Golden Dawn

By Estoria34

924 113 7

Two worlds collide in one epic tale. Artemisia had lived in isolation for almost her entire life, but when sh... More

~ Introduction ~
|Chapter 1 ~ The World I Once Called Home|
|Chapter 2 ~ A Proposal|
|Chapter 3 ~ The Search For A Disk|
|Chapter 4 ~ A Love For Knowledge|
|Chapter 5 ~ Dark History|
|Chapter 6 ~ A Race To The Unknown|
|Chapter 7 ~ Wings|
|Chapter 8 ~ An Altered Reflection In Glass|
|Chapter 9 ~ Flight To A New Fate|
|Chapter 10 ~ Osseus|
|Chapter 11 ~ Christa|
|Chapter 12 ~ Companions|
|Chapter 13 ~ The Creature|
|Chapter 14 ~ The Edict Of A Realm|
|Chapter 15 ~ Beginning of Change|
|Chapter 16 ~ Trap|
|Chapter 17 ~ Angelus Duncan|
|Chapter 18 ~ Palace Of Lîxîlîa|
|Chapter 19 ~ The Dream|
|Chapter 20 ~ Ambassador|
|Chapter 21 ~ The Sphere Of Statera|
|Chapter 22 ~ A Last Parting Gift|
|Chapter 23 ~ Fight Or Flight|
|Chapter 24 ~ The Glade|
|Chapter 25 ~ Blazing Inferno|
|Chapter 26 ~ Unexpected Party Member|
|Chapter 27 ~ Open Plains|
|Chapter 28 ~ Taming A Tempest|
|Chapter 30 ~ Brief Kindness|
|Chapter 31 ~ Accusations|
|Chapter 32 ~ Furious Retribution|
|Chapter 33 ~ Luminous Artillery|
|Chapter 34 ~ The Ertheon|
|Chapter 35 ~ Cloudburst|
|Chapter 36 ~ The Last Attempt|
|Chapter 37 ~ Statera|
|Chapter 38 ~ Prince Of Night|
|Chapter 39 ~ Golden Dawn|
~ Author's Note ~

|Chapter 29 ~ Thrilling Intoxication|

16 2 0
By Estoria34

Next to me, Lex inhaled sharply. I immediately followed her amazed gaze and gasped. In a matter of mili-seconds, the wall in front of us began to shimmer and transform into something far different from what it was before.

I blinked and blinked again. The wall was nowhere to be seen. In it's place however, a long hallway. I spun around. The walls were built from sandstone, the ceiling pure copper and firelight danced across elegant bronze beams. A soft hissing noise immediately caught my attention. The other Lesphares had completely vanished from the hall, leaving us alone with the female Lesphares.

"Sheesh..." Christa stuttered, just as confused as me. The phenomenon was so strange that for a while we all just stood there, looking around in sheer awe. The three females began walking down the hallway and we stumbled after them like pure idiots, not sure what else to do. The hallways of the desert palace were more candid than Angelus's home, the walls and windows structured for the practical purposes of ventilation and space.

After a while we arrived at an archway, decorated with many dark complex designs. The graceful curve created a beautiful entryway to a grand chamber that lay just beyond, a warm evening breeze caressing my flushed cheeks. One of the three female Lesphares stopped in front of the archway while the others continued onwards. Her face was expressionless, deep beige pools entrancing.

"This will be your chamber." She said and bowed, the motion slightly feline. "I will fetch you for dinner later this evening." And with that she was gone, rose petals lingering in the air as she made her exit.

Our chamber was very grand, an area that consisted out of four rooms and two bathing areas, each room illuminated by beautiful golden light that seemed to radiate from the room itself. And the walls... 

I was shocked by the sheer beauty and delicate craftsmanship of the sand coloured palisades. Golden designs of exotic swirls and patterns were crafted atop it with such precision, the art appeared surreal. Our entire wing looked out over the desert metropolis, the houses dim in the darkness of night, only illuminated by the fires outside.

When Christa, Lex and I decided on the left side of the wing, we were struck by the pure beauty of the simple bedroom and bathing area. The water was warm, smoke rising from the clear liquid as if it was burning. The air smelled of scented vanilla and the beds were decorated with bronze and copper. Christa immediately stripped and climbed into the warm water, her gratified sigh immediately drawing Lex and I into the bathing area as well. The water was unbelievably pleasant, relaxing all the tension in my muscles and enveloping my skin a comfortable toasty blanket. Firelight fluttered all along the walls and casted shadows on the sandstone floor.

