American Royalty at Hogwarts

By shark_fanatic

337K 7.4K 8.6K

a/n I was really inspired by @bluefood3 story 'A Royal Family At Hogwarts'. Part 1 of 'You should see me in... More

Chapter 1: I become a fairytale princess
Chapter 2: We journey to the land of tea drinkers
Chapter 3: Staring at hot teens is unhealthy (and creepy)
Chapter 4: It's time to boil the kettle (cause the tea is getting hot)
Chapter 5: We try some roasted phoenix
Chapter 7: An invasion of thoughts
Chapter 8: The snakes shed their skin
Chapter 9: Beware of the spades (in the deck of cards silly)
Chapter 10: Chinese Whispers just got intense
Chapter 11: Don't let the bed bugs bite
Chapter 12: Charmtastic!
Chapter 13: Do you promise?
Chapter 14: It's time for a history lesson
Chapter 15: To be or not to be
Chapter 16: I am woman, hear me roar
Chapter 17: Down to Business
Chapter 18: It's all coming together now
Chapter 19: The Slytherin Angst Sesh
Chapter 20: What you gonna do? Repress it!
chapter 21: Don't be suspicious
Chapter 22: Scream till you're raw
Chapter 23: Forgive and forget? No thanks
Chapter 24: Winter's coming

Chaper 6: All aboard the Piggypimples Express!

17.9K 354 297
By shark_fanatic

Third-Person PoV: Wyvern Estate, September 1st

Clovis blearily forced his eyes open and raised an arm at a snail's pace to rub away some of the sleep from his eyes. Blinking away tears his eyes focused on the person that was leaning over him, naturally, he tensed, reaching for his weapon that he had hidden underneath his pillow but stopped the action once he registered the bricky face of Butch standing above him.

"Good, you're awake, Ms. Wyvern, and the house-elves have already made breakfast." The bald son of Iris left him in the room to get himself sorted. Clovis dragged himself out of the bed, nearly crying at the loss of comfort, trudging towards the bathroom connected to the room to freshen himself up, it took him nearly half an hour to get out the bathroom and changed due to the sleep beckoning back to the land of happiness.

He picked up his pillow, slipping his dagger into the case of it, hidden but easy to grab when in danger, and excited the room letting himself be led through the maze of corridors and hallways by the smell of bacon, pancakes, and coffee. Clovis stepped into the kitchen, it was a large space with a round dining table overloaded with breakfast items such as pancakes, waffles, bacon, sausages, omelets, and toast.

Kyndall looked over from where she and three other house-elves were busy flipping food in the frying pan. "Good morning Clovis, good dreams?" He stifled a yawn and nodded his head, taking a seat at the island, Lou Ellen handed him a stack of pancakes with some berry sauce drizzled over the top drawn in the shape of a smiley face, he silently thanked her and began to pour out a mug of hot chocolate for himself.

"What time do we have to get on the Piggypimples Express?" Leo asked through a mouthful of bacon.

Piper wrinkled her nose at him and nibbled on a blueberry muffin. "The train leaves at 11 Leo, and why can't you eat some fruit instead?" She offered him an apple from the fruit bowl, the pyrokinetic shook his head and held up a hand.

"No can do beauty queen, the McShizzle man has to build up some muscle." He flexed his arms queuing an eye-roll from the whole room.

"Might want to start taking some notes from Frank or Jason then." Percy jabbed his fork in their direction "Like have you seen them? They're huge."

Frank glanced down at his muscles and flexed. "Hmmm I don't think they're that big Percy."

Percy placed a hand on Frank's arm and squeezed. "Frank, my man, I can't wrap my hand around half your arm, they're nice muscles, just accept it."

"Be thankful that Chiron didn't ask Grover to come, when we hang out I'm the one that's third-wheeling and one of them is my fiance," Annabeth complained.

Percy gasped, looking at Annabeth in betrayal, "Annabeth! You can't disrespect G-man like that, that's so rude!" He shook his head in shame, the blonde rolled her eyes and went back to drinking her hot drink.

"Why am I related to you again?" Nico groaned.

"Cause our parents can't keep it in their pants." A rumble of thunder sounded in the sky, Annabeth kicked Percy in his shin underneath the table, while said demigod flinched and muttered a "You know it's true." underneath his breath.

"Here, here!" The Stolls held up their mugs of hot chocolate before they guzzle it down.

"Oooh, delightful! I do hope it rains, I love rain, maybe I should do a rain dance to better my chances." Cedella sighed dreamily from her bowl of porridge.

