push his back playfully.

"Fuck you ho." She laugh walking through the door as he held it open for the rest of them. "Nubi you put the reservation under your name?" She asked making her nod.

"Damn the niggas out tonight I see." Dae motioned over at the tables causing all of their attentions to shift.

"The fuck you look for?" Meko mugged Tiana making her suck her teeth as they laughed at her expression.

"Leave her alone." Nubi chuckled pulling her phone from out of her tote so she could show proof of reservation.

Nova's was a hotspot in the city and reservation was mandatory to even sit at the bar so she wasn't surprised a lot of people were there.

"Hi, do you guys have a reservation?" A lightskinned woman asked as she waltzed from behind the counter sending the group a smile.

Nubi nodded showing her the email allowing the lady to scan the barcode. "We're at the large booth right?" She asked making the lady nod.

"Yes you are. Take this token and someone over there should guide you to your booth. There's a button beside the wall if any of you need help, I'll happily come to your assistance." She announce as they nodded thanking her.

"We gotta get a fire ass film picture in here." Meko said adjusting her camera tote over her shoulder.

"If we do watch that shit go viral. Twitter love Yubi." Dae said making them nod in agreement. Not seeing any employees, the group found themselves to their reserved booth.

"Definitely gone be on pinterest somewhere." She said looking over Meko's shoulder at the man at the next table.

"Who is thaaat?"

They collectively looked over, scanning for who she was talking about. Nubi's eyes sparked realizing it was the man from the store.

"I seen him at the store the other day. I think he was trying to hit on me too." She admitted before looking away to examine the menu.

"Well y'all don' got his attention. I think he finna come over here." Dae told them. He turned out to be right, watching as the man hiked his jeans up before walking in their direction.

"I had a feeling that was you. This the second time I seen you, I can't pass you up again shordy." The dreaded man said not paying her friends any mind.

"Yo boy not here I see, y'all still together?" He went on, palming the hair on his chin.

"I'm single." Nubi chuckled, shaking her head knowing her friends were loving this.

"Even better. Let me get yo ten, we ain't even gotta be on that." He cheesed letting his grills glistening against the lightening in the room.

"Girrrl, give that nigga your number before I do." Dae said making them laugh simultaneously.

She hesitated, it shouldn't be a problem right? She was single.

"Just friends though." She told him holding her hand out allowing him to give her his phone.

"Whatever you say shordy."


I rushed the 2nd to last scene oh well.

Rewrote this bitch and turned it up. Didn't wanna go all the way just yet but still! don't turn me down.

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