American Royalty at Hogwarts

By shark_fanatic

325K 7.3K 8.1K

a/n I was really inspired by @bluefood3 story 'A Royal Family At Hogwarts'. Part 1 of 'You should see me in... More

Chapter 1: I become a fairytale princess
Chapter 2: We journey to the land of tea drinkers
Chapter 3: Staring at hot teens is unhealthy (and creepy)
Chapter 4: It's time to boil the kettle (cause the tea is getting hot)
Chapter 5: We try some roasted phoenix
Chaper 6: All aboard the Piggypimples Express!
Chapter 8: The snakes shed their skin
Chapter 9: Beware of the spades (in the deck of cards silly)
Chapter 10: Chinese Whispers just got intense
Chapter 11: Don't let the bed bugs bite
Chapter 12: Charmtastic!
Chapter 13: Do you promise?
Chapter 14: It's time for a history lesson
Chapter 15: To be or not to be
Chapter 16: I am woman, hear me roar
Chapter 17: Down to Business
Chapter 18: It's all coming together now
Chapter 19: The Slytherin Angst Sesh
Chapter 20: What you gonna do? Repress it!
chapter 21: Don't be suspicious
Chapter 22: Scream till you're raw
Chapter 23: Forgive and forget? No thanks
Chapter 24: Winter's coming

Chapter 7: An invasion of thoughts

14.6K 328 425
By shark_fanatic

Third-Person PoV: Hogsmeade Station

The red train pulled up to the station letting out a long toot as it chugged to a halt, the smoke billowing out the top receded with the slowing train. The students clad in their black cloaks lined with an assortment of four colours or still plain began to stumble out of the carriages with hungry stomachs and exhaustion in their bones. The last carriage door was opened as Cedella led them out and towards carriages that were being drawn by skeletal horses with dragon-like faces and pupil-less white eyes, bat-like wings rested against their back as they began to lead the carriages towards a castle that stood in the distance. Annabeth gasped, her eyes shining with stars, the group sighed as she once again went on a tangent about the structure of the castle.

My Lord's, My Lady. Hazel was startled out of her thoughts as one of the horses nudged into her side from two carriages that were set apart from the rest. She lifted a hand to stroke its head and glanced up to see Nico and Percy petting another two as well.

"Thestrals," Nico muttered, the thestral titled its head up and gave Nico a lick on the cheek, the son of Hades grimaced as Will chuckled at his expression.

We are my Lord, you know where to find us in the forest to visit. Nico nodded as the demigods began to start climbing into the two carriages and set off after the others.

"I guess I know how Percy feels now." Hazel smiled at the elder boy who playfully rolled his eyes at her as he swung an arm around Annabeth.

"You're telling me, that horse of yours really needs to wash his mouth out." He shook his head as the golden-eyed girl giggled.

"I wonder what houses we'll be in." Piper twirled a strand of her hair, reaching into her pocket to fix another piece of an eagle feather to it.

"I just hope that I win some Galleons," Leo said as he took out a small contraption from his tool belt and started to twiddle with it, reaching into his pockets whenever he required another piece or a new tool.

"I just still can't believe that a hat is going to decide where I end up, isn't that an invasion of my privacy or something?" A hunting knife was being thrown up and down in Thalia's hand as she rested one of her boots on the chair of the carriage.

"We have no choice but to just deal with it, as much as I hate it too, hopefully, it doesn't find out about our parentage." Annabeth stated as they nodded grimly, it would be a shame if their 'quest' failed all because of one tragedy hat. What a demigod way to go out.

The thestrals pulled their carriages up to the castle, a while after the other ones and they were guided into what seemed like an antechamber, in front of a crowd of first years (which Dana was amongst) a familiar stern woman dressed in emerald robes and square glasses rested on her nose. her black hair was tied up into a tight bun and a black classic witch's hat was on her head.

"This is where I leave you guys, happy sorting." Cedella gave them a cheeky smile and a wave of her hand, patting her sister on the top of her head as she walked past, said girl hissed at her and scratched at her arm but the older girl just laughed and disappeared behind the large set of doors.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, I'm Professor McGonagall, Head of Gryffindor and your transfiguration teacher. The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you must be sorted." She allowed her eyes to rest on each of them. "I advise that you use this time to fix your uniform before we are called in. Your Majesties you will be called in after the first years have been sorted." They gave a nod of acknowledgement as some of the first years turned around to gasp at them in awe before turning back to whisper to their new friends as they nervously fixed their already immaculate clothing.

