Gamer Reborn: Remnant (Silver...

Par NaMeLeSs124158

9K 244 172

(Y/n) was an ordinary boy living his peaceful life on Earth or so he how wants you to think, (Y/n) was by far... Plus

Meet The Le Nostes
Combat Without Holding Back!
Quest 1: Shaping the Goofy Knight
Beacon Troubles

The Beginning After the End

2.8K 62 22
Par NaMeLeSs124158

Zen(Author): "Hey yall This is my try at the whole gamer thing but there is a few things I would like to tell you before we start:

One, I won't be following the usual gamer trope with the stats and 'World Create' What I'll be using is 'Slots'
Two, As you would know this is a fanfic so expect to see me following the story Of RWBY as little as possible.
Three, Since this is a gamer Fanfic expect to see a LOT of references from all sorts of media; like Games, movies and Books.

Anyways..... Enjoy

|||||||||| // The Beginning After The End \\ |||||||||

3rd POV

The Streets of the Citadel grow cold as the sun comes down in order to be replaced by the moon, the gentle breeze comes alongside the smell of smoke, Blood and Gunpowder. The City of The Citadel was by far a safe place, "What are we doing here then?" You ask? to watch over young (Y/n) of course. (Y/n) (L/n) one of the citadels most infamous Gun's for hire, if you wanted someone clipped he was your guy. The golden lights of the city shone brightly as (Y/n) danced over the rooftops, doing incredible feats of agility and strength.

Right now 15 year old (Y/n) was running across the rooftops with great speed in hopes of getting away from one of the  Citadelian Mafia Family. You see young (Y/n) just finished one of his jobs, said job was to kill Don Lincoln Clay, A job he's done perfectly well except for one misstep. His employer Don Saliery ratted him out while they were in the middle of paying, now the entire Clay Crime familia is after him.....well after one of his many identities.

After dodging, weaving and climbing many building he finally escaped the mafiosos, with a heavy sigh he stilled his will and got ready to tie up loose ends.

..................Time Skip, Location: Angelo Familia Mansion...............

Right now (Y/n) was looming over the sleeping body of Don Saliery. The thing about the Don was he was a private man opting to sound proof his bedroom, he was also very careless. He was so trusting of his guards that he never imagined anyone being able come close to his bedroom as (Y/n) had. With the lock of a door (Y/n) started what he came here to do....Start an InterFamily War, If he kills the Don without anyone knowing the familia members will start blaming one another, with a smirk he nudged the Don awake.

Feeling the sudden movement the Don shot up in his bed while trying to gather his senses, Once his eyes met with 'ghost' (Y/n)s alter ego, he fell backwards trying to escape. But the door was locked, the nearby window was an option but they were currently 6 Stories high. With no other option the Don resorted to begging, The Saliery begged for his life only to fall on deaf ears, with a smirk (Y/n) said "(Y/n) (L/n) Sends his regards"


To be honest (Y/n) didn't enjoy killing, It's just that he's forced to, if the Don lived there was a small chance he could get tracked through height and other features. With the job done (Y/n) sighed and hopped out of the window using parkour to safely get down and disappear into the night.

...............Time Skip, Location: Citadel High-School For The Elites...............

High school home for one of (Y/n)'s many Identities, (Y/n) was a top scorer in this school, he was an Elite amongst Elites. I guess being able to live multiple lives without being caught requires high Intelligence and Charisma, speaking of charisma young (Y/n) was currently being surrounded by a crowd of people mostly girls but a few guys he call bros are also there.

As you would expect from an Elite school the majority of students here came from rich backgrounds meaning most of them are assholes, (Y/n) on the other hand was not, not even in the slightest being an orphan and all. But unlike most of the rich assholes there people didn't flock to him because of his money nor influence, people tend to flock to him because they were sick of fake friendships and relationships, they flock to him because they believe he can give them something genuine. Unfortunately for them all is but a facade he keeps in order to maintain his identity.

Due to this reason (Y/n) has a lot of rich and powerful enemies. But being rich assholes and all most of them believe they're above the law meaning a treasure trove of criminal records and scandals under wraps, informations that people like (Y/n) considers as weapons, like (Y/n) says "Knowledge and Information is a form of power and when it comes to that kind of power I am the most powerful" -(Y/n) (L/n). Most of his enemies learned not to mess with him the hard way, some even learned to fear him considering most of those that challenged him were now either disowned and in jail or under the bridge stuffed in the trunk of a car.


Goes the bell signalling the Start of classes. Like usual (Y/n) sat at the far back near the window, he's already studied this lesson but here he is trying to act interested while the teacher rambled on. It was just like any other day until.....


