Bad In Common

By prinses1010

501K 21.4K 5.7K

"Everyone has a chapter they don't want to read out loud. Mine just so happens to be a book." Allison Bridge... More

Prologue ✔️
Chapter 1 ✔️
Chapter 2 ✔️
Chapter 3 ✔️
Chapter 4 ✔️
Chapter 5 ✔️
Chapter 6 ✔️
Chapter 7 ✔️
Chapter 8 ✔️
Chapter 9 ✔️
Chapter 10 ✔️
Chapter 11 ✔️
Chapter 12 ✔️
Chapter 13 ✔️
Chapter 14 ✔️
Chapter 15 ✔️
Chapter 16 ✔️
Chapter 17 ✔️
Chapter 18 ✔️
Chapter 19 ✔️
Chapter 20 ✔️
Chapter 21 ✔️
Chapter 22 ✔️
Chapter 23 ✔️
Chapter 24 ✔️
Chapter 25 ✔️
Chapter 26 ✔️
Chapter 27 ✔️
Chapter 28 ✔️
Chapter 29 ✔️
Chapter 30 ✔️
Chapter 31 ✔️
Chapter 33 ✔️
Chapter 34 ✔️
Chapter 35 ✔️
Chapter 36 ✔️
Chapter 37 ✔️
Chapter 38 ✔️
Chapter 39 ✔️
Chapter 40 ✔️
Chapter 41 ✔️
Chapter 42 ✔️
Chapter 43 ✔️
Chapter 44 ✔️
Chapter 45 ✔️
Chapter 46 ✔️
Chapter 47 ✔️
Chapter 48 ✔️
Chapter 49 ✔️
Chapter 50 ✔️
Chapter 51 ✔️
Chapter 52 ✔️
Chapter 53 ✔️
Chapter 54 ✔️
Chapter 55 ✔️
Chapter 56 (Last Chapter) ✔️
Epilogue ✔️

Chapter 32 ✔️

7.1K 339 151
By prinses1010

Dear Diary

I can't believe I'm about to say this but this rock hard thing inside my chest that I like to call a heart has started beating again ever since Maddie's death. I'm just as surprised as you are. What is the cause of the beating of my heart? I think we both know the answer to that. Tyler Anderson. Yes I said it. Tyler fucking Anderson has the ability to make my heart go into overdrive with just one look. Cheesy? Obviously. I don't know how he does it but he brought the vulnerable girl out from under the rock where I have been hiding her. I think ever since I gave Emily and Tyler an inside scoop about what happened in my past we've grown closer together. It's as if he's trying to understand me more now that he knows what caused me to act up. I appreciate it but I prefer people to not constantly worry about me. I'm a big girl.

~ Ally

I strud into Tyler's frat house without knocking and waiting for one of the guys to open up. Lucky for me the door wasn't locked so I had full access to the rest of the house.

I haven't been here since the day I brought Emily's cousin, Tayla, over to watch Toy Story. That's a day I'll never forget. I do miss the kid not going to lie.

I make my way up the stairs and skip past all the rooms in the hallway. Coming to a stop in front of my destination I don't bother to knock as I enter the room.

" Ally what the hell?" Parker yells as he almost falls off from the chair he was sitting on. The chair is positioned right in front of a smart TV with a Playstation connected to it. From what I saw it looked like he was playing Fortnite. I never liked that game in the first place.

" Why aren't you dressed?" I ask with folded arms.

I look at a confused Parker dressed in only a pair of dark sweatpants. He looks down to what he's wearing and quirks an eyebrow when his eyes land back on me.

" Maybe because it's 10 in the morning?" he asks in a duh-tone.

I flop down onto his unmade bed and pray that he didn't have a guest over last night. My eyes move along his room and rest on the few posters covering his walls. The usual sport cars and half naked woman you'll find on most teenage boy's walls. I shake my head when I spot a recently used bong standing on his dresser. How dare he smoke without me?

" Get dressed. We're going to be late." I order as I close my eyes and try and find some peace before my day erupts in chaos.

" Going to be late for what?" I hear Parker question. It sounds like he's turning off his Playstation. At least it's a little progress.