A few minutes later McGonagall leads the anxious first years into the hall, where they were left to their own devices.

"Should we assemble ourselves in order again?" Rachel suggested as she tucked a sketch into her pocket, they quickly scrambled themselves in order and waited a few more minutes talking in hushed voices amongst themselves, the grand doors began to creak open before them and they stopped their conversations. They rolled their shoulders back, straightened their backs and lifted their heads up as they prepared to walk into the mass of students.

A few moments before, The Great Hall...

Harry frowned at the sentence that Hermione had just said to him and Ron. Is the Ministry interfering at Hogwarts? Why? It didn't take long for the thoughts to come to his own head, right they thought that he was an attention-seeking brat and Dumbledore had lost his marbles, of course, they would come to interfere at his school.

"-I'm pretty sure that some of you have heard the news during your summer but Hogwarts will be hosting some very special guests this year and I expect you all to treat them with respect and nicely." Harry was pulled out of his thought as chatter ran throughout the houses, the Slytherin's looked smug, no doubt their high ranking parents had told them as soon as they knew.

"I present to you the young Royalty of the wizards of America." The doors to the Great Hall opened as the wizards that were at the Wyvern's house strode in with confidence, power and authority in pairs.

They all wore a uniform, most likely from their wizarding school in America, collared white shirts with either a purple tie or orange tie and a black waistcoat worn over the two. They had short black robes that reached their mid-thighs with long sleeves to their wrists and were lined with either orange or purple again, Harry pondered on whether their school only consisted of two houses but changed his mind when he noticed the badges that were pined to their waistcoats ranging from number 1 to 20. They wore trousers that were either striped and black and orange or black and purple, they completed the uniform with a pair of loafers.

They reached the front and spread themselves out amongst the space, Harry noticed that the Princes and Princesses were the only ones in the front line, in the second line, stood their betrothed directly behind them and the rest of them spaced themselves out in a third line.

Professor McGonagall stepped forwards with the Sorting Hat in her hands. "Please step forwards when I call your name." She took out a roll of parchment and called out the first name. "Prince Perseus Jackson." Percy walked out from the line, Professor McGonagall placed it on his head and he took a seat on the stall. Harry was surprised that he didn't react when the Sorting Hat began to start shuffling on his head, muttering out loud what it was saying was inaudible but he noticed Percy give a wince which was quickly masked back to his blank face. His leg bounced up and down.

"They haven't been shocked or amazed at anything so far," Hermione whispered to him and Ron, a slight scowl on her face.

"What you mean 'Mione?"

"They haven't reacted to the ceiling or the Sorting Hat at all, don't you find it...suspicious?" She looked around them as she said the last part a bit quieter. Cedella caught their eyes from across the table and her eyes narrowed at them before she turned back to the sorting. S he couldn't have possibly heard them, right?

"They might already know about it, they said that their parents wouldn't send them in blind remember?" Harry suggested, Hermione, huffed but reluctantly nodded.

"HUFFLEPUFF!" He took off the hat and handed it to McGonagall and marched over to the yellow and black table.*

"Princess Katie Gardner." The brunette strode up and took her seat with the Hat on her head, like Percy she remained stoic a few emotions being shown for a few seconds as the Hat shuffled and muttered on her head.

"HUFFLEPUFF!" The yellow and black house broke out into cheers as she walked over to them, taking a seat next to Hannah Abbot and Susan Bones who welcomed her with open arms. "**

"Prince Jason Grace." The blonde nudged his glasses up his nose and sat down, he thrummed his hands on his leg.

"RAVENCLAW!" The house of the intelligent cheered as they welcomed their first new housemate.

"Princess Thalia Grace!" Thalia walked with more of a swagger and crossed her legs sitting down, a bored expression was on her face as she toyed with a piercing in her ear.

"GRYFFINDOR!" Thalia walked up as the Gryffindor students stood up clapping their hands raw.***

"Prince Nico Di Angelo!" The pale boy glared at the eyes that stared off him, radiating an aura of death, his lips curled up into a sneer as the Hat moved on his head.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up in Slytherin." Ron snorted but shut up when Thalia sent a glare his way.