The door goes as it was thrown of it's hinges, two men wearing suits who (Y/n) recognised as Saliery's mafiosos came in taking everyone hostage "Shit! The bastard must've had a wire on him. Saying my name was really a bad move" he mentally mulled over but now wasn't the time if these mafiosos call his name it would raise suspicion, right now everyone is thinking that these guys are after some rich bastard and (Y/n) liked to keep it that way.
Combat POV
As the Mafiosos started making they're way towards the back of the room (Y/n) quickly grabbed a dictionary and threw it at the nearest mafioso, the mafioso surprised tried to aim but was surprised that (Y/n) was already in front of him. (y/n) then grabbed the barrel of his pistol and pulled causing the gun to discharge, (Y/n) then spun around dragging the mafiosos arm with him, with one swift motion (Y/n) brought down the mafiosos arm on his shoulders breaking it causing the mafioso to drop his gun, (y/n) then noticed the other mafioso taking aim so he grabbed the falling gun mid air and dragged the first mafioso in front of him using him as a human shield. While the second mafioso emptied his clip on his buddy (Y/n) used this opportunity to cock the gun he was holding and peeked and but one in between the first mafioso's eyes killing him and his buddy.

(Just Imagine some John Wick business)

Normal POV
When the dust and blood settled all of (y/n)'s classmates and friends looked to him in shock, awe and fear, he smiled weakly. "I guess all those self defence class are finally paying off" he chuckled, all his classmates and friends visibly sighed in relief.

Soon the cops came and took (Y/n) for questioning...

..............................Time Skip, Location: CPD; Interrogational room.....................

(Y/n) sat there quietly waiting for his interrogator to come and ask him questions but he's been sitting there for an hour and he's visibly getting impatient. So with nothing else to do he grabbed his phone and started to watch season 3 of his favourite show RWBY. When he wan't killing, playing pretend or doing some wet work he spends his time watching anime, reading books or playing games a hobby he surprisingly had a thing for.

As he was half way into the season when the door opened and three men who (Y/n) knew personally came in, one was Tommy Angelo a mafioso who tried to get him made once, the other two was Vito Scaletta and Joe Barbaro top mafia lieutenants.

"I got careless didn't I" he chuckled "Sure you did kid" Joe replied as the mood lightens up a bit, Angelo sat across from while the other two stood behind him. "You know why we're here right?" He asked sadness apparent in his voice, "Yep, I screwed up and now I'm getting clipped" (Y/n) said his voice chipper instead of afraid "How do you want this done?" Vito Speaks up "Got a revolver with you?" (Y/n) asked earning himself cocked eyebrows.

"What?" He asked "can't a guy have fun in his last moments?" He said, Tommy and the rest looked at one another before Tommy spoke up "How do we know you won't try anything?". (Y/n) sighed and replied with "Come on guys how long have you known the 'ghost'? Why was I considered the best hitman there is?" He asked "He's never betrays a contract" Joe said "Well he's got a point there" Vito backed up Joe, With a sigh Tommy pulled out a revolver and loaded a single bullet before spinning the cylinder and putting it on the table.

"Usually we place bets" (Y/n) said "Oh yeah? What will you get when you win?" Joe asked quite amused seeing that no amount of fear is present on this kid's face "Maybe a couple more hours of life? Just enough so that I could finish my show" (Y/n) said earning a chuckle from all three "and if we win?" Vito asked, (Y/n) then pulled out a peice of paper and started writing on it. "And that is?" Tommy asked "A list of locations" he said as he put the paper in the middle of the table "You know for my stashes" he shrugged

"And what makes you think we won't just kill you and take the paper?" Tommy asked "Well you could. But where's the fun in that, beside if I win we can watch my show together" (Y/n) replied making the three laugh again "Fine" Tommy replied. (Y/n) then grabbed the revolver and put it on his head


"Btw, Hows the wife?" (Y/n) asked Tommy "She's fine, in fact I'm about to be a father" he said cheerfully "Heh, I knew you were the family man" (Y/n) chuckled


"Your family?" (Y/n) turned to Vito "My Sister's finally gotten over Ma's death She's going to College now" Vito smiled "She was always the good fruit on the basket" both (Y/n) and Vito Laughed


"how's that belladonna you've managed to snag the other day?" He asked Joe who chuckled and said "Fine as aged wine"


"Well gents you know what that means" he chuckled. As per agreement (Y/n) finished season 3 of RWBY "What show as that?" Joe asked "RWBY why?" (Y/n) replied "I think I'll watch it, its quite good" he admitted they once again shared a laugh before the atmosphere became sad and heavy. (Y/n) put the revolver on his head once again

"Tommy, that uh...that wife of yours. It's only a matter of time until she hears something that will get her clipped, If I was you I'd take her somewhere far and never look back" He said as he looked directly in Tommy's eyes "I'll keep that in mind" Tommy replied "Shame kid, if only you were apart of the family we could have been big together" Joe said as he almost shed a tear. "Don't go soft on me now Joe, I knew this day would eventually come" (Y/n) said the joy on his voice still present

"Live by the knife, die by the knife" Vito quoted "Well gents In Bocca al lupo" (Y/n) said...then

(Y/n)'s POV
Darkness...... "Well shit! I expected more from hell, I even planned on usurping Lucifer's throne" I shouted irritated at what's in front of my sight, Darkness Endless darkness. With nothing else to do I started walking with each step making a ripple on the floor? I'm stepping on, eventually I came into a floating island with a single white tree rooted on it. Under it was a boy 17-18 of age, only he had white hair and crimson eyes....."I'm getting major anime vibes here"

"Hello there" he smiled "General Kenobi" I responded making him laugh and in turn making me laugh. After a good while of laughing I looked at him and asked "God?"