" Emily's appointment. " I shrug even though he probably can't see it.

" That's today?" he asks terrified.

I sit up on my elbows with a bored expression on my face. I literally called him last night to remeber about Emily's appointment today. It just clarifies that he was high without me. I really thought we had a stronger bond. Shame on him.

" Just get ready. I'm not going to sit alone with Emily after she has her wisdom teeth removed." I state and get back up from the bed and walk over to Parker's door.

" Why can't Tyler go with you?" he questions. It sounds as if he's about to cry. I don't blame him. Just the thought of having to deal with Emily after her appointment sends a shiver down my spine.

" He's away on a camping trip with the football team remeber. "

Parker looks defeated as I leave his room to let him get dressed. I would've liked it if Tyler was the one helping me with Emily but unfortunately he's gone for the weekend. Ashton is working today so he can't go with Emily. Trish is getting her braces removed today and asked Samantha to be there with her so that boat isn't going to float. Jackson and Zac went with Tyler on the camping trip and there was no way in hell that I was going to ask Mason to help me out. All in all Parker was the obvious choice and I made it clear to him that he can't say no.

I enter the kitchen and grab myself a bottle of water and an energy bar that somehow managed to land in the fridge. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to eat it but I'm willing to take the risk. I need as much energy as I can get.

" You owe me." Parker sighs as he climbs into the passenger seat of my car.

I throw him a quick wink before speeding off to my building to pick Emily up. It's really cold today. I have no idea how Tyler is camping in this cold weather. The weather forecast predicted some light snow to fall down over the weekend so it explains why I'm freezing.

Once I stop at my building I call Emily down. While waiting for her I adjust the car's ac so that the car can heat up and try and figure out how to heat up my chair. Technology and I don't have a great relationship.

" I'm scared." Emily whimpers as we pull up into the driveway of the dentist.

" I'm not holding your hand." Parker states as he exits the car.

I raise my eyebrows at Emily once I see her pleading eyes. I roll my eyes and climb out of the car. After locking the car I walk over to Emily and grab her hand for the moral support she needs.

I think you need the moral support more.

Couldn't agree with my conscience more.


" All done." the doctor smiles while looking at Emily cautiously.

Emily's eyes have grown double their size in the span of a few seconds. She's not looking at the doctor but her focus is trained on a poster in front of her about teeth.

" She's going to be acting a little funny due to the anesthesia for the next 2 hours or so. Stay away from hard texture food, try to avoid food that have to be chewed and don't remove the cotton for the next few hours, only when replacing the cotton with new cotton, don't rinse out the mouth and when brushing the teeth make sure she does it gently. " the doctor explains to me while writing down on her clip board.

I nod along with everything she says and eventually we are able to leave and start heading back home. That was easier said than done. I struggled to get Emily to stand up from her chair. She was crying out incoherent words but I made out that she didn't want to leave without her teeth. No matter how many times I tried to explain and show to her that I have her teeth she still didn't believe me. After a few hair pulls Parker managed to lift her up bridal style and carried her over to the car.

" No my teeth!" Emily sobs as I finally get a chance to pull away.

" I have your fucking teeth in my purse!"

" They're not my teeth!"

" Why the hell would I walk around with someone else's teeth?!"

" You're not! You're walking round with your own teeth! " Emily yells back.

I can't do this. I'm never having kids if they still act up like this at this age.

" My mouth hurts. " Emily whines and starts to sob just as I turn onto the freeway.

" Maybe if you stopped crying and talking your mouth wouldn't hurt." Parker suggests.

Emily continues on with sobbing while I just try and focus on staying in the right lane. After a few seconds Emily starts poking me in the cheek and ends up cupping me cheek and staring at it deeply.

" Why is your cheeks so squishy? " she asks a little louder than a whisper.

I try and shake her off but her finger only comes back to poke me again. Is this how Tyler felt when I was drunk and started poking his cheek? He did a good job at keeping a straight face.

" Retract the finger or loose the finger." I say through gritted teeth.

I hear Parker chuckle from behind me. For a person who was supposed to help me with Emily he isn't doing a very good job at it.