"Well I don't want it to rain on my first day at Hogwarts," Dana muttered under her breath, the youngest Wyvern would be starting her first year at Hogwarts while Cedella would be entering her fifth year, along with some of them as well.

Hecate has at first thought of keeping them in the same year as the boy-who-lived, who already seemed like a key component of Magical Britain and would certainly be a main figure in the possible future war. But it was later decided that it would be much easier to find out more information on both sides if they were spread out over years among the houses.

They had all then discussed who should enter what year, regardless of age, Hecate revealed a few others in different years that were close to Harry Potter or had already shown that they were involved in something that could prove to be vital in the coming war.

It was then decided that they were to be spread amongst the fourth, fifth, and seventh years. Nico, Hazel, Leo, and Lou Ellen were to be put in with the fourth year. Jason, Piper, Connor, Clovis, Will, Katie, and Thalia were going with the fifth year. Lastly, Percy, Annabeth, Reyna, Travis, Butch, Rachel, and Clarisse are in the seventh year.

"You'd be on the train for the majority of the first day, the rain wouldn't make a difference." The Head of the Wyvern family spoke up as she began sorting out what seemed like lunch boxes in the side. "Any preference for your food to take with you on the train?" She asked, gathering ingredients to make an assortment of sandwiches.

"Blue cookies!" Percy shot out.

"Don't tell me you already ate them all." Hazel frowns at Percy who smiled sheepishly at her, a hand lifted to scratch the back of his head.

"I think some cake sounds nice." Katie supplied, finishing off her plate of pancakes.

"Can I have a BLT sandwich?" The son of Iris asked, the older woman hummed and nodded her head.

"Hey, how long is the train ride? You said that it will take most of the day." Leo looked up from the metal that he was fiddling with.

"About eight hours."

"EIGHT HOURS! NO WAY CAN I KEEP THAT STILL!" Leo shouted and began to panic.

"Hogwarts has provided you with your own carriage on the train, I'm sure that there will be enough room for you all to distract yourselves." The Head of the house began to start cutting the sandwiches into neat triangles waving her wand to start assembling the next set of ingredients. "Any allergies or dietary requirements?"

"I'm vegetarian," Piper spoke through the rest of her salad.

"I uh am lactose intolerant." Frank shyly raised his hand, Kyndall nodded her head and flicked her wand to the fridge where a few new ingredients flew from the fridge.

"Why don't you all finish up and make sure you have everything, we should be leaving with a Portkey soon it's 10:30, be down in 15 minutes so we can leave." They all responded with mouths full of food or hot chocolate and piled their plates up onto the side and tracked back to their rooms, Cedella and Dana went to go and help their mother with cleaning up the kitchen, while the group trailed up the stairs.

"Let's meet again in 5 minutes to discuss our game plan for Hogwart's." They all nodded at Annabeth and rushed to grab their bags and enter the closest room to the exit of the house, which happened to be the room that Reyna and Thalia shared. They all sat in a circle in the center of the room, their bags piled near the door and thrown onto the neatly made beds.

"Anyone got any ideas?" Jason was the first to speak.

"We all know that we have to act the part of Royalty, but we know that not all of us can hold that for long." Nico gave pointed looks to Percy, Leo, and the Stolls who stuck their tongues out at him.

"Nico's right, some of us can only keep that facade up for so long." Reyna tapped a finger on her knee and her face slightly scrunched up in thought, her lips pursed and nose wrinkled. "We should try to blend in with the other students, if we allow them to treat us like ordinary wizards and witches they'll feel a sense of familiarity with us, it gives us an advantage. They'll feel more obliged to trust us and more likely to tell us any information regarding the war." The other hummed in agreement with the Praetor's reasoning.

"How long should we keep up the aristocrat attitude? We still have to keep up appearances." Clarisse added on.

"Maybe we let it fall little by little?" Piper suggested.

"Yeah, it should allow the Wixen to get more comfortable and familiar with us, it reminds them of who we are and the power we uphold but also lets them think that we can be trusted and aren't uptight." Lou Ellen's input was met with sounds of agreement.

"Especially with Potter and his crew, they don't seem to like the other aristocrats, guess they think that they're in with Voldemort," Butch said.

"From what Draco and Blaise have told us if any of us are sorted into Slytherin we might get shunned from the other three houses." Travis started.

"Even if they think we're Royalty, they might tolerate us a bit more just to not upset us." Connor continued.