After we bathed, we found three sets of clothing for each of us to wear. We exchanged quick glances at the wardrobe, but did not argue. We were to dine with Faîzal and his men. No one particularly had a choice in the matter and I was exceptionally hungry after the day's tiring traveling. 

The three garments definitely had similarities to that of the female Sandrîanî style. The material was silky and hung loose around the body. I chose the blue coloured robe that reminded me of the glimpse of ocean I saw back when we had camped out in the mountains. Lex and Christa were clothed in similar fashions, their robes ranging from white to dark purple. Lex looked like a goddess in her argent garment, her blue eyes and blonde hair even brighter than normal. Christa's style on the other hand, looked a lot less flashy. Her dark hair was untied and brown eyes almost hazel. The purple material was a deep colour, very alluring to the eye and a perfect fit for Christa's chocolate skin.

When we exited our part of the chamber, Jacob was already waiting for us. If he was bothered by the fact that he was the only man in the room, he did not show it. His dark hair was arranged messily around his head and tanned skin almost bronze in the firelight. In contrast to our colourful wardrobe, Jacob looked plain in his beige pants and sleeveless shirt. The material fell loosely around his body, the clothing complimenting his muscled chest. When he saw us, his eyes immediately fell on Lex and stayed fixated on her for much longer than I deemed necessarily normal. 

I immediately turned my eyes away from his intense gaze and rather focused on the sight beyond the pane-less windows. The desert metropolis seemed so at ease I could stare at it forever...

"Good evening. I see you have received our gifts well." 

The sudden reappearance of the female Lesphares surprised all of us and made me almost jump out of my skin. She did not change her attire as we had, her feline eyes still as expressionless as before. Her greeting was swift as she immediately guided us out of the chamber and into the hallway again. Her rose scent tickled my nose as we walked, my heart a beating drum in my chest. I didn't know what to expect nor how the dinner with Faîzal Gaîllot would go. The mere thought of being the centre of attention in a room full of Lepshares, made me absolutely terrified. Their opinions were probably not the least friendly.

It felt as if time passed too soon when we finally came to a stop in front of two grand doors that glowed with soft luminance. The monotonous voice of the female servant suddenly shook me out of my worried thoughts, causing me to focus on reality again. Her hand rested on the door.

"We have arrived. I ask that you please refrain from any reckless behaviour whilst in the company of our master Faîzal and the Defender." She said as means of subtle warning and then opened the doors, standing aside for us to pass. My eyes widened.

A great hall opened up in front of us, every space illuminated with firelight that burned in latches against the walls. The space was the shape of an oval, the walls radiating bronze and flaxen colours all along the expanse. The floor was cold beneath my bare feet and seemed almost metallic, my own amazed face staring right back at me from the bronze depths. In the middle of the great hall stood a long table, situated to form a circular shape. Behind it loomed great pillars that held up the ceiling above. Each structure was encircled with beautiful designs that intertwined into one another like the feathers in a bird's wings.

When my eyes finally took in each last detail of the magnificent expanse, they landed on the figures seated at the main table and I forgot to breathe. Angelus sat next to Faîzal at the head of the table. The Defender - to my great surprise - not clothed in his usual armoured regalia, but simple dark leggings and a satin sleeved shirt that revealed an inch of his broad chest. The shirt seemed to follow the same design as Jacob's, but fit perfectly to Angelus' chiseled body. It was as if his entire being radiated pure power and surreal grace. 

Electricity raced through my body. Angelus' eyes and dark hair was striking in comparison to all the other Lesphares as well as the room's light features. When I at last managed to tear my eyes away from him, my gaze went to Faîzal Gaîllot. The Lepshares was clothed in the same garment as earlier, but managed to still look surprisingly influential from next to the Defender.

I then noticed Quîncîn and Ferîan further down the table, both clothed in comfortable attires. Ferîan's white hair looked strange in contrast to the other flaxen shades and almost made me laugh. The Lepshares was clothed in light blues and whites, the hues blinding beneath the firelight. Quîncîn looked bored as usual, his mouth screwed in an irritated glower. His arms were folded against his chest, muscles bulging through his silk brown tunic. 

As we entered, I felt the entire room stare at us. Every pair of feline eyes, like flashlights. Their gazes burned into my skull, the attention making me feel dizzy. I was also shocked to find Angelus' crimson gaze on my face, but I did not meet his eyes. I was too scared how I would react on it.

Faîzal almost immediately noticed our party and gestured towards the far end of the table. There were four empty spaces next to Quîncîn and Ferîan. "Welcome Aliums! Take a seat at my table and enjoy this evening with us." He announced, making me feel even more out of place. My friends looked just as uncomfortable as I was, Christa biting her lip as she took a seat next to Ferîan and Jacob, warily scanning the Lesphares congregated. His eyes were dark. 

