OBSESSION ~ Byun Baekhyun (Co...

By xxsmallbyungxx

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"I think he has some kind of obsession towards you" "Towards me??" Hey guyss so as you might already know thi... More

34 (Final)


3.7K 173 86
By xxsmallbyungxx

Everything seems blurry now. All you can see is Baekhyun. You hug him while he is thrusting into you.


Baekhyun wakes up feeling tired. He is feeling as if he has done wrestling last night. He slowly looks beside him and sees a girl lying next to him, her back facing him.

His heartbeat drops.

‘Did I have sex!!!!’ Baekhyun slowly moves to the edge of the bed. He sees his pajama lying on the floor, he immediately picks it up. While picking it up, he sees 3 condom packets beside it.

‘Damn it’ he curses.

‘God what was Dr. Y/N doing? She could stop… Wait DON’T TELL ME SHE’S DR. Y/N!!!’

He wears his pajamas and slowly goes to the other side of the bed to see exactly what he guessed.

“…I had sex …with Dr. Y/N? Damn it! What was she even thinking!!!”

Baekhyun gets out of your room.

He slams the door in anger. ‘Why god!!!!!!!!’


You wake up in the morning to see Baekhyun not there next to you.
‘Did real Baekhyun come back?’ you thought.

‘Bacon would have stayed with me’ you sadly thought.

You knew something like this could happen. You try to move but your body feels sore, especially the bottom of your body.

‘Damn it Bacon’


You get out of your room after washing up. You find the apartment extremely silent. You are thinking if you should go to Baekhyun's room and apologize. But you don’t know how to face him now. Suddenly the main door clicks and you see Baekhyun coming in to the apartment from outside.

He comes to you, pulls your hand up and hands you some medicines.

“Take these, I don’t want any further problems because of last night” he says sternly and walks towards to his room.

“Baekhyun…” you call him.

“Now you are gonna apologize?” he asks looking back.

“What were you even thinking? You kissed him, you two made out in my house. Okay, I let it go since I don’t have control over my mind. But you have control over yourself! Then why Dr. Y/N?” he yells at you.

“I love…”

“LOVE!!!! How can you love someone I created in my mind and just exist for a mere amount of time in my world???” he asks you.

“I am sorry” you say with teary eyes. There’s no excuse to give him. You knew this would happen sooner or later. That’s why you were trying to put off Bacon for as long as possible.

Baekhyun gives you a pitiful smile looking at you.

“I feel disgusted looking at you now” he says these hurtful words on your face, looking at your eyes.

Tears are dripping on the floor like heavy rainfall. His words are echoing in your head.

“You feel disgusted...” you mutter.

You keep wiping your eyes but these stubborn tears just don’t stop. You are taking deep breaths. You want to scream but no sound is coming out.

“Baekhyun, it was so easy for you to say those words on my face. I know I should not have feelings for you *sobs* in the first place. I tried my best but at the end I…..”

It’s useless to explain because you don’t have any excuses and he isn’t even listening. He is just looking away.

“I am sorry that I made you feel disgusted” you say before leaving the apartment.


Baekhyun’s POV

It’s 10 PM but Y/N is still not home. Not to mention Woonsuk is still after her. He is biting his nails, feeling anxious. As he throws his body on the couch, he feels something under his back.


He opens it.

‘20 things I like and why?’ he reads.

‘I like my current doctor’s boobs because they are soft and hot’

“Ewww what the fuck” he throws the dairy at the corner making a grossed out face.

‘Well in puberty time I used to think about boobs a lot. Is that fetish still in me?!’ he thought.

‘No no no’ he shakes his head.

‘That’s just Bacon but wait… I created Bacon… wait we are different …but same. Well I can’t deny the fact that Dr Y/N's boobs are nic…’

‘Wtf nooo’ Baekhyun gets more uneasy thinking about these stuffs. His cheeks are getting hot and red.

‘Baekhyuneeee’ Baekhyun heard a voice calling him.

“Yaaahhh you ate all the chocolates again! Look at your face” Y/N says.

‘Why is Dr. Y/N saying that?’

She takes out a napkin and starts wiping his mouth gently.

‘She is so close, her eyes are filled with affection… Wait I am hallucinating… I have seen this before... She was smiling…’  Baekhyun thought.