"Do you guys think that we should try to unite the houses?" All eyes turned to look at Percy who blushed slightly but recovered and carried on with what he was saying. "I know that we're not involving ourselves with their war but I sorta just find it ridiculous that no one has bothered to unite the houses for hundreds of years. Moldyshort was part of Slytherin right?" Laughter erupted around the room.

"It's Voldemort seaweed brain." Annabeth gave an amused smile and pressed and gentle kiss on his cheek, he scratched the back of his head and let out an awkward chuckle.

"Yeah, umm Voldemort, from the sounds of what we know his bad childhood and the attitude of the Slytherin house just mixed together and pushed him to start killing people and take over the Wizarding World. If the Hogwarts houses united, they would avoid creating more dark wizards and the Wizarding World would even be united cause it kinda seems like they keep the same division between them even after they leave school. If they were all united it would ensure that we wouldn't get caught up in their war at all."

"I agree." Rachel expressed, her voice had a slight rasp to it, the demigods tensed as her eyes began to emit an eerie, green glow. Their muscles relaxed as their glow died down and the tense feeling in the air faded. "If they were to start making efforts to unite themselves then a lot of changes would be made in their futures, it might even save a few lives."

"So it's settled then? We let the students get familiar with us bit by bit and all for uniting the houses of Hogwarts?" Annabeth questioned, they all murmured in agreement and rose from their positions on the floor, migrating around the room to collect the belongings that they needed for their first term at Hogwarts and tracked out of the room.

"Do ya'll think we should have brought an owl? I think it would have been more convenient to keep in contact with our mortal families than through Iris message." Will nibbled at his lip as he dragged his suitcase behind him, swinging his rucksack onto his back as he reached for Nico's hand and clutched it.

"It might have been a good idea, let's hope that the school has some spare owls and we could probably buy some during the holidays," Hazel suggested.

They hefted their suitcases as they came to the staircases at the entrance of the house and made their way down, Kyndall, Dana, and Cedella were waiting in the entrance hall with their trunks, a cage sat on the latter with two ravens that were croaking away.

"Are they your crows?" Nico asked as he warily walked to the cage, poking a finger in allowing the ravens to nip at his fingers.

"Yeah, they're called Phobos and Deimos." She reached a finger inside to stroke at their heads resulting in the birds starting to caw at her, the demigods stiffened at the name and gave discrete glances around the room as if expecting the twin gods to pop out and say 'Hey! Nice to meet you, wouldn't be too much trouble if I stabbed you?'.

"Is that so..." Frank trailed off.

"Uhuh, there's a character in an anime that I watch called Sailor Mars who owns two ravens called that. I like how alike it is within regards to Ancient Greece and planetology." She stretched a hand towards her saddlebag where Salem popped out his scaly head, he was much smaller now, about the size of a large puppy, and a spiked black and silver collar rested around his neck. Cedella scratched behind his ears while said dragon let out a rumble of appreciation.

Movement occurred behind Dana, their heads whipped in adrenaline as another small dragon head peeked over her shoulder, they calmed themselves down, firing their hands to move away from their weapons. The dragon clutched onto her back, an onyx encrusted collar was wrapped around its lepitode neck, it's scales were a metallic grey and had menacing red eyes that glared at them, its teeth were bared at them, a fire sparkling in the back of its throat. Its bipedal wings clutched onto her shoulders, it's talons could be seen gripping onto her cloak from behind. The Ukrainian Ironbelly let out a series of grunts. Dana responded with grunts and purrs, it let out a huff of smoke from its mouths and nostrils crawling back into the bag that rested on her back, its eyes staying on them as it moved before it zipped itself back in. A gap was left to allow it to breathe, they could still feel the promise of impairment on their faces.

"That was Angel, she doesn't like strangers much."

"Yeah, she was a real angel," Leo muttered under his breath, Angel poked her head back out and gave Leo a hiss, the pyrokinetic stuck his tongue at her.

"It's nearly time to leave now, I trust that you all know how to use a Portkey?"

"We know how to, just never used one. Just hope I don't throw up." Thalia responded, Kyndall nodded and then took out a teddy bear and help it out. "Hopefully it should be large enough for us all to hold, hold on tight along with your belongings, it goes off in a minute."

A minute ticked off, and the Portkey went off. The sensation nearly made them let go, it felt like being squeezed through a tube at the speed of light, they floated through the eyes as their eyes slammed shut as they flew. All of a sudden they stumbled to their feet as they hit the ground, heads dizzy and stomachs feeling quite unsettled. Clovis fainted, being caught by Clarisse and Hazel retched over as Frank rubbed her back. Leo held onto Jason as he wobbled backwards.