"GRYFFINDOR!" Nico quickly made his way to sit next to Katie as Thalia, Jason and Percy cheered along with the Hufflepuff table. ****

Ron hacked a cough out of his throat, Harry hitting his back to relieve him of the pressure.

"Princess Hazel Levesque!" She shyly made her way up, her eyes glistening with contained anxiety as she toyed with the curls of her hair.


Some of the students just stared as she bounced over to the table to start chatting with Pansy and Blaise.

"No way is she a Slytherin! She's too nice, she should be in Hufflepuff!" Ron exclaimed, voicing everyone's thoughts, at the Gryffindor table.

"Is there an issue with where my sister is sorted, Weasley? Surely you should by now that as a student of Hogwarts that the Sorting Hat is never wrong." Nico's eyes thinned as a wave of coldness seeped into their bones, shivers ran down their spines as they all quickly turned away to watch the next to be sorted.

"Marchioness Annabeth Chase!" "SLYTHERIN!" *^^

"Marques Travis Stoll!" "SLYTHERIN!" **^

"Marchioness Piper McLean!" "GRYFFINDOR!" **^^

"Marquess Will Solace!" "HUFFLEPUFF!"

"Marquess Frank Zhang!" "GRYFFINDOR!" ***^

"Marquess Connor Stoll!" "RAVENCLAW!" ***^^

"Marchioness Clarisse La Rue!" "GRYFFINDOR!"

"Marquess Leo Valdez!" "RAVENCLAW!" ***^^^

"Marquess Pollux!" "HUFFLEPUFF"

"Countess Lou Ellen Blackstone!" "SLYTHERIN!" *"

"Earl Butch!" "GRYFFINDOR!"

"Countess Reyna Ramírez-Arellano!" "HUFFLEPUFF" **"

"Earl Clovis!" "RAVENCLAW!" **""

"Lady Rachel Elizabeth Dare!" "RAVENCLAW!" ***""

The Hall burst into applause as the redhead took a seat at the Ravenclaw table, striking up a conversation with her new surrounding housemates.

"I only have two words to say. Tuck in!" Students raised their goblets to Dumbledore as they erupted into conversations and dished themselves till their plates were full.

"Finally, I thought we were never gonna eat tonight!" Food flew from Ron's mouth as he shovelled more into his mouth with gusto. Hermione wrinkles her nose and smacked his arm.

"Chew Ron! You have a mouth use it!" She hissed.

"Are you guys not gonna eat?" Fred's voice caught their attention, now that they noticed none of the Americans had touched the food that they had served onto their plates, they simply sat making conversation with one another.

"We can't yet, we must first prepare a sacrifice for the Gods," Reyna spoke, her voice firm and the tone final.

"I didn't know you guys were religious," Seamus said, he lowered his utensils, he and Dean now paying closer attention to them.

"We worship the Greek and Roman gods, it's part of our religion to sacrifice a portion of our food to them."

"But they don't exist. They were just myths made up for muggles to explain the weather, aren't they the same?" Thunder and lightning struck from outside just as Hermione finished speaking.

Clarisse's lips curled as the other demigods turned, clearly knowing that something was up if not from the darkening of the clouds from outside but from the change in atmosphere. "Just because you don't believe doesn't mean that you should tell us what to believe in" She leaned back and crossed her arms, her face set in a malicious smirk. "Besides, wouldn't your headmaster be disappointed to hear that some of his students have already made us feel unwelcome?" She raised an eyebrow as Hermione's face reddened, Harry and Ron glared at Clarisse, their hands tightened and mouths opened ready to defend their friend but were fortunately interrupted by Nico.

"Why don't we just take our sacrifices to the Professors and hopefully they could supply us with a brazier for our meals." He rose with his plate in hand and turned his dark eyes towards the other tables, the rest nodded and began to make their way forwards, Rachel had to drag a half-asleep Clovis who nearly fell with his food when Lou Ellen attempted to turn his shoes into hamsters.

They stopped before the staff table and turned their eyes to Dumbledore.

"We would like to request a brazier to burn our offerings to the gods," Annabeth spoke up, the rest of the hall quit their chattering to listen to what the commotion was about.