" Is the tooth fairy going to come visit me tonight? " Emily asks as she retracts her finger after hearing my warning.

" Emily you're old enough to know that there is no such thing as the tooth fairy." I sigh before turning into the parking lot of our building.

Thank God this trip is over-

" What?! The tooth fairy isn't real?!" she cries out and starts sobbing again.

I spoke too soon.

For the next half an hour both Parker and I try to cheer her up and reassure her that the tooth fairy does exist. I don't know if she's actually aware it's just a myth or if it's the anesthesia that's making her so emotional over the subject. I don't want to explain to her the truth about Santa.

" No I don't want to leave the car!" she keeps on yelling in my ears.

I much rather prefer Tayla to throw a tantrum than a full grown Emily.

" Parker just lift her up." I sigh in defeat after the third kick from Emily.

" I can't. She's forcing herself to stay by holding on to the car and her kicks really seem powerful." he admits in terror.

Her kicks do hurt. I'm definitely going to be stuck with a few bruises after today.

" We have chocolate." I try and bargain with Emily.

It is really cold outside. Emily being stubborn and not wanting to leave the car doesn't help with the cold breeze running through my body.

" I don't want chocolate!"

A girl who doesn't want chocolate? This is serious.

" I want Tyler here!"

Wait what?

Before I can question her she starts to sob again. I can literally feel the last bit of energy escape my body as I look at Emily in defeat.

" He-he he's like an o-older protective b-brother to me. I don't f-feel scared when h-he's around." she whimpers.

Emily and Tyler do have a weird bond. Heck he even sits through her gossip sessions. That's true friendship.

" Tyler can't be here now. I can call Ashton- "

" No! " Emily yells cutting me off.

She stares at me with a terrified expression. Her breathing starts to increase the movement of her chest and her tears dry out. She's not crying anymore. She's scared now. Of what? Of Ashton?

" Why not? " Parker questions clearly not seeing the fear on her tear stained face.

Emily lowers her head. Her body makes a little movement as a hiccup escapee her body. When she looks back up at us she has more tears in her eyes.

" Sometimes when he g-gets angry h-he hurts me." she whispers.

Everything comes to a stop around me as I register her words. I can't seem to make sense of what she just said to me but once I figure out the meaning behind her words a gasp leaves my mouth. The dots start connecting in my head. The possessiveness from Ashton, the bruised wrists, the nightmares, the dull mood. It all makes so much more sense now.

Emily is in an abusive relationship with Ashton.

" What?" I whisper still not entirely believing what she just told me.

I don't know why I'm so surprised. The evidence was right in front of me the whole time. How could I not notice that Emily is being abused by Ashton? I fucking live with this girl for crying out loud.

" No w-worries. He-he apologizes right a-after." she shrugs.

I don't care how many times he apologizes. He still continues to hurt her, expecting her to just forgive him over and over again.

" Besides its m-my fault." she sniffs.

" How is it your fault? " Parker questions.

He sounds just as pissed off as I am at this given moment. Emily would never admit such a thing in front of me nor Parker for that matter. It's probably the anesthesia making her spill everything.

" He says it's because I don't l-listen to h-him."

I can literally feel my eye twitching from what just came out of her mouth.

" How is it your fault Em? Did you tell him to lift his hand? Did you tell him to continue with hurting you? No you didn't. What he's doing to you is not your fault and you need to stop blaming yourself and stand up for yourself!" I say in frustration.

I still can't believe what I'm hearing.

My best friend is in a toxic relationship and she believes it's her own fault.

" I feel sleepy - "

Before she can finish her sentence she passes out. Luckily Parker is quick enough to catch her from falling forward out of the car. He picks her up bridal style and moves past me so that I can close the car door.

We move into the building without muttering a word to one another. The atmosphere is tense. Emily just said that Ashton is hurting her and neither one of us know how to react. I open up the door and make way for Parker to pass me and put Emily down on her bed. I come to a stand next to him and look over at Emily's passed out figure.

" We need to do something." Parker whispers.

" Let's go." I say while throwing my car keys up in the air.

No one messes with my unicorn obsessed friend.


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