"W-where are we?" He swallowed to keep the contents of his stomach down, half regretting eating his large breakfast that morning.

"An alleyway near King's Cross Station, I'll give you a minute to rest before we make our way to the train. The quicker we get there the more time you'll have to recover from using the Portkey." Kyndall let them regain their bearings for a minute and then began to usher them out of the alley, she guided them through crowds of London and entered the station. Annabeth let out a small gasp of admiration commenting at 1000 words per second on the design of the station.

"Woah, calm down wise girl, you're gonna end up talking my ears off." Percy chuckled as the blonde punched him in the arm, a playful glare was worn upon her face.

As they ventured deeper into the station they spied other families that were most definitely wizards, for a community that was trying to hide their existence from mortals they were incredibly terrible at it. They paused in front of a wall that rested between platforms 9 and 10.

"To get to Platform 9 3/4 we'll need to run through the wall, just don't think about hitting it, ideally go in pairs." Lady Wyvern turned to speak to them before she took off in a jog and passed through the wall.

"I'll go through with Clovis first, best get him into sleep." Clarisse ran at the wall with Clovis resting on her back snoozing away, she dragged both of their cases and disappeared. Eventually, they all got past the wall and stared at the bright red steam train, the platform was packed with parents and students that were dragging trunks onto the train and exchanging teary farewells as they clambered onto the train to either make new friends or catch up with their mates from summer.

"That should be your carriage at the front." Mrs. Wyvern pointed to the front of the train, the carriage was different from the rest on the outside, instead of being red it was all black, and students walked past it trying to open the door but it wouldn't budge. They lugged their bags with them to the door of the new carriage, people began to take notice of them, pointing fingers and whispering with their friends as they passed.

Kyndall reached for the door and it opened she stepped to the side and gave a subtle bow, "This is where I leave you your Majesties, when you depart from the train to Hogwarts you may leave your bags in the compartment and they'll be collected for you. Cedella, Dana," They both looked up at their mother "I trust the two of you to help them out to the best of your extent for their stay, do keep Salem and Angel out of trouble."

"Yes mother, see you in the holidays." Dana gave her mother a hug and pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek, Cedella kissing the other. Kyndall placed her hands on their cheeks offering them a rare watery smile.

"I love both of you you know that right?" Her daughters nodded giving their mother another hug before they followed the demigods and Oracle into the train, they all waved goodbye to the Wyvern matriarch and closed the doors.

"Woah! I could get used to this." Leo exclaimed as they glanced around the space that they now had. There was a set of two L-shaped sofas with a table in front of each one, opposite the sofa were some armchairs, at the rear end of the room were two doors for the bathrooms and at the other end for the door that they presumed led to the rest of the train was a snack bar, the windows were covered with curtains and as soon as they entered they magically (pun not intended) drew themselves to allow more light into the room. they quickly loaded up their cases onto the racks and kicked back onto the sofa's to relax.

"You know, in our time in England you've never really told us about Hogwarts." Lou Ellen spoke up as she played with her powers creating a guinea pig that ran around the table squealing, Percy cringed at it while Annabeth gave him a knowing smirk.

The whistle blew for the train and they could hear the yells of a family scrambling on at the last minute as the train began to start moving down the tracks.

"Well, we do have the whole train ride to talk about it." Cedella crossed her legs as Salem crawled into her lap, she stroked the antipodean opaleye dragon letting out happy huffs of smoke. "While we're at it anyone want to set any bets of why houses you'll end up in?"

The Stolls called as they pulled a pre-made betting chart as they started in a heated discussion of who will end up where and started stacking in the galleons.

a/n ayo-lamayo it's ya gurl!! So tbh school has started and updates will be much slower year 1 is already tight with the 5 months I've missed and I'm already gonna be sitting some mocks before half term.

So yeah in the next chapter will be the sorting, that's gonna be hard cause for some of the characters I can't decide what house they'll be in. Since it will take some time to write these chapters might have time to put down what wand each demigod has by them.

Also I'm gonna be uploading this fanfic onto FanFiction.Net and Ao3 soon (when I get a Ao3 account) my username is the same TheBicyle and has the same profile pic, it will probs be uploaded onto FanFiction.Net by the end of the day and Ao3 by the end of the week.

Please comment on who you'll think will end up in what house and vote on my story ya'll! have fun with back to school guys and remember to socially distance and stay safe

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