"Very well, would you like it to be here for all mealtimes?"

"We would be very grateful if you could Professor." Piper gave him an award-winning smile, Dumbledore nodded and with a wave of his wand a large gold brazier erupted from the centre of the room, the fire flickered and rose high into the air, the demigods quickly crowded around and hoisted their plates, the other students waited on the edge of their seats, staring at the Americans.

"To the Gods!" They scraped off pieces of their meal into the fire which immediately burst into ashes and smoke that rose towards the ceiling of the Great Hall and seemingly disappeared. Gasps of shock and outrage filled the room as they muttered amongst themselves while they made their way back to their seats. the smell of roast beef, buttered roast potatoes and steamed veg filled the air as they all settled back into their meal.

"Do you guys have to burn your food?" George asked spooning some mashed potatoes into his mouth.

"Every time you eat?" Fred rested his head on his hand, leaning on the table.

Butch shook his head as he cut apart some chicken, "No, just for every main meal." The twins nodded, turning back to face Jordan as they began to animatedly discuss their plans for the rest of the school year.

"I swear to the gods if they're like Cabin 11 I will gut them in their sleep." Clarisse sent suspicious glances toward the mischievous trio.

"What's Cabin 11?"

"Royal Duke Noah's kids, they all specialize in deception and luck magic and tend to have an affinity for thievery, trade and athletics. But they sure do love to prank the other cabins." Piper sighed, seeming to remanence about something.

"Is that what all of the numbers are for? Sounds like your school is run like a muggle summer camp." Parvati commented.

"I suppose you could say that, we call them camps as we usually attend them during the summer and in the school year we receive our education regarding the Wizarding World, the muggle world and the surrounding politics of them both and also attend muggle school if any of us wish to pursue a career within the muggle world." Reyna expanded.

"Can we eat now? There's plenty of time to ask questions later you know." Thalia scowled at the curious gazes of the other Gryffindors who blushed from being caught. 

*(a/n tbh I think by the end of the HoO series Percy is more between a Hufflepuff and Slytherin, like during part of the PJO series he would've been a Gryffindor but at the end, he was defo a Hufflepuff with signs of becoming a Slytherin but by the second series he was starting to swing more to the Slytherin side but still has potential to be a Hufflepuff, however he still has potential to be a Ravenclaw, like our child has potential for all the houses its just that some are more than others)

**(a/n I think that Katie is quite the Hufflepuff but has sign of a Gryffindor in her, I wasn't sure between the two but Hufflepuff came out on top for me)

***(A/N I was really unsure whether to place Thalia in Gryffindor or Slytherin but her Gryffindor traits show out more in the series than her Slytherin ones do)

****(a/n I really don't think that Nico is that much of Slytherin, like sure he has that instant thought of being in Slytherin and being quite cunning but I find that he has quite a lot of Gryffindor traits and he could possibly be placed in Ravenclaw)

*^(a/n maybe at the start of HoO she was Hufflepuff but it just feels like everyone just puts her in there cause she's nice)

*^^(a/n now Annie was a hard one, she has such strong traits in both Ravenclaw and Slytherin)

**^(a/n now this was a really hard one, Ravencalw or Slytherin? I opted with Slytherin as in one of the book Percy commented that Travis was more mischievous of the two)

**^^(a/n thought she was a cross between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff)

***^(a/n he may an absolute pessimistic sweetie but this child be brave and good leadership role)

***^^(a/n Percy also said that he seemed like the smarter half, wasn't sure if they should go together but they're quite resourceful with their pranks)

***^^^(a/n nearly placed him in Slytherin cause he's very resourceful but he fit more in Ravenclaw more in my opinion)

*"(a/n I wasn't quite sure but her sense of humour and actions feel quite Slytherin to me)

**"(a/n she has potential for Gryffindor but her loyalty towards protecting her family and Camp Jupiter are quite strong too for Hufflepuff)

**""(a/n in HoO while he does appear as sleepy he seems quite intelligent)

***""(a/n Rachel was between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw but of course her creativity outshone)

a/n wow surprised I was able to update so soon, so do you guys agree with where I sorted everyone, give me your opinion on where you would place the demigods.

Also has been put up on FanFiction.Net, not yet on A03 cause they haven't responded to me yet D: the same username that I have for this profile TheBicyle

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