(I'mma return to the O.G format of writing so the dialogue won't be as confusing )

Zen(author): "Close but not quite" he replied with a chuckle

(Y/n): "So....Why am I here?" I asked tilting my head, "No wait, you're going to revive me arent't you with the power of the 'Gamer'"

Zen: "Hmm....Actually that wasn't my original plan but that's better" he chuckled

(Y/n): "I'm in one of those huh?"

Zen: "Those?"

(Y/n): "Oh sorry, I've read many 'books' that had the same trope as this"

Zen: "Ahh yes, I've read quite a few myself, well since you know where this is going already let's get on with it" he said as He tried to snap his finger's but I stopped him

(Y/n): "Wait!" I yelled as I grabbed his arm

Zen: "Yes?"

(Y/n): "Well I was kinda hoping I could make a few changes in my powers"

Zen: "May I ask why?"

(Y/n): "The 'Gamer' power in most books I've read is Op as fuck"

Zen: "and the problem is?"

(Y/n): "being able to become more powerful by levels where's the fun in that?"

Zen: "What do you suggest then?" He asked as he crossed his arm

(Y/n): "Instead of the 'Stats' system why don't we use the 'Slot' system" I raised a finger

Zen: "'Slot' System?"

(Y/n): "Yes! I'll have three slots which I can put any character from any game, book, anime or movies. Any powers and abilities of the characters in the slots I can use"

Zen: "But isn't that more broken?"

(Y/n): "Says any 'Gamer' that can get any information using 'Observe' and any ability using 'Skill books' "

Zen: "Touché, continue"

(Y/n): "Of course there will be limits, although I can change the characters in the slots anytime I want. I don't want any changes in my body, apart from my appearance"

Zen: "I get it now!" He clasped his hands "although you're getting their powers and abilities your combat proficiency with said powers will come from you, yourself. meaning if you want to use a character you have to train your body in order to be able to use said character's power properly"

(Y/n) "yep!"

Zen: "Still, it's still over powered no?"

(Y/n): "then how about this, If I want to be able to use a character I have to remember the entire story of the game, book, anime, or movie they were on"

Zen: "Fine, its settled then" he said as he tried to snap his fingers only to be stopped by me once more "Yes?"

(Y/n): "I uh....I kinda want to be reborn" I said nervously

Zen: "and the reason for that is?"

(Y/n): "being reborn will ensure that I learn the necessary things on that world, like language, culture and stuff"

Zen: "Fair point, anymore requests?"

(Y/n): "One more actually....can you make my hair white like yours? Ooh and can I have silver eyes? You know from my fav show RWBY?"

Zen: "and I suppose you want the perks of having silver eyes as well?" He asked to which I furiously nodded

(Y/n): "By the way what world ARE you going to drop me in?"

Zen: "The world of RWBY of course" before I could even respond I was thanos snapped unto my next life
Darkness once again......wait is...that... light!....wait light!? That means....
I slowly open my eyes at the sight of giants towering over me, looking down I spot that I have tinny tiny hands meaning I just came out of my mother. As the doctor turned me around my suspicions where right because right in front of me was my mother's no-no Zone, I would have been weirded out if it weren't for the fact that I called that place my home for these past 9 months, chuckling to my self I was eventually handed to who I assumed was my father. He was well built man, black hair purple eyes, handsome. Right next to him were 4 children who I'm assuming is my siblings two male and two female.

"Dad, he has mom's hair" I hear the younger girl say, "Yeah but he has silver eyes" the younger boy said "Now now my children, you mustn't put stress on you brother, right now he is weak and is in need of protection. can you promise me that you'll take care of him?" My father says in deep yet calming tone

"Of course father" my eldest brother says "He is my younger brother, it is only natural, "My eldest sister says. "Wow children who seem to be at the age of 9-10 they're pretty mature" I thought to my self "what will we call him father?" The younger girl asked

"Anos, Anos Vornigold" I tried to say but my baby body won't allow it... "Damn you baby body, this is such a waste of opportunity" I cursed my body for the missed opportunity. "I think I'll call him (Y/n), (Y/n) Le Noste" a sweet yet weak feminine voice said, "huh, guess that's that then. Mom for the win" I cheered as I felt my eyes grow heavy "What the fuq! Who's turning off the lights!" I cursed only to fall into sweet slumber......
Zen: *laughter* "You sure are an interesting guy (Y/n). Know that I'll be watching your adventures with great interest. *chuckles*

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