Lex also seemed nervous, her delicate hands fiddling with a strand of her lace garment as we took our seats. We were out of place and everyone was aware of it.

I stared at the table as if seeing it for the first time. A buffet of delicious meats and vegetables were spread out on top of it. The aroma of the food smelled so good my stomach grumbled involuntarily just by merely looking at the tasty dishes. Strange pinkish liquid was served in crystalline glasses, one drink then placed down right in front of me by a cold-eyed Lesphares. The pink tonic spilled slightly over the glass rim and onto the table. I exchanged wary glances with the others as I inspected the odd beverage.

The shade of the liquid suddenly didn't seem entirely pink anymore. It was now pure red, the exact colour of blood. The moisture swirled and seemed to slightly glow, so entrancing I could just stare. Christa also inspected her drink in amazement.

"Drink it. I don't think they will try and poison us." Christa finally decided and took the glass in her hand.

"It'll be disrespectful to dismiss drink that was offered to you." She winked and lifted the glass to her mouth, chugging down the liquid. Her throat bobbed at the motion. Next to her, Quîncîn eyed us with a steely gaze, his eyes filled with smug humour.

"Correct, but unfortunately that drink is known to be very... intoxicating." His eyes glistened darkly. "Even the strongest Lesphares fall ill to its charms and gets uncontrollably drunk by its pleasures."

"I want to know what kind of toll it will take on weak bodies such as yours." Quîncîn mused and I immediately jerked my head back to Christa - who just finished drying her mouth with the back of her hand. She placed the glass down in front of her.

I sighed in relief. She still appeared thankfully sober, but if Quîncîn was right - infuriating as it was - she would start to act up real soon. I glared at the latter, rage burning in my stomach. I was suddenly irritatingly angry at the Lesphares' mere presence. Furious with his crappy attitude and stupid mockery.

I didn't know why, but I lifted a glass to my own lips. The action was inexplainable. It was probably thanks to the immediate urge to prove we were not what Quîncîn presumed. To show them we could partake in anything the Lepshares threw our way and still come out on top. To show him exactly how wrong he truly was about Aliums and especially our group - who I had come to love and respect more than anything or anyone else in my entire life.

Before anyone could stop me, the liquid slid down my throat and I felt my eyes widen at the wonderful sensation. The beverage was cold, so cold in fact it felt as if the liquid froze its way down my throat and into my stomach. The drink tasted like everything sweet and sour one could ever imagine together in one mixture, an explosion of flavours that ranged from delicious sugared berries to bitter lemons.

I felt simultaneously dazed as well as wide awake. Adrenaline pumped through my entire system, pure euphoria. The sensation of exhaustion however, immediately choked my limbs and made me so comfortable I almost fell asleep. It felt as if my body was on fire, but freezing at the same time.

I felt absolutely alive. The surrounding hall suddenly seemed like an amazing wonderland, filled with such colour it stung my eyes. Exotic sounds buzzed through my mind and I seemed to see everything as if each detail was in high definition. I was completely and utterly intoxicated, the feeling pure thrill.

At some point my eyes found Jacob and Lex's faces, their horror-struck expressions so hilarious, an involuntary laugh bubbled up inside me. The sound felt light and unnatural to my own ears. I grinned at their funny faces and then felt someone touch my shoulder. So very far away from my tranced state.

Eventually I realized the hand belonged to Christa. My friend was however, not in the least drunk and instead observed me very worriedly. I smiled at her warmly, my eyelids falling closed.

"Why so stressed Christa?" I chirped, everything around me so astonishing and beautiful I couldn't contain the excitement that swirled within me. I felt on top of the world and simultaneously deep down in its comfortable depths.

"You need to calm down! Everyone's looking at you!" Lex whispered desperately, blue eyes wide. I stared at her, my heart making cartwheels in my chest.

"Let them." I slurred and Lex shook her head in utter frustration. "I AM  Artemisia and you look terrible! How on earth did you get so drunk?!" She exclaimed and her voice felt like it echoed through my very brain, every word like a loud clash of a cymbal. I reached out, the sudden urge to drink another glass of the delicious tonic driving me mad. My surroundings swam and I blinked when I reached out and suddenly touched nothing but plain air.

"I think you had about enough of that." A husky dark voice growled above me, the presence so smothering I spun around to see who managed to completely rupture my trancelike state. My blood froze as I looked up at the figure towering over me, the colourful light creating a dark silhouette over his gorgeous face.

In what seemed like the very far distance, I could hear gasps and exclamations erupt from everyone around the table and I immediately knew who was behind me. 

I was done for.

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