“Why did you kiss me?” Y/N asks with a shocked expression.

‘She is asking why I kissed her… Is it another scenario?’

“Because we love each other” a voice echoes in his head.

Baekhyun suddenly whimpers in pain. “This pain… why...!!!”

This is the first time he felt this pain. Only Bacon went through this before.

‘I need to take medicine’ he thought.


Now it’s almost 12 but you are still not home.

A calls appear on his phone. He immediately picks up thinking it’s you.

“Listen…” Baekhyun speaks.

“Hello?” a male voice speaks.

Baekhyun checks the caller id with a frown.

‘Dr. Jongsuk’

“Oh… you are back? Weren’t you supposed to come back few days later?” Baekhyun asks.

“Yeah… but I called you because Dr. Y/N isn’t picking up my calls. Can you pass her the phone? I need to talk to her”

“What happened to her phone?” he asks worriedly.

“It says the number is not reachable” he says in confusion.

“Dr. Jongsuk, we need to find her... I think.. she is missing! Actually we had a fight and she didn’t come back home since then” Baekhyun says in a shaky tone.

“What! When did you guys fight??”

“In the morning, around 11 AM”

“IN THE MORNING!!!! WHAT WERE YOU DOING TILL NOW!!!! But she isn’t like that.. she won’t leave you like that.. Okay I’m sending you some locations where she goes often… search there. If we can’t find her there then we will go to the police. Tell your guards to search around your apartment. Also, as far as I know something happened yesterday at the office corridor”


Jongsuk is looking around the riverside where you go quite often. He went to the parks and some restaurants that you visit but you weren’t there.

There are not many people here at this hour. Jongsuk sees a person sitting on a bench alone a bit far from him. The only bench where the lamp light is on. He gets closer and indeed it’s you.

You are staring at the river, holding a beer can in your hand. The closer he gets the deeper your aura gets. You seem to be swimming in an ocean of sadness.

“Are you sleepy?” he asks softly.
You look up. It’s bright so you scrunch your eyes.

“Dr. Jongsuk?” you say and smile like a fool.

“Can I sit?” he asks.

“Of course... it’s public property” you say making space for him.

“Why are you here alone and drinking beer? It’s dangerous” he says taking the beer can from your hand and takes a sip.

“I have done a mistake and I think I deserve this misery”

“Did you forget something?” he asks.

“What??” you ask in confusion.

“Sooner or later, we will let down the people we like. No matter how hard we try. This is human nature, we all make mistakes and poor decisions from time to time. It’s okay” he says looking at you.

“How come I’ve fallen out of love with you?” you spill out your secret in the drunken state.

“What really!!! You used to like me?”

“Hmm… actually I like you for a long period but you know what? One sided love sucks. Then and now… wait now is semi one side.. arhhhgggg .. you know what? It’s all your fault! If you didn’t give me Baekhyun’s case… but wait you dated my sister… god why am I so ill fated!!!” you say face palming.

“But I guess I have always loved you” he comfesses.

You look at him in shock and confusion but at the end you laugh.
He starts to laugh along with you. But suddenly it all went silent. Jongsuk starts leaning in towards you. You slowly close your eyes. You can feel his face really close but all of a sudden you get a flashback from last night.

You stand up from the bench.

“I… I am sorry” you say and start walking.

Jongsuk gets surprised but he understands that he doesn’t have any chance with you now.


‘What was I even thinking!!! He is my sister’s ex eww... Y/N you are really fucked up bitch. Before treating others you need to treat yourself’ you think standing in front of a zebras crossing.

The road is empty, you can walk but you don’t feel like stepping forward. You sit on the street. Your head is pounding. You see the road sign change to green, signaling to cross the road.

“Yahhhh, don’t you have any friends??? Are you a loner? Being sad alone here in an empty road like a homeless person” a voice speaks. You look up towards the person. It’s Baekhyun.

“You… I was about to but I don’t feel like going home” you say.

“I heard from Heechul… our meeting went well. Did you trade your body for that????” he asks.

You frown at what he said.

“Do you ever think before speaking your mind??? I did that because I love him” you say standing up.

“You mean me?” he asks, raising an eyebrow.

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